
為什麼這篇terror意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在terror意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Jotarun (forever)看板DIABLO標題[情報] D2R 2.5PTR TERRO...

terror意思 在 Ien Lin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-06-03 11:07:28

能在生日當天在迪士尼遇到同一天生日的世界百大DJ的機率有多小👽 — 故事是這樣ㄉ: 比起alesso更喜歡martin garrix但每天被羅喬棻洗腦也開始覺得他可愛 昨天發現這幾天的迪士尼有electroland而且表演的人有steve aoki跟alesso 雖然一個是前天一個是昨天我也看不到但...






The journey to level 99 is a celebrated experience for players and quite the
milestone if achieved—a rite of passage, even. We want to offer an
alternative to repeatedly farming Baal, Diablo, or Nihlathak. We also want
the journey to level 99 to be accessible to a larger population of players,
full of variety, and most importantly, challenging—this is where Terror
Zones come in. As we get into details, please note that players can choose to
opt-out of Terror Zones if desired.

When playing a Terror Zone-enabled game, every hour, the armies of the
Burning Hells will focus their demonic might on specific zones, terrorizing
them. The monsters in these zones will be at least two levels higher than
your current level or their original level, up to a maximum per difficulty.
The experience received and the loot dropped by killing a terrorized monster
will be based on this new level. In addition, terrorized monsters will also
grant additional experience points.

Here are the level details for each monster type per difficulty:

除了掉落跟經驗是根據怪物的新數值以外 還會給你額外經驗值



Base: +2 levels up to level 45
Champion: +4 levels up to level 47
Unique: +5 levels up to level 48


Base: +2 levels up to level 71
Champion: +4 levels up to level 73
Unique: +5 levels up to level 74


Base: +2 levels up to level 96
Champion: +4 levels up to level 98
Unique: +5 levels up to level 99


The base player level used for the above calculations are taken from the
creator of the game. If the host leaves the game, a new player will be
selected for the base.

Upon entering a Terror Zone-enabled game, you'll be informed of the current
terrorized areas through a message sent to you via the Chat Box. When the
time for new terrorized zones draws near, you will be informed of the
impending changes via the Chat Box.

In addition, you will be informed that you’re entering a terrorized area by
several indicators:

Unique iconography next to a terrorized monster's name
On-screen text and messaging
Special audio cue
In-game text on the auto-map
Here’s a complete list of all the zones that can become terrorized during
the PTR:


Act I
Blood Moor and Den of Evil

Cold Plains and The Cave
Burial Grounds, The Crypt, and the Mausoleum
Dark Wood
Black Marsh
The Forgotten Tower
Cathedral and Catacombs
Moo Moo Farm

Act II

Rocky Waste and Stony Tomb
Dry Hills and Halls of the Dead
Far Oasis and Maggot Lair
Lost City, Valley of Snakes, and Claw Viper Temple
Harem and Palace Cellar
Arcane Sanctuary
Tal Rasha's Tombs

Spider Forest and Spider Cavern

Flayer Jungle and Flayer Dungeon

Lower Kurast

Kurast Bazaar, Ruined Temple, and Disused Fane

Kurast Sewers


Durance of Hate

Act IV
Outer Steppes and Plains of Despair

River of Flame
Chaos Sanctuary

Act V
Bloody Foothills

Frigid Highlands
Glacial Trail
Crystalline Passage and Frozen River
Arreat Plateau
Nihlathak's Temple, Halls of Anguish, Halls of Pain, and Halls of Vaught
Ancient's Way and Icy Cellar
Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction, and Worldstone Chamber

*Please note that during the duration of the PTR, changes to the behaviors of
Terror Zones may occur based on learnings from testing and player feedback.


