

在 times英文產品中有1084篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅曹長青,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 美國記者新書引述,參謀長聯席會議主席米利說,美國兩家保守派媒體Newsmax和Epoch Times(英文大紀元時報)是國內恐怖主義。昨在國會聽證會上,米利被問到,他竟打馬虎眼說,『不記得說過』,但不敢明確否定。參議員追問,你現在認為這兩家媒體是國內恐怖主義嗎?他喃喃說『不是』。這個既壞又蠢的白左米...

 同時也有155部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Handline Fishing,也在其Youtube影片中提到,斷3口攞3口 | 根叔 | 香港釣魚 | 艇釣 | 維港 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} Broke Line 3 times, and we caught 3 only | [Hong Kong HK Fishing : BoatGame] Victoria Harbour {Voice Over + ...

times英文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 17:09:22

Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人要走過多少路程 Before you call him a man? 才能讓你承認他是個男人? How many seas must a white do...

times英文 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-15 16:27:20

送客...學英文 英國上下議院議長今日分別出聲明禁止新任中國駐英國大使進入英國國會。 事緣係咁嘅,可能大家都知英國下議院有好多非官方跨黨關注組織,响中國議題上面,就有屬於相對溫和嘅All-Party Parliamentary Group on China (APPG),同埋有幾個議員被中國制裁...

  • times英文 在 曹長青 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 02:46:54
    有 178 人按讚

    美國記者新書引述,參謀長聯席會議主席米利說,美國兩家保守派媒體Newsmax和Epoch Times(英文大紀元時報)是國內恐怖主義。昨在國會聽證會上,米利被問到,他竟打馬虎眼說,『不記得說過』,但不敢明確否定。參議員追問,你現在認為這兩家媒體是國內恐怖主義嗎?他喃喃說『不是』。這個既壞又蠢的白左米利能升到上將的高位,展示美軍系統內部問題嚴重。

  • times英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-20 14:41:20
    有 100 人按讚

    翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective

    There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.


    文章來自於New Humans of Australia (有取得授權)


    I didn’t meet my father until I was 6 years old. My parents had a comfortable, middle-class life in Shanghai, or as close as you could get under communism. But they always wanted to live overseas, and just before I was born, my dad came to Sydney to set things up. I don’t know why, but in the end, my mother and I didn’t join him until I was 6.

    •a middle-class life 中產階級生活
    •set things up 打點一切
    •live overseas 往海外生活
    •in the end 最後 (表達在經過一段時間或一連串事件之後的結果)



    Unfortunately, half a year after we arrived, he left us. That was a huge shock. Our transition had already been quite difficult, as we both didn't speak English. Also, as Shanghai was such a big bustling city, Sydney felt a bit like the countryside, especially on the weekends, as no shops were open back then!

    •shock 令人震驚的事件(或經歷);驚愕,震驚 (come as a great shock 讓人倍感震驚)
    •transition 轉變;過渡
    •a bustling city 繁華都會



    We were very much reliant on my dad, not only financially, but also as a conduit into the wider community. So to have that broken was quite distressing. I remember Mum crying a lot. As we had become socially isolated, we didn’t find out anything about Centrelink, so we survived on her savings for a while, and then got some help from her family back in China.

    •be reliant on… 依賴...
    •a conduit into 進入...的渠道
    •distressing (adj.) 令人苦惱的,令人擔憂的
    •become socially isolated 變得孤立於社會
    •survive on her savings 僅靠的她積蓄過日子

    我們相當依賴我父親,不僅是經濟,他也是我們進入更廣泛社區的渠道。因此,當局面被打破時令人相當痛苦,我還記得母親時常哭泣。由於我們孤立於社會,所以我們並不知道澳洲社會福利聯絡中心 (Centrelink)的任何資訊,僅靠母親的積蓄支撐了一段時間,然後從母親在中國的娘家得到一些幫助。


    Eventually, Mum moved us down to Melbourne, where we were able to make some new networks and family friendships. But I was bullied a bit at school about things like my food and clothing! Whenever someone bullied me, I would defend myself, but because I didn’t have the language skills to explain to the teacher why, I got in trouble quite a bit. I ended up having to move school 3 times before I came to Balwyn Primary School, which was relatively multicultural.

