

在 tear動詞產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,160的網紅魯曼英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 拍攝時間:2021/03/20 09:00 am tear down 拆毀 (注意tear 當動詞跟當名詞時發音不同喔) overpass 天橋 地下道怎麼說呢? underpass #基隆ㄧ信橋...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,泰國疫情再次爆發,全國陷入封鎖。一些泰國人民選擇再次走上街頭,要求總理 Prayuth Chan-ocha 下台以及對強大但不透明的君主制度進行改革。當局警告,任何形式的抗議都違反了疫情之下的緊急管制措施。 📝 訂閱講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ss...

tear動詞 在 VoiceTube看影片學英語官方 Instagram Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 08:06:56

:欸,要幹嘛?好無聊喔!👀 常常把「好無聊喔」掛在嘴邊的你🙈 各種常用口語英文說法一次整理給你👇 有發音喔!請右滑看中文和聽發音! ⚡補充⚡ 🥱 How tedious! 多麼無聊啊! 除了 boring 之外,tedious、dull 這兩個形容詞也能描述令人感到很無聊、枯燥、乏味。 🥱 W...

tear動詞 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-30 08:12:04

- 往右滑學 「哭」的5個動詞✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  除了 cry 以外,從「眼眶泛淚」到「嚎啕大哭」該如何精確表達呢?來看看這篇的5個動詞吧!  📌 She teared up as she saw her son standing up...

  • tear動詞 在 魯曼英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-20 09:12:28
    有 309 人按讚

    拍攝時間:2021/03/20 09:00 am
    tear down 拆毀
    (注意tear 當動詞跟當名詞時發音不同喔)
    overpass 天橋

  • tear動詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-19 21:42:43
    有 257 人按讚

    🔔 進度報告:
    🚚 09/21依訂單順序開始出貨,選擇【店到店】寄送的學員,已開始寄送。近期務必留意手機簡訊,攜帶證件至門市取貨哦!

    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國奧勒岡大火 🇺🇸

    📰 West Coast Fires Fueled by Winds as Dangers Continue
    Blazes tear through small towns; ‘It looks like a bomb went off’

    📌 這篇文章關於美國西岸 (West Coast)大火,這些大火是被風激起的 (fueled by winds),危險持續存在 (dangers continue)。blaze (烈火) 是fire的同義詞。

    TALENT, Ore.—Residents and officials have begun surveying the vast destruction in Oregon’s small towns while gusty winds and low humidity continue to propel wildfires that have burned millions of acres and displaced thousands of people across the Western U.S.
    Conditions remain dire, and a top Oregon official said Tuesday that control of the conflagrations—two of which have been burning since mid-August—could still be weeks away.

    📌 這兩段說明居民 (residents) 和官員 (officials) 已經開始調查(survey) 美國 Oregon 的小鎮 (small towns) 廣泛破壞 (vast destruction)。大風 (gusty winds) 和 低潮濕 (low humidity) 繼續推動(propel) 野火wildfires)。displace是常見的動詞。當地一位高級官員說還要幾個星期才可以控制大火災O (conflagrations)。

    At least 34 people have been killed so far in the wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington state, part of a wider outbreak that has scorched more than 4.7 million acres in 11 states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. In California alone, an area larger than the state of Connecticut has been burned this summer.
    The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning early Tuesday for parts of Northern California and Oregon, indicating extreme fire conditions exacerbated by wind and drier air.

    📌 這兩段告訴讀者,在美國三個州的野火,到目前為止,至少奪走34條人命。這些野火是更大的爆發 (wider outbreak),影響了美國11個州。國家氣象局 (the National Weather Service) 發出紅旗警告 (Red Flag Warning),表示極端大火狀況 (extreme fire conditions),會因為風和乾燥的空氣 (drier air) 而惡化 (exacerbate)。

    On Tuesday, Sandra Spelliscy, Talent’s city manager, toured the streets, passing by whole neighborhoods and commercial areas that were destroyed last week. “Half of Talent is gone,” she said.
    About 700 homes and businesses were leveled in the city of 6,400 people, and officials estimate that as many as 20% of them are now without a place to live. Ms. Spelliscy and her staff are still tallying up the financial losses. “I cannot even begin to wrap my head around what it’s going to take for the city to get through this, to recover financially,” she said.

    📌 這兩段報導城市經理 (city manager) (即負責管理城市的官員) 參觀街道,經過上周被破壞的鄰近地區 (neighborhoods) 和商業區(commercial areas)。市内約7000個家 (homes) 和事業(businesses)被夷平 (leveled),其中20%無家可歸 (without a place to live)。tally up (計算)、financial losses (財務損失) 和 wrap one’s head around something (明白某東西)是道地用語。

    A day earlier, Michael “TonTon” Antonopoulos surveyed the twisted metal, charred beams and piles of ash that were the remains of TonTon’s Artisan Affections, his cafe known for its vegan Mediterranean food and lively parties.

