

在 大學生英文undergraduate產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]秋季課程為線上授課的國際新生將不得入境美國 ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 《華爾街日報》: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Friday that newly enrolling internation...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Tristan H. 崔璀璨,也在其Youtube影片中提到,外國人需要考大考嗎?學士班的外籍生是全英文上課的嗎? 我今天來回答大家好奇的這幾個問題~ 也順便分享幾個有趣的故事... 像全台語上課這件事情🤪 Do foreigners have to take the standardized college exams in Taiwan? Do unde...

大學生英文undergraduate 在 carrie, a law major (inactive) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-01-12 08:23:25

20210109 【studyforthebetterfuture Q&A】 趁考完試有時間,我整理了在DM收到過的問題。以後有人再問我,我就可以直接send個post代替回答啦哈哈哈哈哈。 . 【DSE//清華收生】 Q1:你DSE考幾多分先可以入到清華? A1:我並不是靠DSE成績報考清華大學,...

大學生英文undergraduate 在 Fake 文青 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-13 04:17:13

剛放榜,如果我說放榜的成績不重要,即使你現在考得很差,人生亦滿是出路!又不見得Steve Jobs, Bill Gates,沒有讀完大學,不還是好好的,所以大學真的不一定要讀。 如果我真的這樣說,我才是說謊的一個。 你知道別人說「大學不一定要讀」是什麼意思嗎?他們指的是你已經有明確的目標,有強大...

  • 大學生英文undergraduate 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-30 13:18:17
    有 173 人按讚

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Friday that newly enrolling international students won’t be allowed to come to the U.S. if their courses will be taught entirely online.
    1. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 美國移民暨海關執法局
    2. newly enrolling international students 新註冊的國際學生(國際新生)
    Newly enrolling students can come on valid visas if their schools certify they plan to take at least one course in person for the fall term, and the new rules won’t apply to current students already enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. The new rules also won’t force newly enrolling students to leave the country if universities teaching a hybrid of in-person and online courses revert to fully remote instruction later in the fall, should the coronavirus pandemic worsen.
    3. a valid visa 有效的簽證
    4. fall term 秋季學期
    5. apply to(尤指規章法律)適用;涉及
    6. a hybrid of ⋯⋯的混合
    7. in-person and online courses 面授與線上課程
    8. revert to sth 回到;恢復(不好的或令人不滿意的事情)
    9. remote instruction 遠程教學
    10. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠病毒全球大流行疫情
    Even before ICE’s latest announcement, some colleges had decided they could no longer wait for detailed government guidance. Harvard, which plans to bring first-year undergraduate students back to campus for the fall, told international students this week that they won’t be able to join in-person since classes will be entirely remote.
    11. announcement 公告;通知
    12. detailed (adj.) 詳盡的;詳細的
    13. government guidance 政府指導
    14. first-year undergraduate students 大一新生
    15. campus 校園;大學生活

    最新動態: https://on.wsj.com/2DieAAe

    🌎國際新聞英文-六步驟思考術 | 最後優惠倒數 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH


  • 大學生英文undergraduate 在 A Nan MOSTA 阿男醫師の磨思塔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-09 17:22:12
    有 956 人按讚

    英國留學生,說得真好,強力反擊WHO秘書長的仇台污衊「假新聞」! 有中英對照字幕,值得好好聽一遍,好好分享到全世界,聽完,您也會想哭吧…

    1. 2020 武漢肺炎失控導致全球人命與經濟損失無數,WHO扮演什麼腳色?

    2. WHO秘書長失能失言失德,失去專業職責與能力,違反IHR與WHO賦予他的法定職務義務,延誤全球防疫,早已引起全球公憤。

    3. 這幾天,他竟然情緒失控飆罵台灣,毫無事證根據,就抹黑污衊台灣政府,變本加厲討好中國污衊台灣,很多台灣人都怒了!

    4. 他失能失言失德,將是歷史留名的全球防疫戰犯之一,早該道歉下台負責,他的歷史評價與究責下台,當然不會是因為他的膚色與國籍!

    5. 被歧視,被霸凌,被孤立的,不是他,也不是中國,而是台灣!