To support player testing and content exploring, we will be providing
character templates in a variety of popular builds at varying levels. As the
PTR progresses, please be aware there may be periodic maintenance, outages,
or updates based on player feedback. Any changes implemented during this PTR
period to Terror Zones or other gameplay aspects are not set in stone. We are
testing Terror Zones as a new, experimental feature with the expressed desire
to inject additional fun into Diablo II: Resurrected. To ensure Terror Zones
provide an experience that best serves our players, we will need your
assistance and urge you to provide any feedback you may have.

There will be an in-game survey located on the Diablo II: Resurrected main
menu screen where you can provide feedback around Terror Zones.
Alternatively, you can leave your feedback in the PTR Feedback forum. If you
discover any bugs, please report them in the PTR Bug Report forum.

Gameplay/Quality of Life

Added additional warning text to the mercenary confirmation prompt if your
previous mercenary still has items equipped.
Damage value for the Paladin’s Thorns aura is now present on the character
Dead Finger Mages now reset correctly to their original state when revived by
Fixed an issue where casting delays could desync at very high ping.
Fixed an issue where monster unique mods were triggering from another unique
mod's trigger. For example, monsters that were both lightning and fire
enchanted created an explosion every time they were put into hit recovery
(Ex: repeatedly hit by Warcry).
Fixed a rare issue where item names on the ground would erratically flicker
and shift while pathing around them.
Fixed an issue where players and monsters were able to walk through doors
that visually looked closed.
Fixed an issue where certain Rune Words could not be repaired in the same
game session they were created.
Fixed an issue where loading a character on a console that was created on PC
was causing texture and lighting issues on console.
Fixed an issue that would occur when binding a skill to a multi-key binding
(Ex: Ctrl + X, Alt + X) the action bound to the first key became unbound from
that key.
Fixed an issue where the game name and password were not properly updating
and displaying in-game when toggling the setting for showing it.
Fixed an issue where updates to stats, skills, or quests were displaying when
no updates were available.
Fixed an issue where hardcore character names were not displaying in red text
on the character list.
Fixed an issue with the Legacy Graphics gamble refresh icon containing
graphical artifacts and corruption.
Fixed an issue where single and dual-wielding basic attacks with Claw weapons
could have inconsistent attack speeds.
Fixed an issue where flags associated with previous characters (Ladder,
Hardcore, and Classic) would persist for newly created characters in the
Legacy Graphics Character Creation Screen.
Fixed an issue where the “buy” button legend in the vendor window would not
display on the first weapons tab.
Fixed an issue where certain VFX were causing graphical corruption when
fighting Uber Diablo.
Fixed an issue where Iron Golems could lose the aura granted by the item they
were created with when the Golem was frozen.
Chosen game settings now persist in lobby game creation and filtering rather
than being reset.
Fixed an issue where Iron Golems created in a previous game would disappear
instead of teleporting to you.
Fixed an issue where performing a weapon swap during a trade would sometimes
freeze the game.
Fixed an issue where visuals effects granted by set bonuses would sometimes
toggle on and off.
Fixed an issue where environmental screen-space VFX were not playing.
Fixed an issue where Iron Golems summoned through a charge of the skill (Ex:
granted by Metalgrid) would disappear when performing an inventory update.
Fixed an issue where Iron Golems created by a charged skill would not save
between games.
Fixed an issue where players on console and controller would sometimes get
the red-flash indicator for health loss while performing an inventory update.
Fixed an issue where the Horadric Cube could not be quick-dropped if there
were items in it when playing on console or with a controller.
Fixed an issue where similar items weren't grouping together when
auto-populating into the belt while using a controller.
Fixed various issues when quick-moving a belt with items in the additional
belt slots it provides while using a controller.
Fixed an issue where you sometimes couldn't quick-equip an item that has its
requirement met by another equipped item.
Fixed an issue where an item with requirement reductions would sometimes
still show as requirements not met when equipped on a mercenary.
Fixed a desync with mana values when the consumption and regeneration of mana
happened in a short frame window.
Fixed an issue where Quick Cast would sometimes restore the previous skill to
the wrong mouse button.
Act V Dual-Wielding mercenaries now accurately animates two attack swings
instead of one.
Fixed an issue where there were no corresponding Suicide Minion versions of
the three guest Minion variants. These guest Minions will no longer visually
transform into a skeleton and continuously stack explosion damage when
whipped by Nihlathak or an Overseer.
Fixed an issue where Fist of the Heavens could unintentionally be used when
it was bound on controller or assigned to left click on M+KB.
Fixed an issue where pets summoned by "chance to cast" skills on items would
disappear after performing an inventory update.
Fixed an issue where Ravens summoned by charged skills would disappear after
a few seconds.

