在 wary中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻各投行的top picks for 2021 (會持續更新) 收集了一些投行挑選的2021標的個股. 供參. 建議可看一下投行的挑股原因. https://makingsenseofusastocks.blogspot.com/2021/01/top-picks-for-2021.html 🌻...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅阿東RangerEast,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Dark Souls 2(黑暗靈魂2) PC中文版。 今集講乜?高清1080既畫質,就算我成集只係影住隻橙都覺得好睇,更何況我影住既係兩隻橙,狩獵森林,寶箱萬歲!Be wary of amazing chest BTW,二刀流真係好爽!! 2m34s - 旋轉門 - 好假的信徒 3m40s -...
wary中文 在 beinghongkong Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-10-16 18:24:42
#就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇 走進店舖,往往如走馬看花,視線輕率滑過四周,步履只作日常所需的短暫停留。但當我認真凝視每個空間角落,便意識到背後歷史的重量。當為土瓜灣的蝦記麵店和永香冰室做資料搜集的時候,我本著好奇心仔細觀察店舖每一細節。一幅畫,一件裝飾品,不只因著...
wary中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-09 20:32:02
Who's this new handsome cutie tiny brown bear! Hes Gershwin, Gershwin has an old wound around his neck from a very tight chain. We put a harness on h...
wary中文 在 阿東RangerEast Youtube 的最讚貼文
2014-05-12 04:58:27Dark Souls 2(黑暗靈魂2) PC中文版。
今集講乜?高清1080既畫質,就算我成集只係影住隻橙都覺得好睇,更何況我影住既係兩隻橙,狩獵森林,寶箱萬歲!Be wary of amazing chest
2m34s - 旋轉門 - 好假的信徒
3m40s - Dark Souls冷知識 - Network Test
4m00s - 教闇術的人 - 駛唔駛咁巴屎閉
8m15s - 二刀流又大發神威
8m50s - 如何得到毒苔蘚球
11m48s - 料事如神
12m30s - 靈魂之槍事Q旦啦
13m00s - 法師之慣性OP之見解
14m50s - 直到你膝蓋中了一箭
15m50s - 危險的寶物
17m00s - 秒殺無情的柳士 - 佢真係叫無慈悲なリュース
17m55s - 好漢不吃眼前虧 reloaded
18m50s - 我的正氣太強大了, 惡靈退散!!
20m56s - 咀咒罋的處理辦法
21m39s - 克雷頓你好!! - Part1
24m30s - 打骷髏王的要訣
26m50s - 逐個擊破, 因為很重要, 所以說了很多次
30m15s - Dark Souls典故系列 - 前有不得了的寶箱
31m10s - 盡在不言中NPC系列 - 克洛亞娜
wary中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌻各投行的top picks for 2021 (會持續更新)
收集了一些投行挑選的2021標的個股. 供參. 建議可看一下投行的挑股原因.
🌻Why Do Fund Flows (資金流向) Matter?
Broadly, fund flows are a window into investor behavior and are often considered an indicator of investor sentiment. Inflows may suggest that investors are optimistic about potential future returns while outflows suggest that investors are more wary.
🌻[關於類股輪動] 2020 Market Performance by Morningstar
🌻最近在看的書: Covid-19: The Great Reset
這是世界經濟論壇執行董事長克勞斯·史瓦布 (Klaus Schwab)與經濟學家Thierry Malleret一起寫的書, 從經濟, 社會, 地緣政治, 環境, 科技的角度, 來看Covid-19對人類世界造成了甚麼影響以及產生了甚麼樣的各種大小趨勢.
看這本書的時候心情一點都不輕鬆. 不過很高興能夠透過這本書, 對自己以及未來有個省思. 希望未來透過了疫情這個大reset(重啟), 能夠越來越好.
這本書應該沒有中文版本. 有興趣的讀者可能需要直接從Amazon訂購:
🌻最近入手的新書: The Promised Land (by Barack Obama)
一直很欣賞Mr. Obama的領袖魅力, 所以這本書是一定得入手的.
From Amazon.