    世界衛生組織(WHO)對於武漢肺炎的作為備受外界質疑,要世衛秘書長譚德塞下台的連署已經在全球超過75萬人響應,而譚德塞卻在(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)昨(8)天晚間的記者會中聲稱他被台灣「霸凌」3個月,飆罵台灣3分鐘,痛批台灣對他人身攻擊、種族歧視,甚至發出死亡威脅,但他無的放矢的針對性言論讓台灣民眾無法接受。不只蔡英文總統今(9)日在臉書回應,台灣人長期被排除在國際組織,比起譚德塞,更懂長期被歧視、被孤立的滋味;還有一位來自羅東在英國唸書的台灣女孩發聲了!在YouTube上傳名為「一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信」的影片向譚德塞喊話,呼籲他不要忘記當時接任世衛秘事長時所立下的誓言「全球人民的健康當為第一位,而非政治。」並要求他為對台的不實指控道歉。



    【An open letter to Dr Tedros 一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信】

    This is an open letter to Dr Tedros, the Director General of the WHO, in response to the accusations against Taiwan during the 8th of April WHO press conference. 這是一封致予世界衛生組織幹事長譚德塞博士的公開信,並針對其於4/8世衛記者會上對臺灣的公開指控,提出回應。

    Dear Dr Tedros, I am Vivi Lin from Taiwan, a current undergraduate student studying Infectious Diseases in the UK.

    親愛的譚德塞博士, 我是Vivi Lin,一位目前正在英國念傳染病的臺灣大學生。

    Upon hearing your response in the press conference today, I was utterly shocked and saddened that such misleading allegations could come from a supposedly respected health professional and the head of the world’s most influential international health organisation.


    As a student who has been working closely with Taiwanese and British Medical and Health-related NGOs, I can affirm that there has never been any disrespectful comments from our government and our diplomats towards you and the African continent due to race, culture or skin colour.


    I am aware that there are various petitions online urging for your resignation from the WHO. However, none of the requests or criticisms were based on discriminations against your race or skin colour, nor people from the African continent.


    Taiwan has been striving to contribute as much as possible to the international community and to be a part of the global team in combating this pandemic. Although we have been excluded from the WHO, we have never given up. Our government has done an exemplary job in containing the virus, a feat that has been praised by officials and health professionals from all around the world. And now, as we have some spare capacity, we are sending aid to our allies and other countries, including those in America, Europe and in Africa who have been harshly impacted by the outbreak.

    臺灣一直以來都非常努力地在為國際社會的醫衛做出貢獻,我們也始終希望能在這場全球傳染病戰役中,與世界站在一起。 即便我們被世衛排除在外,臺灣也從未放棄貢獻一己之力。 臺灣在這次COVID19防疫上的傑出成果,是世界有目共睹的。而現在,當我們有額外的資源時,也不吝於分享給我們在美洲、歐洲及非洲的友邦與其他正在受到疫情影響的國家。

    According to our health professionals who used to work closely with various countries in Africa, a temporary hospital has been built by Taiwan in Eswatini at the moment, and some important medical supplies sent by Taiwan are finding their way to Africa as well.


    With all the aforementioned in mind, how can you, in a few sentences, attempt to smear Taiwan’s reputation with such irresponsible and false accusations?


    In the past two days, WHO hosted webinars in regards to how we, as individuals or as health professionals and officials, should confront the current info-demic. Ironically, just right after the webinar, Dr Tedros, as the DG of the WHO, was accusing Taiwan with misinformation.

    在過去兩天當中,世衛舉辦了以「疫情假資訊」為題的線上研討會,提供個人、醫衛人士及官員一些面對疫情假資訊的建議。 然而,多麼諷刺的是,就在研討會剛結束的時候,世衛幹事長即帶頭用不實的資訊指控臺灣。

    I firmly believe that health is a fundamental human right that should not be denied despite differences of any kind. Health for all, leave no one behind is also the core value that the WHO stands for. Please do not forget your dedication as a public health professional and the vows that you made when you ascended to the honorable position you are sitting at right now - health of people in the world comes first, not politics.

