在 toil介紹產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,833的網紅偽文女生英國札記 Hong Kong Girl in UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這個星期初跟大家重溫歷史 介紹了英格蘭banknotes上的各界人物 下週會轉談輕鬆一點的garden flowers 自家花園 鄰居前庭 園藝商店 植物公園 一踏入春夏季 到處都填滿了鮮艷亮麗的顏色 觀賞之餘 讓我們一起認識不同的花卉品種💜 本週回顧: 從英鎊學歷史:紙鈔上的名人(上) ht...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,010的網紅Ying-ying Shih,也在其Youtube影片中提到,主,我願更親近祢 Just a Closer Walk with Thee 詞曲 Lyrics/music: American Folk Song 演唱 Vocal: 史茵茵 Ying-ying Shih 鋼琴編曲/演奏 Piano: 亞歷普洛尼 Alex Pryrodny 攝影作品 Phot...
toil介紹 在 Ying-ying Shih Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-04-11 22:49:59主,我願更親近祢
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
詞曲 Lyrics/music: American Folk Song
演唱 Vocal: 史茵茵 Ying-ying Shih
鋼琴編曲/演奏 Piano: 亞歷普洛尼 Alex Pryrodny
攝影作品 Photography: 王思靜 Justine O.
Lyrics 歌詞:
I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to thee
我本軟弱主剛強 求主保守離罪網
心靈滿足無憂傷 當我走,求領我近祢旁
主,我願更親近祢 與主相親樂無比
每日同行更親密 親愛主,求祢,懇求祢
Thro' this world of toil and snares
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee
Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
經勞苦罪網世界 若我跌倒誰關懷?
若有重擔誰分負? 親愛主,惟有祢,我救主
主,我願更親近祢 與主相親樂無比
每日同行更親密 親愛主,求祢,懇求祢
I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to thee
Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
Repeat *
toil介紹 在 偽文女生英國札記 Hong Kong Girl in UK Facebook 的最佳解答
下週會轉談輕鬆一點的garden flowers
自家花園 鄰居前庭
園藝商店 植物公園
觀賞之餘 讓我們一起認識不同的花卉品種💜
£5 - Sir Winston Churchill 前英國首相、戰時領袖 邱吉爾
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”
£10 - Jane Austen 女作家 珍·奧斯汀
“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”
£20 - Adam Smith 經濟學之父 亞當·史密斯
“The division of labour in pin manufacturing: (and the great increase in the quantity of work that results)”
£20 - J.M.W. Turner 浪漫主義畫家 威廉·泰納
“Light is therefore colour”
£50 - James Watt 發明家 詹姆斯·瓦特 & Matthew Boulton 企業家馬修·博爾頓
“I can think of nothing else but this machine”
“I sell here, Sir, what all the world desires to have-POWER”
toil介紹 在 偽文女生英國札記 Hong Kong Girl in UK Facebook 的最讚貼文
來了英國以後,我開始習慣不用帶銀包出門,因為比起香港,這裡的contactless payment更為普遍,出外到商店、餐廳消費,全程用手機付款就可以了。雖然現金在實際生活中並不常用,但有時候一紙鈔票也有故事,能帶領我們認識一個地方的歷史。
英鎊(£)的貨幣代碼為GBP(Great Britain Pound),在英格蘭流通的紙幣只有四種面值,分別是£5、£10、£20和£50。所以如果你在市面上找到張價值100鎊的鈔票,有機會是來自蘇格蘭或北愛爾蘭,也有可能是稀有的古董或偽鈔呢。
最低面值的£5紙鈔介乎藍綠色之間,主角是前英國首相、戰時領袖邱吉爾(Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965),肖像下印有的 “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”,中文翻譯成「我能奉獻的別無他物,只有熱血、辛勞、眼淚和汗水」,就是他在1940年、時值二戰期間當選首相後發表演說的名句,大大鼓舞了同盟國對抗納粹德軍的決心。除了是一位擅於軍事與演說的政治家,原來他也出版過數本著作,更曾獲得諾貝爾文學獎。
同樣是文壇傳奇的女作家珍·奧斯汀(Jane Austen 1775-1817)亦「躍然紙上」,在2017年(逝世200週年)開始取代生物學家達爾文,成為橙啡色£10紙幣的重要特徵。不過要留意的是,坐在插圖上的是《傲慢與偏見》的主角Elizabeth Bennet,而引用的語句 “I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”,則出自書中另一個不太討喜的角色Caroline Bingley,事實上她根本不愛閱讀,對她來說,書本只是一件用來偽裝的飾品呢。
下集再介紹£20和£50的新舊紙鈔,其中一張更同時印有兩位相關的人物。有機會我也想看看Winston Churchill的回憶錄與Jane Austen的一系列經典,你們也認同怎樣的娛樂也抵不上讀書的樂趣嗎?
toil介紹 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
Understanding Mutual Respect (English version below)
如果她留下來,那必定只有一個原因,因爲她也敗德。敗德的上司 + 敗德的下屬,能做出什麼好成績來?
2 of my female students flouted the Buddhism precept of abstinence from alcohol.
