

在 unfccc台灣產品中有153篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅元照出版,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🎙[#元照讀書館 直播中] 氣候變遷與企業CSR & ESG 《主講人》許耀明│政治大學法律系教授 🎯錯過直播沒關係,預購線上影音版限時8折 👉 http://qr.angle.tw/8ve 【講 綱】 🔸前言--氣候變遷與企業責任 🔸UNFCCC(聯合國氣候變化綱要公約), Paris Agr...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過124的網紅蔡適應,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【外交部應調整戰略目標 積極參與國際組織】 由於第71屆世界衛生大會WHA即將舉辦,關於台灣今年能否參與,立法院外交及國防委員會特別邀請外交部吳釗燮部長提出報告,適應質詢重點如下: 1. 蔡總統即將於下週二出訪史瓦濟蘭,此行只會訪問史國,並沒有安排其他過境地點,相關規劃已經完成,屆時也會簽署聯合...

  • unfccc台灣 在 元照出版 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 18:45:01
    有 12 人按讚

    🎙[#元照讀書館 直播中] 氣候變遷與企業CSR & ESG

    🎯錯過直播沒關係,預購線上影音版限時8折 👉 http://qr.angle.tw/8ve

    【講 綱】
    🔸UNFCCC(聯合國氣候變化綱要公約), Paris Agreement(巴黎協定) and CBAM(碳邊境調整機制)

    🎯在疫情危機解除前,元照讀書館講座近期將在 #月旦講座 平台直播,陪伴讀者們在線上進修,安心學!

    📢訂閱 #月旦雜誌,訂閱享合購優惠:http://qr.angle.tw/gyj

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  • unfccc台灣 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 17:00:01
    有 1,030 人按讚





    Thanks to #Eswatini Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini for his words backing #Taiwan's meaningful participation in UN systems at #UNGA76:

    "The persistent exclusion of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from the United Nations and the discrimination of its citizens in a system meant to serve international citizens, is a gross violation of the unshakeable principles of the UN Charter. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan, in solidarity with UN Member States, made a significant contribution in realizing the theme of this year's session.

    Eswatini would again this year continue to urge the United Nations to consider the meaningful participation of Taiwan, especially in the World Health Organisation, the International Civil Aviation Authority and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. With this inclusion of Taiwan, it is our hope that the UN will be living up to its objectives and equally serving the interests of all its member states.

    The path to 2030 on the attainment of the UN SDGs was dented as a result of the pandemic, and Taiwan, adhering to the principle of leaving no one behind, shared its disease prevention expertise and experience with more than 80 countries and further assisted 40 countries make headway in ICT, agriculture, education and health.

    Furthermore this year, in demonstrating that 'Taiwan Can Help, and Taiwan is Helping', Taiwan continued to send medical assistance, in the form of medical specialists and protective equipment for Eswatini’s health sector. It is in this light that we call upon for the recognition of Taiwan's efforts for the global well-being.

    Lastly, the Kingdom of Eswatini can attest to the fact that Taiwan is an indispensable partner and would, if given an opportunity, play a meaningful role in the global body."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.


  • unfccc台灣 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 16:30:18
    有 1,953 人按讚







    We’d like to thank both President Alejandro Giammattei Falla of #Guatemala and President of the #MarshallIslands David Kabua, who spoke up for #Taiwan on the second day of the #UNGA76 General Debate.

    President Giammattei Falla stated, “Taiwan is considered able to provide its experience, capacity and know-how to strengthen multilateralism, taking into account the challenges we currently face.”

    While President Kabua gave the following speech:

    “The devastating global Covid pandemic demands collective action from all countries, stakeholders and peoples, if we are to achieve a resilient recovery.

    The democratic government of Taiwan should be allowed to participate in an equal and dignified manner within the UN system, including the WHO, ICAO and the UNFCCC, as well as activities related to the SDGs.

    There is absolutely nothing in General Assembly Resolution 2758 which prevents this inclusive approach, and this resolution affords nothing to hide behind, as it expresses no position on Taiwan. As a people-centric institution, the UN cannot ignore the Taiwanese people or continue to use their nationality to exclude them from attending public meetings or public tours of its headquarters.”

