Posted @ippikifish Carol's Yoga Teacher Training (4/6)
Posted @ippikifish Carol's Yoga Teacher Training (4/6)
老實說,這部分我是最不感興趣的 zzz 我沒有宗教信仰,自覺是一個宗教感很低的人,對瑜伽的非常靈性的一面也沒有特別追求。不過我亦認為作為一個瑜伽導師是不可以不知瑜伽的歷史淵源,而且認識幾千年來它如何演變來跟每個時代接洽也是有趣的。Carol所選擇的文本都不算易讀,不過她很好,有很多艱深的英文字已經給我們翻譯了中文。當中的一些瑜伽的倫理和我本身的理念,例如要做一個善良的人啊,尊重大自然呀都很相似。有很多神學概念我讀完還是比較一頭霧水,但 Carol 會用日常生活的例子來讓我們明白。我比較喜歡一起討論如何應用瑜伽倫理與日常生活和教學中,尤其是應對過度消費和環境問題方面。
Schedule: 30 October 2021 - 30 January 2022 (break from 25 December 2021 - 3 January 2022)
Time:Saturdays & Sunday : 10am - 5pm Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Early-Bird Discount
Early-Bird Price $28,500 : Application sent in on or before 6 September 2021.
Regular Price $32,000 : Application sent in starting from 7 September 2021.
· No refund or credit will be given for cancellation starting 7 September 2021.
· Valid refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund.
詳情(中英available) :
@yogicarol @thepracticegroup
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valid翻譯 在 蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答
這次美國從阿富汗撤軍,撤得蠻果決的,像是撤離 Bagram 空軍基地時,為了避免撤離過程被襲擊,連盟友阿富汗政府都沒事先通知,就這樣離開,然後才通知阿富汗政府軍去接收。
人數估計在10000 人上下。
- Biden Defends Afghan Pullout, Sets Evacuation for Interpreters
「Among countries the U.S. is considering are Qatar and the United Arab Emirates as well as the U.S. territory of Guam, officials said. The translators moved out of Afghanistan could be in those countries for years as they await a valid U.S. visa.
Officials estimated the number of Afghans who assisted the U.S. and who need to be evacuated at between 9,000 and 16,000. 」
valid翻譯 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
I am somewhat of a ‘literalist’, because I am for truth and accuracy. (我算是個「直譯派」,因爲我求真、求準。)
——Peter Newmark, ‘A Textbook of Translation’, 1988
Translation ‘should be as faithful as possible, and as free as necessary.’ (翻譯應盡可能忠於原文,必要時自由釋意。)
——P. Cauer, ‘Art of Translation’ (‘Die Kunst des Übersetzens’), 1914. 德文原文 ‘So treu wie möglich, so frei als nöthig.’
What is first and most needful is that the translation should be correct, that the thoughts should be rendered by their correspondents, not falsified or mutilated or amplified by extraneous matter. ( 第一要務:翻譯應當正確,原作的思想應當以對應的思想呈現,而非用外來的東西加以篡改、肢解或擴大。)
——J. P. Postgate quoting (perhaps translating too) Friedrich Blass on ‘Die Überselzungen’, Hermeneutik und Kritik, volume I of Iwan Mueller’s ‘Handbuch der klassischen Altertums-Wissenschaft’
By general consent, though not by universal practice, the prime merit of a translation proper is Faithfulness, and he is the best translator whose work is nearest to his original.
——J. P. Postgage, ‘Translation and Translations : Theory and Practice’, 1922
[I]n communicative as in semantic translation, provided that equivalent-effect is secured, the literal [1] translation is not only the best, it is the only valid method of translation. There is no excuse for unnecessary ‘synonyms’, let alone paraphrases, in any type of translation.
——Peter Newmark, ‘Approaches to translation’, 1981
註[1]:此處,Newmark 原文寫 the literal word-for-word translation,我去掉了 word-for-word,因爲我更同意 Wilss 大篇幅論述的一點:literal(字面)不等同 word-for-word(逐字)。見下一個引述。
In contrast to word-for-word translation, literal translation, which is set up bidirectional (not unidirectionally, as is the case with non-literal translation) , is a translation procedure which, under certain circumstances, is totally acceptable stylistically.
——Wolfram Wilss, ‘The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods’, 1981
從翻譯文學史上看,人們對意譯和直譯及其相互關係的認識是逐漸深化的。晚清時代梁啟超所說的“譯意不譯詞”中的“譯意”其意思就是“意譯”。但那時人們還分不清楚“意譯”與“竄譯”的區別。他們所說的“譯意” 或“意譯”就是指對原作隨意加以增刪改動的竄譯,正如把“直譯”也理解為逐字對譯一樣。實際上,翻譯界一直有許多人對“意譯”和“直譯”做了這種理解。有人認為翻譯的基本方法只有兩種,那就是“直譯”與“意譯”。這樣一來,就自然地把“竄譯”包含在了“意譯”中,同時也把逐字硬譯包含在“直譯”中了。這樣做對科學地區分翻譯方法是不利的。應該說,竄譯”是“意譯”的極端,而逐字硬譯是“直譯”的極端;但“竄譯”是以不尊重原作為前提的,不尊重原作首先就是既不尊重原作的“形”與“詞”,也不會尊重原作的“意”,其結果就不可能準確地譯出原作的“意”,因此不能稱之為“意譯”。
我們現在其實還沒很超過Postgate五十多年前論翻譯時候所注重的話。 他說:大家都承認,雖然大家不都實行,一個翻譯的基本優點就在乎一個信,誰翻譯的跟原文最近就是誰翻譯的最好。可是遠近旣然還是程度的問題,這話不是又說回頭了嗎?有一個有用的試驗法就是把譯文譯回頭,看是不是另有一個更恰切的原文可以對這譯文。如果有的話,那就是起頭兒翻譯的不夠信。
Translation is in essence a compromise, and its course a zigzag. Its deviations from the straight the Translator with singleness of purpose will reduce to a minimum, while the free ‘Verter’ with one eye on the reader and the other more than half on himself will be tempted to extend them till they correspond to the large vistas of Beauty and Truth that these obliquities of vision can command. Such a one may ‘vert’ as much and as freely as he pleases; but if he seeks the humble title of a ‘translator’ he must change his methods or renounce his claim.
——J. P. Postgage, Translation and Translations : Theory and Practice, 1922