Difficulty penalties for life drain now apply to the Blood Golem's attacks.
Fixed an issue where Blood Golem was not correctly stealing life from a PvP

Updated gender pronoun strings that referred to the player from “his / her”
to the neutral counterpart “their.”
Added a prefix for online Uber Diablo messages received in offline games.
Added localization translations for the automap tooltip.
Fixed an issue where the maximum gold in-game text for Polish, Russian,
Mexican Spanish, and Portuguese languages were exceeding their bounds in the
Fixed a variety of equipped skill names that were exceeding their bounds in
the UI for the Russian and Polish languages.
Removed unnecessary spacing between tabs on PC in the quest log, waypoints,
and player stash UI screens when playing with a controller while using the
large font option.
Changed the date formatting for Japan to be displayed as Year / Month / Day.
Fixed a typo in the Japanese translations for quick equip and unequip to
mercenary tooltip.

PC-Specific Fixes
Added functionality to revoke and undo friend rejection so it’s no longer a
permanent rejection.
Fixed an issue where the "/friends list" chat command was being truncated
after 256 characters.
Removed the ability to bind the Print Screen key.
Fixed an issue where if the players opened chat after dying with Legacy
Graphics active, all controls stopped functioning.
Fixed an issue if a linked item in chat exceeded one line, the item was
unable to be selected and shown.
Fixed an issue where if a player entered the lobby, then entered a game, the
difficulty selection would be blank upon returning to the lobby.
Removed the scroll bar and buttons from the autosuggest menu for chat
Fixed an issue where if a skill was bound, then the key was removed from the
skill binding, the unbound skill would still display without a binding.
Improved the scrolling on the ladder season, ladder type, and class drop-down
in the ladder tab in the online lobby.
Fixed a tooltip that incorrectly stated “Show game name and password” to
correctly state “Show game name.”
Fixed an issue where the latency indicator visual in the lobby was off center.
Fixed an issue where if the player activates controller mode while in the
lobby, the latency indicator visual would disappear.
Skills can now always be set to the left or right slots, regardless of if you
meet the requirements to use them.
Fixed an issue where rings were always quick-equipped to the right-hand slot,
even if the left-hand slot was open.
M+KB can now quick-equip and quick-unequip items to and from their character
and mercenary.
Fixed an issue where dragging an item onto a mercenary's portrait was not
swapping their currently equipped item.
Text-to-speech now uses Voice (installed on Windows) which corresponds to the
voice language selected (Set in Battle.net launcher).
Text-to-speech option reads out all chat commands regardless of channel.
Text-to-speech, when reading an item link, will now only read the item text
instead of including various numbers and letters.

Fixed a crash on PC that occurred when resizing the client window while in
the lobby.
Improved game join and game create backend request for a smoother player
Various game stability improvements.
Back to Top


