

在 城市英文country產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅范疇文集,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Taiwan Can Achieve More, But It Takes Bilingualism 台灣可成就更高 但需要「雙語國力」 《作者從事與雙語教育相關的工作已斷斷續續30餘年。雙語已成國策,那就身體力行,開始用雙語發表意見吧。歡迎讀者對此形式提供您的意見及指教》 Among...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅lifeintaiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,台灣有許多古怪的東西我喜歡, 但當然有許多事情真的讓我頭腦發熱! 看看我在這個國家讓我感到沮喪的三件事! There are lots of quirky things about 台灣that I love, but of course there are many things that ...

城市英文country 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 06:26:33

[#每日生字🌋 - Elections] 琴日喺灣仔舉行咗選舉委員會既界別分組一般選舉,我哋今日就嚟學下啲同今次選舉有關嘅vocab啦 📌 election committee (Hong Kong) [n.] 選舉委員會 a constituency responsible for selec...

城市英文country 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 05:42:30

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城市英文country 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-14 11:58:04

[時事英文] 婦女節快樂! Thanks for making the world a better place! ‘She Is a Hero’: In Myanmar’s Protests, Women Are on the Front Lines 無所畏懼的一代:站在抗議第一線的緬甸年...

  • 城市英文country 在 范疇文集 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-14 04:44:39
    有 238 人按讚

    Taiwan Can Achieve More,
    But It Takes Bilingualism
    台灣可成就更高 但需要「雙語國力」


    Among all sustaining forces, what Taiwan lacks most is the force of language. When people talk about a country’s competitiveness, most likely the main benchmarks are the military force, wealth force, technology force or even cultural force. The concept of“Force of Language”rarely came into mind. But in fact, linguistic capability is one of the key factors that can make or break a country in the long run , if not in the short.


    Examples are plenty. Take the tiny country of Singapore as a sample. Its existence and survival rests upon its capacity in applying and managing multi-lingual resources. Without that force of language, it can’t possibly thrive in a geographical setting as complex as this – with Malaysia on the north, Indonesia on the South-West, India to the West, and, particularly, the landmass of China up north. Geography is both a blessing and a curse to the country of Singapore, but its multi-linguistic capacity is a pure blessing. Without it, Singapore would still have been a trading center in that region and there is no way for it to have become one of the worldwide financial centers as today.

    例子不勝枚舉,小小的新加坡就是一個樣本。它的生存,基於它運用、管理多重語言資源的氣度和能力。若缺少了這種「語言國力」,新加坡不可能在如此複雜的地理環境下茁壯 – 北有馬來西亞,西南有印度尼西亞,西有印度,尤其遠遠的北方還有中國這樣一塊大陸。地緣對新加坡這個國家既是祝福也是詛咒,但其多語能量則是百分之百的祝福。若非掌握語言國力,新加坡或許還能成為區域的貿易中心,但沒有可能變成今日的世界金融中心之一。

    Hong Kong, in the past tense, also benefited tremendously from its bilingualism. By comparison, the mighty city of Shanghai in China will never replace the economic role Hong Kong used to play for China. I remember a sharp comment made by the past Premier of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Many years ago when visiting Taiwan, he was asked this question by a reporter : “Can you foresee Shanghai replacing Hong Kong one day“? “Never!”was Lee’s reply. “Why?” Here comes the issue of the force of language, “Because I simply can’t see that the Shanghainese can speak better English than the Hong Kong people”. End of discussion.


    Taiwan is good at technology as well as in many other aspects. It produces over 50% of the high-end semiconductor chips for the world’s high-end industrial and military uses, and it also designs at least 25% of the chips for world’s daily electronic devices. Which means, should Taiwan’s economic activities be disrupted by a hostile party , or even worse, should the island country fall under a hostile party’s control, as a consequence, the entire world would be affected severely, even to the point of functionally inoperative.


    On top of that, Taiwan is ingenious in meeting unconventional demands for outlandish components. The most apparent case would be that of the birth of Tesla. When Elon Musk couldn’t get designers and factories from other parts of the world to risk making his non-heard-of components, he came to Taiwan and found willing and capable suppliers. Without the ingenuity of Taiwan’s able engineers, Tesla’s EV could have been delayed for many more years and might even have missed its first-to-market timing.


    In the political arena, Taiwan has been firmly placed in the first tier among countries of democracy. To be fair, Taiwanese citizens still stand eager for eliminating the residual, inherited authoritarian elements in its political system; however, from a global standpoint, the mere presence of this remaining endeavor, by itself, proves that Taiwan has already passed the point of no return of an evolving democratic country.


    In any aspect, Taiwan should have received a much higher level of acknowledgement from the international community than what it gets now. It makes people wonder why it didn’t.


    Sure, one can blame the “Cut-Taiwan-off-the-World” program that the neighboring CCP (Chinese Communist Party) exercised. But blaming is not productive, not in everyday life nor in politics. We need self-assertive solutions much more than airing complaints.


