
為什麼這篇uh-60m台灣鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在uh-60m台灣這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者jason748 (傑哥我要)看板Military標題[新聞] 台灣向美提出增購24架UH60M...

uh-60m台灣 在 汪暉恩 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 21:26:41

快到年底了,寫個總結吧! 幫過我的人,謝謝您,滴水之恩,永不想忘;我傷過的人,對不起,我不是故意的,致我生命中的每一位朋友,2020年你若不離,2021年我們繼續⋯ - 這是很神奇的一年,年初:21世紀第一全球瘟疫「武漢肺炎」爆發,美豬美牛 2021鬆綁進口,首位地方首長遭罷「韓流落幕,「黑鷹墜...


The Republic of China Army (RoCA) has exercised an option for a further 24
Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters modified to Taiwan army and
National Airborne Service Corps configurations, it was disclosed on 1
The procurement, which was announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD),
will see the modified helicopters delivered to the RoCA by 8 October 2018.
Sikorsky has been awarded USD135.4 million to deliver the helicopters to a
"uniquely configured" standard. The award value and the number of helicopters
give a unit cost of USD5.6 million per helicopter. Given that a fully
configured Black Hawk is typically worth upwards of USD20 million, it is
likely that this is an initial agreement to exercise the option with
follow-on contracts to follow.
Taiwan has signed for a total of 60 UH-60Ms at a cost of USD3.1 billion, with
these 24 new helicopters forming part of that wider order. The first four
platforms arrived in-country in December 2014, with deliveries ongoing in
batches of seven.
While the contract announcement does not disclose details of the RoCA
configuration, a previously issued US Defense Security Cooperation Agency
(DSCA) notification revealed it to include the standard General Electric
T-700-GE-701D engines, AN/APR-39A(V)2 radar warning receivers,
AN/ALQ-144A(V)1 infrared countermeasure sets, AN/AAR-57 Common Missile
Warning Systems, AN/AVR-2B laser detecting sets, GAU-19/A 12.7 mm Gatling
guns, and Po-Sheng communication/datalink systems. In addition, AN/AVS-9
night vision goggles are also being supplied.
The UH-60Ms will replace the Bell UH-1 'Huey', which has been in Taiwanese
service since 1969. It has previously been reported that 15 of the 60 UH-60Ms
on order will be allocated to the country's Interior Ministry's National
Airborne Service for use in disaster relief and emergency operations. As well
as the 60 UH-60Ms to be fielded by the army, the air force operates 16 S-70C
Black Hawks in the search-and-rescue role (Black Hawks sold under the Foreign
Military Sales programme receive the US Army's UH-60 designation, while those
sold via Direct Commercial Sale get the Sikorsky S-70 designation instead).








※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1482938786.A.169.html
nugundam : 買好買滿大概就以前的陰影還在,有得吃就要吃飽點 12/28 23:32
kuma660224 : 不太懂陸航縮編的理由,運輸直升機 12/28 23:32
kuma660224 : 什麼兵力都能運。就算不是屬於航特。 12/28 23:32
kuma660224 : 若縮編,87%原因是養不起,而非不缺直升機 12/28 23:32
kuma660224 : 它就是空中計程車而已。 12/28 23:33
rtwodtwo : 這計程車很貴 養起來也很貴 12/28 23:38
huckerbying : S-70的問題反而是壽期琛疵不齊吧,第一批的S-70就已 12/28 23:38
huckerbying : 經服役30年 12/28 23:38
rtwodtwo : 預算怎麼不挪給ROCN去跟團買MH-60R 12/28 23:40
huckerbying : 日韓兩國不急著一次到位也是因為對美外交穩定,不怕 12/28 23:40
huckerbying : 斷貨 12/28 23:41
huckerbying : 文中提及到增購的MH-60是有特殊裝備....比較在意是 12/28 23:42
huckerbying : 增加啥玩意 12/28 23:42
yoyoboy1 : 台灣能買好貨機會不多。一次就要買好買滿 12/28 23:44
evanchen99 : 該有的電戰都有,但文中說是要取代CH-1,不是前期 12/29 00:15
evanchen99 : 的S-70 12/29 00:15
evanchen99 : UH-1 12/29 00:16
patentshit : 把空軍的S-70跟陸軍要到黑鷹混在一起當灑尿牛丸討 12/29 00:24
patentshit : 論也是蠻怪的,軍種不同,操作目的也不同 12/29 00:24
wory : 個人覺得這任國防部長有些亂搞,政策方向不是很明確 12/29 00:41
wory : 像停止徵兵這種何等大事,有經過詳細討論嗎? 12/29 00:42
franz10123 : 有博勝資料鍊? 12/29 01:02
edison : 徵兵的問題在役期吧!這個問題基本是無解 12/29 01:17
klub : 因為台灣的河流流向會阻礙陸軍把登陸解放軍包圍跟推 12/29 01:18
klub : 回海裡的作戰 直升機是唯一可以跨過河流障礙進行直 12/29 01:19
klub : 接打擊的載具 所以買好買滿不奇怪 12/29 01:20
RedCarRet : 軍盲總統準備要打登陸戰了 12/29 02:54
RedCarRet : 買多打算殺肉用的 12/29 02:55
SCROIX : 我們決定要買黑鷹非常久了.......預算都已經編很多 12/29 06:29
SCROIX : 年了 12/29 06:29
morphology : 推,快買 12/29 13:09
kuma660224 : 直升機不只運兵,還能吊掛油彈。 12/29 13:14
kuma660224 : 萬用跨地形高速馱獸。 12/29 13:14
vt1009 : 如果炮兵能買到M777超輕榴彈炮能用黑鷹吊掛轉場 12/29 20:11
vt1009 : 在跨區作戰時又能增加一份戰力 12/29 20:11
kuma660224 : 陸航每年演習都有低飛直升機吊掛油彈補給 12/29 20:56
kuma660224 : 因為陸航自己也要提早戰力保存,基地搬空 12/29 20:56
kuma660224 : 但去年仍是用UH1H,真的有夠老。 12/29 20:56
kircheisliu : 陸航自己要搬自己的家當,光ch47不夠,多一點黑鷹可 12/30 16:44
kircheisliu : 以多搬一些少量的FARP 12/30 16:44

