

在 wondering中文產品中有34篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11的網紅D.A.,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, -(中文版本往下滑!) Neutral tone look! @inglot_cosmetics pralines and truffles eyeshadow palette I was scared at first wondering will I ruin or not 😂but it ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過43萬的網紅碰碰PongPong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SAY SO (Chinese cover) - by 碰碰PongPong Doja Cat's "Say So" have been giving us retro 80s vibes. We can't go no where during quarantine so BAAAM a gre...

wondering中文 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 20:10:13

-(中文版本往下滑!) Neutral tone look! @inglot_cosmetics pralines and truffles eyeshadow palette I was scared at first wondering will I ruin or not 😂but it ...

wondering中文 在 ishun Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-16 11:38:25

某次在巴黎一場派對裡,認識了一個男生,Frank。 典型好看的亞洲面孔,冷酷俊挺的鼻樑上是一對偏細窄但炯炯有神、睫毛濃密的鳳眼,那是以單眼皮來說,恰如其分的飽滿而且怎樣都不會說是小眼睛的那種好看的單眼皮眼睛,在濃密且弧度平緩的眉毛和菱角分明的顴骨之間閃閃發光的和我對望。 他的眼神,即便在東亞人特...

  • wondering中文 在 D.A. Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-20 18:20:10
    有 4 人按讚

    Neutral tone look!

    @inglot_cosmetics pralines and truffles eyeshadow palette
    I was scared at first wondering will I ruin or not 😂but it turns out better than I expected! I actually like it! I use the darkest shade in this palette for the eyeliner, for the shade has great color payoff:) Do you guys use eyeshadow as eyeliner more or use gel/liquid eyeliner more?

    Do you love neutral tone makeup?
    Let me know in the comments down below 🥰

    The shades I use👉👉👉

    Wish you all a lovely day 💕

    #inglot 不給糖,就使壞眼影盤 可可森林




    #makeup #化妝 #化粧 #アイメイク #motd #dailymakeup #コスメ #아이메이크업 #메이크업 #오늘의화장 #눈화장 #beauty #섀도우 #섀도우추천 #makeupinspo #makeupideas #eyemakeup #eotd #eyeshadowpalette #眼妝 #eyeshadow #eyelook #眼影 #makeupinspiration #makeuptutorial #100daysofmakeup #wakeupandmakeup
    @ Home

  • wondering中文 在 紀亞文 Edwin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-31 13:12:20
    有 10 人按讚

    This past year’s global situation has allowed me to fully revisit the tennis world and coach regularly again.

    It has been a decade since I have worked with such an expansive pool of students. At the time, I taught and trained both children and adults ranging from the ages of 5-60, levels ranging from novice to advanced, but mostly children and teenagers.

    However, a couple of years ago I did take a hiatus from showbiz and acting in China as I had the opportunity to work and travel with a professional tennis player. It was a very rewarding, yet challenging experience, to say the least.

    Many people have asked me why I do not just coach and train players completely full time. I usually just smile and and brush it off with a tactful “I don’t know.”

    The truth is, I have had an extreme love-hate relationship with the game.

    Growing up, the time spent on court not only acted as a healthy environment where I can progress as a player and a person, but it also acted as an escape from the difficult emotional and psychological roller coaster on the home front (I will not go into this now).

    Looking back, I am so grateful to have been surrounded by coaches, from places such as India and Eastern Europe, whom understood the value of teaching and mentoring with a “school of hard knocks’ approach. They continuously reminded me that:

    “There will always be people in situations worse off than you. Back home, players were playing on courts made from cow dung and with holes in their shoes, not to mention wondering when their next full meal would be.”

    Though I don’t think I can honestly say that I fully understood them at the time, but these reminders and perspectives acted as the rock that kept me from drifting away.

    So, this is where I am coming from in terms of my relationship with tennis. 2020 has been a blessing in disguise, as I have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, both on and off the court.

    Thanks to all my students. I hope you are learning as much as I am learning from you. Cheers.


    #tennistraining #tenniscoaching #tennis #tennisplayer #tennisplaying #tennislove #tennisinstruction #tennislife #網球 #網球教學 #網球教練

  • wondering中文 在 Crossing Campus Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-19 11:39:12
    有 1 人按讚

    【American view on US Politics】#中英對照​

    Focusing on the election again, people now also wondering: what went wrong with polling models in 2016, and can the same thing happen again in 2020?​

    《換日線》美籍作者 Mike 將以美國媒體 FiveThirtyEight 的民調模型為例,帶你了解民調背後的邏輯,並和你分享他的大選預測。而在接下來幾周,他也將與讀者們一起密切關注大選發展,歡迎留言「點播」你想了解的相關議題!​

    ▍中文版看這裡:美國總統大選:民調會不會(又)出錯? >> https://bit.ly/3jZehL7

  • wondering中文 在 碰碰PongPong Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-20 21:06:15

    SAY SO (Chinese cover) - by 碰碰PongPong

    Doja Cat's "Say So" have been giving us retro 80s vibes. We can't go no where during quarantine so BAAAM a green screen music video shot from home! Gaston has been wondering how it would sound like in Chinese and kept humming it in the shower, so here you go!

