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在 uncal產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Kobe+Gasol是我自己 #最愛的雙人組合,或許與其他經典雙人組比起來在主宰力會遜色一點,但他們在我心中是紫金 #最有溫度與魅力的組合。 - 我相信Kobe生前一定很開心能夠擁有Pau Gasol這樣的兄弟。 🐍在他一心追求成為最偉大的職業生涯中,Kobe並沒有太多交情很深的朋友,因為他 ...


uncal 在 YUKA Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 11:54:12

三大保湿因子の中の〈細胞間脂質〉を完全再現した美容液。 #キヤクバイオケミカル美容液キ (→ @kiyaku_official )を使ってみました。 こちらはヒト型セラミド、植物性セラミド、セラミド類似物質と複数種が配合されている美容液。 水分を抱え込んでキープ、さらに角質の水分蒸散防止や外的刺激...

  • uncal 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-27 22:03:24
    有 5,129 人按讚

    Kobe+Gasol是我自己 #最愛的雙人組合,或許與其他經典雙人組比起來在主宰力會遜色一點,但他們在我心中是紫金 #最有溫度與魅力的組合。


    我相信Kobe生前一定很開心能夠擁有Pau Gasol這樣的兄弟。

    🐍在他一心追求成為最偉大的職業生涯中,Kobe並沒有太多交情很深的朋友,因為他 #寧可練球 也不想花太多時間與人交際;他寧願激勵隊友 #去扮黑臉,也不願做個好好先生。



    Kobe的離開,Gasol絕對比我們還難過,原本他們兩人已經在2020年相約有許多聚會,雙方要帶著孩子們一起閒話家常,享受那種親情、友情的片刻,並要 #一起看著GiGi去改變女籃。




    只是Gasol很清楚Vanessa與Natalia更難熬,他也真的扮演了Uncal的角色,去積極去照顧關心Kobe的家人,陪伴著另外兩個小女孩去成長, #只能說Gasol真的是真兄弟!讓人動容。

    🏀這篇寫了不少Gasol與Kobe的小故事,以及Gasol的ㄧ些情緒,我自己 #看了挺感動的,推薦給大家。

    🙏希望有一天,我能看到16號高掛在STAPLES Center上方,因為他值得。


  • uncal 在 港式執媽 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-05 08:02:36
    有 81 人按讚



    喺講腦疝之前,希望大家為周同學祈禱打氣,希望佢可以大步檻過。呢篇比較深,但希望大家可以睇哂佢。之前講過嘅腦硬膜外出血 (epidural haematoma),以及腦硬膜下出血 (subdural haematoma)、蛛網膜下出血 (subarachnoid haematoma),致死嘅原因都可以係腦疝。


    如圖,大腦同小腦由唔同嘅結構分開,形成唔同區域:大腦鐮 (falx cerebri) 分開左右兩邊大腦半球,小腦幕 (tentorium cerebelli) 將大腦半球與該邊嘅小腦半球分開。當顱內壓急速上升時,大腦小腦就會由原來嘅區域,被外力「啫」去另一區域,形成腦疝,從而壓住其他結構。

    一.大腦鐮下腦疝 (subfalcine herniation)。呢種腦疝嘅臨床病徵較輕微。通常嘅後續係大腦前動脈 (anterior cerebral artery) 比腦疝壓住,形成缺血性中風。
    二.中央腦疝 (central herniation)。腦幹被外力向下壓,引起徵狀。最常見係第六腦神經 (外展神經, abducens nerve) 麻痺,引致斜視同埋複視。
    三.顳葉鈎回腦疝 (uncal herniation)、亦稱小腦幕切蹟疝 (tentorial herniation)。指大腦顳葉 (temporal lobe, 旁邊靠近顳骨的部分) 中嘅鈎回 (uncus) 結構受壓而被擠出小腦幕。病徵有三:瞳孔擴大、郁唔到隻眼 (第三腦神經 (動眼神經, oculomotor nerve) 受壓麻痺);半身不遂 (大腦腳 (cerebral peduncle) 受壓,其中嘅下行運動神經亦受牽連);昏迷 (中腦網狀系統 (midbrain reticular formation) 結構受損)。大腦後動脈 (posterior cerebral artery) 亦有機會受壓,形成缺血性中風。
    四.小腦扁桃體疝 (tonsillar herniation)。當壓力夠大,小腦可由枕骨大孔 (foramen magnum) 外疝。咁就嚴重啦,因為腦幹會因此受壓,其中控制呼吸同心跳嘅中心會受損,導致呼吸停頓、心跳停頓、血壓不穩,繼而死亡。



    [Brain herniation]

    Before all, please pray for Mr. Chow - may he be safe and sound. The content of this post is a bit advanced, but I hope you can take some time and go through the whole passage. Conditions like epidural haematoma, subdural haematoma and subarachnoid haematoma can all lead to brain herniation, a serious and possibly fatal condition.

    Herniation is the phenomenon where an organ is pushed to another location due to external pressure and forces. Brain herniation occurs when intracranial pressure (ICP) increases, and the brain parenchyma shifts its location.

    As in the figure, we can see that the cerebrum and cerebellum are situated in different compartments, separated by different structures. The falx cerebri separates the bilateral cerebral hemispheres, and the tentorium cerebelli separates the cerebral hemisphere from the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere. When ICP increases, these structures will herniate into different spaces, compressing other structures.

    Brain herniations can be categorised into 4 types:
    1. Subfalcine herniation. Clinically this type of herniation has less symptoms. The major sequelae would be compression to the anterior cerebral artery, leading to ischaemic infarcts.
    2. Central herniation. Downward compression to the brainstem leads to symptoms like strabismus and diplopia due to abducens nerve palsy.
    3. Uncal / tentorial herniation. The uncus in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum are compressed and herniates through the tentorium cerebelli. Clinically there is a triad of symptoms: pupil dilation and progressive loss of eye movements (due to oculomotor nerve palsy), hemiparesis (compression to cerebral peduncle, damaging the descending motor neurons inside) and coma (damage to midbrain reticular formation). The posterior cerebral artery may also be compressed and cause ischaemic infarcts.
    4. Tonsillar herniation. When ICP increases drastically, the cerebellum can herniate through the foramen magnum out of the skull. This is an extremely severe condition, in which the brainstem will be compressed, compromising its respiratory and cardiovascular control centres. This results in respiratory and cardiac arrest, fluctuation in blood pressure, and ultimately death.

    Any trauma to the head can lead to intracranial haemorrhages, and that can lead to increased ICP and brain herniation, which may be fatal. We should not only pray for Mr. Chow who is suffering so much, but also remember how this government had aimed and shot at the heads of the people, trying to kill us. But it is unwise for us to be overwhelmed with hopelessness and numbness - that is even worse than a physical hit to your head! Never forget why we started - and let us walk further from here.

    Figure adapted from Blumenfield H. Neuroanatomy through clinical cases, 2nd edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc. 2010.

  • uncal 在 Lina Lina Dress Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-09-06 11:50:24
    有 24 人按讚

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    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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  • uncal 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

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