    •be able to 能夠
    •make new networks 建立新的人脈,關係網
    •be bullied 被霸凌
    •language skills 語言能力
    •get in trouble 惹上麻煩
    •end up 最後處於;最後成爲;以…告終
    •relatively 相對地
    •multicultural 多元文化的

    最後,母親帶著我搬遷到墨爾本,在那我們能夠建立起新的網絡與家庭情誼。然而。我在學校飽受霸凌,例如我的食物及衣物。每當有人霸凌我,我會自我防衛,但我的語言技巧不足以向老師解釋事發原因,因此常常陷入麻煩。後來我不得不再三轉學,直到就讀相對多元文化的博文小學(Balwyn Primary School)。


    After that, I did alright. Music featured very prominently in my life. I had started learning the violin from the age of 2.5 years old and even with all the troubles that were going on in my life, had somehow still kept up with it. As a result, I got a music scholarship to Trinity Grammar School. But even there I used to get into quite a lot of mischief, and would often skip school to go to the movies.

    •do alight 過得不錯,做的不錯
    •feature (v.) 以…為特色;給…以顯著的地位
    •prominently 重要地;著名地;突出地,顯眼地

    之後,我便過得不錯。音樂在我生活中佔有重要的一席之地,我從兩歲半開始學習小提琴,儘管生活中事事不如意,我依然堅持不輟。因此,我獲得三一文法學校( Trinity Grammar School)的音樂獎學金。但即使在那,我也常惡作劇、逃學看電影。


    By the end of year 11, I was told I would have to either repeat the year, or consider going to another school, which was quite humiliating for my mum. I decided to move school and surprisingly, I ended up doing quite well in year 12! As a result, I ended up getting into a double degree in Law and Music at Monash.

    •repeat the year 留級 ; 重唸一年
    •humiliating 令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的



    When I started, my first thought was that I didn’t belong because I had done so badly in school up to year 11 and everyone else seemed so smart. But I put my head down, got through it, and ended up getting a job in the legal department of a major manufacturing company, which was a different approach to what most law students do.

    •do not belong 不屬於這
    •put my head down 埋頭苦幹
    •the legal department of ...的法律部門
    •a different approach 不同途徑
    •approach (思考問題的)方式,方法,態度



    I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but I learned a lot of foundational business, legal and corporate communication skills. After that I worked in corporate governance in RMIT, then started to moonlight as a lecturer in the Law Faculty. Eventually, they asked me if I wanted to do a PhD and I blindly said yes! I next worked at Swinburne University, and then was head-hunted to lead the corporate legal team at the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Commission.

    •foundational 基礎的
    •communication skills 溝通技巧
    •corporate governance
    •moonlight (v.) (尤指瞞著僱主)從事第二職業,兼職
    •headhunt (v.) 物色(人才); 挖角
    •legal team 法律團隊

    我非常喜歡這份工作,這是份辛苦的工作,但我學習了很多基礎商業、法律以及公司溝通技巧。之後我在皇家墨爾本理工大學( RMIT)從事公司治理工作,並開始兼職擔任法律系講師。後來他們問我是否想要讀博士,我便盲目地答應了。接下來,我在斯威本大學(Swinburne University)工作,再被挖角到商用小客車委員會領導法律團隊。


    I had a good life, but after a while, I realised I wanted a different kind of job. I could see my seniors were making a lot of money but that their family life was not that good. And looking at my own upbringing, I wanted to be the kind of father who could be present in my own kids’ lives. So I decided on dentistry. It would not only allow me to use the hand skills that I had developed from playing the violin, but also the analytical and reasoning skills that I'd developed in law. Plus it would be flexible, and offer me a stable income and the chance to meet different people every day!

    •upbringing 教養
    •decide on sth 決定某事或東西
    •analytical and reasoning skills 分析和推理能力
    •offer a stable income 提供穩定收入



    My now fiancée, who was my girlfriend at the time, was also applying for further study, and coincidentally we both got into university in South Australia, so we moved to Adelaide together a few years ago.

    •fiancée 未婚妻
    •at the time 當時
    •apply for 申請
    •further study 繼續教育,進修;進一步研究;深造
    •coincidentally 碰巧地;巧合地

    我的未婚妻,當時的女友,也申請繼續深造,巧的是我們都考上南澳大學(University of South Australia),所以幾年前一起搬到阿得雷德( Adelaide)。


    I was lucky to get a university job at Flinders University. Initially, I started out as a casual lecturer in the law school, but I’ve since transitioned into teaching health law and research, and I’m currently writing a few books on the intersection between law and medicine. And also, obviously, trying to finish my dentistry degree!