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1661451127.A.DB0.html
edward198791: 推 08/26 02:15
ciban : 好像針對99等人物有新挑戰的樣子 08/26 02:16
gackt770414 : 看起來以後升級的手段好多了 不是無腦巴車 08/26 02:19
wstd : 坐等 吼搭啦 的翻譯 08/26 02:26
dindindan : 只是提升現有場景的怪物等級 地獄+5級99上限 08/26 02:42
dindindan : 結果不還是一樣CS跟巴車 08/26 02:43
toolan : +5級會影響掉落物品的話 牛關要起飛了 08/26 02:43
ciban : 剛剛稍微估狗亂翻 好像是可以設定怪物等級? 08/26 02:51
moebear : 我看了一下 說至少比你等級或怪物等級高2等 08/26 03:03
moebear : 所以你97去打腐化怪就會至少99等 08/26 03:03
kthang : 網頁右鍵翻譯 https://i.imgur.com/klWSvhc 08/26 03:08
kthang : https://i.imgur.com/vBeNLJK 08/26 03:08
kthang : https://i.imgur.com/ZIJOE1r 08/26 03:09
kthang : https://i.imgur.com/T3ykg9G 08/26 03:09
speedshuffle: Tz 是要讓大家都有機會升到99等,不是給99等的角色 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 有新挑戰,Tz區怪物等級的計算方式是房主角色等級 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 依普怪+2/藍怪+4/暗金怪+5等然後有上限,分別是96/9 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 8/99等,然後TZ區是每小時會隨機選,至於哪些區域 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 有機會變成TZ區上面有,所以不能自己選,然後這些 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 怪的loot table 是依照新等級決定,然候有額外的經 08/26 03:12
speedshuffle: 驗值。 08/26 03:12
kthang : 開場就找TZ區清怪好像比較不會那麼單調 08/26 03:14
kthang : 是說每小時會改TZ區,然後那一小時TZ區固定? 08/26 03:16
speedshuffle: 就我理解是這樣沒錯 08/26 03:20
kthang : 看來紅門牛關偶爾會變RED BULL起飛一小時囉 08/26 03:24
speedshuffle: 如果開遊戲就隨機到牛關就蠻爽的 08/26 03:26
dindindan : 這就讓要衝99的高等玩家在8PPL快速獲取經驗 08/26 03:28
dindindan : 就不再在搶暗黑老尼巴爾 08/26 03:29
speedshuffle: 如果有機會99是真的有點動力繼續玩,暴雪真的很會。 08/26 03:30
speedshuffle: 對 但因為官方說是不一樣的選擇 所以這裡額外的經 08/26 03:36
speedshuffle: 驗值 應該還是少到哭 08/26 03:36
yinson : 好像不錯~ 不然到這季巴車就有點懶得跑了XD 08/26 04:05
obeytherules: 這樣還不錯 如果怪物等級提升也影響到掉落的話更好 08/26 04:14
obeytherules: 等於隨機骰一個冷門圖變打點 08/26 04:14
yinson : 隨便看一下 TZ每小時隨機變 對話視窗通知在哪 08/26 04:15
yinson : 進TZ時會有文字&特殊影音效果之類的告訴你 08/26 04:17
yinson : 地獄TZ白怪等級+2 所以 83場景的掉寶 就變85嗎? 08/26 04:20
yinson : 哈哈改動的第一個是解僱傭兵時身上還有裝備會提醒你 08/26 04:25
yinson : 用金屬網格(之類的)召喚鋼魔好像改成進出遊戲還會在 08/26 04:36