    He ended his speech with the powerful words, “The shameful silence must end.”

    #SDG17 #PartnershipForTheGoals

  • unfccc台灣 在 蔡適應 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-04-11 15:46:50

    【外交部應調整戰略目標 積極參與國際組織】


    1. 蔡總統即將於下週二出訪史瓦濟蘭,此行只會訪問史國,並沒有安排其他過境地點,相關規劃已經完成,屆時也會簽署聯合公報,但目前沒有新的合作計畫。

    2. 史瓦濟蘭當地媒體有報導台灣捐款史國慶祝獨立50週年、建交50週年與國王50歲生日活動170萬USD(約5100萬NTD),吳釗燮部長很明確回應這是錯誤的消息,台灣只有相關單位協助施放煙火,但金額也沒有這麼高。適應在會後特別請外交部提供相關資料,並要求外交部對外澄清。

    3. 今年WHA我國記者證與旁聽證目前還在跟WHO官方協商,但困難度確實不低。

    4. 就外交部提供的資料顯示,衛福部並未派駐官員在瑞士日內瓦,資料明顯與實際狀況有所不同。外交部提供資料出問題不是第一次,我也要求外交部未來控管資料真實性需要更加謹慎,否則可能有隱匿的問題。

    5. 台灣對於國際組織的參與,重點不應反覆侷限在WHA、INTERPOL、ICAO、UNFCCC,由於上述組織相關高階人事都被中國掌握得很透徹;政治運作下,在可預期的未來台灣參與的機會都非常低,吳部長也如此認同,因此我國應該要針對參與國際組織的目標進行戰略重整,訂出全新可努力的目標。



  • unfccc台灣 在 少康戰情室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-10-04 12:05:06

    ●TVBS新聞APP全新上線 立即下載→http://bit.ly/2ch35Gb
    ◆WEF又改"中國台灣" 蔡政府"中華台北"只爽一天?
    ◆WEF誤用中華台北改回中國台灣 蔡政府正名做白工?
    ◆蔡英文強硬表態力抗中國 學陳水扁向深綠靠攏?


    每週一至週五21:00至22:00 TVBS 56台首播

  • unfccc台灣 在 少康戰情室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-10-04 10:50:09

    ●TVBS新聞APP全新上線 立即下載→http://bit.ly/2ch35Gb
    ◆深綠鬥爭老藍男序曲響起 林全保不了老同學?金管會正副主委雙辭 兆豐案查嘸藍洗錢淪替死鬼?深綠拿兆豐案試啼聲 打趴金管會趕走央行總裁?
    ◆年金改革、一例一休搞不定 蔡英文民調剩38%?不滿48.3%VS.滿意38.4% 蔡英文死亡開口笑?蔡英文9人小組蹈扁馬覆轍 敗象已露無力回天?
    ◆陳菊提南進南出救觀光 陸客不來綠縣市也跳腳?陳菊:綠4縣市對陸客一向友善 分藍綠不公平?昔批藍8奴,今綠4縣市齊鳴 賺飽荷包才實際?
    ◆WEF又改"中國台灣" 蔡政府"中華台北"只爽一天?WEF誤用中華台北改回中國台灣 蔡政府正名做白工?蔡英文強硬表態力抗中國 學陳水扁向深綠靠攏?
    ◆小巨蛋公益檔期加收場地費 柯P式公益要收錢?柯文哲:不是免錢才叫公益 柯P治市凡事向錢看?柯文哲:解決複雜政商關係 市長汙名化公益團體?
    ◆台北首辦白晝之夜 柯政爽砸980萬辦一次性活動?沒文化深度、深夜沒捷運、治安堪慮 柯文哲瞎搞?文資團體辦白咒之夜 轟白晝為西區計畫擦脂抹粉?

    前立法委員(民) 沈富雄
    民進黨發言人 阮昭雄
    新新聞副社長 陳東豪
    前行政院發言人 鄭麗文
    立法委員(國) 江啟臣


    每週一至週五21:00至22:00 TVBS 56台首播

