

在 tarte中文產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Books / 書訊] Yann Brys 與 François Perret 主廚出版新書、 Fou de Pâtisserie 食譜書將出中文版 / Chef Yann Brys and François Perret publish their first books, Fou de Pât...

 同時也有107部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅ChuChiao Su,也在其Youtube影片中提到,☞訂閱我的頻道 http://bit.ly/ChuChiaoSuYouTube 希望你會喜歡 別忘了幫我按讚還有訂閱喔!! 謝謝 下次見 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

  • tarte中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-23 22:35:58
    有 209 人按讚

    [Books / 書訊] Yann Brys 與 François Perret 主廚出版新書、 Fou de Pâtisserie 食譜書將出中文版 / Chef Yann Brys and François Perret publish their first books, Fou de Pâtisserie book launch traditional Chinese version soon (for English, please click “see more”)

    我想法國主廚們跟書商完全沒有要讓消費者喘口氣的意思,11 月好書連發,最近輪到陀飛輪(tourbillon)創始人、擁有法國最佳工藝職人(MOF)頭銜的 Yann Brys 主廚和巴黎麗池酒店 Ritz Paris 的主廚 François Perret 出新書;甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年出版的同名食譜書也確認即將推出中文版。

    Yann Brys 主廚過去的資歷顯赫,他師承 MOF Philippe Urraca、在 FAUCHON 時在有「甜點小王子」之稱的主廚 Sébastien Gaudard Pâtissier 底下工作,接著經歷巴黎數個豪華酒店,包括宮殿級酒店(palace)的 Hotel Le Bristol Paris,然後前往 DALLOYAU。他在 2009 年發展了現在聞名世界的「陀飛輪」擠花手法,2011 年通過一系列的嚴格比賽與鑑定、獲得法國最佳工藝職人的頭銜,並在同年被任命為 Dalloyau 的創意總監。Yann Brys 主廚在這本即將在 11/27 上市的書中分享了以陀飛輪手法裝飾的多種蛋糕、還有其他或經典或創新的精彩作品。

    現任 Ritz 酒店甜點主廚的 François Perret 的經歷也不遑多讓,他幾乎在巴黎所有宮殿級酒店都工作過,一開始在 Le Meurice、接著在 Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris,然後在 Hotel Lancaster Paris 擔任甜點主廚。2010 年他協助巴黎香格里拉飯店 Shangri-La Hotel, Paris 開幕,並很快幫後者的 L’Abeille 餐廳取得米其林二星。接著他加入 Ritz,這個歷經四年整修的巴黎傳奇宮殿級酒店在他與主廚 Nicolas Sale Officiel 的協力合作下,一年之後便分別為酒店內的兩個餐廳取得米其林二星(La Table d'Espadon)與一星(Les Jardins d'Espadon),他和 Nicolas Sale 也分別奪下 2017 年由《Le Chef》雜誌頒發的年度甜點主廚與年度主廚獎項。上月 François Perret 主廚再獲肯定,被 Les Grandes Tables du Monde 協會選為「meilluer pâtissier de restaurant du monde」(「全球最佳餐廳甜點主廚」)。如同書名「Instants sucrés au Ritz Paris」指明的,本書是以「Rtiz 的甜點時光」規劃,從早餐、午餐、下午茶、晚餐等都有相應的作品。François 主廚的的知名創作如瑪德蓮蛋糕、蜂蜜等都收錄其中。另外有一個好消息要跟台灣讀者分享,本書的繁體中文版已經被 大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖) 簽下,大家再稍等一下就能看到囉!

    最後則是甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年十月出版的同名食譜書,近日剛剛發表了德文版,同時也宣布簡體和繁體中文版即將推出。這是一本想要認識法式甜點經典、同時一覽法國主廚們各種精彩重新詮釋版本的讀者們必定要收藏的作品。書中精選了 17 種最經典的法式甜點,如 Baba 巴巴、Opéra 歌劇院蛋糕、Saint-Honoré 聖多諾黑泡芙、Tarte au citron 檸檬塔等,每個主題前先解釋該甜點的起源、並以詳細的步驟圖介紹一個最具代表性的作品,接著介紹該甜點的重要組成元素、然後呈現四五個不同的變化版本(全部由知名主廚提供),最後提供一個能夠使用市售商品與簡便方法,在家快速重現經典的食譜。能夠一次飽覽當代最知名的40 位甜點主廚們的作品、領略法式甜點不斷推陳出新的活力,大概也只有 Fou de Pâtisserie 可以辦到。


    🔖 延伸閱讀:



    如何鑑賞 François Perret 主廚的瑪德蓮蛋糕?https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu


    深度專訪 Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu:https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3

    This November is marked by beautiful pastry recipe books. If you still remember that we’ve talked about the books of the chef Yann Couvreur, Angelo Musa, and Michelin Guide, now there’re some more! The MOF chef Yann Brys and François Perret, head pastry chef of Ritz Paris are publishing their books this week as well. Moreover, Fou de Pâtisserie has just announced that their great recipe book is going to have its traditional and simplified Chinese versions soon.

