

在 these的中文產品中有44篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 2001年來到台灣在榮民總醫院跟天母消防隊實習,基本上那是場「火熱」的洗禮。我爸爸媽媽阿嬤都跟我們講台語,所以我來的時候只會3句非常非常基本的中文。 我所認知的台灣都是從小聽爸媽講的故事,我自以為對台灣很了解,但一到這裡被文化差異徹底衝擊洗禮之後,才知道完全不是想像中那回事。 2001: When ...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅itsAmanda!,也在其Youtube影片中提到,There’s no score available, this cover was done by ear. 周杰倫6首經典情歌串燒來了! 明明就、青花瓷、擱淺、楓、手寫的從前、退後 周杰倫的歌比一般歌手的歌不容易聽膩 不管是旋律、和弦、還是歌詞都很特別 所有歌的key我都是照著原本的 沒有升...

these的中文 在 Janet Hsieh Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 12:02:40

2001年來到台灣在榮民總醫院跟天母消防隊實習,基本上那是場「火熱」的洗禮。我爸爸媽媽阿嬤都跟我們講台語,所以我來的時候只會3句非常非常基本的中文。 我所認知的台灣都是從小聽爸媽講的故事,我自以為對台灣很了解,但一到這裡被文化差異徹底衝擊洗禮之後,才知道完全不是想像中那回事。 2001: When ...

these的中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-17 07:14:03

☆10k Followers 一萬粉絲☆ I seriously can’t believe that so many of you follow us here on IG. Thank you so so much! If we haven’t chatted before please ...

  • these的中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-12 23:03:39
    有 9,583 人按讚

    2001年來到台灣在榮民總醫院跟天母消防隊實習,基本上那是場「火熱」的洗禮。我爸爸媽媽阿嬤都跟我們講台語,所以我來的時候只會3句非常非常基本的中文。 我所認知的台灣都是從小聽爸媽講的故事,我自以為對台灣很了解,但一到這裡被文化差異徹底衝擊洗禮之後,才知道完全不是想像中那回事。
    2001: When I worked as an EMT at Tianmu Fire Station and intern at Veterans General Hospital in Taipei. It was my baptism by fire (sometimes, literally). I arrived in Taiwan knowing only three basic words in Mandarin, I thought I knew Taiwanese culture based off of the stories my parents would tell me, but I was in for a culture shock.

    非常感謝這些超讚的朋友,陪伴我成長、讓我避免菜鳥會犯的低級錯誤、教我髒話,哈哈! 我很懷念那段台灣初體驗的日子。
    Thankfully, I had these wonderful people to show me the ropes (heh heh) and rescue me from making many rookie mistakes. (And also, for teaching me tons of bad words in Taiwanese.) I’ll never forget this experience!

    如果你們還有其他的跟我合照的照片,一定要記得po給我,tag我, 然後跟大家分享這張照片背後的故事!我真的好喜歡大家最近跟我分享的照片!If you have more pictures you took with me, please post them, tag me and share the story behind the picture! I love all of the photos y’all have sent so far!!!

  • these的中文 在 周永鴻 台中市議員 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-10 09:00:32
    有 139 人按讚

    轉載 @美國在台協會 AIT 貼文

    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑
    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen
    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.
    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.
    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.
    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.
    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.
    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.
    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.
    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.
    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.
    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "
    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen
    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • these的中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-09 14:15:22
    有 75,960 人按讚












    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑


    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen

    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.

    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.

    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.

    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.

    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.

    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.

    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.

    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.

    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.

    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "

    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen

    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • these的中文 在 itsAmanda! Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-19 16:52:51

    There’s no score available, this cover was done by ear.


    所有歌的key我都是照著原本的 沒有升高或降低
    因為我覺得人家歌手寫那個key一定有他的道理 所以我就是一定要照著他的key彈!

    他的歌我聽最多 所也才有辦法做接歌
    但那每首歌只需要彈15秒 所以很容易
    這次彈這個一鏡到底 連著六首
    我只能說 差點沒被我自己搞死🤣
    因爲一鏡到底 沒有修音的緣故

    Here is a mashup of six songs I’ve pieced together from Jay Chou! @周杰倫 Jay Chou
    I played all the songs with its original keys because I feel like there must be a reason the singer chose these keys for the songs.

    Jay Chou has been my favorite Taiwanese singer since I was young - you won’t get tired of his songs easily because the melodies, chords and lyrics are just so unique.

    I actually improvised Jay Chou’s songs on my Instagram before (you guys can still see it on my Instagram Highlight.) That was easy because I only had to play 15 seconds for each song:))
    But now, there are six songs in a row, with a duration of 11 minutes in total (all done in one take)...so you might hear some wrong notes:p
    Anyway, I hope you guys will love this cover the same as I do👾💞

    Microphone: https://bit.ly/3pJrEkB​​
    Interface: https://bit.ly/3bNyXTJ​

    🔎Find me on Instagram: itsamandalo
    📩Contact me: piano860623@gmail.com

  • these的中文 在 SGD LOL - TOP Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-12 08:00:04

    Video Clip Sources:
    Fan contribution
    music Sources:
    希望能讓精華更有趣 翻譯並非正統可能有錯或超譯 請見諒
    Video and music has the player's permission to feature their clip .was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased.
    We make these videos with the intention of educating LoL players how to increase and improve own skills for better playing in some segments of the game, but to share those in quality compilation with other people.
    One of our videos was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased. These videos are made as a montage, consist of fragments from several different LoL matches. The content displayed in the video is recorded within the game, If any owner of clips, used in our compilation, has a copyright issue, feel free to contact us by gmail . We will remove the clip, video or come to an agreement. Thank you.
    Using or sharing our compilations is allowed, so feel free to share it anywhere, but it would be nice, to use direct link of video, not of copies.
    Thanks !

  • these的中文 在 DallasWaldo Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-12-07 19:00:11


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dallaswaldo/
    IG: @dallaswaldo

    These videos are for the purpose of practising Chinese rap. I've taken lyrics from a Mandarin speaking artist and a Western beat to create a mash up that allows me to hone my Chinese flows. Feel free to make your own!

    Beat 伴奏:Drake - The Motto ft. Lil Wayne, Tyga
    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYDKK95cpfM

    Lyrics 歌詞:頑童MJ116 - 幹大事 BIG THING

    我只擴大經營 罩大家庭
    我們只幹大事 就像T.I.
    我只幹大事 我幹大的
    恁爸起大厝 我蓋大的
    DAT ASS SO FAT 我幹大的
    賓士AMG 我開大的

    那些蠅頭小利留著 寧可不要賺
    承認吧 沒有好處的話誰要幹
    沒有載完整船黃金 我們不靠岸
    女人想要鑽戒 五星級的飯店
    小子沒有碰過活的拜金 沒有概念
    WORK HARD 到半夜 其他人都在睡
    我們來的地方 每個兄弟都想上位
    誰管 HIP HOP 還不 HIP HOP 太小家子氣
    國中還沒畢業 我就學會做生意
    天生幹大事的少年董 比富二代爭氣
    沒有含著金湯匙 超工時 瘋撈十億

    我只擴大經營 罩大家庭
    我們只幹大事 就像T.I.
    我只幹大事 我幹大的
    恁爸起大厝 我蓋大的
    DAT ASS SO FAT 我幹大的
    賓士AMG 我開大的

