🐶Looking for a gentle beautiful companion?🦉 loui is one of the seven poor ex breeder dogs that came to LAP last week, they are these poor doggies that...
🐶Looking for a gentle beautiful companion?🦉 loui is one of the seven poor ex breeder dogs that came to LAP last week, they are these poor doggies that have spent their whole lives in cages, itching, starving, and never known sunshine nor love, just kept to make babies, sleeping in their inch thick pee and poo.
Loui thé jack russell is now at foster home, waiting for a forever home.
Please remember not to support these cruel animal breeding trades, choose adoption, support fostering and say no to pet shops.
有意領養者請先於網上填妥領養表格 http://www.lap.org.hk/adoptformdog.aspx
Please complete the adoption form online if you’re interested in adopting from LAP. http://www.lap.org.hk/adoptformdog.aspx
Our coordinator will contact you after processing the form.
If you want to know more about the animals, please contact our adoption coordinators.
Sheila:sheila@lap.org.hk 或 WhatsApp 6477 1492 (只限英文)
Yvonne:[email protected] 或 WhatsApp 6344 8110 (只限中文)
————————————-————————————- ------------------------------------------------------------------ #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogstagram #thatsdarling #hkig#morningslikethese#vscohk#vscocam#livefolk #dogsofig #laphk #cute #fitspo#rescuedog #art #portrait #model #transformation#illustration #ootd#pbhk #stayandwander #instacute #optoutside #portrait #jackrussellterrier
trades中文 在 財報狗 Facebook 的精選貼文
昨天看到一份不錯的投資書單。這份書單是 Corey Hoffstein 分享的,他是量化投資機構 Newfound Research 的投資長,所以裡面分享蠻多跟量化有關的書。大部分都只有英文,我把有中文翻譯的整理出來了,疫情在家來慢慢消化。
- 決斷的演算
- Python 自動化的樂趣|搞定重複瑣碎 & 單調無聊的工作
- 高效能 Python 程式設計
- Risk and Asset Allocation by Attilio Meucci
- Tail Risk Hedging: Creating Robust Portfolios for Volatile Markets
- The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (有簡體翻譯:如何應對第二輪下跌)
- Plight of the Fortune Tellers: Why We Need to Manage Financial Risk Differently
- 股價、棉花與尼羅河密碼:藏在金融圖表裡的風險
- 隨機騙局
- Red-Blooded Risk
- 風險之書
- The Laws of Trading
- Principles of Financial Engineering by Salih N. Neftci (有簡體翻譯:金融工程原理)
- Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners
- Trend Following with Managed Futures
- Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
- Expected Returns (有簡體翻譯:預期收益)
- The Volatility Smile
- Trading Volatility: Trading Volatility, Correlation, Term Structure and Skew
- 金融投機史:揭開貪婪時代九大金融泡沫
- When Genius Failed (有簡體翻譯:賭金者:長期資本管理公司的升騰與隕落)
- Efficiently Inefficient
trades中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Adobe Fiscal Year 2018 Q4季報結果]
台灣週五凌晨Adobe發表季報結果, 本來盤後上漲, 但今晚開盤後卻一路跌了7%, 是怎麼回事呢?
我快快地找了一下原因, 這是我認為的可能性:
1. 雖然Adobe都有達到自己預期的財測, 但沒有達到分析師的預期.
2. Adobe的財測並未包含併購了Marketo後會帶來的衝擊(可見下圖). 而我查了一下, Adobe之前已經知道併購Marketo的事情會在Q4實現, 但是在預測數字中為什麼沒有包括呢? 上季的法說會, 一次都沒有提到Marketo, 而這次的法說會, Marketo被提了好幾次, 是分析師的焦點.
3. 而併購了Marketo後, 讓這季的non-GAAP EPS少了7 cent, 少的幅度超過了分析師的預期 (“The overall Marketo dilution likely came in higher than investors anticipated,” Guggenheim Partners analysts led by Ken Wong wrote in a note distributed to clients on Friday.)
4. 同時, 這季也有因為併購Marketo而有的一次性的支出US$75 million, 雖然Adobe提高了2019的財測(guidance), 但這一次性的支出也會影響到guidance.
其他的法說會細節, 我抽空會整理成中文稿. 也歡迎大家提出看法來討論.