

在 vibrant名詞產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【6句英文,一起緬懷李前總統對台灣民主發展的貢獻】 親愛的李前總統,您曾經是我在日本唸書時,在跟日本的長輩、早稻田大學附近百年的燒鳥店老闆、老教授們聊天時的共同話題。每個人對您是不是 "hero" 各有看法、也有自由可以有不同的看法,這已是您最大的貢獻。 你教了我:對的改變一定要堅持,即便過程...

vibrant名詞 在 凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 13:05:06

#凱蒂旅行去 #泰國東北 世界奇湖報你知! 紅蓮花海在2014年的時候,被CNN評選為世界10大奇湖的第二名 上一篇的凱蒂旅行去,介紹泰國東北的烏冬他尼,這次來好好介紹烏冬他尼最出名的紅蓮花海吧。 紅蓮花海是從泰文ทะเลบัวแดง直翻過來的。ทะเลบัวแดง唸做Talay Bua Dae...

  • vibrant名詞 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-31 09:36:37
    有 596 人按讚


    親愛的李前總統,您曾經是我在日本唸書時,在跟日本的長輩、早稻田大學附近百年的燒鳥店老闆、老教授們聊天時的共同話題。每個人對您是不是 "hero" 各有看法、也有自由可以有不同的看法,這已是您最大的貢獻。

    你教了我:對的改變一定要堅持,即便過程會很辛苦。但想要改變要不只要勇敢、還要有謀略、策略。Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    democracy 在做「民主制度」時,是抽象語意,是不可數名詞。但當 democracy 在當「民主國家」、「民主政體」時,則是可數名詞喔。

    ❶ He was instrumental in the nation’s peaceful transition from the autocratic rule (專制統治) to one of Asia’s most vibrant democracies (活躍的民主政體). Lee also cemented Taiwan’s identity as distinct from China.

    【句型 / 搭配】
    ✔︎ X is instrumental in sth... X 在 sth 中扮演重要、協助性的角色
    ✔︎ cement + identity 強化、鞏固~的身份

    ❷ Lee Teng-hui is one of the key founders of today’s prosperous and democratic Taiwan (繁榮且民主的台灣), a country that is the marvel of observers throughout Asia and the world (讓亞洲和世界各國感到驚嘆的國家). I salute him for his unparalleled contributions (無比重要的貢獻) to the modern and self-confident Taiwan of today!

    【句型 / 搭配】
    ✔︎ the key founder of sth... 主要的創建者
    ✔︎ marvel (v.) + at sth 對~感到驚嘆
    marvel (n.) It's a marvel to me that S+V...
    ✔︎ unparalleled contributions 無比重要貢獻、無可匹敵的
    貢獻 => unrivaled contributions

    ❸ President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文): “President Lee’s contribution to Taiwan’s democratic journey was irreplaceable and his death is a great loss for the country."

    【句型 / 搭配】
    ✔︎ irreplaceable + contribution 難以取代的貢獻
    ✔︎ sb's death is a great loss for sth / sb

    ❹ Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) also offered his condolences to Lee’s family through his office, while affirming Lee’s contributions to Taiwan’s democratization.

    【句型 / 搭配】
    ✔︎ offer condolences 表達哀悼
    ✔︎ democratization 民主化

    ➠ Democratization is the transition to a more democratic political regime (民主的政治政體).

    ❺ Lee allowed the nation to smoothly evolve from an authoritarian regime (獨裁政體) to a democratic one, and he was able to withdraw from the political scene (退出政壇) at his peak, Ko (柯文哲) wrote, describing Lee as a “hero of the era.”

    【句型 / 搭配】
    ✔︎ evolve from X to Y 從 X 轉變、演變、進化到 Y
    ✔︎ withdraw from the political scene 退出政壇
    ✔︎ at sb's peak 在某人的高峰 (通常是職涯)

    ❻ Lee served as Taiwan's president from 1988 to 2000, overseeing its transition from martial law dictatorship (實施戒嚴法的獨裁統治政體) to a full-fledged democracy (成熟的民主政體)

    ✔︎ a full-fledged democracy 成熟、發展完全的民主政體

    • 以下文字取自於 Financial Times、The New York Times、TIME、Taipei Times

  • vibrant名詞 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-05-20 22:32:33
    有 22 人按讚


    It's been a while since my last update. I have finished the first 1/3 of the trip, visited Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and am going to enter China tomorrow. Here I'd like to quickly summarize what I did in the past few days, as I don't have time to make up in details.

    Visited Silk Road ancient cities Khiva and Bukhara


    Khiva and Bukhara were both capitals of khanates until 1920, when Soviet Communist Party abolished them. The age of khans is actually not that far from us. Consequently, many Turkic and Islamic architectures are well preserved in these cities until now.

    Enjoying Timur empire capital Samarkand for 3 days


    My first impression of Central Asia was from Samarkand, where around a square stand three madrassases with delicate tiles and rounded domes. Since then, Central Asia has been attractive to me. In 15th century, this city was as important as Paris, and today this is the place to find the biggest and most splendid Islamic architectures in Central Asia. Today it's still a vibrant city, and I didn't feel bored after spending 3 days there.

    Entering Kyrgyzstan, and encountering Taipei in Bishkek



    The flight from Tashkent to Bishkek is the only non-over-land segment on my trip, and I did so in order to obtain Kyrgyzstan's e-visa, which now only opens to air passengers. After this flight, the next one would be one month later from Helsinki, Finland.

    Kyrgyzstan's economy is not great compared to other Central Asian countries, but its capital still flourishes and looks appealing. Greenways and street plants make its appearance especially unique. New high-rise apartments and old low houses both exist here, and interestingly, just like my hometown Taipei, they also like to protect windows with rails and have ACs hung outside buildings. While seeing this scene, sometimes I thought I was back in Taipei.

    在頌湖(Son Kul)體驗遊牧民族生活
    Nomadic life at Son Kul


    Son Kul is the second largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. While being outsized by the first, its pure sky at high altitude and nomadic lifestyle made me decide to put it on my "must-go" list. People usually go on tours arranged by agents, where a local guide leads you to ride horses for two days and cross over mountains, and then after arriving at the Lake, you can stay in yurts and experience the life and cuisine of the locals. As it was fairly early in season, I was the only tours that day, which means I had to pay a bit more. However, as soon as I got to the lake and felt the solitude, I thought it was totally worth the price.

    Next stop

    離開頌湖之後我一直在搭車——先是2小時下山、3小時回到首都,接著馬上是15小時的夜車從北跨到南部大城奧什(Osh),然後再3.5小時到達今晚過夜的Sary-Tash,一個位在帕米爾高原上海拔3170公尺的小鎮,準備明天一早翻過山進入新疆喀什。從山上下來又搭夜車,已經連續四個晚上沒洗澡了,期待明天到達喀什可以好好給他洗洗睡 :)


    Since leaving Son Kul, I've been riding vehicles: 2 hours to get out from the lake, 3 hours to go back to Bishkek, which was followed by a 15-hour night ride from Bishkek to Osh, and then a 3.5-hour ride to Sary-Tash, where I will spend my night at. Tomorrow I'll leave in early morning to enter China via Pamir Highway. My destination is Kashgar. It's been 4 days since the last time I got a shower. Looking forward to doing that in Kashgar tomorrow :)

