

在 types發音產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [專頁公告] 英文學習「 生態系」 Hello, everyone! I hope you had a great start on the new year. I’ve been radio silent (銷聲匿跡) for a few days because I am currently ...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Brian2Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,發音課現在到2/25可以打五折! https://bit.ly/3oltGa9 也可以到我的IG https://www.instagram.com/brian2taiwan 然後在那邊的貼文留言說哪一下英文發音你特別想學~ 我會再傳一個折扣碼給你 (前500位而已喔~ 大概剩下400個可以送!) ...

types發音 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-04 15:50:48

1 【extensive 大量廣泛的】-- 形容詞  Extensive reading can help you improve your language and acquire knowledge in various fields.   2 【evaluate 評量】— 動詞 ...

types發音 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-13 11:39:52

S.6 Speaking 下星期一尖沙咀 Live 開課,下星期三荃灣 Live 開課。其他 Video 班陸續開課。 凡報讀本課程,可參加 Oral Practice 至五月。 時間表請瀏覽遵理網頁。 壓軸3堂 口試 concept,專業訓練 補、習兼備,勇奪 5** DSE Speakin...

  • types發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-06 16:12:39
    有 575 人按讚

    [專頁公告] 英文學習「 生態系」

    Hello, everyone! I hope you had a great start on the new year. I’ve been radio silent (銷聲匿跡) for a few days because I am currently setting up my Instagram to provide more English learning materials for you guys. Remember my new year goal of providing an "ecosystem" of learning materials?

    大家好!希望各位在新年都有一個新的開始。近來我有些 「電波靜默」(銷聲匿跡),是因為我目前正在設置我的IG以提供給各位更多免費的教育資源。還記得我要提供學習資源生態圈的新年目標嗎?



    Fanpage 📣📣📣

    專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ericsenglishlounge

    On our main fan page, you can read about hot topic current events, editorials, posts on English education. We also provide free educational resources, hold book drawings, and perform charitable activities.


    專頁宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/2BaENzJ


    FB groups and Google Meet 📣📣📣

    關鍵思考英文學習團+Google Meet 時事討論

    In our critical thinking FB group, you can read in depth news stories and discuss these issues with me. We have periodic livestreams on news topics, providing analysis and discussions available to public think tanks. In our class groups, you'll get constant updates and extra information relating to our courses! Google meet is where we hold our live discussions.

    在我們的關鍵思考學習社團,你可以更深入地閱讀新聞報導後和我討論相關議題。我們會有定期直播討論相關新聞主題,並提供從公開智庫找到的分析和討論。在我們的班群社團,你可以得到即時更新,並獲得與我們課程有關的資訊!Google Meet是我們舉行線上討論的地方。


    YouTube and Blog 📣📣📣

    YouTube: http://bit.ly/2MhEt7h

    部落格: http://bit.ly/2Ybp8L8

    To be honest, I haven’t updated YouTube for awhile because of the high cost of producing a video (both money and time). However, you can still check out the channel for English learning videos, and I will update it whenever I can.

    Our blog, which gets about 2000 visitors a day, is a compilation of all the free resources I published on all media. Thus, if you do not want to get on FB, feel free to check it out.

    說實在的,因為做一部影片要成本過高,我已經一陣子沒有更新YouTube。 但是你還是能夠在頻道上觀看英文學習影片,如果有值得我們關注的議題就會有所更新。



    Instagram 📣📣📣

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/esenglishlounge/

    I started working on Instagram a few months ago and so far I have three types of posts:


    1. Word of the Day: I go over the pronunciation, collocations and provide example sentences. All these words are high frequency tier-2, cross-domain vocabulary words that appear in both academic texts and the news.

    每日單字:我會針對發音、搭配詞、單字用法進行說明。所有的單字都來自高頻Tier 2跨領域學術詞彙,你會常在學術文章和新聞看到它們。

    2. News English: I publish abridged, translated, and audio versions of news stories found in the NY Times, Reuters, the Guardian, and so on. These take a bit of time to do, so please use these resources as a part of your learning.


    3. Daily life English topics: Anything that I find interesting or useful to students


    So, if you need any of these resources, feel free to follow. Everything is free and I will do my best to keep it that way. Do follow me on Instagram if you need News English and want to expand your vocabulary!


