

在 transportation英文產品中有105篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Reinventing Workers for the Post-COVID Economy The nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge ( ) to some extent ( ...

 同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,20 年前,19 名恐怖分子劫持了四輛民航客機,撞擊紐約世貿以及美國國防總部五角大廈, 將近三千人罹難。九一一恐攻事件帶來了許多關鍵性的變化,從機場安檢到多年的戰爭,影響了美國生活的每一個角落。 📝 講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_...

transportation英文 在 康妮英文ConniedaEnglish Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 18:25:39

常犯的寫作邏輯錯誤 (2) 🗣 記得往左滑至圖片開聲音聽講解喔👂🏻 ⛔️ 時間邏輯錯誤 : ❌ In the past, students used to go to school on foot. However, more and more students take public tran...

transportation英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 12:32:11

放榜了! 你們的心情如何呢? 看到各個高中的校徽(school badge), 各有特色, 而台大明明也是你們高中三年歲月的徽章印記呀! 有沒有查好自己學校的制服?喜不喜歡呀? 不喜歡也是得穿三年😂 喜歡一下嘛~ 俐媽穿久了,也習慣當「綠蠵龜」🐢和「郵差」啦🩲🩱👗🧤 (照片2是俐媽幾年前穿高中制...

  • transportation英文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-20 23:12:18
    有 2 人按讚

    Reinventing Workers for the Post-COVID Economy

    The nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge ( ) to some extent ( ) on how quickly show managers can become electricians ( ), whether taxi drivers can become plumbers ( ), and how many cooks can manage software for a bank.

    This is likely to prove especially problematic for millions of low-paid workers in service industries like retailing ( ), hospitality ( ), building maintenance and transportation, which may be permanently impaired ( ) or fundamentally transformed. What will janitors ( ) do if fewer people work in offices? What will waiters do if the urban restaurant ecosystem never recovers its density ( )?

    Their prognosis ( ) is bleak ( ). Marcela Escobari, an economist at the Brookings Institution, warns that even if the economy adds jobs as the coronavirus risk fades ( ), “the rebound won’t help the people that have been hurt the most.”

    Looking back over 16 years of data, Escobari finds that workers in the occupations ( ) most heavily hit since the spring will have a difficult time reinventing themselves. Taxi drivers, dancers and front-desk clerks have poor track records moving to jobs as, say, registered nurses, pipe layers or instrumentation technicians.

    COVID is abruptly ( ) taking out a swath ( ) of jobs that were thought to be comparatively ( ) resilient ( ), in services that require personal contact with customers. And the jolt ( ) has landed squarely on workers with little or no education beyond high school, toiling ( ) in the low-wage service economy.

    “The damage to the economy and particularly to workers will probably be longer lasting than we think it is going to be,” said Peter Beard, senior vice president at the Greater Houston Partnership, an economic development group.

    What’s more, he said, COVID will intensify underlying ( ) dynamics ( ) that were already transforming ( ) the workplace. Automation ( ), for one, will most likely accelerate ( ) as employers seek to protect their businesses from future pandemics

    The challenge is not insurmountable ( ). Yet despite scattered ( ) success stories, moving millions of workers into new occupations remains an enormous ( ) challenge.

    “We need a New Deal ( ) for skills,” said Amit Sevak, president of Revature, a company that hires workers, trains them to use digital tools and helps place them in jobs. “President Roosevelt deployed ( ) the massive number of workers unemployed in the Great Depression on projects that created many of the dams ( ) and roads and bridges we have. We need something like that.”




