

在 temperatures中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 日本供台AZ疫苗 Thx bro! You're a lifesaver! 還有其他表示感謝的英文用語嗎? ★★★★★★★★★★★★ NHK reports that Japan will ship 1.2 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccin...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen. 有中文字幕。請按下畫面上的字幕按鈕選擇。 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요. ◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新し...

temperatures中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:20:17

📍台北市 台北車站 ❤️欣葉日本料理 館前站 ⠀ 🌐台北市 Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 和食初心者也能從容優雅食! 🇯🇵欣葉日本料理🇯🇵上百種料理 隨您挑選,任您品嚐!👏 ⠀ 開胃小砵各有特色!🤓 來試試特別的蛾螺醋味噌!😋 冰鎮後的新鮮海螺🐚 口感爽脆 配上醋味噌的酸甜更是爽口💦...

  • temperatures中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-04 09:52:58
    有 193 人按讚

    [時事英文] 日本供台AZ疫苗

    Thx bro! You're a lifesaver!



    NHK reports that Japan will ship 1.2 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to Taiwan on June 4.

    據日本放送協會(NHK)最新報導,日本政府已確定4日提供約120 萬劑 AZ 疫苗給台灣。


    •supply (v.) 1.2 million doses 供應 120 萬劑
    •set to 預定在 ; 設定在
    •as early as Friday 最早在星期五
    •coronavirus vaccine 冠狀病毒疫苗
    •face a new surge of new infections 面對新的新感染潮
    •grapple with sth 盡力解決;設法對付;盡量克服
    •have difficulty [ + doing sth ] 在…方面有困難,很難做到… (e.g., I had difficulty finding somewhere to park.)
    •procure (努力)取得,獲得
    •pledge to... 承諾...
    •inoculate 給…接種,給…作預防注射 (e.g., inoculated against polio 打小兒麻痺預防針)
    •urgently need 急需
    •vaccine rollout 疫苗推出
    •roll (sth) out 推出(新産品、服務等);實行(新制度);開展
    •build "cold-chains" 建立冷鏈
    •be stored at low temperatures 用低溫保存
    •vaccine diplomacy 疫苗外交


    Japan to send 1.2 mil. doses of vaccine to Taiwan

    Japan set to fly 1.24 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan
    https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/06/03/national/japan-taiwan-astrazeneca-vaccine/ (有音檔)


    日本供台灣124萬劑AZ疫苗 朝日新聞稱不只這一次

    包括台灣! 美國總統拜登宣布向亞洲釋出700萬劑疫苗

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2TI7Vrm

  • temperatures中文 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-26 17:00:55
    有 14 人按讚

    #EZTALK #EZNews
    #TexasIceStorm #霸王級寒流英文怎麼說


    今晚吃元宵,一起跟著 Libby 關心 #你不知道的美國大小事
    看完本新聞再搭配下週的 #編輯講英文 podcast

    The state of Texas is known for its long, hot summers and mild winters. That’s why the 🔖freezing weather that hit Texas last week 🔖took everyone by surprise. Normally, the jet stream keeps 🔖swirling cold air—known as the “polar vortex”—trapped in 🔖the Arctic. But last week, the jet stream 🔖dipped south, bringing 🔖frigid weather all the way south to Texas.

    The series of winter storms that swept across Texas brought snow, ice, and some of the coldest temperatures the state has ever experienced. Temperatures in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio were lower than those in Anchorage, Alaska, and snow fell all the way to the Mexican border!

    Because storms like these are so rare here, Texans—and the state’s 🔖infrastructure—just weren’t prepared for the effects of 🔖extreme cold weather. 🔖Frozen natural gas pipes and ice on power lines caused outages that left millions without gas or electricity, and icy roads resulted in thousands of accidents.

    Left without power to heat their homes, people resorted to extreme measures to stay warm. Some ran their cars in their garages, and others ran generators indoors, resulting in hundreds of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. By the time temperatures started to rise again, dozens of Texans had died, mostly from road accidents, 🔖carbon monoxide poisoning and 🔖hypothermia.