    📣 https://www.instagram.com/esenglishlounge/ 📣



    英文學習資源大全: https://bit.ly/35HMkBy



    Onwards to the new year!


  • types發音 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-03-17 10:12:16
    有 273 人按讚

    【英文聽力要學好,先分好這兩件事情】a state-of-the-art article


    這一篇文章要以Top-down approach 和 bottom-up approach 來跟大家分析,練習英文聽力時,要注意的事情。

    大多人在練習英文聽力時,想到的都偏向 bottom-up approach 的面向,如:
    1. 發音 (pronunciation)
    2. 抑揚頓挫 (intonation)
    3. 連音 (connected speech)、消音 (deletion)
    4. 字的重音 (stressed syllables) 和字間連結等等。(and more)

    這些面向雖重要,在教學過程中,也會發現學生也可能會「每一句話都了解,但句子間的關係沒弄懂 -- focusing on individual sentences, missing the relationship between ideas」那樣也會造成有聽沒有懂。

    因此,除了跟「聲音」相關係的部分要注意外,也要採取 top-down approach 來聽。而Top-down approach 著重

    (1) 對話/演說的重點、主題、背景 (gist, main ideas, topic, and setting of the text)
    (2) 資訊與資訊的關係 (general information or details)
    (3) 資訊的整理 (how the speaker sequences the information)
    (4) 對於內容的猜測 (inferencing, guessing, predicting)

    大家要記得,母語人士、亦或聽力很好的人一定是不管有意識到、無意識到、還是些微意識到地同時使用這兩個approaches 在聽,才能培養出好的listening skills. (Skilled listeners simultaneously engage in top-down and bottom-up processing, using both types of skills to construct meaning. )


    Feel free to share the article! Happy listening!

  • types發音 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-15 15:00:07

    然後在那邊的貼文留言說哪一下英文發音你特別想學~ 我會再傳一個折扣碼給你 (前500位而已喔~ 大概剩下400個可以送!)

    In my last video I talked about Chinese words that foreigners say wrong.

    So, today, I want to share some English mistakes I often see in Taiwan.

    If you like this kind of video, remember to like, comment, and subscribe.

    Also, remember to watch to the end because I put my pick for the funniest near the end.

    This video contains a few types of mistakes in English that we often see in Taiwan.

    Misspelled words.

    Translating directly from Chinese to English.

    Using words we rarely use.

    如果你喜歡這種的影片的話或是如果你自己在台灣也是有看過類似好笑的英文在招牌上也可以到我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/brian2taiwan
    If you've seen funny English like this on signs in Taiwan, you can go to my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/brian2taiwan
    Then, share your pics in the comments below this video.

    Also, you can use Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brian2taiwan
    There you can post a story with your pic and tag me so that I can see it.

    If I get a lot of pics, I might make another video like this one next time.

    #常見英文 #英文 #英文錯誤

  • types發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-07 09:00:05

    阿零的攝影日常 http://bit.ly/2RZsjz2
    毛豆醫學院 http://bit.ly/2FWtD1c
    Coco哥 http://bit.ly/32gwuvt
    馬米高 Michael MMG http://bit.ly/2Xx4SDm
    拉哥 - Lai UP Hong Kong http://bit.ly/2NALctH
    殿下在香港 http://bit.ly/2RZb68W
    Benja & Momo http://bit.ly/2RYHJ6M
    Plong Poon http://bit.ly/2NCt9mT


    開班日期、詳情及報名表格 ► http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步
    月曆 ► http://bit.ly/fla-adult-calendar

    ★ 最更新資訊以報名表格所述為準★

    ?優惠資訊 ?



