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 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過31萬的網紅Spark Liang 张开亮,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【股票熱點:在拆股之前,蘋果(AAPL.US)值得買入嗎? 】 當前的蘋果股票可能很有吸引力, 在7月31日消息宣布1:4比例進行拆股, 一些投資者可能想知道, 在拆股之前,該股是否值得買入? 蘋果公司用股票折分計畫 以使讓很多投資者買得起蘋果股 導致股價上漲 那很多人就有許多疑問 那我是不是應該...

warrant金融 在 小飛俠林燕玲 Ruby Lam Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 07:18:50

✨Fly Toward Advancement Ruby Lam | 更勝一籌 林燕玲✨Chapter 2 - Believe In Strength But Not In Luck 相信實力 不信運氣 - 即使曾經歷不同行業,Ruby都可以發展順利:非新聞系出身的她,很快便晉升首席主播;從事金融業...

  • warrant金融 在 帶你穩勝 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-25 19:39:09
    有 2 人按讚

    衍伸性金融商品 - 權證介紹




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  • warrant金融 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-23 01:34:17
    有 77 人按讚

    [係又SPAC,唔係又SPAC!]真係夠膽死叫 Just Another 的。果然係又SPAC,唔係又SPAC。令我諗起《點解咁好笑》嘅「公司篇」(如圖),呢位係「係又經理」,呢位「唔係又經理」。居然畀我搵到片(https://ytube.io/3F0s)!但去到嗰個位咁啱停咗!邪門到呢!(&)但信我,你眼力好見到係寫住「係又經理」「唔係又經理」。(*)

    告個急先:Ivan已被炒,3月開始失業。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80

    1. For some reason(主要係忙,懶,掛住同讀者飯,仲有睇戲),牛年居然都未寫過一篇長文(大師冇點你 讀者請食飯嗰啲唔計啦)。都同大家拜個遲年(不如中秋先丫?),恭喜發財,最緊要發財。咁牛年當然畀好文大家,雖然未必幫你即時發財。

    2. 係喎,「又一間」SPAC申請上市。真係股災先兆(災咗啦)。點解?因為間嘢真係叫「又一間」SPAC!好有《精裝追女仔》住宿「一流」大酒店嘅 feel

    3. 真係玩無可玩了,一個月前已經有人入紙整間SPAC,叫做LMFAO。真係叫 LMF Acquisition Opportunities.

    4. 今次呢間?名都費事改。「是但啦」。好似你去仙踪林(#)叫杯「隨便」咁,聽講呀茶師傅會睇你個氣色調杯嘢畀你。我估師傅見到我應該整杯鉛筆碎搞勻溝水畀我飲,因為我嘅人生我嘅口面就咁上下。仲要搵個爛杯嚟裝,唏,我地邊個有誰嘅人生唔係千瘡百孔千刀萬剮呢?(所以我從來都唔會叫「隨便」)

    5. 關於SPAC,實在冇乜好講。因為真係半年前已經寫得好詳細(https://bityl.co/5i2L)冇呃你。咁香港特色梗係咁,冇嗰樣整嗰樣。美國佬多SPAC然後坡佬又話要引入然後就有人屌香港做乜唔引入,食老本只靠北水(3000億成交喎,新加坡幾多億?)。到引入咗呢,就會領嘢,又出嚟講做乜要人有我有,人地乜乜乜冇可比性。的確,美國有集體訴訟喎,香港冇。當年亦係用呢個原因反對同股不同權(利申:我由頭到尾都反對)。咁而家講SPAC又唔提呢樣嘢?又唔係冇可比性?

    6. 至於坡國啦喎,一路都出各式招數搶香港生意,做得好大膽做得好爛添。由N年前嘅Zero Strike Warrant去「複製」你啲中資股,到率先又搞同股不同權(再講一次,混帳之極嘅東西),而家又係SPAC行頭。粗俗啲講句,你就假假地都大場,係咪要同啲企街一樣咁爛?人地畀人唔用套中出你又比?

    7. 當然SPAC並非十分爛(冇同股不同權咁爛),問題係,屌,你估新發明?上個月意大利到港無敵新名牌子?SPAC有咗至少廿年(好多人真係世界由自己開始)。點解之前冇人提?因為搞唔起!點解搞唔起!因為成日輸錢!