    Even if you don’t know the chef Yann Brys, you must recognise his world-renowned gesture “tourbillon” still, a technique to pipe cream on a turntable to create a whirl effect. He learnt a wide range of skills from another MOF chef Philippe Urraca, and then worked with Sébastien Gaudard, the “petit prince de la pâtisserie” when he was at Fauchon. He then went through several luxury hotels such as Concorde Lafayette (current Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile) and Hotel Bristol Paris. After that he joined Dalloyau and was named the Creative Director in 2011. He passed through a series of competitions and got his MOF title the same year. In this book “Tourbillon”, the chef shares with us lots of beautiful cakes employing the technique and his other creations as well as the know-how as a Meilleur Ouvrier de France.

    Having worked at most of the Parisian palace hotels, François Perret, current chef pâtissier of Ritz Paris also boasts impressive experiences at Le Meurice, George V before he was appointed as the head pastry chef at Hotel Lancaster Paris. He joined Shangri-La Paris in 2010, assisting its opening and contributing to the Michelin two stars gained in two years for L’Abeille, the fine-dining restaurant at the hotel. He then joined Ritz and has been collaborating with the chef Nicolas Sale ever since. The legendary hotel situated on Place Vendôme reopened in 2016 after 4 years of renovation, but the duo has gained the hotel 3 Michelin stars in total in just a year - La Table d’Espadon got two stars and Les Jardin d’Espadon got 1 star in 2017. The both were further awarded as “Pastry chef of the year” and “Chef of the year” by the magazine “Le Chef” in the same year. François was elected as “Best restaurant pastry chef of the world 2019” last month by Grandes Tables du Monde. The book “Instant sucrés au Ritz Paris” presents those sweet moments offered by the hotel, starting from breakfast, wonderful pastries and desserts served in lunch time, tea time, and on dinner tables are all included. The chef’s signature desserts like the entremets Madeleine, Miel, Île flottante are also covered. Good news is that both the English and traditional Chinese version of the book are on their way. English and Chinese-speaking readers will only need to be patient for little while to learn more about the sweet universe of the chef.

    Last but not least, the Fou de Pâtisserie book published last October is now having its German version. The traditional and simplified Chinese versions will be available soon, too. Collaborating with 40 great French pastry chefs, this book offers pastry passionates a wonderful opportunity to learn about those great French classics as well as their creative variations. 17 classic like baba au rhum, Opera, Saint-Honoré cakes, etc are presented. Their origins and legends are well explained, followed by a signature recipe illustrated step-by-step and presented by one famous chef, followed by four to five variations with real recipes provided by influential chefs. Then finally an express version using existing products sold in shops or supermarkets is featured. This is a fantastic book to glance through some of the best creations of our time and to learn the spirit of creation.

    Click on the following photos to have a closer look!

    🔖 You might also be interested:

    More book reviews: #yingsbookreviews

    Revisiting classics, the fountain-of-youth secret of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y5xenfqz

    How to appreciate French pastries (with an example of the “Madeleine” of the chef François Perret): https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu

    Tea time at Ritz Paris: https://tinyurl.com/v4hqj5g

    Interview with Julie Mathieu, founder and editor in chief of Fou de Pâtisserie: https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3

    #yingc #françoisperret #yannbrys #foudepâtisserie

  • tarte中文 在 巴黎不打烊 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-15 07:09:47
    有 495 人按讚

    | 檸檬戚風派 |





    這是大伯在網路上找到的一個1926年LA派王Monroe Boston Strause的食譜,和法式傳統檸檬派的口感不同,派王的檸檬戚風派的派皮上,有一層厚厚的檸檬雲層(天啊!幾杯黃湯下肚後,我的中文變得無法順利使用,完全找不到形容詞!因為它的法文是雲☁️,口感像慕斯又不是慕斯,有點果凍的清脆又不是果凍,法文又叫它戚風派chiffon pie。喔,不是戚風海綿蛋糕喔!),入口酸甜不膩還吃得到檸檬皮的清爽。


  • tarte中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-03-10 22:10:09
    有 206 人按讚

    [Paris pastry shop / 巴黎甜點店] Cedric Grolet(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    Since I've finally got some time, I'd like to share with you some other pastry shops that I've visited during the past months. Yes, I finally paid a visit to Cédric's pastry shop after months it has opened.