yinson : 這樣大家都隨身一隻眼光鋼魔了吧 沒有招喚沒有殺害 08/26 04:36
yinson : 不過也不一定會常戴金屬網格項鍊就是XD 08/26 04:55
cchou : 希望Terror Zones能大幅增加怪的密度,像輿圖那樣 08/26 06:23
joe622 : 沒魔像精通的鋼魔脆的跟紙一樣.. 08/26 07:19
john299081 : 多一個新選擇吧,而且等級是開房者當底 08/26 07:33
bnn : 這是不是隔壁PoE軍團還是哪個風暴聯盟來著(X 08/26 08:16
lovinlover : 簡單來說就是局部區域的動態難度 08/26 08:24
lovinlover : 說不定1-40練種子也有幫助 08/26 08:24
fni653 : 殘念 物品堆疊功能呢 QQ 08/26 08:50
fni653 : 挖靠PTR開了耶 08/26 08:55
fni653 : 31.8G 懶得裝了 左下開始遊戲那裡 上面一格選版本 08/26 08:59
john299081 : 是說一小時換一次是要幹嘛?難道重開房間也是固定的 08/26 09:04
john299081 : 點? 08/26 09:04
fni653 : 應該是全網同時更新 他應該不想你一直洗圖 08/26 09:12
fni653 : 說好聽是讓你不要只刷巴爾跟牛 所以每一小時更新 08/26 09:13
fni653 : 沒錯這就是poe弄過的風暴聯盟..只是poe有很多效果 08/26 09:15
fni653 : 裡面的怪好像很兇. 看來就是組隊打副本了 08/26 09:16
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 08/26/2022 09:29:49
HuangYa : 愛迪生上片介紹啦 就是每一小時換個地方讓你刷 08/26 09:54
HuangYa : 讓大家不用糾結巴爾車升級 每小時換個口味 08/26 09:54
ALOVET : 如果那一小時剛好R到巴爾,就會拼命刷神之50命大板 08/26 10:17
ALOVET : 了 08/26 10:17
ss19990516 : 請問,天梯有確定下的日期嗎? 08/26 10:53
hungyas : 天拳丁碰到牛關怎麼搞? 08/26 11:33
holybless : 把傳點改巴爾五小強前不是更快 08/26 11:34
basara30 : 天拳丁跑碰到牛關...就去吃個飯一小時後再回來吧 08/26 11:35
basara30 : 這樣改,變成要練通吃型的流派比較好 08/26 11:36
samuelass : 祝槌或電法 還是一樣強勢 08/26 11:40
zorohpjtr : 真的有點懶得看英文 08/26 11:43
john299081 : 當人型無限幫隊友降抗(誤) 08/26 11:44
horace0323 : 一個信念 一個BO 一個強化 08/26 11:46
neetarashi : 有塔拉夏古墓 感覺不錯 那邊怪超多的 08/26 11:52
speedshuffle: 天拳丁本來就CS特化吧,最終解決方案還是雞腿丁。 08/26 12:00
lamlinjimmy : https://imgur.com/JAotpyX 08/26 12:43
james736 : 召靈無感通刷 08/26 12:55
WilliamEX : 恐怖地帶 好恐怖喔 08/26 12:59
kirimaru73 : 經驗值應該不會太差,原本衝99是「只」有巴爾和阿尼 08/26 13:02
kirimaru73 : 整張地圖的小怪小王都是正常經驗的話一定贏 08/26 13:02
kirimaru73 : 50命大板應該沒辦法,那要110級,應該不會加那麼高 08/26 13:03
kirimaru73 : 不過45命大板瞬間貶值應該是注定的事情 08/26 13:03
kirimaru73 : 另外一個重點是恐怖地帶的「固定」金色小王TC會不會 08/26 13:15
kirimaru73 : 變成TC87,原本的設計邏輯是固定小王TC永遠不會變 08/26 13:15
kirimaru73 : 像是CS那三隻封印王的TC永遠是TC78 08/26 13:16
kirimaru73 : 如果會變高,那在隨機到崔凡克或CS時會有明顯影響 08/26 13:16
kkittles : 鼓勵要多開幾隻特化腳色來對應不同的恐怖地帶了 08/26 13:26
