

在 whipped中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 又去食下午茶,今次係又一城嘅Tea WG Salon & Boutique。去嘅其中一個原因,係思鄉病發。 第一次去曼谷就見到佢。 雖然佢有好多款Tea Set選擇,但係二人餐,就只有一款,唔係平日嗰款寶石套餐,而係summer tea set for 2,帳面係貴少少,但係$488同$528 ,...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅莊思敏 Jacquelin Ch'ng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#400次咖啡 #偷雞版 #成功與唔成功之間...

whipped中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-05 09:31:07

📍台北市 | 中山國小站 ❤️la vie bonbon 👉🏻 @la_vie_bonbon ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) la vie bonbon 2021年最新製作的 『角落小夥伴查佛蛋糕』系列共有5種口味: 白熊草莓查佛・蜥蜴藍莓查佛 ・企鵝哈密瓜查佛 ・ 貓兒...

whipped中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:20:17

📍台北市 市政府站 ❤️Café del SOL 👉🏻 @cafedelsoltw ⠀ 🌐台北市 Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 草莓生乳捲蛋糕糕體加入 紅麴提出天然甜度和色素 並加入新鮮酸甜草莓的香氣🍓 富有層次感且不膩口❤️ ⠀ 舒芙蕾膨鬆軟綿視覺效果空氣感十足 口感入口即化 上頭...

whipped中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 17:44:04

☆A’s Menu 小哲菜單☆⁣ ▼中文請往下▼⁣ ⁣ Last week, I made some beef and corn stock soup and then I was at lost of what to make for A’s dinner. Then the memory of ...

  • whipped中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-12 08:30:17
    有 621 人按讚

    又去食下午茶,今次係又一城嘅Tea WG Salon & Boutique。去嘅其中一個原因,係思鄉病發。 第一次去曼谷就見到佢。

    雖然佢有好多款Tea Set選擇,但係二人餐,就只有一款,唔係平日嗰款寶石套餐,而係summer tea set for 2,帳面係貴少少,但係$488同$528 ,實在分別唔大。

    鹹點四款,細細件,但係各有特色。甜品精緻,亦都顏色艷麗。馬卡龍脆口美味,而鬆餅味道都唔錯,搽上whipped cream同埋茶味啫喱,非常配合,最值得讚嘅就係夠熱。大部份食物都透着淡淡茶香,如果環境可以設計得清雅啲,就更有一種清幽氣氛。


    不過唔知點解我明明中國人樣,佢都俾份英文餐牌我!而好多侍應都唔識講中文, 我見好幾枱客,都要嗰位講廣東話姐姐逐項介紹,真係辛苦晒啊!

    #何嘉麗callmegaga #何嘉麗 #為食路上
    #出街玩 #又一城 #TeaWGSalon&Boutique
    #AfternoonTea #下午茶

  • whipped中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-22 23:20:16
    有 20 人按讚

    (English writing below)




    當時有三位員工 - 兩位華族女子,一位異族外勞男子。









    這畫面非常有趣,因為幾天前,一位女讀者來訊詢問我批八字的收費。(我服務的收費都列在:www.qianyu.sg/consultations 有中文網頁功能)









    但是,只拿不給,非君子所為,而是自私自利。 我也是人,自然也會需要認同感,尤其是寫的又是一些較另類的課題。














    So last Sunday, I went to a plant stall to do a CNY Live.

    As per my usual practice, I would always buy something from the shop if I use its premises. I don’t take advantage of other people’s businesses.

    That day, I wanted to preempt the plant stall staff but in my haste to start my Live, I plain forgot about it. So the husband went about looking for a plant to buy on my behalf.

    There were about three staff - two ladies and the gentleman standing behind me in this photo.

    Halfway through my Live, the male staff saw the handphone screen of the Husband’s.

    “Wah! It’s Live ah?” He excitedly asked the husband. “How to see?!”

    “You can see on Facebook!”

    The staff whipped out his mobile phone and opened the Facebook app. Then the husband typed in my profile name and what followed next was comical.

    I wasn’t aware as I was very focused on presenting to my Live audience.

    After the Live ended, I looked through the list of Likes to see who engaged with my video.

    And I was wondering why there were some foreign names.

    Then the husband told me what transpired.

    Yesterday while editing the Live for my Youtube upload this week, I realised at one point in time, the staff also waved to my camera and flashed his handphone screen of my Live. 😂

    I bet he somewhat understood what I said, despite it being in Mandarin.