    他們的前景是黯淡的。布魯金斯學會經濟學家Marcela Escobari警告說,即使就業機會隨新型冠狀病毒疫情風險消退而增加,「經濟反彈也幫不了那些受創最重的人」。



    經濟發展組織大休士頓商會資深副總裁Peter Beard表示:「經濟、尤其是勞工們受害的時間,可能比我們預期的還要更長。」



    雇用勞工後培訓他們使用數位工具,並幫他們找到工作的Revature公司總裁Amit Sevak說:「我們需要一項針對職業技能的新政。小羅斯福總統大蕭條時期把大量失業勞工投入工程計畫,興建了我們現在使用的水壩、道路與橋樑。我們需要這樣的東西。」

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • transportation英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-13 13:41:21
    有 135 人按讚


    看到各個高中的校徽(school badge),


    查一下自己家到新高中的交通方式(mode/means of transportation)和路線(route),

    另外,也可以找 #俐媽英文教室高中篇

    🔔 俐媽英文教室—放榜心情篇:
    🥲 depressed/ dejected/ discouraged/ upset (a.) 沮喪的
    🥲 frustrated (a.) 挫敗的
    🥲 disappointed (a.) 失望的
    🥲 stressed out (a.) 壓力爆表的
    🥲 dreadful (a.) 恐懼的
    🥲 nervous/ anxious (a.) 緊張/焦慮的
    🥲 sentimental (a.) 感傷的
    🥲 embarrassed (a.) 尷尬的
    🥲 uneasy (a.) 不自在的
    🥲 regretful/ remorseful (a.) 後悔的

    😌 calm (a.) 冷靜的
    😌 tranquil (a.) 平靜的
    😌 serene (a.) 沈靜的
    😌 relaxed (a.) 放鬆的
    😌 thankful/ grateful/ appreciative/ obliged (a.) 感恩的

    ☺️ relieved (a.) 鬆一口氣的
    ☺️ pleased/ delighted (a.) 愉悅的
    ☺️ gleeful (a.) 喜悅的
    ☺️ surprised/ amazed/ startled/ astonished (a.) 驚奇的
    ☺️ satisfied/ content (a.) 滿意的
    ☺️ proud (a.) 自豪的
    ☺️ curious (a.) 好奇的

    🤩 overjoyed/ elated/ ecstatic (a.) 狂喜的
    🤩 blissful/ euphoric (a.) 幸福的
    🤩 excited/ thrilled/ exhilarated (a.) 興奮的
    🤩 optimistic (a.) 樂觀的
    🤩 passionate (a.) 熱忱的
    🤩 confident (a.) 有自信的
    🤩 expectant (a.) 充滿期待的
    其實,你們應該是憂喜參半、情緒複雜(have mixed feelings)吧!


  • transportation英文 在 幼智英兒abc - 12歲以下寶貝的美語園地 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-25 16:00:57
    有 9 人按讚

    【幼智美語小教室】#教材免費下載 #歡迎分享

    🔔 Today we’re going to learn about “transportation.” How many types of transportation do you know? Let’s match the transportation with the corresponding places!

    ✅單字 Vocabulary✅
    📌警車 (n.)police car
    📌救護車 (n.)ambulance
    📌挖土機 (n.)excavator
    📌貨船 (n.)container ship
    📌消防車 (n.)fire engine

    想學更多交通工具🚢 https://bit.ly/3vQKSI7

  • transportation英文 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-08 17:49:41

    20 年前,19 名恐怖分子劫持了四輛民航客機,撞擊紐約世貿以及美國國防總部五角大廈, 將近三千人罹難。九一一恐攻事件帶來了許多關鍵性的變化,從機場安檢到多年的戰爭,影響了美國生活的每一個角落。

    📝 講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_notes
    👉 延伸閱讀:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep51
    🖼️ IG 單字卡: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG


    本集 timestamps
    0:00 Intro
    0:56 第一遍英文朗讀
    3:45 新聞 & 相關單字解說
    14:22 額外單字片語
    20:55 第二遍英文朗讀


    臉書社團 (朗讀文字):https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/298910371995209/