    我一直相信,健康,是所有人皆擁有的基本人權。 全民健康,沒有人應被排除在外,也是世衛堅守的核心價值。 (譚德塞博士)請不要忘記您作為一個公衛專家的信念,以及您接任幹事長時所立下的誓言——「全球人民的健康當為第一位,而非政治。」

    We are now facing the most challenging health crisis of our time. Taiwan cares about people’s health. We are willing to help, and we are helping now. Taiwan is a country that stands for progressive values, and we, as the Taiwanese people, are also known for our appreciation for diversity. We have never criticised you nor your actions based on your race, culture or skin colour.

    全球現在正在面臨這個世代最嚴竣的健康危機,而臺灣不僅在乎所有人的健康,更願意幫忙、正在幫忙。 臺灣是一個相信進步價值的國家,臺灣人民,更是始終尊重多元、擁抱多元。我們從未因為基於您的種族、文化或膚色,而提出質疑。

    I, on behalf of my beloved country and people, am now asking for an apology from you under the current circumstance.


    Thank you for your time.


    Vivi Lin 2020.4.8

  • 大學生英文undergraduate 在 FAKE 文青 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-07-16 02:25:39
    有 86 人按讚

    剛放榜,如果我說放榜的成績不重要,即使你現在考得很差,人生亦滿是出路!又不見得Steve Jobs, Bill Gates,沒有讀完大學,不還是好好的,所以大學真的不一定要讀。


    你知道別人說「大學不一定要讀」是什麼意思嗎?他們指的是你已經有明確的目標,有強大的心臟去實現你的夢想, 而不適用於還在路途中迷失的同學們。

    社會是很現實的,我可以好確實的說大學生真的不是什麼,但我們很需要一個大學學位,作為你申請任何工作的入場卷。其實香港入大學率只有不足20%(UGC)課程,但是還有其他副學士,其他的Top up degree 和海外大學,所以如果你並不是很talent, 入大學確實是保障一點。





    我本身喜歡讀的是psychology和Sociology,但在父母的眼中,這些科一點也賺錢,所以他們說「阿女,你是係㨂讀會計啦,會計師樓每年都請好多fresh grad,最少容易啲搵工,而且做逼科auditor 都幾好,人工又升得快。」所以呢?最後我就㨂了我好討厭的會計系。那三年accounting major的日子,我沒有一刻不想逃離,我只要看著Dr and Cr 就頭痛。那三年唯一開心的是我minor psychology,還有讀了其他宗教科(基督教中的性,性的基督哲學)19XX的中國文學發展,還有一些社會主義的學科,那幾個moment 我才覺得自己學習不是為了GPA,而是為了「我鍾意呀」。


    到現在回想起來,做逼科,真的不用讀會計,君不見有一些讀理科和英文系的學生,最後都入逼科,逼科三個月的會計速成班就可以將沒有會計底的同事變得跟有會計底的同事一樣能力,先不要問這個速成班有沒有用,但它確實是一個平台令一個不是accounting major 同事可以從事audit 的工作。

    所以呢?大學選科還是忠於自己的好了,喜歡讀什麼就讀什麼,不要考慮將來有沒有出路,畢竟undergraduate 只有一次,那時你沒有任何的負擔,那時你還未滲透任何的雜質,亦沒有任何社會的歷練,簡簡單單的只為享受你喜歡那課堂的樂趣。

    你知道嗎?可以讀到自己喜歡那科,是大學的一種幸福⋯⋯至少即使我在罵professor 為何給那麼多assignment and group project 時,但在努力中的我,覺得好幸福喔。



    我點都唔明點解一個好地地嘅人,點解可以writing 同listening 都得F(level 1),連oral 都得E (level 2),佢係咪唔識中文架⋯⋯


    IG: Fakemanching1607

  • 大學生英文undergraduate 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-23 20:00:10

    也順便分享幾個有趣的故事... 像全台語上課這件事情🤪

    Do foreigners have to take the standardized college exams in Taiwan?
    Do undergraduate foreign students take classes all in English?
    Today I'm answering some of those most commonly asked questions
    I'll also be sharing a couple of interesting stories... like the professor who taught entirely in Taiwanese🤪

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