

在 treaties中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Twitter戰線【天下制裁方向:科技產品、紅色資本、白手套 —— 請立即Retweet】 我已用英文撰文,公開回應白宮有意切實推動制裁的路透社報導,並提出經濟制裁應從三個方向,包括軍民兩用科技產品、紅色資本和白手套企業入手,呼籲各位幫忙Retweet,香港正與時間競賽,反制北京實在爭分奪秒:h...

  • treaties中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-27 10:58:53
    有 1,974 人按讚

    #Twitter戰線【天下制裁方向:科技產品、紅色資本、白手套 —— 請立即Retweet】



    #眾志國際連結 #國際戰線

    Reuters and Bloomberg just confimed that the US is likely to sanction China if it approves the hugely controversial bill that damages HK's autonomy. When Beijing insists on ignoring international responses and breaching international norms and rules, it is time for China to face the grave consequences and international backlashes for its irresponsible act of scraping an UN-filed Joint Declaration.

    In fact, the world has already expressed concern over the evil and ill-defined national security law that will kill democratic movements in HK and harm global business interest in the city. But China keeps dismissing all doubts from world leaders, business sectors and even bar associations. This law is even eviler than the extradition bill last year. China’s poor human rights records have already proved that it will undeniably use the law to crush HK’s civil society and dissents.

    For a long time, Hong Kong has been treated by Beijing as a white glove port for importing sensitive strategic commodities. Once the law is implemented, a secret police agency and a CCP-led China’s court will be imposed upon this global business centre. At that time, HK will fall into Beijing’s direct rule, and de facto becomes another city of China. Hence, all special treatments granted to HK need to be subject to reconsideration.

    In fact, countries starts to realize the changing role of Hong Kong in a bigger picture of China’s global strategy. For example, Israel’s security officials just rejected a bid from CK Hutchison Holdings for the potential security risks of Chinese involvement in a plant construction in the disguise of "HK companies”.

    To safeguard the city’s freedoms and urge China to stop further misconduct, world leaders, not only the US, should consider sanctions on China as the only effective strategic option to send a warning signal to Beijing. The sanctions should not only be restricted to personal sanctions like travel bans and asset freezes (since China won’t really realize the severity), but also partial sanctions on pro-CCP companies and dual-use technology.

    Democratic values and the virtue to respect treaties are the foundation of democracies. If China’s flagrant breach of Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty at the United Nations, is tolerated, it will set a bad precedent to all other treaties and agreements alike.