    Citizens in Taiwan need to be able to speak out for Taiwan, not waiting for others to speak for it. To speak out to the world, you need languages! Presently, over 90% of the citizens on this island write and speak in just one language : the written Mandarin Character and the spoken Mandarin plus dialects.


    This causes consequences in two-folds. On the political side, when Taiwan citizens shout in Mandarin, only people who understand Mandarin in other parts of the world can know what Taiwan is shouting for. Sadly, 96% of those who understand are under the firewall enclosure in China. Furthermore, Taiwanese messages are being censored, twisted and manipulated by the CCP in order to prevent its subjects from hearing it.


    On the economy side, although the top-layer of the academics, businessmen and technical elites are all quite proficient with a second language, mostly English or Japanese, the majority of the able engineers and middle managers in Taiwan cannot communicate efficiently enough to bring out their personal or organizational potentials.


    It’s such an obvious yet ignored national issue : Taiwan needs bilingualism for its political sustainability and economic prosperity. A thriving bilingualism in Taiwan can be achieved by flipping its mentality towards education, or by changing its attitudes towards “outsiders” and installing a more open-minded immigration policy.


    Either way, Taiwan must implement a bold and innovative approach to this “force of language” challenge. And that approach can start today. Are you ready? Yes, I meant YOU!


    * 更多有關台灣之未來,請往 《范疇 前哨預策網》InsightFan.com
    * 註冊為免費會員,瀏覽部份熱點議題電子書、觀點及預先的對策
    * 註冊為追蹤會員,支持一個永遠獨立、終身不受任何政治體制管

  • 城市英文country 在 陸秀慧 Desiree's Planet Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-03 11:38:19
    有 13 人按讚

    Even the rain (También la Lluvia) 時代啟示錄 (2010)
    Country : Spain
    Score : 8/10
    本片獲西班牙及柏林影展獎項,並獲2011年奧斯卡最佳外語片提名。難得一見在玻利維亞拍的好片,邊看邊懷念!一群西班牙電影劇組,到玻利維亞Cochabamba出外景,想拍的是五百年前哥倫布入侵中南美,搜括剝削原住民的歷史。電影拍到西班牙殖民者以大屠殺彈壓反抗的印地安人,將帶頭的釘上十字架火刑伺候。有一幕要拍克丘亞母親們爲了逃避西班牙人的荼毒殘害,涉水溺死自己的嬰兒,導演只要求他們半身入水,直接下個鏡頭換玩具娃娃背面,這些臨時演員,眼中射出一如曾經出現的殺人目光,死都不肯!導演無奈大喊:「此乃當初真實發生的事,我必需還原史實啊!」拍片當下正逢玻利維亞當局把水權賣給跨國公司,原住民「連雨水都沒得喝」(英文片名),憤而群起抗爭,軍警大肆搜捕,許多人不明不白消失。動亂之下拍攝工作顯然無以為繼,劇組各成員的反應則十分微妙。有人只想儘快抽身遠離是非,有人則希望無論如何要完成工作。本來標準理想主義者的導演,讀萬卷書,欲伸張正義,為歷史發聲,而在最後一刻,爲了成就心中名留影史的夢想,自私地置克丘亞臨演小女孩生死於不顧。對照當初爲了影片預算有限,克丘亞臨演一天兩美元,便宜到爆,而移師Bolivia的市儈總製片,卻是最後為了當他是朋友的克丘亞人,刀山油鍋,水裏來火裏去,硬挺到底!人世間本來不是只有黑白!古今相映,原住民的痛苦竟似沒有絲毫減輕。西班牙人為了黃金,以武力征服新世界500年後,水變成了黃金,另一個巧取豪奪的對象。 之前殖民史可參考當初查維兹送給歐巴馬的 ”拉丁美洲 被切開的血管“一書,對現今這段歷史有興趣的朋友,可往下……
    玻利維亞是水資源極匱乏的高山國度,長年動亂,在1980年代終於選出民主政府,然而政治貪腐經濟崩潰民不聊生,預算靠外國捐助和世界銀行貸款支撐。90年代,世銀認為這個政府的償債信用趨近于零,專家建議將國營事業經營權交給私人企業以維持貸款,藉企業化經營,擺脫政治干預,提高效率。然而本土企業無力接手,電信、交通陸續落入跨國公司之手。西元兩千年,連攸關民生的水供應也難逃此刼,被跨國企業標走。原本世銀聽信專家報告,由於玻國基礎建設不足,唯城市有自來水供應,對鄉村居民影響不大,於是原先沒有自來水供應,居民自行掘井汲水的地區,有了管線之後,就被強制封井。本來靠老天爺給水,不需要負擔水費,一天只賺兩美元的窮人,忽然間必須向水公司繳稅,才能維持生活甚至生命,民怨因而爆發。政府對遊行示威相應不理,等到民眾阻路封橋,便出動軍警逮人,以橡膠子彈、催淚瓦斯鎮壓驅散,民眾則還以石頭木棍,終於演變成流血衝突。此為2000年"科恰班巴水戰爭" 真實歷史事件,届時玻利維亞羅馬天主教會也試圖在政府和示威者之間進行調解。示威活動迅速蔓延到其他地區,包括拉巴斯、奧魯羅、波托西以及農村地區。抗議活動甚至促使四個拉巴斯員警部隊的官員拒絕離開軍營或服從上級,直到工資糾紛得到解決。