    ABC: https://abcnews.go.com/US/20th-anniversary-911-nears-questions-anger-death-linger/story?id=79606569
    Al Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/6/timeline-how-september-11-2001-led-to-uss-longest-war
    Associated Press (AP) 1: https://apnews.com/article/lifestyle-arts-and-entertainment-e9d22f6992d64fcd286cd8c5a86df3bd
    AP 2: https://apnews.com/article/september-11-voices-of-survivors-8e9019b50383bdaa1aaed28005af20cd
    AP 3: https://apnews.com/article/how-sept-11-changed-flying-1ce4dc4282fb47a34c0b61ae09a024f4
    BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57698668
    CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/air-travel-after-9-11/index.html


    Documentary 紀錄片
    Turning point 轉捩時刻
    September 11 attacks (9/11)
    20th anniversary 二十週年
    Terrorists 恐怖份子
    Hijacked 劫持了
    Commercial aircraft 民航客機
    Suicide attacks 自殺式襲擊
    Missiles 導彈
    World Trade Center 世貿中心
    North Tower 北塔
    South Tower 南塔
    Virginia 維吉尼亞州
    Pentagon 五角大廈
    Washington, D.C. 華盛頓特區
    The Capitol 美國國會大廈
    Cockpit 駕駛艙
    Hijackers 劫持者
    Domestic flight 國內航班
    Photo ID 有照片的證件
    Carry-on 隨身行李
    Blades 刀片
    Liquids 液體
    Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 運輸安全管理局
    Identity checks 身份驗證
    Security screening 安檢
    Pat-downs 搜身
    President George W Bush 小布希
    International coalition 多個國家的聯盟
    Afghanistan 阿富汗
    Al-Qaeda 蓋達組織
    (Osama) Bin Laden 賓·拉登
    Pakistan 巴基斯坦
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)
    Guantanamo Bay
    social media 社群媒體
    In its infancy 處於起步階段
    Patriotism 愛國情懷
    Enlist 從軍、入伍
    Survivors 倖存者
    Resilience 韌性
    Purpose (人生的) 目標
    Appreciation (對生命的) 珍惜與感激
    Resolve 堅定的信念
    Thumbs up / down

    ♥️ 喜歡時事英文 podcast 嗎?♥️
    你可以支持我繼續錄製 podcast 👉 https://bit.ly/zeczec_ssyingwen


    #podcast #911恐攻 #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #國際新聞 #英文新聞 #英文聽力 #taiwanpodcast

  • transportation英文 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-30 20:03:55

    [Click CC for English / Chinese subtitles]

    JJ 林俊傑《倖存者 • 如你》雙EP
    ? https://jjlin.lnk.to/JJDrifterLikeYouDO

    As I traverse this Wonderland
    I wonder what the other side beholds?
    Am I awake in my sleep
    Or asleep in my consciousness?

    If I’m gonna lose everything when I wake
    I’d rather stay asleep and hold you while I can
    And lock this moment in our tight embrace

    Everything turned to nought when I awakened
    Yet, this void catalysed a reset
    As I slowly got buried in the quicksand
    My expiration and regeneration had happened in parallel realms


    假如 睜開眼就將失去
    也要在所能之際 緊閉著眼 緊抱你 緊抱住這一刻擁有

    這一刻 睜開眼 宛如煙消雲散
    但歸零的同時 又出發了
    當流沙不斷飛逝 都將注入另一部分的自己
    逐漸消逝的同時 正在啟動重生的能量

    《While I Can》在【倖存者.如你】專輯中,是一座任意橋樑。
    【倖存者 Drifter】EP中,完全體現出 JJ林俊傑 耕耘累積了17年的能量。然而,透過《While I Can》踏出華語音樂市場,以《Wonderland》的編曲為基底,延續音樂色調,但跨越多年來的舒適圈,與美國當地製作團隊合作,並填上浪漫但淒美的英文歌詞,打造成一首全新的歌。

    《Wonderland》之於《While I Can》,就像雙EP的JJ一樣
    JJ林俊傑 又將如何

    This MV brings me through a psychedelic journey of self-realization
    Where I tear down my walls and strip myself bare in discovery of who I really am

    Traversing the depths of consciousness
    I’m gripped by inexplicability

    As I examine the blurred lines of dream VS reality, alternating different universes, what versions of me await?

