#2threshing - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
thresh 的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr.eye 譯典通. threshing. IPA[ˈθreʃɪŋ]. 美式. 英式. n. 打穀. 牛津中文字典. threshing. 打穀,脫粒. PyDict. threshing machine.
#4threshing - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译 ; 英语, 中文 ; threshing n, (separation of grain), SCSimplified Chinese 脱粒tuō lì. TCTraditional Chinese 脫粒.
#5樂詞網 - 雙語詞彙- 國家教育研究院
脫粒機. threshing machine. 以threshing machine進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域. 英文詞彙. 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 物理化學儀器設備名詞 · threshing machine.
#6thresh 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
thresh [θrZʃ; θrєʃ] 《及物動詞》 打<谷> 《不及物動詞》 打谷脫粒來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典[lazyworm-ec] [θreʃ] vt. 脫粒, 反復的打擊, 翻滾, 反復做, 推敲vi.
#7threshing 中文 - 英語翻譯
threshing中文 意思::脫粒;打谷;脫谷;捶擊;脫殼;打葉…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋threshing的中文翻譯,threshing的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#8threshing floor-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"threshing floor". 名词. 打谷场. 禾场 ...
#9The Threshing - 博客來
書名:The Threshing,語言:英文,ISBN:9781645010067,頁數:432,作者:Grahl, Tim,出版日期:2020/02/18,類別:青少年閱讀(13-18歲)
#10日文:稲穀篩主要題名-英文:Threshing Sieve for Unhulled Rice
中文 說明:民間早期使用的稻穀苔或稱穀篩,若用作篩肥料,則稱為糞篩,用竹子編成一長方形有漏孔或篩目的盛器,兩側綁二根長竹竿操作時由兩人抬篩框,搖動穀子漏下, ...
#11threshing翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
threshing中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:v. (用機器)使脫粒;打谷;推敲;(使)劇烈扭動,翻滾(thresh 的現在分詞)n. 脫粒;打谷。英漢詞典提供【threshing】的詳盡 ...
#12File:打穀機Threshing machine - panoramio.jpg - 維基百科
原始檔案 (4,562 × 3,420 像素,檔案大小:5.11 MB,MIME 類型:image/jpeg). 使用媒體檢視器開啟設定. Wikimedia Commons Logo, 本檔案並非來自中文維基百科,而是 ...
#13THRESHING 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
在英语-中文中"THRESHING"的上下文中进行翻译。 Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; - 收割或打谷机械,包括秸秆或饲料打包机;.
#14threshing的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
threshing 的中文意思翻譯:n. 打穀,脫粒; v. 打(麥等)( thresh的現在分詞); 脫粒; 反覆地做; 推敲。threshing的中文翻譯、threshing的發音、柯林斯釋義、 ...
#15threshing的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
1.Farmers thresh grain with threshing machines. 农民用 粒机 粒。 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网 动生成,部分未 ...
#16threshing - 抓鸟
threshing 的解释是:打谷, 脱粒… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:threshing的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#17THRESH - 汉语翻译 - bab.la在线词典
'thresh'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... A combine harvester combines the reaping, binding, and threshing functions all into one ...
#18Category:Threshing machines - Wikimedia Commons
中文 (臺灣):打穀機 ... Threshing machines by country (19 個分類) ... Threshing machines in Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (1 個檔案) ...
#19HS code: 8433520000 - 13位检验检疫CIQ编码,海关申报实例
Other threshing machinery. 其他脫粒機; ... 另需HS商品預歸類,中文標簽CIQ備案,報關員報檢員等專業人士加盟合作! 【 我要申請 】 ...
#20Thresh 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Thresh 释义: When a cereal such as corn, wheat , or rice is threshed , it is beaten ... present participle threshing , past tense, past participle threshed.
#21Images - 國立故宮博物院
"Threshing" inkstick of imperially commissioned "Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving", Cao Sugong, Qing dynasty (1644-1911) ...