One of them, in her early 30s, told me that it was a company gathering, and her supervisor egged her to drink. She could not refuse. My disciple asked her, isn't it absurd that as a white-collared employee, she has to "part-time" as a drinking hostess?
This student of mine also lied to her husband and parents-in-laws numerous times, that she was working overtime when, in fact, she was out drinking.
Another student of mine is a middle-aged lady, who was requested by her superior to buy duty-free alcohol on her return from travelling. She also told me that she did not know how to say no to her boss.
This lady, like me, took refuge under the same Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng. However, she blantantly ignored His Teachings and my reminders. She did not diligently read the Dharma books and discourses from our Root Guru Master, yet always sought my help in Feng Shui and Bazi to solve her family woes. This is not solving the root causes at all.
Hence, she missed out on a recent Dharma discourse by our Root Guru: If you give alcohol to others, you are breaking the precept of abstinence from alcohol, and the consequence is 500 rebirths without limbs.
(Eg. like a millipede)
These 2 students did not tell their superiors of their precepts.
If you do not respect your own faith, nobody will give your faith the due respect too.
If you don't break your silence and let others know about the precepts in your religion, how would others know about your precept on abstinence from alcohol?
If you voice it out, naturally your superior will not ask you to buy alcohol nor bring you along for drinking sessions.
You must first have the spirit to uphold the precepts, lacking which you will be easily swayed by situations such as embarrassment or fear of losing your job, and eventually flouting the precepts.
There is more than one job for you in this world.
If you flout the precepts intentionally, and lose your merits, what good future do you think is left for you?
Our merit and virtues are the source of all that we desire.
The Heavens and Earth have virtues , therefore can encompass all. The Sun, moon and the stars have virtues, hence their never ending radiance.
Man must have virtues, in order to enjoy peace, prosperity and bliss.
You cannot give the excuse that you fear the consequence of saying no. There is always another job out there. A person must have higher aspirations, and the willpower to observe the precepts in order to be blessed by the virtuous gods.
If you do not respect your own faith, how would another person respect it? He will not be impressed, and may even secretly despise you for being a hypocrite in taking refuge, as you are not steadfast in upholding your precepts.
Do not ever do this.
As a boss, as a superior, you must command the respect of your subordinates with your merits and virtues. It is natural that your subordinate will not dare to offend you because she needs the job and salary to make a living or feed their families.
Even if she follow your instructions, at the expense of flouting her precepts, deep in her heart, she will think lesser of you. If one day she receives another job offer, she will not hesitate to leave you because she feel that you are lacking in virtues and unworthy of her loyalty.
If she stays on, then it must be for the reason that she too is lacking in virtues. A non-virtuous superior + a non-virtuous employee, what good result can they produce?
A practicing Buddhist must learn to correct oneself, and others. Therefore, you need to explain to you boss, or any other people who do not understand your rationale, why you refuse to help him/her in certain things such as buying alcohol, cigarettes, R-rated publications, etc.
Everyone must understand what exactly precepts are. It is not applicable solely to people with a religious faith. Precepts are the cornerstone of a upright and righteous human being. They are the foundation of spreading goodness and curbing the non-virtuous in us, and applicable to every one of us
As long as you are human, you should observe the precepts. Walking on the right path, and not committing any sin, will ensure that our merits are not taken away.
The boss of my middle-aged student "advised" her not to be too attached to the precepts. Didn't Buddha proclaim non-attachment? So said the boss.
If one has not taken refuge and properly learn the Dharma, please do not behave like a know-it-all and dish out irresponsible "advice" to others. This grave act of recklessness may destroy the life of wisdom in the listener, akin to the act of killing.
When Lord Buddha was about to enter Nirvana, his disciple, Ananda, asked, "When the Buddha is in this world, He is revered as our Teacher. But when the Buddha enters Nirvana, who should we follow as our Teacher?"
Buddha expounded: "I have already given you the precepts. The precepts are your teacher".
Drinking alcohol will create chaos to the human nature, and countless sins arise, such as drunk driving, drunk fighting, loss of etiquette, blabbering of nonsense, sexual indecency, attracting bad company, etc.
An old client of mine, in his 70s, lives frugally. Together with his wife and children, they are Buddhists. However, the elderly man is an alcoholic.
His eldest son is my disciple. Previously, to make his father happy, he would buy him liquor and beer whenever the elderly man asks for it.
Subsequently, his wife (also my disciple) prevented him from buying alcohol, out of consideration for the elderly man's health and their precepts. They also told the mother and younger siblings to refrain from buying.
However, all the eldest son got was a bellow of "Useless son!" from the elderly man.
A few years later, alcoholism took a toil on the old man and he was warded for an operation in the middle of this year.
I pitied him and helped him towards a smoother recovery with my Metaphysics abilities.
Deluded is the man who drinks.
Ignorant is the filial piety of the children who feed his alcoholism.
I have abstained from intoxicants for over a decade, and neither do I consume food with alcohol in it.
What are the merits from such abstinence?
Beside mental clarity and supreme wisdom, one will not be stricken with schizophrenia, mental disarray, mental disturbance and fall prey to temptations.