    It was an interesting moment because few days ago, a lady PM me to inquire about my Bazi consultation fee. (It’s all listed at www.qianyu.sg/consultations btw)

    She told me the information in my videos were accurate and valuable.

    I thanked her for telling me because I had never seen her name appeared in my engagement list.

    She told me she was shy.

    This reminded me of a Bazi client who told me the same thing. That client said she had always been low profile, so she did not think to Like my posts even though she benefitted from it.

    I told the client:

    But what if I stopped writing and filming because I received no or little affirmation from the audience?

    She didn’t answered me.

    I laughed and said I would not stop because I had made an aspiration in the past. I had made it my lifetime goal to keep my words.

    But to be only taking and not giving is always selfish. I am human. And humans always need to feel belonged in one way or another. Even more so when I am writing about unorthodox topics.

    Giving encouragement is a form of kindness and showing appreciation, be it through post engagements or telling me now.

    The good thing about direct post engagement is that it benefits others, who may need the message more than us.

    Since I started weekly uploads to YouTube in June, a lot more queries come in every month. A number of them know me, due to their FB friends sharing my videos on their timeline.

    Thing is, their FB friend does not have a clue that they watched my video and came to seek my service.

    We don’t go around telling the whole world our problems, you see.

    Sometimes, it’s easier to tell a stranger who has the solutions, than a friend who can only tell you to think about happier things.

    I have been posting online for 3.5 years and have met hundreds of people. Perhaps to you, it seems that I am helping people.

    But like what Buddha says, the sentient beings are here to help us actualise our spiritual practice, to attain enlightenment and Buddhahood.

    It is a reciprocal cycle. The more people I see, the more I realise how transient this Samsara world is. The more I write and film, the clearer I am in my thinking and aspirations.

    I don't wish to have the kind of destinies I deal with, so I am more careful in my doings and thoughts. I see first-hand how greed, ignorance and anger can kill people, so I have opened up my heart to give out more love and let go of stubborn beliefs that benefit no one.

    So thank you to you, you and you for helping me to be a better person and giving me a holy purpose in this life. I have never been happier in my entire lifetime and I want to do this for as long as I live.

    I hope I can do the same for you, so that you will do the same for others too.

  • whipped中文 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-12-18 19:30:00
    有 141 人按讚


    Mumokuteki Cafe在京都市錦市場附近,一樓是賣服飾的,二樓才是咖啡館,地方非常無敵大,還劃分了一區為「家庭間」。除了吃,還寄賣了一些健康食品。

    這家店有一道料理必點 ─ 蔬菜豆漿拉麵〈豬骨風味〉,拉麵湯底非常濃郁,喝了兩口,被嚇到了,因為真的太像豬骨湯,一度懷疑我是不是吃到肉了,真沒有誇大喔~

    還有一個我很愛的 ─ 豆漿咖啡冰沙,到現在還是很想念裡面的豆漿奶油,它使整杯冰沙非常順滑!我其實還點了意大利燴飯、炸薯條、蒲公英咖啡等,但是我和旅伴都爭著要吃豬骨拉麵和冰沙 🤣

    Mumokuteki Cafe雖被稱為「蔬食」咖啡館,但我也提醒過大家,不同國家對蔬食的定義皆不同,在日本,有些店家認為「魚」也是素〈個人而言,魚是有感覺的物種,是生命〉,這家咖啡館有些料理是含有魚湯、魚精、魚露等。但店家很貼心地在菜單裡都標示清楚,而且分別有中文和英文菜單呢!

    Dandelion Coffee ¥430
    Expresso Frappe ¥520
    Veg Soya Milk Ramen ¥810
    Mushroom and Komatsu Cabbage Risotto ¥910
    Fried Potato Chips ¥360

    Mumokuteki Cafe is located near the Nishiki Market in Kyoto City Center. The first floor is for selling clothes and accessories. The second floor is a cafe. The place is extremely big. It even divided a "family room" in the middle of the cafe. Besides having food in the cafe, they sell some health products too.

    This cafe has a must-eat dish -Veg Soya Milk Ramen Noodles in Soup (pork bone flavor), the ramen soup is very rich, after drinking a bit, I was scared, because it tastes like real pork bone soup too much, I was wondering if I had eaten meat~

    There is also a Expresso Frappe that I love very much. I still miss the soya milk whipped cream inside, it makes the whole drink very smooth! I actually ordered Risotto, French Fries, Dandelion Coffee, etc., but my companions and I are vying to eat pork bone ramen and Expresso Frappe.