    最近完全被抖音爆紅的神曲"Say So"給洗腦了!原唱帶來一種很80年代的療愈感哈哈哈,行動管制/隔離時期沒的出門只好在家裡搭了綠屏拍攝啦!把你們帶到分別70/80和90年代!碰弟表示在家走到哪裡都一直在哼,如果填個中文詞應該會很酷吧!結果就這樣誕生了~希望你們會喜歡~

    *Video reuploaded due to audio quality issues*

    【Original Credits 原唱】
    Doja Cat - Say So:

    【Credits 鳴謝 】
    Mixing & Mastering | Hanz Koay @Vocast Studios
    Video Production | 碰弟Gaston
    Music Arrangement | 碰弟Gaston
    Executive Producer| 碰姐Jeii
    Chinese Lyrics | 碰弟Gaston

  • wondering中文 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-09 10:22:42

    #DarkDeception #Steam #Pacman #Horror

    因為一個翻譯錯誤 於是重新發布

    Dark Deception (黑暗詭計) 是Steam平台上的一款免費遊戲
    沒錯 你沒看錯! 免費 而且品質真的不錯!

    我只好另外想辦法用許多片段拼出這完整 無人聲的一部劇情翻譯Orz


    0:29 Bierce說細長柔弱的腿 我本來超想翻成鳥仔腳(台語)的 XD
    2:03 經過的那條步道 兩旁寫的內容大概是 "別回頭" "他們在看著你"
    以及末端右手邊最有趣的 [拉丁文"Libera Tutemet"] (把你自己從地獄中解放出來)
    2:47 Bierce這邊的語調其實有點靠北, 就是故意在這種應該正經的警告用玩鬧的方式說 "腳被刺穿就跑不了瞜"
    為了呈現出她機車的語調XD 我跟Kim可是小小討論了一下這句的呈現呢, 希望有做出效果OuO/
    2:58 "In case you're wondering" 這句
    Wondering是猜想, 疑惑的意思
    日常中比較常聽到"I wonder ~~~" 通常呈現出 "我猜~" 或者 "不知道OOXX怎樣怎樣"的意境
    此處就是類似Bierce說 "你應該也聽到一點怪怪的腳步聲, 不用瞎想了, 我告訴你那不是幻聽, 是真的腳步聲越來越靠近你了!"
    3:25 這麼會酸怎麼不妳自己來蒐集碎片啊 (╯°Д°)╯ ┻━┻
    遠端監視還出一張嘴, 最棒的是角色死亡時Bierce還會嘲笑我們, 啊妳到底是要不要我們幫忙蒐集?!
    6:50 "go all the way" 在這裡就是"一路順遂 成功到底"的意思
    7:07 我們的Bierce姊姊還是一樣很幽默很會酸XD
    "No doubt he has your best interests at heart" 我看到時整個笑出來XD 今天很嗆是吧

    此影片是第二章節第二關(Deadly Decadence)的劇情部分剪輯, 若是對遊戲內容感興趣
    歡迎上網搜尋, 有很多Youtuber被嚇得亂七八糟遊玩影片(誤



    關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
    我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed

    Dark Deception Steam網站:

    Track: Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release]
    Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
    Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQNiWdeH2Q
    Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ht

  • wondering中文 在 Evangeline Wong Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-10-25 00:00:07

    ? Kkbox : https://kkbox.fm/0a2dEk
    ? Spotify : https://goo.gl/TtLNuE
    ? FriDay : https://goo.gl/onBm5v
    ? MyMusic : https://goo.gl/4PvUrE

    馬來西亞實力派女創作人王艷薇Evangeline曾演唱香港電影《辣警霸王花》片尾曲《碰到藍天》,為曾沛慈演唱的《終極一家3》片尾曲《一個人還是想著一個人》,以及韓庚演唱的好萊塢電影《變形金剛》中文主題曲《誰Control》作曲,還有郭靜的《可惜》作詞,唱作實力兼具,2015年參加台灣《橘子20星光大道》打進14強;2017年演唱KKTV X 野火娛樂原創電速劇《紅色氣球》片尾曲《晚安》及插曲《框不住的愛》獲得廣大迴響,其中插曲《框不住的愛》更被喻為「新一代同志神曲」,這位神祕的大馬女歌手以饒富韻味的嗓音為華語歌壇注入一股全新氣息。

    ►王艷薇Evangeline FB:https://www.facebook.com/XEVANGELINEX/

    詞:王艷薇 Evangeline / Skot Suyama 陶山
    曲:Skot Suyama 陶山 / 王艷薇 Evangeline

    (Snuggling with the violence
    Laughing through the silence
    Smiling when I'm softly screaming
    Running in the same place
    Trying on a new face
    Imagining me free and leaving)
    Let's recover our life

    Do you ever fear with it
    讓人無法呼吸 卻又無法抗拒

    Do you wanna come with me
    噬血性的爭取 一步一步接近
    Let's recover our life

    Let me run and run and run
    Made me dance and dance and dance
    阿拉斯加的神秘 靈魂吸食著生命
    And I never ever know bout the truth
    Oh it's a little bit more

    (Tell me could you take it?
    Tell me would you fake it?
    If the choice was yours could you make it?
    Would you start to slow down?
    Burden full and weighed down
    Wondering if you love or hate it)
    Let's recover our life

    Do you ever fear with it
    越是相敬如賓 卻又滿口質疑

    越是行影不離 越是輸得徹底
    Let's recover our life