

在 warm名詞產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過531的網紅Yang.AT 運動知識分享,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🏃🏻‍♀️你熱身還在只做拉筋伸展嗎⁉️​ 現在國手都在做動態熱身​ 我們也快跟上!🙌​ ​ 今天🐑老師要來跟大家介紹什麼叫「動態熱身」!​ ​ -​ ​ ❤️動態熱身(Dynamic warm up):​ 顧名思義,就是以跑、跳等動態方式來提高肌肉溫度,與促進血液循環。​ ​ ❣️同時還有以下幾個優...

warm名詞 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天要介紹accord這個單字~ 上周的新聞英文中也有介紹過,accord作為名詞時意思為「協議、條約」及「一致」,例如 “They signed a peace accord.” 就是「他們簽署了和平協議。」 或是”We have reached an accord.” 的意思就是「我們達成了一致...

warm名詞 在 Yang.AT|運動訓練?健康知識分享 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-19 01:27:07

🏃🏻‍♀️你熱身還在只做拉筋伸展嗎⁉️​ 現在國手都在做動態熱身​ 我們也快跟上!🙌​ ​ 今天🐑老師要來跟大家介紹什麼叫「動態熱身」!​ ​ -​ ​ ❤️動態熱身(Dynamic warm up):​ 顧名思義,就是以跑、跳等動態方式來提高肌肉溫度,與促進血液循環。​ ​ ❣️同時還有以下幾個優...

warm名詞 在 芝伊 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-26 20:01:00

與其將自己置身鬧區 我更愛將自己放在安心的地方 - 我喜歡和朋友家人一起玩一起鬧,也喜歡看著身邊的人快樂 - 但是我也非常需要自己的空間 所以很多時候我需要把自己無條件沈浸在自己的世界,跟那些令我感到平靜與安心的人事物一起感受生命。 #高敏感族群 一個近期很常聽見的名詞 這樣的人特別敏感,就像我...

  • warm名詞 在 Yang.AT 運動知識分享 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-02 14:34:45
    有 0 人按讚




    ❤️動態熱身(Dynamic warm up):​





    過度的靜態伸展會使肌梭(muscle spindle)的靈敏度下降,雖然肌肉變得更容易被拉長、鬆弛,但接收命令收縮的訊號也會變得緩慢,便會降低肌肉的爆發力與運動表現。​


    肌梭(muscle spindle):​

    #workout ​
    #sportsrecovery ​
    #athletictrainer ​
    #coach ​

  • warm名詞 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-19 22:18:34
    有 4 人按讚


    What Is The World's Most Relaxing Color? A New Survey Just Found Out

    There is much more to color than meets the eye. Strangely enough, us humans have a close emotional bond with the visible ( ) light aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum, a bond so strong it can easily make us feel stressed out with a raised heart rate or leave us with a warm and fuzzy sense of satisfaction.

    If you’re looking to cool your jets and relax, one of the most calming colors to be surrounded by, according to a global survey from paper merchant G F Smith and psychologists at the University of Sussex, UK is navy blue, closely followed by teal-like turquoise ( ), and soft pastel pink.

    The World's Favourite Colour Project involved 26,596 participants from over 100 different countries, possibly the largest ever color study, to get some insights ( ) into the world's most beloved color. To do this, they asked the human guinea pigs to list attributes ( ) and emotions that they associate with certain colors in the hopes of also finding out what different hues mean to different people, and what may influence this.

    "Many studies have investigated the link between color and emotion. Although not all of these studies agree, some consistent ( ) results can be extracted ( ) from the literature,” Professor Anna Franklin, a leading expert in color psychology at the University of Sussex, wrote in a blog post about the project.

    "First, the more saturated ( ) the color is, the more it is associated with excitement and stimulation,” Franklin explained. “Second, the lighter the color, the more it is associated with calmness and relaxation. Many studies have found that blue and green are also associated with calmness and relaxation (fewer studies find no association).”

    The findings also showed that orange is most often associated with happiness, while pink is viewed as the sexiest, and the colors people around the world most associated with luxury are white, purple, and orange.

    In case you were curious, most people’s favorite color appears to be green or blue, although there was a lot of variety in the results. According to the ecological valence ( ) theory (just one of a handful of color preference theories), humans appear to be fond of these colors because they’re associated with environmental features we can benefit from and enjoy, such as clear skies, clean water, and vegetation. That also explains why we tend not to like murky brown colors, as we link them to dirty water, poop, and disease.

    However, while certain colors seem to embody ( ) a universal characteristic – for example, red equates to anger – it’s worth remembering some interpretations of color can vary hugely between groups.

    "Several studies suggest that color associations, particularly abstract ( ) concepts, can vary across cultures,” Professor Anna Franklin says. "For example, whereas white is associated with peace in some cultures, in others it is associated with death.”











    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • warm名詞 在 幼智英兒abc - 12歲以下寶貝的美語園地 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-07-16 11:00:01
    有 25 人按讚

    🔡#英兒讀讀樂 📖🎤 #每日一字
    『聯想式故事』只需要短短時間 ⏱️, 利用與我們日常生活相關的示意圖來加深印象,讓孩子動動腦,一起發揮創意 🚀,輕鬆學會”Compound Word複合字”~
    除此之外,溫室效應就稱作greenhouse effect喔!
    A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.
    greenhouse 溫室
    stay 保存
    warm 溫暖
    glass 玻璃
    trap 保存、收集
    heat 熱量、熱氣
    sun 太陽
    📖Compound Word複合字-形式:
    1. 名詞 + 名詞 (N. + N.)
    2. 名詞 + 動詞 (N. + V.)
    3. 形容詞 + 名詞 (Adj. + N.)
    4. 副詞 + 動詞 (Adv. + V.)
    適合 #所有小朋友 #英文學習素材
    #輕鬆學英文 #幼智英兒abc 👦 👶 👧