kirimaru73 : 大概會有神人開始認真挑戰已經被挑戰20年的三修法師 08/26 13:31
letmepass : 三休法師是什麼意思 08/26 13:50
neetarashi : 冰河小徑也是不錯的點 會出鬼魂又一堆骷髏 只是有時 08/26 14:08
neetarashi : 會出狂亂牛頭有點討厭 08/26 14:08
NullLife : 不錯耶, 這樣玩起來比較有動力亂跑也不會疲乏 08/26 14:11
speedshuffle: 感覺固定王的掉落是不會變的,因為他們TC本來就不是 08/26 14:41
speedshuffle: 場景等級決定,頂多會掉落以前不會掉落的基底,但一 08/26 14:42
speedshuffle: 輩子都不會變成原本就不能掉落的金裝綠裝。 08/26 14:42
speedshuffle: 以上純屬鍵盤 08/26 14:44
obeytherules: 骰到乳牛要變神牛了嗎 08/26 14:47
kirimaru73 : 樓上其實剛好說反,因為TC是鎖基底,TC低基底就少 08/26 14:53
kirimaru73 : 不過金綠裝是看怪物等級來擋,超過87就是全開 08/26 14:54
CGV : 這樣會不會變成公開房大家搶TZ 08/26 14:54
kirimaru73 : 以崔凡克為例,等級超過87就可以掉原本不會掉的蛛網 08/26 14:54
kirimaru73 : 恐怖牛關「應該」也是TC不變,金裝等級限制全解除 08/26 14:56
kirimaru73 : 所以全金裝都會掉,但TC87的機率只有其他裝備的1/7 08/26 14:56
obeytherules: 可能以後發文廣播這小時..是牛關 崔凡克 CS 快來刷 08/26 16:27
obeytherules: 啊... 08/26 16:27
obeytherules: 骰到泰摩那個洞感覺會很爽 08/26 16:28
speedshuffle: 那要怎麼解釋暗黑不會掉落TC87的裝備?他本身是94等 08/26 16:35
speedshuffle: 可能我說反了,但我主要想表達固定王有特殊規則 08/26 16:37
speedshuffle: 還有我印象中基底是QLVL決定的,並不是TC 08/26 16:39
speedshuffle: 抱歉以上關於物品掉落請無視... 08/26 16:50
kirimaru73 : 固定金色小王以及BOSS的TC是寫死的,跟等級沒有關係 08/26 16:51
kirimaru73 : 暗黑(無論任務與否)的TC已經寫死為弱TC84 08/26 16:51
kirimaru73 : 所以如果系統沒有大改,恐怖化之後然仍會維持弱TC84 08/26 16:52
kirimaru73 : 同理巴爾這個魔王之恥應該也會維持弱TC87(跟牛一樣) 08/26 16:53
elia0325 : 這是鼓勵單刷或多開帳號吧 08/26 17:03
yinson : 給單刷仔一個99的機會 雖然還是很難 08/26 17:05
speedshuffle: 原來如此! 08/26 17:17
saisai9230 : 請問為什麼巴爾是魔王之恥? 08/26 17:30
kirimaru73 : 他掉TC87裝備的機率是TC84的1/7 08/26 17:33
kirimaru73 : 也就是身為Lv99最終魔王 他掉寶的原型不如85場景中 08/26 17:34
yinson : 魔王之恥XD 08/26 17:34
kirimaru73 : 任何一隻小怪,不過這個設計是非常合理的 08/26 17:34
kirimaru73 : 如果巴爾是真TC87,那所有85場景都可以關門了 08/26 17:35
yinson : 不過好像可以掉金權冠(? 所以原諒他(咦? 08/26 17:38
Ashaku : 請問這個賽季到什麼時候 四個月了 應該差不多了 08/26 17:40
speedshuffle: 這個問題只能擲茭了,官方也沒公布。 08/26 17:54
kirimaru73 : 最快應該也要等2.5這版測到穩定吧 08/26 18:08
dindindan : +46~50命以上技能版97級 完美寶石要漲翻天了 08/26 23:32
kirimaru73 : 46-50命板是"如果出現的話"需求等級97 08/26 23:46
kirimaru73 : 要出現這個屬性必須要110級的怪物 08/26 23:46
kirimaru73 : 看看官方願不願意單獨把巴爾加到110級 08/26 23:46

