👀Analysis on 2017 Paper 2 inappropriate choice of language👀
😠Stock phrases
1️⃣ gourmet’s paradise
👀代替: food paradise
2️⃣mouth-watering ...
👀Analysis on 2017 Paper 2 inappropriate choice of language👀
😠Stock phrases
1️⃣ gourmet’s paradise
👀代替: food paradise
2️⃣mouth-watering cuisine
👀代替: delicious/tasty/wonderful dish
3️⃣cut-throat competition
👀代替: keen competition
4️⃣fight on our own turf
呢度context不足,未能replace,不過”turf”指”area”,應該都係”keen competition”嗰類。
👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼大大:2017嘅stock phrases都係針對metaphorical嘅字/idioms去講,雖然idiom得一個,不過過往幾年已經嚴打咗一堆”idioms”,你仲夠唔夠膽呢?最少semi-formal同formal嘅我一定唔會用。👀
😠Problematic sentences
5️⃣ While some sing praises to this choice in the belief that…, some frown upon it.
👀代替: While some believe this choice is wise in the sense that…, some disagree.
🧠原因: 考評局認為“sing praises”係poetic同metaphorical,而2016嘅report已經講咗”frown upon”唔係咁用,用返”disagree”較好。
6️⃣ After serious consideration in the long run as a whole, I am firmly convinced that we should give the green lights to the suggestion. 👀代替: Considering the enormous benefits brought by the suggestion, we should adopt it soon.
🧠原因: 考評局就話前半句好累贅,我就覺得成句都好累贅😂冇人care你係咪convinced, 你要convince readers嘛。”Give green lights”就係idioms類,盡量少用啦,再加上你前面又咁formal, 無啦啦整個idiom怪怪的。
7️⃣ Valid as this argument is at first glance, it does not HOLD much WATER.
👀代替: The argument seems to be valid/sounds reasonable. In fact, it is illogical as... 🧠原因: “Hold water”係cliché,都話考評局dislike idioms㗎啦,尤其formal, semi-formal。
8️⃣ The justifications to which my PROPENSITY can be ASCRIBED are TWO-FOLD.
👀代替: There are 2 reasons, including A and B, behind my view.
🧠原因: “propensity”, “ascribed” 同 “two-fold” 係low-frequency words,通常用於legal context),2016已經開始ban “manifold”, 17再ban, 小心!🤭
9️⃣ Beneath my stance, there lie strong justifications and an anticipated prospect in supporting…
👀代替: Arguments above reveal the fact that supporting A brings benefits to…
🧠原因: 太formal, “anticipated prospect”有collocation problem。
👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼大大: 寫到呢度,只能祝福大型補習社嘅小朋友唔好信曬,我幫大家改文都仲見到大家有用呢啲.....😰又或者見到有啲未俾人變stock phrases但好高危嘅用法,一句到尾,用前問自己識唔識用啱佢。
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valid用法 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. Qualcomm 已經相當長時間其專利授權收入高於晶片銷售收入(見圖),而此次聯邦地方法院Koh法官的判決恰恰是認定Qualcomm在「專利授權行為上有濫用壟斷地位並限制競爭」的行為,反托拉斯法上一旦被如此認定,等於已經是被定罪。(一般是以Sherman Act §2為主要適用法條)
.....昨天我談過,反托拉斯法本身與專利法是互相扞格的 -\-\ 前者處罰一切試圖以壟斷地為達到反競爭目的的行為,但後者偏偏就是國家授與一壟斷特權,排除非發明者或後發明者進入市場的「反競爭安排(anti-competitiveness arrangements)」。
1998年美國聯邦巡迴法院透過1965年的Noerr-Pennington doctrine,排除了一般反托拉斯法對專利權人主張專利權的適用,但陸續的判決也建立了幾種例外狀況,其中一種就是:專利權人以專利從事非法綑綁銷售行為(illegal tying)。
2000年時聯邦巡迴法院更曾表示:「擁有合法專利並不意味著專利權人於專利權合法壟斷權以外的領域同樣免於Sherman Act的約束 (…The possession of a valid patent or patents does not give the patentee any exemption from the provisions of the Sherman Act beyond the limits of the patent monopoly.)」.....
valid用法 在 Ohfishiee.com Facebook 的精選貼文
{{ BUY 1 FREE 1 }} 7 Reasons to Pamper Yourself with The Therapy First Serum from THE FACE SHOP <3
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valid用法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文
<3 俐媽英文教室:電池篇
<3 battery (n.) 電池
<3 replacement (n.) 替換
片:replace A with B 用B取代A
<3 screwdriver (n.) 螺絲起子
<3 include (v.) 包含(反:exclude v. 排除)
衍:inclusion (n.) 包含/ inclusive (a.) (+ of N) 包含
<3 EEC孩子別忘記我們在Unit 1 The Origin of Blue Jeans那課學過-clud的字根,以及including/included/inclusive of的用法喔~
<3 compartment (n.) 區隔:劃分
<3 alkaline (a.) 鹼性的(反:acid a. 酸性的)
比:neutral (a.) 中性的
<3 recommend (v.) 推薦
衍:commend (v.) 讚美/ recommendation (n.) 推薦
<3 rechargeable (a.) 可充電的
原:charge (a.) 充電;索費;控告;猛衝;委以責任;(n.) 充電;費用;罪名;猛衝;責任
片:be in charge of N 負責...
<3 equivalent (a.) 相等的;(n.) 相等物(+ to V)
字根:-equ-: equal (e.g. equality, equation, equinox, equivocal, adequate...)
字根:-val-: strong (e.g. valid, available, prevailing, evaluate...)
<3 insert (v.) 插入
衍:insertion (n.) 插入
<3 polarity (n.) 兩極
原:pole (n.) 極;竿(North/South Pole 北/南極/ pole vault 撐竿跳)
比:pore (n.) 毛孔;(v.) 詳讀(+ over N)
衍:polar (a.) 極地的 (polar bear 北極熊)
<3 remove (v.) 移除
衍:removal (n.) 移除
<3 terminal (n.) 末端;總站;航空站;電極;(a.) 末期/端的
衍:terminate (v.) 終結/ exterminate (v.) 滅絕
字根:-term-: end (e.g. term, determine, predetermination...)
<3 circuit (n.) 電路;(v.) 繞行
<3 packaging (n.) 包裝
<3 dispose of (ph.) 處理
衍:disposal (n.) 處理
諺:Man proposes, God disposes. 謀事在人,成事在天。
<3 leak (v.) 外露;外洩
衍:leakage (n.) 外露;外洩