    While I Can, I hold tight to what I love
    While I Can, I relinquish all I have to the universe

    Shredding away my ego, burdens and excess baggage, I come to nought
    Yet, no longer enslaved, I am reborn.

    透過 MV 進入 JJ 的潛意識旅程,

    #JJXIV #JJWhileICan

    Lyrics詞|Josh Cumbee / 林俊傑 JJ Lin / Fernando Garibay
    Composer曲|Josh Cumbee / 林俊傑 JJ Lin / Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Daniel Padilla
    Producer 製作人|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Daniel Padilla
    Vocal Production配唱製作|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla
    Music Arrangement & Keyboards編曲 & 鍵盤|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla / JJ 林俊傑 & The Swaggernautz
    Instrument樂器|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla / 黃冠龍 ALEX.D
    Recording Studios錄音室|The Garibay Center
    Recording Engineers錄音師|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla
    Mixing Studio混音室|mixHaus Studios (Los Angeles)
    Mixing Engineer混音師|Richard Furch
    Assistant Mixing Engineer混音助理 |Domenic Tenaglia
    Mastering Producer後期母帶處理製作人|JJ 林俊傑
    Mastering Studio後期母帶處理錄音室| STERLING SOUND MASTERING , NY
    Mastering Engineer後期母帶處理錄音師|Chris Gehringer

    Production Company製作公司|LUCKYSPARKS
    Director導演|陳亨利 Henry Chen
    Co-Director共同導演|紀培慧 Teresa Daley
    Assistant Director副導|張省云 Sibyl Chang Shing Yu
    Executive Producer監製|高郁傑 Otis Kao
    Production Manager製片經理|黃盈慈 Kiki Huang
    Producer製片|Olan Huang
    Line Producer執行製片|郭立賢
    Location Manager場地經理|黃筱晴
    Production Assistant製片助理|蔡旻樺 Min Hua Tsai
    Production Assistant場務|任信成
    Director of Photography攝影指導|潘星佑 Hsin You Pan
    Movi Operator Movi技師|洪建凱 / 張育甄
    攝影大助First Assistant Camera|王士偉 Sway Wanze
    Gaffer燈光師|謝松銘 Sung-Ming Hsieh
    Best Boy Electric燈光大助|陳晉緯
    Electrician 燈光助理|王建銘 / 馬翊展 / 蘇志豪
    Art Director 美術指導|Mingko Wang
    Set Decorator 執行美術|黃少築 / 陳韻如
    Art PA美術場務|阿英
    Stylist for JJ Lin 林俊傑造型|韓忠偉 Justin Han
    Styling Assistant for JJ Lin 林俊傑造型助理|俞舒泰 Tiger Yu
    Makeup Artist for JJ Lin 林俊傑化妝|高秀雯 Jasmine Kao @prettycool_makeup
    Hair Stylist for JJ Lin 林俊傑髮型|胡智豪 Peter Wu @peter_wu_coloriste_
    Costume Designer劇組造型師|羅宛怡 Lo Wanyi
    Wardrobe Assistant劇組造型執行|黃憶柔 Huang Yi Rou
    Hair & Makeup劇組妝髮師|曹崇英 Nikki Tsao / 顏琳軒 Linlin Yen
    Casting Director演員管理|李嘉峰
    Stills Photographer劇照師|李欣哲 Hsin Che Lee
    Behind The Scenes花絮側拍師|沐旅影像製作工作室mulustudio(動態)/陳小烈LieChen(平面)
    Camera Equipment 攝影器材|阿榮影業股份有限公司
    Lighting Equipment燈光器材|阿榮影業股份有限公司
    Post Production後期團隊|Finger & Toe
    Post Production Producer後期製片|吳珮瑜 Sunny Wu
    Post Producer Assistant後期製片助理|王芃勻 Daiso Wang
    Editor剪接師|陳亨利 Henry Chen
    Colorist調光師|馮鈞稜 Justin Feng / 良奇 (@TimeLine Studio 時間軸)
    VFX Supervisor特效總監|林貫洋 Guan Lin
    VFX Artist特效師|林貫洋 Guan Lin
    Compositing合成|炎殺頑特效 DarkFlame Studio
    Roto Artist|吳齊農
    Storyboard Artist腳本師|孫靜誼 Joy Sun (@JoySunArt)
    Production Support 製作協力|JFJ PRODUCTIONS Corp. Ltd.
    Artiste Management 藝人經紀|徐佩雲 Yvonne See
    Artiste Management Executive 執行經紀|韋佩佩 Wee Peipei、孫凡崴 Gaspard Sun、李文元 Yuan Lee、陳明君 Kirsten Chen
    Artiste Assistant 藝人助理|彭靖深 JS Pang
    Digital Marketing 數位行銷|游巧媃 CJ Yu、張皓婷 Carol Chang