    ★ 課程內容

    ===== 文法篇 =====

    重新掌握英文文法框架 The basic framework of English grammar
    • 3個基本單位:words 字詞 , phrases 片語, clauses 子句
    • 5個結構方塊:subject 主語, verb 動詞部分, object 受詞, adverbial 副詞部分, complement 補語
    • 及物動詞 transitive verb 與 不及物動詞 intransitive verb

    • 句子類別 Types of sentences
    • 限定動詞和非限定動詞 Finite and non-finite verbs
    • 時態組成 Tense formation
    • Voice 語態
    • 時態運用 Tense usage
    • 三種非限定動詞:不定式 infinitive、動名詞 gerund 、動形容詞 verbal adjective

    • 分詞片語 Participle phrases
    • 倒裝句 Inversion
    • 名詞子句 Noun clauses
    • 形容詞子句 Adjectival clauses
    • 情態助動詞 Modal verbs
    • 語氣 Mood

    ===== 讀音篇 =====

    • 辨認元音 Distinguishing similarly sounding vowels
    • 辨認輔音 Distinguishing similarly sounding consonants
    • 辨認雙元音 Distinguishing diphthongs
    • 聆聽停頓 Listening for pauses
    • 聆聽速度 Listening for speed
    • 聆聽上升語氣 Listening for rising tone
    • 聆聽下跌語氣 Listening for falling tone
    • 聆聽更複雜的語調規律 Listening for more complicated intonation patterns

    掌握英語發音基本 The Basics of English Pronunciation
    • 音標:元音 vowels、雙元音 diphthongs 和輔音 consonants
    • 強音和弱音 Strong sounds and weak sounds
    • 重音 Word stress

    語調 Intonation 和發音技巧 Pronunciation techniques
    • 一般陳述句 general statements
    • 疑問句 [包括question tags(附加問句)、WH- Questions 和 Yes-no Questions (Wh問句和Yes No問句)]
    • 其他語調 [包括 Offering choices (向別人提出不同選項), Presenting lists (列舉清單)和 Exclamation(感嘆句)]
    • 發音技巧:省音 Elision, 加音 intrusion, 連音 catenation, 同化 assimilation

    訂閱與芬尼學英語 ► http://bit.ly/flayt-sub

    課程資料、時間表 ► http://bit.ly/fla-timetable

    喜歡我們的短片嗎?到 Patreon 支持我們! ► http://bit.ly/fla-patreon
    歡迎提供字幕 :)

    今天只學一個字 ► http://bit.ly/2DRQPgE
    名人英語 ► http://bit.ly/2EUc8QO
    語文知識 ► http://bit.ly/2GzuW8b
    Word Pairs 怎樣分 ► http://bit.ly/2hS1MCF
    時事英語 ► http://bit.ly/2RqrMok
    品牌名學英語 ► http://bit.ly/2qd3mUq
    朗誦節特訓 ► http://bit.ly/2PBqZno

    ● 加入 Finnie's Facebook 群組:http://bit.ly/flafbgp
    ● 訂閱電子報:http://bit.ly/fla-nl
    ● 下載免費學習資源:http://bit.ly/36VhrYS

    ▍Follow 芬尼:
    ● Blog: http://bit.ly/fla-blog
    ● Facebook: http://bit.ly/fla-facebook
    ● Instagram: http://bit.ly/fla-instagram
    ● Pinterest: http://bit.ly/fla-pinterest

    Free stuff!!! :)
    ● Use my iHerb Discount Code: ASC7218
    ● Sign up at AirBnb and get HKD$290 in travel credit: https://www.airbnb.com/c/tiffanys213
    ● Get a FREE first Uber ride (up to HK$50): https://www.uber.com/invite/tiffanys2213ue
    ● Get TWO months of free SkillShare premium:
    ● Get HKD$60 off your next order at Foodpanda: https://fdpnda.app.link/tB3PF2LhZV
    ● Get HKD$100 of credit to spend across your next 4 orders at Deliveroo: https://roo.it/tiffanyccs
    ● Get HKD$100 off your order at NOSH:

  • types發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-07-01 07:00:02


    開班日期、詳情及報名表格 ► http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步

    ★ 最更新資訊以報名表格所述為準★

    ?優惠資訊 ?