    8. 咁當然,呢啲以前嘅事啦。最近一兩年啲SPAC,好多都賺錢嘅。點解?「因為根本呢一兩年好多股票都賺錢!」。再講白啲,就係錢多人傻,乜公司都搞一輪

    9. 至於SPAC有乜好處,舊文已經有講,寫咗四五千字,訂Patreon自己慢慢睇。但肯定嘅係,SPAC並唔係「跳過投行」—而家啲人真係好撚好笑,投行業績強勁,正係因為SPAC袋咗唔少。

    10. SPAC最大好處當然係快!唔使咩審批IPO,集咗資先。吾友高天佑都有寫(https://bityl.co/5i2p),用買衫做比喻。我就再粗鄙啲,即係錢你就畀咗10蚊先先,女你就唔知整件乜畀你,神秘禮物。太夜call唔到女就回返水畀你。咁你信雞頭唔會跣你搵你笨咪得,唔會明明冇好嘢都夾硬整件嘢費事回水。

    11. 留意呢個同雞頭嘅能力冇乜關係,可以無能但老實,或者精甩邊但昆你兼昆埋條女。咁呼之欲出了,道德是甚麼?不外乎就係 track record,重覆交易。咁我唯一(應該係誰一?)一次推過隻SPAC,正係李澤棍同Peter Thiel。

    12. 咁但其他嗰啲LMFAO 或者 Just Another SPAC,就真係Club House 神秘房了。隨你。但美國有集體訴訟,香港冇。你諗你。新加坡?新加坡連ThisAV都禁呀!(我當年出trip的確禁咗),你唔學?新加坡香口膠都唔畀食添呀。

    13. 拿,牛年第一篇文,應該冇令大家失望吧?「有失望就睇埋啲(*)」。都係嗰句,表演完我就拎個兜出嚟問大家拎錢啦。半個月後就失業。實不相瞞搵工都冇乜回音,證明公司待我不薄。

    14. 2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1300人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 年費仲有85折



    實在唔止《點解咁好笑》係咁。你睇《週日床上的顧西蒙》(居然係1998年嘅書,但留意原文係1979-1984年,早過點解咁好笑嘅1988年),都發現入面有啲嘢咁多年都冇乜變!公司annual dinner呀,搵個識英文嘅出去和番呀,老海鮮譚爺呀,韋小寶Micheal呀,會計佬黃金來呀,梗有一個在左近!

    所以好老廢一句:有啲嘢會變,但又有啲嘢係不變的。唔止職場,你睇《點解咁好笑》嘅主題曲,「交通困塞有車都失意義」「租屋似慘過登天不太易,山頂卻通處空屋空置住」,今日依然係咁!正如「炒金炒股炒紙」「影星愛戀阿嬸天天注視」亦話你知英殖年代香港人嘅核心價值係乜。仲唔信嘅,聽多次《話知你97》,或者《我至叻》。呢啲就時代曲 ZeitGeist啦!阿叻在紅館開7場演唱會添呀!知唔知嗰個年代在紅館開演唱會係件大事?同年在紅館開演唱會嘅,係羅文周華健Beyond陳慧嫻張國榮劉華黎明張學友彭羚許志安鄭秀文。

    再同樣地,遲《點解咁好笑》幾年(感覺好似爭好多年!)嘅《笑星救地球》,睇下歌詞:「大氣頂穿左個窿 醫生也得傷風 炎寒熱到慒 暑季偏偏刮北風」,係咪發現而家都係咁呢!一早知道 climate change啦!但有冇做嘢?冇!(我有!唔生仔!)。所以人類都係冚球鏟的了,唔使諗。當然仲有「淑女想收腰 早餐晚餐都要小 難為在遠方 飢荒吔蕉當豆苗」。貧富不均呀,過去三十幾年有冇改善到?你話呢?

    (&)呢度仲想講多個故事。我同學,真係我同學。話說佢有年去圖書館,見到某本書,唔知睇目錄定內文,見到話書尾奉送一個表定圖嘅拉頁,佢覺得十分正。想撕落嚟。結果佢揭到去嗰頁?發現一早畀人撕走咗!故事教訓?當年未做金融嘅我,就同佢講佛經,呢啲就係「鬼上身」,「惡」就係由此起。而家做金融嘅我,一個字:Efficient Market.

    (#)留意唔係仙跡岩!雖然三十歲以下應該仙跡岩都唔識!不知有漢 無論魏晉。

  • warrant金融 在 雲爸的3c學園 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-31 03:17:35
    有 112 人按讚

    轉錄 -

    Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thank you.

    I’m here today to talk about our relationship with China and several new measures to protect American security and prosperity.

    China’s pattern of misconduct is well known.

    For decades, they’ve ripped off the United States, like no one has ever done before.

    Hundreds of billions of dollars a year were lost dealing with China, especially over the years during the prior administration.

    China raided our factories, off shored our jobs, gutted our industries, stole our intellectual property and violated their commitments under the World Trade Organization.