    Published by 發行|華納國際音樂股份有限公司 Warner Music Taiwan Ltd.
    Publisher & Executive Director出品人及監製|周純如 Ruby Chou
    Chief Content Director 首席內容及創意總監|梁兆林 Terry Leung
    Product Planning Executive 產品企劃專員 |陳昭岑 Verna Chen
    Assistant Director of Marketing Promotion 行銷副總監|張雅婷 Georgina Chang
    Manager of Marketing Promotion 行銷經理|卓郁函 Yuhan Cho
    Supervisor of Marketing Promotion  行銷主任|劉慧君  Jean Liu
    Executive of Marketing Promotion  行銷專員|余岱凌  Dolly Yu
    Digital Media Executive  社群媒體行銷專員|張又琳 Catherine Chang
    Account Servicing Manager  數位客戶服務經理|曾柏翔 Austin Tseng

  • transportation英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-28 21:00:12

    嘖嘖萬聖節活動,只剩4 天!

    10/31 午夜 12 點前,加入賓狗的嘖嘖訂閱計畫

    · Bingo news podcast(全英文緩速錄製)
    · 高效率線上課程(口說、發音、寫作,不定期驚喜提供)


    1 【handrail 扶手】- 名詞

    Please hold on to the handrail.

    捷運廣播,想起賓狗教過 handrail 這個字,再看看扶手,它就是 handrail

    2 【Easycard 悠遊卡】— 名詞
    An Easycard is a contactless smart card for public transportation and much more.

    悠遊卡 Easycard
    以後拿出悠遊卡,記得賓狗教過,它是 Easycard
    如果是其他類型的卡片,例如一卡通,可以簡單說 smart card 就好

    3 【ticket gate 閘門】- 名詞
    To enter the ticket gate, simply scan your smart card on the ticket reader.

    這個閘門很簡單,就是 ticket gate
    下次看見這個閘門,記得想起它是 ticket gate
    或是回來賓狗的 podcast 複習也可以喔

    4 【rest your eyes 閉目養神】- 動詞片語
    Some passengers rest their eyes on the train.


    我大部分時候都是在回 IG 訊息或是發限時動態 😂

    下次看到有乘客在閉目養神,就可以想起賓狗說的這個片語 rest your eyes

    5 【on your commute 通勤時】- 副詞

    可以說 learn on your commute

    造個句子:通勤路上,聽 Bingo 的 podcast,是最棒的學習方式了!
    Listening to Bingo’s podcast is the best way to learn on your commute.

    1 handrail 扶手
    2 Easycard 悠遊卡
    3 ticket gate 閘門
    4 rest your eyes 閉目養神
    5 on your commute 通勤時

    貼心提醒:嘖嘖萬聖節活動,只剩 4 天喔!