    ★ 課程內容

    ===== 文法篇 =====

    重新掌握英文文法框架 The basic framework of English grammar
    • 3個基本單位:words 字詞 , phrases 片語, clauses 子句
    • 5個結構方塊:subject 主語, verb 動詞部分, object 受詞, adverbial 副詞部分, complement 補語
    • 及物動詞 transitive verb 與 不及物動詞 intransitive verb

    • 句子類別 Types of sentences
    • 限定動詞和非限定動詞 Finite and non-finite verbs
    • 時態組成 Tense formation
    • Voice 語態
    • 時態運用 Tense usage
    • 三種非限定動詞:不定式 infinitive、動名詞 gerund 、動形容詞 verbal adjective

    • 分詞片語 Participle phrases
    • 倒裝句 Inversion
    • 名詞子句 Noun clauses
    • 形容詞子句 Adjectival clauses
    • 情態助動詞 Modal verbs
    • 語氣 Mood

    ===== 讀音篇 =====

    • 辨認元音 Distinguishing similarly sounding vowels
    • 辨認輔音 Distinguishing similarly sounding consonants
    • 辨認雙元音 Distinguishing diphthongs
    • 聆聽停頓 Listening for pauses
    • 聆聽速度 Listening for speed
    • 聆聽上升語氣 Listening for rising tone
    • 聆聽下跌語氣 Listening for falling tone
    • 聆聽更複雜的語調規律 Listening for more complicated intonation patterns

    掌握英語發音基本 The Basics of English Pronunciation
    • 音標:元音 vowels、雙元音 diphthongs 和輔音 consonants
    • 強音和弱音 Strong sounds and weak sounds
    • 重音 Word stress

    語調 Intonation 和發音技巧 Pronunciation techniques
    • 一般陳述句 general statements
    • 疑問句 [包括question tags(附加問句)、WH- Questions 和 Yes-no Questions (Wh問句和Yes No問句)]
    • 其他語調 [包括 Offering choices (向別人提出不同選項), Presenting lists (列舉清單)和 Exclamation(感嘆句)]
    • 發音技巧:省音 Elision, 加音 intrusion, 連音 catenation, 同化 assimilation

    ► 月曆:http://bit.ly/fla-adult-calendar

    ► 最更新資訊以報名表格所述為準:http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步

    ★ 缺席安排
    • 觀看教學影片作補堂/重溫用途需要額外付費嗎?

    情況                  付費安排
    1. 缺席課堂(任何兩堂)         免費
    2. 遲到15分鐘或以上(任何兩堂)     免費
    3. 有出席課堂,但希望獲得影片作重溫用  須繳付$250/一期的額外費用
    4. 缺席課堂(兩堂以上)         須繳付$250/一期的額外費用
    5. 遲到15分鐘或以上(兩堂以上)     須繳付$250/一期的額外費用

    開班日期 & 報名表格 ► http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步

    訂閱與芬尼學英語 ► http://bit.ly/flayt-sub

    課程資料、時間表 ► http://bit.ly/fla-timetable

    喜歡我們的短片嗎?到 Patreon 支持我們! ► http://bit.ly/fla-patreon
    歡迎提供字幕 :)

    今天只學一個字 ► http://bit.ly/2DRQPgE
    名人英語 ► http://bit.ly/2EUc8QO
    語文知識 ► http://bit.ly/2GzuW8b
    Word Pairs 怎樣分 ► http://bit.ly/2hS1MCF
    時事英語 ► http://bit.ly/2RqrMok
    品牌名學英語 ► http://bit.ly/2qd3mUq
    朗誦節特訓 ► http://bit.ly/2PBqZno

    ● 加入 Finnie's Facebook 群組:http://bit.ly/flafbgp
    ● 訂閱電子報:http://bit.ly/fla-nl
    ● 下載免費學習資源:http://bit.ly/36VhrYS

    ▍Follow 芬尼:
    ● Blog: http://bit.ly/fla-blog
    ● Facebook: http://bit.ly/fla-facebook
    ● Instagram: http://bit.ly/fla-instagram
    ● Pinterest: http://bit.ly/fla-pinterest

    Free stuff!!! :)
    ● Use my iHerb Discount Code: ASC7218
    ● Sign up at AirBnb and get HKD$290 in travel credit: https://www.airbnb.com/c/tiffanys213
    ● Get a FREE first Uber ride (up to HK$50): https://www.uber.com/invite/tiffanys2213ue
    ● Get TWO months of free SkillShare premium:
    ● Get HKD$60 off your next order at Foodpanda: https://fdpnda.app.link/tB3PF2LhZV
    ● Get HKD$100 of credit to spend across your next 4 orders at Deliveroo: https://roo.it/tiffanyccs
    ● Get HKD$100 off your order at NOSH:

