

在 vigilant中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅林薇Vivi,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🦠 COVID-19 Crash Course 全民防疫課🦠 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 副總統的全民防疫課有英文版了~~~ 歡迎大家分享給所有外國的朋友🙌🏻 This is a clear and comprehensive crash course with all you ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Just Minnie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello guys! Hope you guys are staying safe and well. I love doing these kind of chatty makeup get ready videos. This video was filmed a while back. Th...

  • vigilant中文 在 林薇Vivi Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-10 14:55:23
    有 993 人按讚

    🦠 COVID-19 Crash Course 全民防疫課🦠

    陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 副總統的全民防疫課有英文版了~~~

    This is a clear and comprehensive crash course with all you need to know about COVID-19!!! (100% recommended👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻)
    The course is conducted by Taiwan Vice President, Chen Chien-Jen, who is also a well-known epidemiologist and public health expert.

    💡What can you learn from this video?

    This video will give you a better understanding of the information you see about the coronavirus on the news.You will be able to differentiate between real and fake news, share accurate information with those around you, and keep yourself and others safe from the virus. In the face of COVID-19, we should be vigilant, but we shouldn’t be afraid. By sharing accurate information and concepts, you’re playing an integral role in the world’s fight against the coronavirus!
    (written by Hahow)

    Please share this video!!! 🎥🎥🎥

    感謝 Hahow 好學校 的邀請,讓我們一起來學習簡單好懂但全面的防疫知識!



    同時也可以透過防疫課,讓全世界一起不再恐慌,並且了解 #TaiwanCanHelp and #TaiwanIsHelping !!!


  • vigilant中文 在 健吾 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-02 10:57:16
    有 501 人按讚

    share 給你的工人姐姐。給所有不看中文的朋友。



    IMPORTANT (重要資訊,中文在下面)

    Very useful and simplified health information for Coronavirus prevention, suitable for non-medical persons and public.
    Please forward and help saving as much as we can.
    We must all stay put together to fight this battle. It is no joke, but don’t panic, just try to be careful and stay vigilant always.
    Please take care of yourselves as well as the dearest around you.

    For those whom are unwell (e.g. upper respiratory symptoms like cough, runny nose, throat discomfort, breathing problems) especially with FEVER, must seek formal medical attention as soon as possible. Be truthful to your doctors about recent travel and contact history (e.g. whom you have met and where you recently travelled in recent 14 days). All these precious information would be VALUABLE puzzles to help your doctor making accurate diagnosis and help you to plan for the most suitable treatment WITHOUT DELAY and risking those around you.



    #新沙士 #沙士

  • vigilant中文 在 范琪斐的美國時間 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-04 02:21:24
    有 97 人按讚

    【 12 月 2 日(六) 國際新聞重要訊息 】
    ♦ 本週國際新聞小編: +0
    [ #美國 ] 美國陷性騷醜聞 歐巴馬藉機提倡女性領導


    📌 中央社新聞粉絲團:https://goo.gl/Q44DCJ
    [ #非洲 ] 奈及利亞雙重自殺炸彈攻擊 13 死逾 50 傷

    奈及利亞東北部一處繁忙晨間市集今天發生雙重自殺炸彈攻擊,造成至少 13 人死亡和超過 50 人受傷。當地警方發言人說,兩名女性自殺炸彈客滲透進入比烏鎮,其中一人在比烏鎮主要市場內引爆綁在身上急造爆炸裝置(IED),另一人在市場廣場外引爆炸彈。

    📌 中央社就給你「國際新聞」:https://goo.gl/zsKPPL
    [ #法國 ] 法國保護房客 欠租也不可在冬天驅離


    📌 中央社:https://goo.gl/mvT2Yz
    [ #國際 ] 美韓最大空演前夕 北韓警告可能掀核戰

    美國與南韓即將展開有史以來規模最大的聯合空中演習,名為「警戒王牌」(Vigilant Ace)的5天演習將自明天開始,預計動用230多架飛機,包括F-22猛禽匿蹤戰機。北韓今天在軍演前夕抨擊兩國為「戰爭販子」,並說演習可能觸發核戰。白宮國家安全顧問麥馬斯特(H. R. McMaster)稍早才警告,與貧困卻擁核的北韓開戰可能性「與日俱增」。

    📌 經濟日報:https://goo.gl/rSnHPJ
    [ #美國 ] 「通俄門」事態劇變 耐人尋味的六點

    美國「通俄門」核心嫌疑人之一弗林(Michael Flynn)開口,承認在與俄羅斯使館聯繫之事上對聯邦調查局(FBI)撒謊,做了偽證。他還保證將與 FBI 和負責「通俄門」調查的特別檢察官穆勒合作。此舉撼動美國。BBC 北美事務記者澤克爾(Anthony Zurcher)認為,弗林認罪的衝擊體主要在六個方面。

    📌 BBC 中文網(繁體):https://goo.gl/HnoCrs

  • vigilant中文 在 Just Minnie Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-26 19:58:42

    Hello guys! Hope you guys are staying safe and well. I love doing these kind of chatty makeup get ready videos. This video was filmed a while back. Throwback to times when I still get to go visit my gyms and classes while staying vigilant. Now i just wish to stay safe and workout at my rooftop. Hope y’all like this video hehe x

    Instagram// wysminnie

