

在 同時simultaneously英文產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅李問,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🗞️🗞️🗞️香港英文媒體 Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (香港自由新聞)刊登一則我的專訪,題目為: 《民主前線的台灣政治人物:距離中國大陸17公里》 (The Taiwanese politician on the frontline of democracy, 17 km ...

同時simultaneously英文 在 農 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-05 16:23:28

把頭髮剪短了,希望這個髮型能讓生活變得更簡單。讓我有更多心力,專注在想做的事情。這幾天,經歷了有點嚴重的疲憊感,我發現了一個很重要的原因: 現在有太多事情同時進行著,光是音樂:練吉他鋼琴、翻唱歌曲、創作錄音製作、學習後製、直播表演、想新歌的宣傳…等。此外,我目前還有線上一對一的英文課、口說課、吉他...

同時simultaneously英文 在 麥曦茵 @hkdumbyouth Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 21:13:34

世界一直以我們沒有辦法想像的速度改變 The world keeps changing at a pace that we can't imagine  價值觀也在改變 Values are changing  當然這個世界同時存在著很多不同的價值觀 Sure, different v...

  • 同時simultaneously英文 在 李問 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-08 23:16:13
    有 874 人按讚

    🗞️🗞️🗞️香港英文媒體 Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (香港自由新聞)刊登一則我的專訪,題目為:

    (The Taiwanese politician on the frontline of democracy, 17 km from mainland China)



    🔺“So the Chinese Communist Party, they try to tell the world that if you identity with Chinese culture, then you must support the CCP. They try to equate the two. But what we’re seeing in Matsu, especially in the younger generation, is you can simultaneously take pride in Chinese culture or Fujian heritage and stand against authoritarianism, against the CCP.”


    🔺Lii added that another way to resist Chinese authoritarianism, which asserts a homogeneous national identity, was to embrace a nuanced sense of national unity without negating minority cultures in Taiwan.


    🔺“For Taiwan to move forward to become a better country, can we present a better narrative of national cohesion without erasing the identities of offshore islands?” he asked. “There should be unity or solidarity among people in Taiwan who hold a Chinese identity or a Taiwanese identity.”


    🔺This common, unifying factor should be support for democracy.


    🔺As a free enclave on the edge of China, the islands of Matsu offered a glimpse of what a democratic China can look like. “If we can create a working two-party system in Matsu, then we show to the world a positive example in which an area which speaks the Fuzhou language can [enjoy democracy].”


    🔺For Lii, the fact that Matsu can be a beacon of democracy on the edge of China is a source of pride. “I think this is something Matsu can be proud of, regardless of party politics.”



  • 同時simultaneously英文 在 李問 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-11 18:29:05
    有 1,381 人按讚

    🗣️🗣️🗣️前幾天我接受一個美國podcast的訪問,與Global Law & Business的聽眾分享一些主題,包括:

    🔺 向國際聽眾簡介兩岸關係以及金馬歷史。
    🔺 國共戰爭中,國軍守護金門、馬祖、大陳、舟山等島嶼的歷史。
    🔺 民進黨耕耘馬祖並設立黨部的意義。
    🔺 馬祖因地理位置面對困境,包括越界捕魚、抽砂、海漂垃圾等。
    🔺 「非典型」選戰奇聞軼事,包括徒步環島、打扮成淡菜等。

    🔺 還有,推薦更多國際友人未來有機會時,歡迎來馬祖玩!🥳🥳🥳



    Some people describe that the old ROC government was reborn and re-invented in Taiwan, and our current government is a fusion of the ROC and institutions from Taiwan’s Japanese colonial era.

    So in conclusion, Taiwan is an independent nation which carries the legacy of republican China. I would say that Taiwan is somewhere in the middle between a regional independence movement (Scotland; Catalonia) and a two-state rivalry (North & South Korea; East & West Germany).
    Secretary Pompeo recently said that Taiwan shows the world what a “free China” could achieve. In a way that’s true, Taiwan carries the legacy of a Free China. Taiwan might carry the hopes of many in the global Chinese-speaking community. But Taiwan is not just a free version of China, since Taiwan also has its own trajectory and uniqueness, including our Japanese colonial history. This duality (of the ROC and Taiwan) is the key to understanding Taiwan.
    I view Matsu as an important border area that is very close to China, and a place where many important issues need to be addressed, including the environment, disease control, maritime resources and security. I think it would be a mistake for any political party to neglect this region, which was why I decided to run for office here in Matsu, and launch a county chapter here.
    I think the rise in votes for President Tsai and the DPP in Matsu is symbolic, as the DPP is the party that supports Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy, and our party tends to be more cautious of interactions with the Communist Party.
    By building a party chapter here, it symbolizes the DPP’s effort to reach out beyond our traditional voter base. Some people often assume that since the outlying islands are culturally and historically connected with Fujian Province, then the voters here will not be critical towards the communist party. But what we are seeing in the younger generation here is that, people can be simultaneously proud of their Fujian heritage, AND stand adamantly against authoritarianism.
    The Communist Party tries to tell the world that, if a person identifies with Chinese culture, then they must support the Communist Party. That’s the traditional logic, but that’s a logic that merits criticism. They’re trying to link the two together. What we are trying to do is to break that link. We see a growing number of people that identify with Chinese culture, AND simultaneously stand against China annexing Taiwan.
    I think this speaks to a wider audience in the Chinese-speaking world on a global scale. The traditional argument to support Taiwan’s sovereignty would be to emphasize Taiwan’s cultural differences with China. Here in Matsu or Kinmen, we can develop an argument that supports Taiwan’s sovereignty that is not based on cultural identity, but rather on common values between Taiwan and Kinmen or Matsu, and anti-communism. This builds a coalition between traditional supporters of Taiwanese independence, and people in the pan-Chinese world that are pro-democratic and anti-communist. This actually includes many people in the main island Taiwan and the outlying islands, as well as overseas ethnic Chinese.
    You will also notice President Tsai places an emphasis on maintaining sovereignty & democracy, regardless of support for an ROC identity or a separate Taiwan identity. So the DPP itself is also reaching out. That’s the dualism of ROC and Taiwan identity.

  • 同時simultaneously英文 在 蔣志薇 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-27 14:03:41
    有 38 人按讚


    這週的 #英語小教室 要帶所有好朋友們到 #新北林口 的熱門打卡點(check-in place)- #下福里市民活動中心(Civic centers),原來林口有這麼美的建築物,七彩繽紛圓柱,輕鬆捕捉彩虹🌈,這裡不但被網友封為地表最美活動中心,更獲得 #2020國際建築獎 (International Architecture Awards)!



    📖 英語單字小教室
    ✔️【打卡(景點)】英文是check-in (place)

    1⃣ This civic center has become the latest check-in place in New Taipei City.

    2⃣ This café is a perfect place to enjoy good food and dazzling sunsets simultaneously.

    #新北市新聞局 #新北市秘書處