    “It looks like a bomb went off,” the 50-year-old Mr. Antonopoulos said.
    The cafe was wiped out along with hundreds of other businesses in Talent and neighboring Phoenix by last week’s fast-moving Almeda Drive Fire, which also killed four people. A downtown stretch where TonTon’s once stood along with several other shops is now a smoky ruin. The bookstore, the antique store and another building that Mr. Antonopoulos was turning into an event space are all gone.

    📌 這三段引述一家咖啡店 (cafe) 老闆一天前視察 (survey) 店的殘餘(remains)。他說破壞像炸彈爆發 (a bomb goes off)。wipe out (徹底摧毀)也是常見的片語。


    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Zusha Elinson and Alicia A. Caldwell
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  • tear動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-10 19:00:39
    有 24 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    The Statue Debate 美國拆除雕像事件


    1. Confederate「南方邦聯(的)」:指美國南北戰爭時期代表南方的南方邦聯政府。
    2. monument「紀念碑」
    3. honor「表彰」
    4. slavery「奴隸制」:slave指「奴隸」。
    5. relic「遺跡」
    6. take down「拆除」:相似的動詞片語還有tear down, poll down。
    7. Founding Father「美國開國元勳」:指對美國建國有重大意義的偉大人物,具體來說,就是簽署美國獨立宣言和美國憲法的政府領導人以及參與美國革命的領袖。
    8. contribution「貢獻」

    Over the past few decades, there has been a growing movement in the U.S. to remove monuments to Confederate soldiers and politicians from public places. Those who support removal believe that statues honoring Confederate figures, who fought against their own country to preserve slavery, shouldn’t be allowed to stand. Those who are against removal say that historic relics, even those that are symbols of a dark period in the country’s history, should remain as a reminder to future generations.

    The pace of statue removal began to increase around 2009, and reached a peak in 2017, when a total of 36 were taken down. That year, the mayors of both New Orleans and Baltimore had all of the Confederate statues in their cities removed. And since the police killing of George Floyd in May, 2020, a new wave of removals has begun.

    Some of these actions have been legal. A statue of Confederate president Jefferson Davis was removed from the Kentucky State Capitol on June 13, and a statue of slave-owning politician John C. Calhoun was taken away from a public square in Charleston, South Carolina on June 24.

    But in other cases, protestors have taken matters into their own hands. Protestors tore down a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee in front of a high school in Montgomery, Alabama on June 1, toppled a statue of Jefferson Davis in Richmond, Virginia on June 10, and removed two statues from the North Carolina Confederate Monument in Raleigh on June 19.

    But protestors haven’t stopped at the removal of Confederate statues. On June 14, a group of demonstrators pulled down a statue of Thomas Jefferson in front of a high school in Portland, Oregon. And several days later, in another part of Portland, a crowd gathered around a statue of George Washington, lit an American flag on his head, and then pulled it down with a rope.

    Why would anyone want to tear down statues of these two Founding Fathers? Despite their many contributions to America’s founding, they both owned hundreds of slaves during their lifetime, although Washington did free his slaves in his will. Should statues of historic figures like Washington and Jefferson remain because of their positive achievements, or should they be removed because they owned slaves? This is a debate with no easy answers.

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • tear動詞 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-15 18:18:51

    泰國疫情再次爆發,全國陷入封鎖。一些泰國人民選擇再次走上街頭,要求總理 Prayuth Chan-ocha 下台以及對強大但不透明的君主制度進行改革。當局警告,任何形式的抗議都違反了疫情之下的緊急管制措施。

    📝 訂閱講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_notes
    🇹🇭 延伸閱讀:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep45
    🖼️ IG 單字卡: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG


    本集 timestamps
    0:00 Intro
    0:47 第一遍英文朗讀
    2:54 新聞 & 相關單字解說
    16:19 額外單字片語
    22:13 第二遍英文朗讀


    加入臉書社團 (朗讀文字):https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/283807406838839

    👉 Human Rights Watch:https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/08/13/protesters-police-clash-thailand-vaccine-protests
    👉 Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/health-coronavirus-pandemic-4c11cb1a929ffbe0c6b15fd446ef9172
    👉 Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2164983/fresh-protest-met-with-rubber-bullets-tear-gas-again
    👉 Al Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/8/14/three-injured-as-thai-police-fire-rubber-bullets-at-bangkok-rally