    •start out as… 起初擔任...
    •transition into… 轉變到...

    我很幸運的在福林德斯大學(Flinders University)找到工作,起初我在法學院擔任臨時講師,但我後來轉換到醫事法教學及研究。目前我正撰寫幾本關於法律與醫學相接的書籍,並努力完成我的牙醫學位。


    Mum eventually retrained as a Chinese high school teacher, and she’s still teaching to this day. Like most first generation migrants, she struggled quite a lot, and invested heavily in my success. After we’re married, my fiancée and I are planning to have children, and I’m sure they will have it much easier than I did.

    •retrain 重新培養;再培訓;再訓練
    •to this day 至今
    •first generation migrants 第一代移民
    •struggle a lot 掙扎奮鬥許久
    •have it much easier 過的比較輕鬆



    Still, a lot of the failures that I’ve had in my life have really informed a lot of my successes. Looking back, I wouldn't really want to change that to have a smoother life.

    •inform [正式] 影響某人的態度或意見

    •have a smoother life 有一個更順遂的人生



    Over the years, I've learned that perseverance is very important. I hope that through telling my story, I can be an example to others who might be in a similar position as I was: to show that there's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.

    •over the years 多年來
    •perseverance 不屈不撓,堅持不懈
    •be an example 成為榜樣
    •be in a similar position 處於相似的處境
    •down the road/line/track 將來(的路)


    有興趣的同學可以支持New Humans of Australia


    Photographer: Paul Heinrich instagram.com/paulfheinrich

    文章與圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2XJsciq


    翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs

    批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

  • times英文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-16 21:55:17
    有 138 人按讚

    Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan
    How many roads must a man walk down
    Before you call him a man?
    How many seas must a white dove sail
    Before she sleeps in the sand?
    Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
    Before they're forever banned?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist
    Before it is washed to the sea?
    And how many years can some people exist
    Before they're allowed to be free?
    Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
    And pretend that he just doesn't see?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many times must a man look up
    Before he can see the sky?
    And how many ears must one man have
    Before he can hear people cry?
    Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
    That too many people have died?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Bob Dylan,本名Robert Allen Zimmerman,1941年生於美國明尼蘇達。創作歌手、作家、2016年諾貝爾文學獎得主。
    狄倫迄今出版逾三十張錄音室專輯,並著有小說《狼蛛》(Tarantula)、自傳《搖滾記》(Chronicles: Vol.1,中文版由大塊文化出版)。他也是業餘畫家,曾出版畫冊多種,並有鑄鐵裝置等藝術創作。
    這首〈Blowing in the wind〉想來大家都不陌生,作為Bob Dylan最被人記得的歌之一,從1963年發行以來,深深地影響了全世界整整一世代的人。臺灣自然也不例外,楊弦的〈江湖上〉便是向此歌致敬的衍生之作之一。Bob Dylan的許多歌曲,除了對音樂的實驗,也在其中納入了許多對於人生、社會的深刻思索,這也使得他在2016年獲得了諾貝爾文學獎,也是第一名獲得該獎的歌手,此舉一出無數人驚訝之餘,卻也紛紛表示能理解此一選擇。然而,即使有著這樣的光環,Bob Dylan卻在半年後,才親自領取此一獎章。在許多人譴責他傲慢無禮的同時,卻也得以讓我們看見他如何視這些榮譽如浮雲,也讓我們在他身上,真真正正地體會到了何謂「吟遊詩人」的姿態。正如Bob Dylan曾在1969年的訪談中說過:「我只把歌詞看成用來唱的東西,真正重要的,是字句依附的音樂。我寫歌,是因為我總得有些什麼可唱。這是紙上的字句和歌曲的差別:歌在空中轉瞬即逝,紙頁卻能長留。一位偉大的詩人,比方華萊士‧史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens, 1879-1955)未必能成就偉大的歌者。一位偉大的歌者,像是比莉‧哈樂黛(Billie Holiday, 1915-1959),卻總是能夠成就偉大的詩人。」*
    回到歌詞,整首歌分成三段,每段的結構近似,由三個問題開始,並以「The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind答案呀,吾友,隨風飄盪/The answer is blowin' in the wind答案就飄盪在風裡」作結,彷彿屈原面對世間種種萬物所賦之《天問》,差別在於Bob Dylan問的問題並不像屈原那樣從天地離分、陰陽變化、日月星辰等自然現象,一直問到神話傳説乃至聖賢兇頑和治亂興衰等問題。Bob Dylan的問題如此簡單,在三段分別開頭的第一個問題,他只問了白鴿、高山和天空,接著便回過頭來,以此自然現象的推移隱喻接力至人的存在:和平與戰爭、自由與囚禁、死亡與生命,這三件事幾乎便是人類有史以來永恆的命題,然而經過幾千年的歷史,我們卻似乎依然陷於這樣的困境,無法脫身。Bob Dylan歌中所建立的世界,便不僅僅只是當代,而是只要人類存在一日,便永遠無法迴避的。也正因如此,他的歌反應的世界觀永遠不會過時,在一個吟遊詩人走在風裡時,他所歌唱的一切,也正隨著風,垂問著一切尚在變動的事物、一切人的行動,而這些問題,也正問著我們:究竟人類能否為人類自身造成的苦難負起責任?