#2232 Threshing sledge 图片、库存照片和矢量图 - Shutterstock
在Shutterstock 收藏中查找Threshing sledge 张高清库存图片和其余几百万张免版税库存照片、插图和矢量图。 每天添加几千张全新的高品质图片。
#23threshing floor – 中文翻译
登录 | Chinese | 使用条款 · 词典论坛联络. Google | Forvo | + · threshing floor · 技术 · 禾场 · 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言选择诀窍.
#24人工神经网络在预测柔性脱粒装置脱粒性能中的应用 - X-MOL
Our findings can be leveraged to optimize the threshing performance of future flexible threshing devices. 中文翻译: ...
#25Online 中文/英文聖經Holy-Bible
For you have been unfaithful to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor. Threshing floors and winepresses will not feed the ...
#26threshing 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释threshing这个英文词呢? threshing这个英文词,中文意思如下:脱粒。 Meaning of threshing for the defined word.
#27NIV - 台灣聖經網
Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, ...
The purpose of this experiment is to develope the upper threshing type thresher for rice combine in order to simplify the separation system and to increase ...
編號, T0004901. 主題, THRESHING (打穀). 中文內容, -用打的得2:17 -用踹的申25:4 賽25:10 何10:11 林前9:9 提前5:18 -用器具簸揚.木器撒下24:22 .鐵器摩1:3 .
#30Hand Crank Corn Sheller Huller Shucker Husker Thresher ...
提供翻譯服務。 查看English問與答的繁體中文翻譯版本。
#31SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-農業機械學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... thresher with undercarriage, 自走式脫粒機. threshing chamber, 脫粒室. threshing cylinder, 脫粒筒. threshing loss, 脫粒損失.
#32threshing floor的中文解释 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选threshing floor是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、threshing floor的用法、threshing floor的中文解释、翻译threshing floor是什么意思.
論文名稱(外文):, Study on the threshing machine for millet ... 語文別: 中文 ... At the present time millet threshing is almost all carried out manually ...
#34The Threshing Floor | LinkedIn
The Threshing Floor | 7 followers on LinkedIn. Ministry in the Greater Nashville, TN area. Our mission is: Birthing gifts. Developing disciples.
#35threshing是什么意思,打谷,脱粒翻译 - 生物医药大词典
英文: Behold, I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double ... 中文: 赛41:15看哪、我已使你成为有快齿打粮的新器具、你要把山岭打得粉碎、使冈陵 ...
#36Niko Pirosmani - 220 件藝術品- 畫作
Threshing Floor at Dusk - Niko Pirosmani. Threshing Floor at Dusk Niko Pirosmani • 1915-1916. Farmer with a Bull - Niko Pirosmani.
#37The Threshing - PChome 24h書店
The Threshing - 命理宗教, Marsha Winters, Samuel Winters, 9781946453181. ... The Threshing(Kobo/電子書). The Makings of a Soldier.
#38Case IH Axial-Flow Combine Harvester 7240 delivers ...
亚太地区(中文) ... 亚太地区(中文). 亚太地区 ... Case IH Axial-Flow Combine Harvester 7240 delivers convincing performance threshing soya. 更多信息.
#39汉德词典thresher是什么意思 - 德语助手
#40threshing (English → Spanish) – DeepL Translate
Translate "threshing" from English to Spanish with the world's most accurate translator. Millions translate with DeepL every day.
#41File:BASA-2072K-1-316-72-Threshing in Bulgaria by horses.jpg
这个文件并不在中文维基词典上,而是来自维基共享资源。 请参阅共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、上传日志。 维基共享资源是一个储存自由版权作品的 ...
#42Threshing Floor on Apple Music
Listen to music by Threshing Floor on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Threshing Floor including Threshing Floor and Born Mystic Section.
#43徐立章 - 江苏大学教师个人主页
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果. A combinational threshing and separating unit of combine harvester with a transverse tangential ...
