

在 v+ing用法產品中有21篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅VoiceTube 看影片學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【必考文法!「習慣」的英文是? 】 Used to、be used to、get used to 傻傻分不清? 快來把超重要用法學起來👉https://bit.ly/3rgIJ6i 不僅意思不一樣,用法也大不同! 千萬不要搞混囉🤔 ● used to 表示過去經常做的行為,但現在不再發生了。 用法...

v+ing用法 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 20:25:12

: 今天早餐吃豬里肌起司蛋萵苣三明治,但被手殘媽媽切得好醜啊,別說二犬了,我自己看了都沒食慾哈哈。 昨天介紹了一系列廣義的喜歡,要補充幾個受詞可以是人、也可以是事物的喜歡。 be keen on N/V-ing be fond of N/V-ing a big fan of N/V-ing in...

v+ing用法 在 Em Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 07:31:51

就泥食哂成樽都唔掂 但為學生 撐埋佢💪💪 連續岀兩個posts先 Reminder 6 Verbs 有啲動詞你地成日都用 但你都通常9成都用錯 1. Suggest 建議 - suggest + (v.)ing - suggest + (that) + SVO Suggest 後面如果要有動詞得...

  • v+ing用法 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-31 18:00:00
    有 262 人按讚

    【必考文法!「習慣」的英文是? 】
    Used to、be used to、get used to 傻傻分不清?

    ● used to
    用法:used to + V

    ● be used to
    1. 描述物品被用來做某件事情。
    用法:sth + be used to + V
    2. 指人習慣於某樣東西或某件事。
    用法:sb + be used to + V-ing / N

    ● get used to
    用法:sb + get used to + V-ing / N

  • v+ing用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-09-25 13:41:54
    有 207 人按讚


    1️⃣ suggest that S + (should) V. (原形動詞) (不能用 suggest sb to V.)

    2️⃣ used to V. 曾經、be used to V-ing 表達習慣 (現在仍有)

    3️⃣ can't help but + V. / Can't help Ving 不得不、忍不住

    4️⃣ You don't need a pen, do you? / You ate too much, didn't you? / You haven't finished the assignment, have you? 附加問句用法 (tag questions)

    5️⃣ My project is more difficult than yours. / The price of my computer is higher than that of yours. 比較一致

    6️⃣ I have learned to play the piano (現在完成式) since (自從) I was 7.

    7️⃣ I don't know which I should pick. (不是 which should I pick.)

    8️⃣ It took her 40 minutes to finish the work. (陷阱選項會是 It spent)

    9️⃣ Need 的用法: The car needs to be washed. / The car needs washing.

    🔟 too...to 太~以至於不能 The old man is too weak to walk.

    這應該是有史以來我 po 過最傳統文法教學的一個文了 😂

  • v+ing用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-24 08:00:00
    有 208 人按讚


    1️⃣ suggest that S + (should) V. (原形動詞) (不能用 suggest sb to V.)

    2️⃣ used to V. 曾經、be used to V-ing 表達習慣 (現在仍有)

    3️⃣ can't help but + V. / Can't help Ving 不得不、忍不住

    4️⃣ You don't need a pen, do you? / You ate too much, didn't you? / You haven't finished the assignment, have you? 附加問句用法 (tag questions)

    5️⃣ My project is more difficult than yours. / The price of my computer is higher than that of yours. 比較一致

    6️⃣ I have learned to play the piano (現在完成式) since (自從) I was 7.

    7️⃣ I don't know which I should pick. (不是 which should I pick.)

    8️⃣ It took her 40 minutes to finish the work. (陷阱選項會是 It spent)

    9️⃣ Need 的用法: The car needs to be washed. / The car needs washing.

    🔟 too...to 太~以至於不能 The old man is too weak to walk.

    這應該是有史以來我 po 過最傳統文法教學的一個文了 😂