    Although Mumokuteki Cafe is known as the "veg" cafe, I have been reminded everyone that the definition of veg/vegan/vegetarian is different in different countries. In Japan, some people think that "FISH" is also a veg food. (For me, FISH is a species that has feelings, it is live) Some dishes in this cafe contain fish soup, fish essence, fish sauce and so on. But the owner is very attentive that marked in the menu, and there are also both Chinese and English menus!

    Name: Mumokuteki Cafe & Foods
    Address: 京都府京都市中京区御幸町通六角下ル伊勢屋町351
    Open: 1130am-10pm (Last Order 9pm)
    Closed: Not Specified


  • whipped中文 在 莊思敏 Jacquelin Ch'ng Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-02 21:31:42


  • whipped中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-06 22:00:07


    Model Ashley Graham Explores ASMR with Whipped Cream and Starbursts
    #艾希莉葛萊漢 #ASMR耳語挑戰 #ASMR
    ❗需要字幕的朋友👉請記得開啟CC字幕 ❗
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    ▷ 時尚:穿搭、精品 ► http://bit.ly/2fikcdA
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    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經
    ※台灣VOGUE 隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆是由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE 秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片和中文字幕,所以在此頻道上傳推薦給大家,也請喜歡我們頻道的各位可以訂閱我們的頻道,我們會繼續努力帶來更多的內容給大家

  • whipped中文 在 Something Shelley Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-07-05 16:50:23


    Hey Guys!!! 很多人敲碗的SKINCARE ROUTINE影片終於來了


    ✔️Something More

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/somethingshelley/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somethingshelley/


    ✔️Products Mentioned


    - BIODERMA Micellar Water 卸妝水
    https://rstyle.me/~axMyB (500ml的正常版)
    https://rstyle.me/~axMyC (500ml 按壓式的限量版)

    - BOBBI BROWN Soothing Cleansing Oil 茉莉沁透淨妝油

    - CLARISONIC MIA 2 音波淨膚儀(洗臉機)

    - FOREO LUNA MINI 2 迷你淨透潔面儀(洗臉機)

    - VANICREAM Gentle Facial Cleanser

    - LANCÔME Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Serum 小黑瓶

    - LANEIGE Eye Sleeping Mask 晚安睡眠眼膜

    - PETER THOMAS ROTH Max Complexion Correction Pads 去痘貼

    - DR.BAUMANN Intensive Lotion 肌能極致精華乳
    http://www.dr-baumann.ca/ (加拿大官網)

    - LA MER Moisturizing Cream乳霜

    - LA MER Renewal Oil 修護精華油

    - BY TERRY Hyaluronic Hydra-Powder 玻尿酸晚安護膚柔焦粉
    發現Revolve上有賣而且又寄全球,但顯然的好東西就是會被賣光所以網站上居然sold out!! 還是提供網址給亞洲的大家追蹤一下 https://rstyle.me/~axMFp
    如果住在美國和加拿大的話可以看看Look Fantastic https://rstyle.me/~axMG9

    - LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask 晚安唇膜


    - 做臉/嬰兒用的拋棄式純棉紙巾

    - LANCÔME Advanced Genifique Yeux Light-Pearl Eye Illuminator 肌因亮眼賦活精粹

    - RéVive Moisturizing Renewal Eye Cream 眼霜

    - OLE HENRIKSEN Truth Serum 緊緻精華液

    - DRUNK ELEPHANT Lala Retro Whipped Cream 面霜

    - LA MER The SPF 50 PA+++ Sunscreen 防曬乳
    北美跟亞洲的包裝好像不太一樣,但都是SPF50的 所以我想功效應該差不多 https://rstyle.me/~axMEv

    - LA MER The Lip Balm
    影片中沒提到但我當天嘴上就只有擦LA MER的護唇膏,擦起來有輕微的涼感但不會有任何亮度(不會影響上唇彩的色澤&光澤)不小心舔到的話也是甜甜的味道沒有任何油味,非常舒服又保濕的明星商品之一


    ✔️What I'm Wearing

    - Top: Levi's TShirt (purchased from Aritzia)

    - 💄: La Mer Lip Balm

    - 💅: Gel Nails @ Minoko Nail


    💌Business Inquiries:

    FTC: This video is NOT sponsored! Some of the links are affiliated, everything is based on my honest opinion!