#44thresh的意思在线翻译,解释thresh中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
thresh. thresh的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [θreʃ] KK音标发音: [θrɛʃ]. thresh的词性: v.(动词). threshed, threshing, threshes. thresh的词性:
#45Flue-cured Tobacco Threshing and Redrying Processing
The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the first and second wetting temperature and the moisture and threshing strength and the ...
#46免費的3D CAD 模型、2D 工程圖和供應商目錄
描述: The thrashing machine, or, in modern spelling, threshing machine (or simply thresher) From the biggest agriculture company in the middle east ...
#47Introduction to Threshing Machine (脱粒机) | 学术写作例句词典
如何用「Threshing Machine」写出专业的英文句子? 参考「Threshing Machine」学术论文例句,一次搞懂! ... Translation. English-简体中文 · English-繁體中文.
#48Optimizing threshing system of a combine harvester using the ...
Zoomlion Heavy Industry have been developing a simulation model of a threshing system of a combine harvester using the Discrete Element Method (DEM).
#49Stewart Farm - Threshing Machine Shed - City of Surrey
Built c.1900, vernacular structure with craftsman influence. Stewart_Farm_Threshing_Machine_Shed.jpg. Heritage Area: Crescent Beach. Site #: 14. Location: 13723 ...
#50Lucien SIMON (1861-1945) "Threshing wheat with a flail" hst ...
Lucien SIMON (1861-1945) "Threshing wheat with a flail" hst sbd 50x61. Automatically translated by DeepL. The original version is the only legally valid ...
#51中文意思| 脱粒英文怎么说| 农林科学| 农学 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 脱粒. threshing. 学科分类. 农林科学 农学.
#52Story Chapter 12 Part 9 Finished Threshing - 20230111 - 中學 ...
By the middle of the afternoon the machines had finished all the threshing. (To thresh that was to take the wheat off the wheat plant.)
#53Soybean threshing mechanism development and testing
An alternative soybean harvester was developed to thresh soybeans while the soybean plants were still rooted in the ground. The unit, which employed ...
中文 索引. 一個字 · 二個字(1) · 二個字(2) · 二個字(3) · 三個字 · 四個字 · 五或更多 ... 士師記6:37 look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor.
thresh 的中文意思:打谷,点击查看详细解释:thresh的中文翻译、thresh的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握thresh这个单词。
#56A threshing board - izi.TRAVEL
One of the types of implements used to thresh grain is a board with stone blades. In scientific definition it is possible to meet Latin name tribulum.
#57Design and optimization of segmented threshing device of ...
The rotational speed of roller, the angle of deflector, the threshing gap of ... 中文. Design and optimization of segmented threshing device of combine ...
#59thresh grain (on the threshing ground) 的中文意思 - TerryL
thresh grain (on the threshing ground) 中文意思是什麼 ... thresh: vt vi = thrash n 脫粒。 threshing floor 打穀場,脫粒場。 threshing machine 打穀機,脫粒 ...
#60Husking & Thresher Series - 豐洲企業股份有限公司
FK-26 Thresher. Made by stainless steel, with dexterous structure. It can be operated by electric or manpower. Suitable for classifying each kind of seed by ...
#61Steam Threshing Festival | Winnebago Historical Society
Exhibitors and guests enjoy the live farm demonstrations including grain threshing, log sawing, plowing, ensilage cutting, shingle making, horsepower testing, ...
#62Thirteen sisters spent a thousand dollars and ... - YouTube
Thirteen sisters spent a thousand dollars and bought a threshing machine. ... 中國年輕女性自述:我們為什麼不願意結婚生育- BBC News 中文.
#63thresh是什么意思 - 英语词典
Field experiments on rape combine harvester showed that integrated longitudinal axial flow threshing and separating device could adapted to operational ...
