

在 yourselves中文產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【6.12:追求民主、自由、公義和法治的聲音,依然是佔香港的大多數】 https://youtu.be/qhrwmxeshVw ——————————— 文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀! ⭐️支持文遠⭐️請訂閱Patreon⭐️ ⭐️Please show your sup...


yourselves中文 在 布萊恩 Brian Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-03 16:02:56

👇中文在下面👇 #lgbtpride #pridemonth #pride Thinking back to hosting #TaiwanLGBTPride on October 31st of last year, I remember that all of the members of ...

  • yourselves中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-11 17:18:49
    有 789 人按讚



    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️




    您鎖得住我的肉體,卻鎖不了我的靈魂,更加鎖不了我把口!希望各位在牆外的朋友,尤其是今天這麼熱的日子,見字飲水,KEEP 住我們的動力,我們終有一天是會勝利、是會成功的!


    [6.12: Voices in pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law are still the majority in Hong Kong]

    Two years ago, on 12 June 2019, we in Hong Kong united to stop, at least temporarily, the Extradition Bill. It is very important to note that on that day, we showed our courage and solidarity in Admiralty. Although we have succeeded in stopping the Extradition Bill back then, look at Hong Kong today - we are still under the shameless Carrie Lam regime. At that time, the regime realised that even if they had the majority in the Legislative Council, we democrats were still capable of resisting, so now they have introduced a new electoral system. Under the new system, the representativeness of the Legislative Council is not much different from that of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and there is no need to discuss whether to run for election or how to vote.

    I must remind you that no matter how difficult the situation is today, no matter how hard the regime tries to suppress us, REMEMBER - the majority in Hong Kong are in the pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law. This is precisely why this government has gone to great lengths to distort the current legislature, to distort the whole system, and they have even gone so far as to throw anyone in opposition into jail.

    You can lock up my body, but not my soul, and not my mouth!

    I don't know when I'll be back, but I hope that all of you outside the walls, especially on such a hot day, to take care of yourselves, and keep up our momentum, so that one day we will win and succeed. In the mean time, take care!


    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️

  • yourselves中文 在 阿龍 Dallas Waldo Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-16 22:04:58
    有 910 人按讚

    UPDATE: 反骨已道歉也會把影片下架,叫所有人不要塗黑臉了!成功了!!!因此我也把diss下架嘍,大家之後不要再塗黑啦!

    Dear Wackyboys,





    Dear Wackyboys,

    You recently posted a picture of blackface that ignited the community's response, and although you didn't apologize you deleted those harmful photos. However yesterday we were surprised to see you had released the blackface video anyways and we were extremely disappointed and hurt by your actions. We hope you can remove the video, apologize and lead by example in Taiwan.

    The foreign community is in the process of preparing educational materials that will teach locals the painful history of blackface and why it should not be done anywhere in the world. However, as we wait for those to be completed, as you continue to deny wrongdoing, as you continue to standby as countless locals and foreigners leave comments bashing the racism you spread, I must let off some steam in hopes of getting your attention. At the same time, I'm speaking for those foreigners who are hurt by what you've done, but either can't speak Chinese or don't have a platform. We're pissed and we feel helpless.

    Please do not continue to embarrass Taiwan. I know Taiwan is full of good people who have supported the fight against racism over the past few weeks, but to see someone as influential as yourselves in the midst of a global fight against racism be so tone deaf is absolutely shocking. One day you will realize you are on the wrong side of history, the longer you insist you are right, the worse things will be for you in the future.

    As foreigners, we can understand that Taiwanese and Western cultures are different, and that Taiwan doesn't have a history of blackface. Thus, we are forgiving in light of this, but that does not validate your actions as it is well known that we live in a globalized world in 2020. Once again, we urge you to erase the video, apologize and give black people in Taiwan and across the world the respect they deserve.


    Dallas Waldo 阿龍

    #fuckthewackyboys #saynotoblackface #反塗黑臉


  • yourselves中文 在 健吾 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-02 10:57:16
    有 501 人按讚

    share 給你的工人姐姐。給所有不看中文的朋友。



    IMPORTANT (重要資訊,中文在下面)

    Very useful and simplified health information for Coronavirus prevention, suitable for non-medical persons and public.
    Please forward and help saving as much as we can.
    We must all stay put together to fight this battle. It is no joke, but don’t panic, just try to be careful and stay vigilant always.
    Please take care of yourselves as well as the dearest around you.

    For those whom are unwell (e.g. upper respiratory symptoms like cough, runny nose, throat discomfort, breathing problems) especially with FEVER, must seek formal medical attention as soon as possible. Be truthful to your doctors about recent travel and contact history (e.g. whom you have met and where you recently travelled in recent 14 days). All these precious information would be VALUABLE puzzles to help your doctor making accurate diagnosis and help you to plan for the most suitable treatment WITHOUT DELAY and risking those around you.



    #新沙士 #沙士

  • yourselves中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • yourselves中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • yourselves中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