    So are there any special terms for weather events like this? The most common term is ✏“cold snap,” which means a sudden short period of very cold weather. Why is it called a cold snap? When you snap your fingers, the sound is sudden and short—just like a cold snap. Another term with the same meaning is ✏“cold wave.” Although “cold wave” isn’t as common as “cold snap,” the opposite term, “heat wave,” is commonly used. Another related term is ✏“cold spell,” which usually refers to a period of cold weather longer than a cold snap.
    有什麼詞可以形容這樣的天氣狀況呢?最常用到的詞是「cold snap(短暫的氣溫驟降,類似中文的「霸王級寒流」)」,指突然來襲的短期極寒天氣。為什麼要用到snap(打響指)這個字?打響指的聲音既突然又短促──就像這突如其來的天氣一樣。可以用的另一個詞則是「cold wave(冷浪)」,這個字雖然沒有cold snap常見,不過它的相反詞 heat wave(熱浪)倒是很常見。最後一個詞則是「cold spell」,通常用來形容比cold snap更長的寒流。

  • temperatures中文 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-14 10:05:12
    有 416 人按讚



    我學習PADI 潛水課程的原因,因為淺層海水生態系在滅絕。珊瑚白化,魚兒都被捕撈走了,表層海水了無生氣不像過去那般值得探索,想看看海中生態,需要進入更深的水中,這是全世界都面臨的問題,在台灣,同樣的危機也在發生。




    我這次去了小琉球學水肺潛水。小琉球除了很簡單容易到之外,因地理位置關係,水溫及浪況整年都適合潛水。我的教練是NEMO,他很專業也很注重安全細節,而且中文、英文都沒問題。如果你有興趣想知道更多資訊或是安排來一趟體驗潛水,我非常建議與他聯絡,臉書連結在下面這邊:島氮潛水社 Playful Dive Club


    The oceans are a vast and amazing wonderland. They hold uncountable wonders and support not only marine life, but all all life on land as well. Our oceans regulate the weather, oxygen, temperature. We need our oceans to survive.

    Unfortunately, due to our negligence, the oceans need us to survive now as well. They are under threat from plastic pollution, rising temperatures, over fishing, and acidification from atmospheric CO2 absorption, and chemical runoff from industry and agriculture. Almost all marine species are under threat. That's not an exaggeration. That is the reality.

    I studied for my PADI SCUBA diving license because the ocean life on the surface is disappearing. The reefs are bleaching, the fish have all been fished, and there isn't as much to see as there used to be. To see healthy ocean life now, we need to go deeper. This is the case all over the world, but it's also the case here in Taiwan.

    It's not too late. Life is tenacious. The ocean is hanging on. But for how much longer? I recommend that everyone takes a trip underwater now. For two important reasons.

    1) Time is running out. The oceans are changing. This is the best it will it be in the near future. Go now while you still can.

    2) To see the oceans how they really are. It may change your opinion about how we consume and dispose of products. It may change your opinion about how we run our society, and economy. What is it we really value? The world would be a very different place is every CEO and every politician was required to go SCUBA diving.

    I studied on Xiaoliuqiu, which is a convenient place to SCUBA dive because the water temperature is good, and the island is protected from waves, so you can go diving all year round. My instructors name was Nemo, he's very safe and professional, and can teach in both English and Chinese. If you would like to know more, or go on a discovery dive, I highly recommend contacting him. You can find his FB above.:

  • temperatures中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-06 16:00:03

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    ● Somen noodles: 200g
    ● Mirin: 2 tablespoons
    ● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
    ● Chicken broth: 2 teaspoons
    ● SOMI shantung: 1 teaspoon (you can also use Weipa)
    ● Sugar: 1 teaspoon (you can use lakanto to reduce the sugar content)
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1 teaspoon (gochujang is also okay)
    ● Bonito powder: 1 to 2 teaspoons
    ● Chicken oil or sesame oil: as desired
    ● Water: About 350ml (hot and cold water combined)
    ● Black pepper, white pepper, small green onion, Ra-yu to taste
    ※Taste after adding 350ml and adjust the taste to your liking.
    ※If you don't like the spiciness, you can replace Dou ban jiang with miso.
    ※Chicken oil hardens at low temperatures, so if you refrigerate it, pour it over the soup just before eating. (It can be refrigerated for about a month)
    This is the best chilled ramen made with somen noodles!
    I made "Yamitsuki Mugen Soumen".
    It has a deep flavor and richness that you can't believe it was made in just 3 minutes, yet it's super light, healthy, and the most addictive soup that you can eat every day and never get tired of.
    This is a recipe that I am proud to recommend to everyone who has tried it, and I have been told many times that they have never had such a delicious somen dish♪
    It tastes great with just the soup and somen, and of course it tastes great with Chinese noodles too.
    It's too easy to make, so please give it a try.
    It's really as good as a ramen restaurant♪
    It's so amazingly good that it's almost like a drink lol
    And if you have time, definitely try making some chicken ham (salad chicken) and chicken oil too!


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #やみつき無限そうめん #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #JapaneseCooking #ラーメン #サラダチキン #ヘルシー #鶏ハム #むね肉柔らかく #揖保乃糸 #油そうめん #拉麵 #라면 #龍鬚麵 #소면 #아부라소바 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