  • times英文 在 Handline Fishing Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-03 18:00:11

    斷3口攞3口 | 根叔 | 香港釣魚 | 艇釣 | 維港 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕}
    Broke Line 3 times, and we caught 3 only | [Hong Kong HK Fishing : BoatGame] Victoria Harbour {Voice Over + CC}

    Insta360 初秋大特惠
    INSTA360 優惠碼: https://store.insta360.com/end-of-season-sale?insrc=INRW1ZI
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    5. ONE R 4K: 95折再加送電池
    6. ONE R 雙鏡頭: 95折再加送電池
    7. ONE R 大師級套裝: 9折再加送電池和保護鏡
    8. ONE R 尊享版套裝: 85折再加送電池和保護鏡
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    配件優惠碼: https://store.insta360.com/accessory?insrc=INRW1ZI

    Business Cooperation and Media 商業合作、採訪通知:tkcmarco@gmail.com
    Media Interview(s) OR Reproduce with authorization 媒體採訪或授權轉載
    Media 媒體報導
    : viuTV 電視特輯 :
    發展局 海濱事務委員會呈獻 【維港.圍講】
    播出時間(2021年5月1日 )
    第4集 - 魚樂無窮: 釣魚發燒友維港遊
    : Oriental Daily 東方日報 :
    【手絲釣魚】岸釣系列#1 數碼港係熱門釣魚點?釣足30條泥鯭!
    More...Please refer to the channel description 更多... 請參閱頻道簡介

    YouTube Channel 頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_5XP-qd-udNxBlzzSzgvw?sub_confirmation=1
    Donate and Support my Channel 資助我的頻道:https://www.paypal.me/handlinefishing
    Facebook 手絲釣魚交流群: https://www.facebook.com/groups/616740025403230/
    Instagram 官方賬戶: https://www.instagram.com/handlinefishing_hk/
    You can purchase my gear through the link below 你可以經以下連結購買產品
    1人稱相機 (新) Insta360 Go 2 - https://www.insta360.com/sal/go_2?insrc=INRW1ZI
    360相機 Insta360 ONE X2 - https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_x2?insrc=INRW1ZI
    360相機 Insta360 ONE R - https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_r?insrc=INRW1ZI
    1拖2咪 MirFakAudio - https://store.mirfakaudio.com?sca_ref=986772.ti6Y4oRgJX
    音樂連結 Artlist.io Referral link Artlist 介紹碼連結 : https://artlist.io/Handline-861488
    Background Music 背景音樂名稱 : Sinking by Jane The Boy
    Source 來源 : Artlist.io
    Referral link 介紹碼連結 : https://artlist.io/Handline-861488
    Background Music 背景音樂名稱 : Dead-end maze (https://johnnyhk.bandcamp.com/track/dead-end-maze)
    Source 來源 : Troglojam

    #維港 #Fishing #釣魚 #手絲釣魚 #香港釣魚

  • times英文 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-29 18:30:13

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

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    Somedays I'm treading the water and feel like it's getting deep
    某天我步入水中 漸感水越來越深
    Some nights I drown in the wade of the things that I think I need
    Sometimes I feel incomplete, yeah
    But you always say to me, say to me
    可你總對我說 對我說