第三圖的意思是, 世界上發生的各種事情, 其實都是有關連性&相互影響的. 來源: 世界經濟論壇Global Risk Report: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Risk_Report_2020.pdf
wary中文 在 Being Hong Kong Facebook 的最佳解答
#就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇
We often dismiss or glance over interiors of shops and cafes. They become brisk stops where we do our weekly shop and nothing more, but having to inspect and analyse each facet of a space has led me to realise the depth and historical significance these old stores hold. When doing research for Har Kee Noodle and Wing Heung Cafe, I was encouraged to perceive each and every aspect inquisitively. Each photograph on the wall, each piece of decor perhaps wasn’t only there for mere aesthetic intention. Behind each aspect was a story to tell, one which represents a tangible history of the space. With perishable memories and the temporal notion of emotion, I found that connecting with the physical space was the best way to engage with the past. Researching online was one thing, but having this information set against the backdrop of where it all happened brought these memories to life. And by creating a collage, I wanted to highlight the preservation of a fleeting moment, memory encased and stories retold in these physical spaces. The wear and tear of furniture and iconic shopfront signs held a sense of sentimentality which I hope others will be more wary of in the future.
#就係香港2020秋季號#Remap土瓜灣生存手冊#老店 #本地創作
wary中文 在 東講西讀 Facebook 的最佳解答
Financial Times:
//中國的統戰工作遠遠不止於影響澳、紐政府。 澳洲國立大學國家安全學院院長Rory Medcalf說:“中國共產黨正試圖壓制世界各國僑民的異見。” “它使用一套方法來實現其目標:政治捐款,控制中文媒體,動員社區和學生群體去從事中共代理甚至參與領事官員的強制性活動“。//
金融時報日前報導, 西方各國開始更為警惕"外國勢力中國"。內文提到,中共在各國的統戰活動,比俄羅斯更具長遠目光,也更傾向同化他國社會;中國所用的統戰策略,香港與台灣大概不會感到陌生。
在中國日漸被視為具威脅力的sharp power之際,值得重溫新加坡學者朋友早前的文章——這篇文章,談在新加坡加強以國家為本位的中國國情教育之必要, 以應對愈來愈複雜且緊張的新中關係, 也為防止新加坡在中國壓力之下"芬蘭化"。
Commentary: The growing importance of China studies with Singapore characteristics
West grows wary of China’s influence game
“Chinese operations are much more subtle, less targeted and more about long-term influence-building than Russian operations,” says Christopher Johnson, the former head of the China desk at the Central Intelligence Agency and now a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
“But as we start to realise that China intends to socialise us rather than become more like us, the debate in the west has taken on a harder edge and people are asking whether 40 years of engagement might have been a sham.”
"Politicians from both sides of the aisle have been reticent to question how Jian Yang managed to have such a successful political career while keeping his military intelligence background secret. In contrast to Australia, New Zealand’s politicians and business elite appear much less willing to openly criticise any of Beijing’s actions out of fear of offending a big trading partner.
But China’s United Front work goes far beyond influencing antipodean governments. “The Chinese Communist party is seeking to suppress dissent among its diaspora in countries around the world,” says Rory Medcalf, head of the national security college at Australian National University. “It uses a tapestry of methods to achieve its goals: political donations, control of Chinese language media, mobilising community and student groups; and engaging in coercive activities that involve CCP proxies and even consular officials.”
Along with the carrots of economic engagement and market access, Beijing also uses sticks. Foreign journalists, politicians, businesspeople and academics regarded as “unfriendly” to China are refused visas to visit the country, attacked by state media and paid online trolls and sometimes targeted by Chinese hackers. The families of Chinese students and recent emigrants are often threatened by state security agents back in China if they are seen as stepping out of line while abroad.
One of the Chinese billionaires who allegedly provided donations to Mr Dastyari is Huang Xiangmo, founder of a property development company in Shenzhen who moved to Sydney with his family in 2011. Until recently he was chairman of the Australian Council for the Peaceful Reunification of China, a United Front-backed organisation.
As well as donating to politics, Mr Huang helped fund a China-focused think-tank at University of Technology Sydney, which has Bob Carr, a former Australian foreign minister, as its director. Mr Huang eventually resigned as chairman of the Australian-China Relations Institute’s advisory board when some academics questioned whether it was becoming a mouthpiece for Chinese propaganda."