    It's a little space adjacent to Hotel Le Meurice on rue Castiglione. People started to line up in front of the door when it was just opened in the noon. With a young pastry chef in action, Cédric's signature pastries in the vitrine, and professional staff catering for customers, you'd immediately feel the difference as you approach the shop. It's like visiting a palace, not an ordinary pastry shop in your neighbourhood.

    Since I've interned at Le Meurice before, I've got the chance to taste most of Cédric's creations during the internship (and that's probably why I didn't have that trigger to visit the shop right away). In general I'm not so curious about how they taste, but we still picked up ONE OF EACH individual pastry in the shop that day, excluding the viennoiseries and flan: the Tarte Noisette, the Tarte Mont-Blanc, the Paris-Brest, the Mandarine, and the Pomme Jaune. They were unsurprisingly made with absolute perfection, just as how maniac Cédric is. I guess slacking off at work would never be considered an option in his life. Having said so, I still feel that it's a pity that he spends less time in the labo at the hotel. Although revising and perfecting an existing creation is very important, take the Noisette 2.0 for example, I would actually love to see more of his creations and new ideas. His fruit sculptures are evolutionary for no doubt, but it's definitely not a limit. I'm so looking forward to see something more than that and other than that, while he's absolutely capable for it.

    What do you think?

    這陣子開始比較有空,所以把過去幾個月的照片整理了一下,和大家分享之前去過的甜點店。今年年初我終於去拜訪了Cédric Grolet主廚的店,雖然它已開幕了好久,現在再也不是新聞了。之所以拖了這麼久卻一直沒有動力,是因為我之前在Le Meurice實習,Cédric主廚的甜點我大部分都已經品嚐過,有點不太知道去了之後該點什麼...

    我們是週日中午剛開店的時候到的,小小的店門口(就在Le Meurice飯店轉角的路上)已經開始排起人龍,許多經過的遊客雖然不知道Cédric是誰,但看到櫥窗裡精緻的甜點、詢問了當地的顧客,結果也跟著排起隊來。Cédric的店雖小,但從店的裝潢、服務人員的態度與呈現甜點的方式,都透露著超高級飯店的血統。這點在我們點了甜點外帶之後,看到包裝方式與設計更是印象深刻。像珠寶盒一般的外帶紙盒,外頭有大理石紋,裡面則是耀眼的金色內裝,極簡裡透出的華麗,真的不是一般甜點店可以負擔得起的。

    雖然我大部分甜點都吃過了,但是為了做紀錄、也為了分享給大家,我和朋友仍然非常豪邁地把當日提供的五樣甜點全部都各帶了一份走(可惜錢包已經無法再支撐得起viennoiserie和flan了),包括榛果塔(Tarte Noisette)、蒙布朗塔(Tarte Mont-Blanc)、巴黎布列斯特泡芙(Paris-Brest)、橘子(Mandarine)、黃蘋果(Pomme Jaune)。當天雖然是個冷得不得了的陰天,但柔和的光線剛好能如實地呈現Cédric甜點令人歎為觀止的細節處理(請點單張照片觀賞,特別是橘子與黃蘋果,可以特別欣賞水果果皮的質感)。

    除了外型始終如一地完美外,味道也沒有令人失望,和我記憶中一樣,每個元素都處理得很用心。不過我其實一直對Cédric近年來變成大明星、全球跑透透開課這件事感到有點可惜,因為這樣一來,他真正能待在Le Meurice甜點廚房裡發展新創作的時間就越來越少了。而我相信以他的才華,怎麼可能僅限於水果雕塑與魔術方塊?最近他有限的時間,似乎投入在將水果雕塑範圍擴大、更新原有的創作(例如他的榛果2.0),以及放手讓團隊、特別是副主廚發揮上。很希望如果他接下來有多一點時間給自己,我們能有機會看到更多令人耳目一新的創作。

    👉🏻 延伸閱讀:
    全球最知名的甜點主廚Cédric Grolet - http://www.biosmonthly.com/columnist_topic/9482

    #yingspastryguide #paris #cedricgrolet #cgfruits

  • tarte中文 在 ChuChiao Su Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-05 20:00:11