    Haiti 海地
    Earthquake 地震
    Thailand 泰國
    Bangkok 曼谷
    Demonstration Alert  示威警報
    Reform 改革
    Demonstration(s) 遊行
    Protest(s) 抗議
    Demonstrators 遊行者
    Protestors 抗議者
    Rally 一大群人的集會
    Riot 暴動
    Rioters 暴動的人、暴徒
    Rotting fruit 腐爛水果
    Symbolise 象徵
    Prime minister 總理
    Barbed wire 帶刺的鐵絲網
    Shipping containers 貨櫃
    Rubber bullets 橡皮子彈 / 橡膠子彈
    Tear gas 催淚瓦斯
    Water cannons 水砲
    Anti-government protest 反政府抗議活動
    Breach(es) 違反
    Press charges 起訴
    Heavy-handedness 粗暴的手段
    Jeopardize (UK 拼法 jeopardise) 危害
    Ping pong bombs 乒乓球炸彈
    Slingshots 彈弓
    Bricks 磚塊
    Firecrackers 鞭炮
    Lockdown 封鎖
    Resign 辭職 / 下台
    Constitution 憲法
    Monarchy 君主制度
    Contentious 有爭議的
    Prayuth Chan-ocha 泰國總理
    Martial law 戒嚴
    Royalist 保皇主義
    King Maha Vajiralongkorn 泰國現任國王
    Unheard of 聞所未聞的
    Thai(s) 泰國人
    Playboy 花花公子
    Constitutional monarchy 君主立憲制
    Bhumibol Adulyadej 泰國上一任國王
    Coup d’état(s) 軍事政變
    Anxious 焦慮
    Mantra 口號、咒語

    ♥️ 喜歡時事英文 podcast 嗎?♥️
    你可以支持 Hazel 繼續錄製 podcast 👉 https://bit.ly/zeczec_ssyingwen


    #podcast #泰國 #曼谷 #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #英文單字卡 #片語 #動詞 #國際新聞 #英文新聞 #英文聽力 #taiwanpodcast

  • tear動詞 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-06-19 08:00:00

    上次同大家講到,要練好英文的文筆,就要多看優美的文字,不要把閱讀限於課本,或報紙,或雜誌。應該多找經典文字,讀莎士比亞可以,讀Charles Dickens可以,要像我們學中文讀古文一樣,多讀,多感受文字之美。只讀還不夠,有心的話,還應該背誦。上次蕭叔叔分享了蘇格蘭作家Andrew Lang寫的兒童讀物Tales of Troy and Greece裡面其中一段描寫戰爭的段落,文筆氣勢磅礡,讓蕭叔叔看的血脈沸騰。上回講到,希臘戰將Patroclus戰死沙場;今次這一段,是說之前因個人爭執而拒絕出戰的Achilles,要為好友Patroclus報仇。他說:I will not cease from fighting till I have given the Trojans their fill of war. 我不打到他們落花流水,誓不收兵。

    Thrice Achilles shouted mightily, and thrice the horses of the Trojans shuddered for fear and turned back from the onslaught - and thrice the men of Troy were confounded and shaken with terror.

    一落場,Achilles(蕭叔叔喜歡叫他「希臘呂布」,因為都是一樣萬夫莫敵。)大叫三聲,頗有三國張飛在長板橋喝倒曹軍戰馬的氣勢。留意作者把thrice一字放前,能加強氣勢:Thrice Achilles shouted mightily, and thrice… 這樣寫,比Achilles shouted thrice mightily強得多了。然後Achilles同敵將Hector大戰,Hector快輸了,他大叫:

    “Let me not die without honour!” and drew his sword, and rushed at Achilles, who sprang to meet him, but before Hector could come within a sword-stroke Achilles had sent his spear clean through the neck of Hector.

    Hector把長矛掉失了,只有靠手中短劍,但未埋身,就被Achilles的矛刺破喉嚨。留意這段的動詞,非常生動,drew,rushed,sprang,sent his spear clean through等等。

    He fell in the dust and Achilles said, “Dogs and birds shall tear your flesh unburied.”

    幾惡毒!我不會為你收屍,就讓你的屍體在戰場暴曬,讓野狗野鳥吃你的肉吧。Dogs and birds shall tear your flesh unburied. 好厲害,好簡單,好直接的文字。

    With his dying breath Hector prayed him to take gold from Priam, and give back his body to be burned in Troy. But Achilles said, “Hound! would that I could bring myself to carve and eat thy raw flesh, but dogs shall devour it, even if thy father offered me thy weight in gold.”

    Hector哀求Achilles,把我的屍身送回我城吧,我爹會給你黃金。Achilles說,狗賊!即使你爹給我跟你屍身一樣重的黃金,我都不會把你送回Troy城:even if thy father offered me thy weight in gold。這句,表現了什麼叫簡潔有力的文字。

    大家可能會問,我平時有幾可會描述戰爭嘅場景呀?讀呢啲文章,又有乜用?咁睇就錯了,多讀文筆流麗的文字,不但能培養英語文字的節奏感,也能學習多變得用字和造句,以及靈活運用文字的spirit,這些都是多讀多背經典文字的好處。先背了吧,以後寫作時,文氣會不經不覺地「滲」出來。 Http://www.facebook.com/siuhoiyat

