在 大腸癌先兆產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過35萬的網紅Esquire HK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #大腸癌 係香港癌症頭號殺手之一,想知道自己有冇潛在危機?不妨留意一下有冇以下呢兩個先兆! LetzShop.hk父親節閃購低至3折!滿HK$300享免運(優惠碼:FSDAD) 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/34XRqtD =============== Join & follow us ...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅[email protected],也在其Youtube影片中提到,腸癌 專題 - 楊丕祥醫生@FindDoc.com 資料來源:https://www.FindDoc.com 背景:何先生今年56歲,最近出現左下腹脹,且有便秘,大便有血絲。家庭醫生建議何先生去做大腸鏡檢查。 (一) 在日常生活中,可根據哪些症狀以及早發現是否患腸癌?0:30 (二) 大腸鏡檢...
大腸癌先兆 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-05-04 03:06:27
【了解血便】大便有血成因眾多 ⭐痔瘡大腸癌都有可能 ⭐大人小朋友都有機會出現 #星期三CheckCheckMail 大便有血是大腸癌? 成叔:「看了網上資訊說大便有血是大腸癌先兆,我剛剛大便有血怎麼辦?」 CheckCheckCin:先保持冷靜,大便有血成因很多,要先了解大便狀況,包括次數、...
大腸癌先兆 在 [email protected] Youtube 的最讚貼文
2014-12-29 11:39:31腸癌 專題 - 楊丕祥醫生@FindDoc.com
(一) 在日常生活中,可根據哪些症狀以及早發現是否患腸癌?0:30
(二) 大腸鏡檢查診斷腸癌的準確程度如何?還需做什麽檢查以確診是否患腸癌?1:29
(三) 腸癌患者在什麽情況下要做手術切除腸以治療腸癌?若需做手術,手術的過程和風險如何?除手術外,還有哪些治療方法?2:22
(四) 腸癌患者接受腸切除手術後,有何注意事項?排便和營養吸收等會受影響嗎?4:09
(五) 有哪些原因會引致腸癌?可如何預防腸癌?(FindDoc 健康資訊) 5:24
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#大腸癌 係香港癌症頭號殺手之一,想知道自己有冇潛在危機?不妨留意一下有冇以下呢兩個先兆!
LetzShop.hk父親節閃購低至3折!滿HK$300享免運(優惠碼:FSDAD) 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/34XRqtD
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大腸癌先兆 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
大便有血的確是大腸癌症狀之一,但這種出血有可能血量極少 ,根本無法用肉眼看得出來,需要接受相關化驗才能確認。如果你已經50歲或以上,可以進行大便隱血測試以了解更多。
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Blood in stool – a sign of colon cancer?
“I read from the Internet stools that contain traces of blood is a symptom of colon cancer. And I recently realized there was blood in my stool. What should I do?”
CheckCheckCin: We need to calm down and acknowledge that many factors might cause blood to appear in stool. Firstly, we need to observe frequency of bowel movement, the shape of our stool, and the bleeding condition.
In general, the bright-red blood on dry and hard stool is due to fissures or small tears in the lining of the anus or hemorrhoids. If the blood looks dark or mixed with feces, there is a possibility that there is damage in the digestive tract.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, damp heat, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency can cause blood to appear in stool. For instance, staying up late and having a hectic work schedule can cause the liver and kidney to experience yin deficiency, hence, causing dry stool to take shape. Other accompanying symptoms include dry mouth and throat, constantly feeling irritable and warm, insomnia and excessive dreaming. Drinking herbal tea that clears heat and nourishes the yin can relieve these symptoms.
Spotting blood in stool can indeed be a symptom of colon cancer, but the volume of blood that is visible to the eye is minimal. One can only confirm his or her suspicion after going through a thorough checkup. If you are aged 50 and above, consider taking the fecal occult blood test to find out more.
Pear and couch grass root tea with sophora
Effects: Clears heat and cools blood. Relieves symptoms of blood in stool, dry mouth, sore throat, dry stool caused by asthenic heat.
Ingredients: 4 pieces dried pear, 12g couch grass root, 6g sophora, honey to taste
Preparation: Cut the ingredients into small pieces and place into thermos. Rinse once with hot water, add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
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