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    混合偏中性, T字會出油, 其他部位不會偏乾

    • Shu Uemura植村秀無極限超時輕粉底 674
    • Fenty Beauty Pro Fil'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation 190
    • Tarte ShapeTape Matte Foundation in Light Neutral
    • Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation in Classic Ivory
    • Estée Lauder 雅詩蘭黛 Double Wear 粉持久完美持妝粉底 in Sand
    • Bourjois 妙巴黎 果然新肌光粉底液 52 粉膚色
    • Dior 迪奧 Nude Air Serum 輕透光空氣粉底精華 010
    • Hourglass Vanish Foundation in Warm Ivory
    • KATE 無痕美顏粉底液 in OC-C 自然色
    • L’Oréal Paris 巴黎萊雅 Infallible 24H-Matte Foundation in Radiant Beige(比我膚色深半個色號)
    • Laura Mercier 絲絨霧粉底液 in Cream Ivory
    • Lancôme 蘭蔻 24H持久奇蹟柔嫩粉底液 in O-02
    • Rimmel Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation 103 True Ivory
    • YSL 恆久完美輕粉底 in B20


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    ◆關於我 About me
    Hi, I'm a Youtuber from Taiwan, you can call me Sylvia. I'm glad you found my video, I make videos about makeup tutorials, reviews, hauls, hair styles and also vlogs. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe. Thank you for watching, hope you enjoy it.


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  • tarte中文 在 ChuChiao Su Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-03 20:00:12

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    • Shu Uemura植村秀無極限超時輕粉底 674
    • Fenty Beauty Pro Fil'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation 190
    • Tarte ShapeTape Matte Foundation in Light Neutral
    • Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation in Classic Ivory
    • Estée Lauder 雅詩蘭黛 Double Wear 粉持久完美持妝粉底 in Sand
    • Bourjois 妙巴黎 果然新肌光粉底液 52 粉膚色
    • Dior 迪奧 Nude Air Serum 輕透光空氣粉底精華 010
    • Hourglass Vanish Foundation in Warm Ivory
    • KATE 無痕美顏粉底液 in OC-C 自然色
    • L’Oréal Paris 巴黎萊雅 Infallible 24H-Matte Foundation in Radiant Beige(比我膚色深半個色號)
    • Laura Mercier 絲絨霧粉底液 in Cream Ivory
    • Lancôme 蘭蔻 24H持久奇蹟柔嫩粉底液 in O-02
    • Rimmel Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation 103 True Ivory
    • YSL 恆久完美輕粉底 in B20


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    ◆關於我 About me
    Hi, I'm a Youtuber from Taiwan, you can call me Sylvia. I'm glad you found my video, I make videos about makeup tutorials, reviews, hauls, hair styles and also vlogs. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe. Thank you for watching, hope you enjoy it.


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    #算命 #通靈 #楚喬 #直銷 #八字 #改運

  • tarte中文 在 ChuChiao Su Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-07 20:30:16

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    Fenty Beauty Pro Fil'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation 190
    KATE 凱婷 零瑕肌密蜜粉
    Colourpop Brow Precision Pencil in Dope Taupe
    Juvia's Place The Masquerade MINI Palette
    Anastasia Beverly Hills Amrezy Highlighter
    Makeup Geek Bronzer
    MAC 霧幻性感唇膏 in 646 Marrakesh


    混合偏中性, T字會出油, 其他部位不會偏乾

    • Shu Uemura植村秀無極限超時輕粉底 674
    • Fenty Beauty Pro Fil'r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation 190
    • Tarte ShapeTape Matte Foundation in Light Neutral
    • Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation in Classic Ivory
    • Estée Lauder 雅詩蘭黛 Double Wear 粉持久完美持妝粉底 in Sand
    • Bourjois 妙巴黎 果然新肌光粉底液 52 粉膚色
    • Dior 迪奧 Nude Air Serum 輕透光空氣粉底精華 010
    • Hourglass Vanish Foundation in Warm Ivory
    • KATE 無痕美顏粉底液 in OC-C 自然色
    • L’Oréal Paris 巴黎萊雅 Infallible 24H-Matte Foundation in Radiant Beige(比我膚色深半個色號)
    • Laura Mercier 絲絨霧粉底液 in Cream Ivory
    • Lancôme 蘭蔻 24H持久奇蹟柔嫩粉底液 in O-02
    • Rimmel Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation 103 True Ivory
    • YSL 恆久完美輕粉底 in B20


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    ◆關於我 About me
    Hi, I'm a Youtuber from Taiwan, you can call me Sylvia. I'm glad you found my video, I make videos about makeup tutorials, reviews, hauls, hair styles and also vlogs. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe. Thank you for watching, hope you enjoy it.


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    Sailing - Delicate Steve


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    #美妝 #彩妝 #楚喬 #唇彩 #眼妝 #試色