Study on The Microcomputer-based Data-acquisition and Monitor System for Corn Threshing and Separating Experiment. LI Min,ZHANG Le-yong,MENG Chen et al.
#66THRESHING-在英语词典里threshing 的定义和近义词。
该章节所呈现的将threshing由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«threshing»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 脱粒. 1,325 数百万发言 ...
#67threshing是什麼意思 - 海词
The threshing ground was used to hold a mass meeting. 打穀場曾用於舉行群眾大會。 Farmers thresh grain with threshing machines.
#68threshing的中文意思_threshing单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句_ ...
参考例句. We've got to finish the threshing while the good weather lasts. 得赶好天把场打完。 Farmers thresh grain with threshing machines.
#69Floor plan 中文2023 - ceroglusa.online
... floor 室內比賽場。 founding floor 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 the basement floor 地下室。 在中文中翻译"floor plan" 平面图楼面布置图展位图平面 ...
#70Floor plan 中文2023 - nubuglos.online
在中文中翻译"floor plan" 平面图楼面布置图展位图平面规划平面布置图建筑 ... 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 the basement floor 地下室。
#71Farmer beating straws by hand on a slotted wooden platform ...
Stock footage Rice threshing : back view on farmer beating straws by hand on a slotted wooden platform to separate the grain from the panicle 100361712 ...
#72Fall on the floor 中文2023
"fall flat"中文翻译不能引起兴趣; 彻底失败; 达不到预期效果, 失败; ... floor 室內比賽場。 founding floor 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 fall at sb.
#73Fall on the floor 中文2023
sat Fall on the floor 中文Fall on the floor 中文張容榕ptt 船底的肋板。 ... 室內比賽場。 founding floor 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 fall at sb.
#742023 Floor plan 中文 - jurisast.online
... floor 室內比賽場。 founding floor 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 the basement floor 地下室。 在中文中翻译"floor plan" 平面图楼面布置图展位图平面 ...
#75Floor plan 中文 2023 - miksowr.online
... competition floor 室內比賽場。 founding floor 造型工地。 a threshing floor 打谷場。 the basement floor 地下室。 在中文中翻译"floor plan" ...
... 的空地多用來翻曬糧食碾軋穀物) a level open space; threshing ground 2 [方言] ( 例句. ... 礦場的英文怎麼說中文拼音[ kuàngchǎng ] 礦場英文mine 礦: 名詞1.
#77New Mexico Is Losing a Form of Spanish Spoken Nowhere ...
Farmers threshing wheat near Questa in 1939.Credit...Russell Lee/Farm Security Administration, via Library of Congress.
#78美麗的伊甸園(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
which his feet rested was a threshing-floor, flat, rocky, and open to the winds. And David, the King, saw this Angel of Death, and fell on his face and ...
#79契訶夫短篇小說精選(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
Threshing was going on behind one of the low hurdles which intersected the big yard here and there. Round a post stuck into the middle of the ...
#80契訶夫短篇小說精選(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
Threshing was going on behind one of the low hurdles which intersected the big yard here and there. Round a post stuck into the middle of the ...
#81Save 33% on Soulash on Steam
简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) 日本語 ... mining, harvesting, gathering, threshing, fishing, butchering, skinning, and more.
#82兒童英文週刊2023 - aykosat.online
John Larrysson's Column: Story Chapter 12 Part 6 The Wonderful Threshing 藉由主題式內容搭配唱遊故事讀本、感統活動遊戲本及多元親子活動材料,協助孩子遊戲中學 ...
#83兒童英文週刊2023 - laosaet.online
John Larrysson's Column: Story Chapter 12 Part 6 The Wonderful Threshing 藉由主題式內容搭配唱遊故事讀本、感統活動遊戲本及多元親子活動材料,協助孩子遊戲中學 ...
... surface or area used for a specified purpose: a dance floor; a threshing floor. ... [參考] 我的電腦中已安裝的DirectX版本及圖形 floor中文, floor中文意思 ...