    Oh,you say someday when we're older, we'll be shinin' like we're gold yeah, won't we? (Won't we?)
    你說總有一天當我們老了 我們會如同金子般耀眼 不是嗎
    Won't we?
    Yeah, someday when we're older, I'll be yours and you'll be mine, be happy
    總有一天我們老了 你我便是彼此歸屬 幸福美滿
    Oh, you say someday when we're older, we won't worry 'bout the things that we don't need
    你說總有一天我們老了 便不再憂心身外之物
    We don't need
    Yeah, one day down the line, before we both run out of time, you're gonna see
    總有一天大限將至 在你我耗盡生命前 你會看見
    That someday we'll be all that we need
    Someday we'll be all that we need

    I've been the best, been the worst, been a ghost in a crowded room (Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
    我曾輝煌無比 也曾跌入谷底 失魂落魄
    I took a chance, took a turn, took a dive, and it led to you (Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
    可我抓住機會 急轉而下 潛入其中 遇見了你
    So many times that I wish we could be anywhere but here
    無數次我希望我們在任何地方相遇 而不是這裡
    So many times that I wish I could see what you see so clear, so clear

    Oh, you say someday when we're older, we'll be shinin' like we're gold yeah, won't we? (Won't we?)
    你說總有一天當我們老了 我們會如同金子般耀眼 不是嗎
    Won't we?
    Yeah, someday when we're older, I'll be yours and you'll be mine, be happy (Happy)
    總有一天我們老了 你我便是彼此歸屬 幸福美滿
    Oh, you say someday when we're older, we won't worry 'bout the things that we don't need (We don't need)
    你說總有一天我們老了 便不再憂心身外之物
    We don't need
    Yeah, one day down the line, before we both run out of time, you're gonna see
    總有一天大限將至 在你我耗盡生命前 你會看見
    That someday we'll be all that we need
    Someday we'll be all that we need

    Oh, you say someday when we're older, we'll be shinin' like we're gold yeah, won't we?
    你說總有一天當我們老了 我們會如同金子般耀眼 不是嗎
    Won't we?
    Mm, someday down the line, before we both run out of time, you're gonna see
    總有一天大限將至 在你我耗盡生命前 你會看見
    That someday we'll be all that we need

    歌詞翻譯 : Camendes

    #OneRepublic #Someday #Human #Lyrics #西洋歌曲推薦

  • times英文 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-24 21:36:57

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    根據ettoday的報導:【國產 #高端疫苗 昨(23日)開打,不料今卻相繼爆出接種後疑似猝死案,繼桃園陸姓專欄作家後,新北市稍早也傳出死亡個案,家住蘆洲區信義路的39歲彭姓男子昨接種高端疫苗,今上午11時許被家人發現昏倒在浴室中,當場沒有呼吸,今緊急送醫後仍宣告不治死亡。】


    而且最近 #蘇貞昌 的狀況是不是不太好?又出現在海關飆罵的場景,是不是他情緒失控?而且同黨立委也不是全都贊成這樣的做法,他到底是在立威還是在宣洩?接下來這麼難熬要怎麼過呢,馬上就要公投和罷免了,陳柏惟的命運如何?

    根據聯合新聞網的報導:【 #美國撤軍阿富汗 和喀布爾機場出現逃難潮,是上周最令人震撼的新聞事件。金融時報(FT)23日以「台灣人相信美國爹,漠視對岸威脅」為題,報導台灣現況。即使軍機常態化繞行台灣,台灣軍機升空驅離和巡邏次數大增,但FT引述華府智庫布魯金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)資深研究員卜睿哲(Richard Bush)對台灣的形容:「你看到的不是你以為會有的恐懼。」FT報導,蔡英文領導的政府經常向國際社會凸顯台灣困境,凸顯自己是中國大陸侵略的目標,但「對於強化國家抵禦北京攻擊,甚至為可能的戰爭做好準備,卻少有作為」。】阿亮對這則新聞特別有感,是不是美國爸爸認為台灣太不夠認真了,大家都說願意上戰場結果不願意買軍備,也不願意恢復徵兵制,事實上連金門的八二三紀念儀式,中央都沒有派人去,只是臉書發個文,是不是小編沒有打過仗覺得貓還比較重要呢?


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