  • 城市英文country 在 米國郎愛台灣 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-25 23:54:54
    有 62 人按讚



    女:I’ve told you thousands times that I wanna go to your country soon. There’s no future here babe. We can have so much better life in New York or whatever cities in America. (我跟你說好多次了,在這裡沒有未來,我們可以在紐約或是美國任何一個城市有更好的生活!)

    男:I don’t understand. Taiwan is so perfect. It’s the place we met each other and fell in love with each other. Most importantly, it’s the safest country in the world right now. Why are you pushing me away from this wonderful place? Don’t you love Taiwan? (我不了解,台灣這麼完美,我們在這裡遇見彼此然後相愛,最重要的是,現在這裡是全世界最安全的地方,為什麼你要逼我離開?你不愛台灣嗎?)

    女:I do. But life here is so boring and hopeless . I work so hard but I only get half of your pay. This is not fair! I wanna make more money, have my own business, be my own boss, start a new life and make my American dream come true! Aren’t you coming with me? (我愛,但這裡的生活太無聊又沒有希望,我這麼努力工作卻只領你薪水的一半,這太不公平了!我想賺更多錢,想有自己的生意,當自己的老闆,開始新的生活,實現我的美國夢!你不跟我走嗎?

    男:Is that why you’re dating me? To fulfill your god damn American dream? This’s so ridiculous. I wake up every morning and see the beautiful sky and colorful trees out of my window. For me, it’s definitely not boring. I feel so energetic and full of hopes Every day! You have no idea what you were saying. The life in New York is not like what you’re thinking. The brutal weather is annoying. The streets are dark, and the trees are so boring. To live there makes me wanna run away of it so bad every second. And that’s why I’m here. I love Taiwan, it’s my home baby. Please don’t be in such negative vibes. We can figure it out together.(這就是你跟我約會的原因嗎?為了實現你的美國夢?這太荒謬了!我每天起來看見窗外美麗的天空和繽紛的樹木,對我來說一點都不無聊,我覺得滿滿的能量和希望,你不知道你在說什麼,紐約的生活不像你想的這麼好,惡劣的天氣很煩人、黑暗的街道和了無生氣的樹木,住在那裡每一秒都讓我想逃離那個地方,那也是我為什麼會在這裡,我愛台灣,這裡是我的家,請你不要有負能量,我們可以一起解決問題.

    女:You love Taiwan so much that you won’t come to New York with me? I thought we’re so in love and you’d go anywhere I go. Seems like I was wrong. I love you honey. But truth always hurts. If you stay in Taiwan, you won’t have a good career. You’ll get stuck in Taiwan with your shitty teaching job. You’ll be a loser English teacher forever. That’s what you want for life? (你這麼愛台灣愛到不跟我去紐約嗎?我以為我們很相愛我去哪裡你就去哪裡,看來我錯了,我愛你親愛的,但事實總是殘酷的,如果你待在台灣,你不會有好的職涯,你會困在台灣做很爛教書的工作,你會永遠是一個失敗的英文老師,難道這是你想要的生活嗎?

    男:What’s wrong with being an English teacher? I enjoy my work and all my students like me. I’ve got a lot of self accomplishment at this job. I don’t like you being insulting. I’ve saved some money and we could have our own restaurant somewhere, have our own business and you do your own boss here. It’s not necessarily to go to New York for that. (當英文老師有什麼問題?我熱愛我的工作且所有學生都喜歡我,在這份工作裡我獲得很多成就感,我不喜歡你這麼無禮,我存了一些錢,我們可以在這裡開我們的餐廳、做自己的生意、自己當老闆,真的不需要跑去紐約做這些事情!

    女:But it’s my dream....(但這是我的夢想...

    男:Live here, or leave me. It’s all your choice...(要住這裡,還是離開我,你自己決定...)

    大家猜猜女生的回答是什麼🤔好多次在台灣看過台灣女生跟外國男朋友吵架,但大部分都是外國男朋友想回母國台灣女生哭著請男生留下來,第一次看到這麼愛台灣的外國男朋友還求台灣女生留下,讓我都忍不住想衝向前說hey, you got lucky to have this man you know ,但我只是個局外人不小心目睹整段過程,異國戀真的很不容易,希望他們對未來有共識一起幸福快樂,最後我也必須說:I love my colorful Taiwan too!❤️❤️❤️
