

在 tranquil中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,226的網紅旅行熱炒店Podcast,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 網紅小鎮「舍夫沙萬」與非洲大門「唐吉爾」 Instagram town "Chefchaouen" and gate to Africa "Tangier" (English version on the bottom) 旅行已經來到尾聲,明天就要飛回波士頓,後天就要回到碼農的日常,老實說是有點不...

tranquil中文 在 Angelica 安潔 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:32:51

來跟大家推薦一個 我收到就一直用 用到用完 忘記發出來分享的 超好看隱眼! 就是 @innovisiontw 前陣子推出的KARACON CHIC新品 #寧靜灰 Tranquil Gray 收到的時候就感覺 又是一款盲買不會失手的隱眼 除了大家好愛的13.1mm小直徑(著色) 灰色的外匡搭配...

  • tranquil中文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-27 04:48:24
    有 17 人按讚

    Instagram town "Chefchaouen" and gate to Africa "Tangier"
    (English version on the bottom)







    It was my last day in Morocco. Tomorrow I'll fly back to Boston and get back to ordinary life tomorrow! But it was not yet the time to feel sad -- still had two more cities to go!

    I gave Chefchaouen a nickname "Instagram town", as many bloggers (primarily female) posted their perfect IG photos of this place. In these photos they usually addressed well, and sat on the stairs in this fairy-tale-like blue city. I was worried about its popularity, and it was raining when I arrived; fortunately, my experience was not ruined. Indeed there were many tourists, but the city is still pleasant and tranquil enough to enjoy, and it cleared up in the morning, which gave me a good chance to take the full view of the city.

    It's so interesting that mountain cities around the world are extraordinarily attractive to tourists. The most popular counterpart in Taiwan is Jiufeng. I think it'd be a very good idea for Chefchaouen and Jiufeng to become sister cities, haha.

    My last city is Tangier. Located in the northern tip of Africa, it's less than 10 km from the southern tip of Spain. I entered this city with my "standard operator process" (SOP): walking from station to the Medina, finding my hostel in the maze-like streets, going out to explore and have dinner, and finally taking night photography, just like I did elsewhere in Morocco.

    Around the sunset, I visited a ocean view park outside the Medina. It wasn't very touristy -- most people there were local. Looking out from the park, mountains in Iberian peninsular are vaguely visible. Here I realized one interesting thing: if I was on the European continent looking over here, I wouldn't be able to resist the attraction of the mysterious continent Africa; while looking at Europe from Africa at this park, Europe doesn't seem as attractive, even though there are still many places I want to go there.

    Meanwhile, I could hear the sounds of singing and guitar from some local teenagers. They were singing local songs, but the chord progression, Am-G-F-E, is the same as the typical Flamenco chords. This again reminded me of the cultural connection between the Iberia and north Africa. While hearing the sounds, my mind went back to January 2017, at a dimming bistro in Seville (only 150 km north from Tangier), where I watched a Flamenco dancer turned his deepest passion into moves....

  • tranquil中文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-11-23 06:01:15
    有 20 人按讚

    柏柏爾人與撒哈拉 Berbers and the Sahara
    (This post is bilingual. Please scroll to the bottom for English version.)

    (昨天在沙漠裡過夜無法發文,今天加倍奉還文章較長敬請見諒。 Wasn't able to post in the desert last night. This one is therefore longer -- please bear with the lengthiness :D)

    1. 柏柏爾人








    2. 撒哈拉








    1. The Berbers

    "We are all the same. Only our hats are different. Berbers, Arabs, Jews... we have no problem living together, because we all have the same father and mother..."

    It was the second day of the Sahara tour, and this was said by our Berber guide. The Europeans in our group seemed to get something, while the other remained intact. Then the guide continued: "Adam and Eve." (Interestingly, his pronunciation of the names were very different from English, which I guess were probably Arabic or Hebrew.)

    The guide led us through the fields into his village, showed us olive trees and almond trees, and told us how they exchange instead of purchase them. Afterwards we were led into a mud-made residence, where he introduced how traditional carpets are made, and how women passed down family-specific patterns down without any draft. At the end, unsurprisingly, he encouraged us to buy. While one of us bought anything, everyone seemed to be comfortable with that, as he had been passionately showing us his culture.

    Finally, we crossed a river while some women were washing clothes. He said, "the Berber women have a lot of strength, and sometimes it can be hard..." Understanding his humor, I jokingly asked, "so, do you have this problem?" He laughed, "Well, when my wife is angry she is... (showing head explosion with gestures); but she usually has green fire, not red fire. After two days she is happy again..." Then he turned to me, "how is your wife?" Not waiting for me to respond, he contiuned, "you don't have a wife. (Indifferent and turning to the next guy,) so how is your wife? ..."

    (I have to say he is indeed a very professional tour guide, who even knows how to play back on visitors' jokes.)

    2. The Sahara

    Many Mandarin speakers became interested in the Sahara because of the literature and a pop song "Olive Tree" of San-Mao, a Taiwanese writer who moved to the the Sahara with her husband in 1970s. The irregular, mysterious melody of the song also helped build my impression about the Sahara. Decades later, I finally arrived at the desert's margin around 4pm. Our trip began at the base camp, and we spent the night in the dessert after 1.5 hours of camel ride.

    That night, we gathered around a campfire, and the local guides gave us some traditional drums to play. As an icebreaker, I started making regular beats with some random 5-node scale singing. The local guides were excited and invited me to join their playing and singing. Finally, after some singing and dancing, the group got relaxed, and people exchanged their stories around the dimming campfire.

    The next morning, we headed back in the darkness -- well, not completely. It was close to the full moon, and the ride therefore came with very pleasant and tranquil desert view. However, feeling frozen in the temperature, all we wanted was to escape from the desert. Finally, we were led to the top of a sand dune to watch the sunrise. At then, the desert already turned from black to brown-gray. All of a sudden, the sun came up from the horizon. Gradually, the entire desert was "toasted" like charcoal, injected with very warm and amicable soil yellow color. The desert was ignited!

    I can't think of any better way to end our time in the Sahara.