    To make matters worse, they are considered a developing nation, getting all sorts of benefits that others, including the United States are not entitled to.

    But I have never solely blamed China for this.

    They were able to get away with a theft, like no one was able to get away with before because of past politicians and frankly, past presidents.

    But unlike those who came before, my administration negotiated and fought for what was right. It’s called fair and reciprocal treatment.

    China has also unlawfully claimed territory in the Pacific Ocean, threatening freedom of navigation and international trade.

    And they broke their word to the world on ensuring the autonomy of Hong Kong.

    The United States wants an open and constructive relationship with China, but achieving that relationship requires us to vigorously defend our national interests.

    The Chinese government has continually violated its promises to us and so many other nations. These plain facts can not be overlooked or swept aside.

    The world is now suffering as a result of the malfeasance of the Chinese government.

    China’s coverup of the Wu Han virus allowed the disease to spread all over the world, instigating a global pandemic that has cost more than 100,000 American lives and over a million lives worldwide.

    Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the world health organization to mislead the world When the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities.

    Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe.

    They strongly recommended against me doing the early ban from China, but I did it anyway, and was proven to be 100% correct.

    China has total control over the World Health Organization, despite only paying $40 million per year, compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year.

    We have detailed the reforms that it must make and engage with them directly, but they have refused to act.

    Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs.

    The world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency.

    Why is it that China shut off infected people from Wuhan, to all other parts of China? It went nowhere else.It didn’t go to Beijing. It went nowhere else, but they allowed them to freely travel throughout the world, including Europe and the United States.

    The death and destruction caused by this is incalculable. We must have answers not only for us, but for the rest of the world.

    This pandemic has underscored the crucial importance of building up America's economic independence, reassuring our critical supply chains and protecting America's scientific and technological advances.

    For years, the government of China has conducted elicit espionage to steal our industrial secrets of which there are many.

    Today I will issue a proclamation to better secure our nation's vital university research and to suspend the entry of certain foreign nationals from China, who we have identified as potential security risks.

    I am also taking action to protect the integrity of America's financial system, by far the best in the world.

    I am instructing my presidential working group, One Financial Markets, to study the differing practices of Chinese companies listed on the US financial markets, with the goal of protecting American investors.

    Investment firms should not be subjecting their clients to the hidden and undue risks associated with financing Chinese companies that do not play by the same rules.

    Americans are entitled to fairness and transparency.

    Several of the most significant actions we're taking pertain to deeply troubling situations unfolding in Hong Kong.

    This week, China unilaterally impose control over Hong Kong security.

    This was a plain violation of Beijing's treaty obligations with the United Kingdom in the Declaration of 1984 and explicit provisions of Hong Kong's basic law. It has 27 years to go.

    The Chinese government's move against Hong Kong is the latest in a series of measures that are diminishing the city's longstanding and very proud status.

    This is a tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, the people of China, and indeed the people of the world.

    China claims it is protecting national security, but the truth is that Hong Kong was secure and prosperous as a free society.Beijing's decision reverses all of that.

    It extends the reach of China's invasive state security apparatus into what was formerly a bastion of Liberty.

    China's latest incursion, along with other recent developments that degraded the territory's freedoms, makes clear that Hong Kong is no longer sufficiently autonomous to warrant the special treatment that we have afforded the territory since the handover.

    China has replaced its promise formula of one country, two systems, with one country, one system.

    Therefore, I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment.

    My announcement today will affect the full range of agreements we have with Hong Kong, from our extradition treaty to our export controls on dual use technologies and more, with few exceptions.

    We will be revising the state department's travel advisory for Hong Kong to reflect the increased danger of surveillance and punishment by the Chinese state security apparatus.

    We will take action to revoke Hong Kong's preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of China.

    The United States will also take necessary steps to sanction PRC and Hong Kong officials directly or indirectly involved in eroding Hong Kong's autonomy and just, if you take a look, smothering, absolutely smothering Hong Kong's freedom.

    Our actions will be strong, our actions will be meaningful.

    More than two decades ago on a rainy night in 1997, British soldiers lowered the Union flag and Chinese soldiers raised the Chinese flag in Hong Kong.

    The people of Hong Kong felt simultaneously proud of their Chinese heritage and their unique Hong Kong identity.

    The people of Hong Kong hoped that in the years and decades to come, China would increasingly come to resemble it’s most radiant and dynamic city.

    The rest of the world was electrified by a sense of optimism that Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past.

    In every decision, I will continue to proudly defend and protect the workers, families, and citizens of the United States of America.

    Thank you very much. Thank you.


