#1用"surprising"造句 - 查查詞典
造句 與例句 手機版 · Sometimes a day is full of surprise . · He was surprised and blasted by a thought . · He spoke with surprising softness .
#2surprising - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词
例句 · His silence about my contribution was surprising. 他对我的捐助的沉默令人惊讶。 · It is surprising that a man like that was elected. 那样的人竟当选真是令人 ...
#3surprising 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
It's not surprising (that) they lost. 他们吃了败仗,不奇怪。 《牛津词典》. 2. She'd mentioned it casually once, surprising him by her unconcern.
#4「非常」別再用very,這些手法更高段! - Funday
surprisingly (意外地、出乎意料地) amazingly (令人驚奇地) incredibly (難以置信地、很、極其) 如果你想表達某事物令你驚訝,可以使用上述這些副詞 ...
#5Shocking 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Shocking 释义: You can say that something is shocking if you think that it is very bad. | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#6surprisingly 的解釋、造句造詞。注音字典曉聲通-源自教育部辭典
Amazing在劍橋字典的解釋是extremely surprising,非常驚訝的意思。要稱讚別人,可以用it's good…或it's great…即可。 (誇張)Wow! You like Chinese food! Amazing!
#9I'm not surprised that - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"I'm not surprised that" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10surprisingly的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
surprisingly 的場景例句 ; In spite of the fall from his horse, his leg was · uninjured. 儘管從馬上摔了下來, 他的腿卻出人意外地未受傷害. ; No · the first stroke he ...
#11I'm shock! 表示震驚居然是錯的?Shocked、shocking 傻傻分不 ...
要表達震驚用I'm shock 哪裡錯了?複雜的英文分詞用法,VoiceTube 一次幫你釐清。完美搞定分詞使用-ed 與-ing 的時機!
#12關於Astounding的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: The show was astounding, I loved everything about it. The view of the lake was astounding, it was so beautiful that I ended up taking many pictures.
#1311 情緒動詞和情緒形容詞:(第四冊) - 國中英文文法
surprising 令人感到驚訝的 tiring 令人感到疲倦的 touching 令人感到同情的;引起憐憫的. bored 感到厭倦的 excited 感到興奮、刺激的 interested 感到有趣的
#14surprised和surprising的区别 - 趣味ABC
headline的用法 · all的用法 · information, message与news的区别 · all the way用法与造句 · manager的 ...
#15VoiceTube 看影片學英語, profile picture - Facebook
【造句練功房】這句英文你竟然不會說!? 《今日練習句》 這情況不 ... 《造句練功房練功重點提示》 1. ... In fact,you don't need to surprised in the situation.
#16被動語態| EF | 香港
You have to be tested on your English grammar. John might be promoted next year. She wants to be invited to the party. I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
#17我的第一堂英文寫作課: 只要從造句開始! 單字、句子
我的第一堂英文寫作課: 只要從造句開始! ... Good Friend Chapter 9 令人驚喜的生日派對What a Surprising Birthday Party Topic 4 如何描寫時間Chapter 10 中秋節The ...
#18多益口說測驗拿高分(下)- 急智英語造句、用照片來練習
你應該每天拿一張照片來訓練自己的即席造句與描述能力。 ... 在訪問是interview,在工作是working,蜜雪兒狀似訝異是surprised,而桌上的人很專心 ...
#19我的第一堂英文寫作課:只要從造句開始!單字、句子、文法 ...
Chapter 9 令人驚喜的生日派對What a Surprising Birthday Party Topic 4 如何描寫時間. Chapter 10 中秋節The Moon Festival Chapter 11 最快樂的時光The Happiest ...
#20都也都 - Opsy
造句 2: 不論哪個孩子,都是媽媽的心頭肉,也都是一個家庭的希望和未來。 ... If you add a 不如after 都/也, you'll express that you are surprised by one of the ...
#21如何在英文句子中正確使用such as和including?
... such as his two college roommates and his football buddy Jake, were surprised that he actually went through with the ceremony.
surprised. [sɚ`praɪzd] adj. 驚喜的 terrible. [`tɛrəbḷ] adj. 恐怖的 true. [tru] adj. 真的 wonderful. [`wʌndɚfəl] adj. 好的 useful. [`jusfəl].
#23【主題單字】除了strange之外,你還應該知道的七個「奇怪 ...
“unusual and unexpected; not known or familiar”. 這樣你就知道strange主要有兩類意思:不尋常的、不熟悉的。 看英文解釋還有什麼好處呢?
國語康軒二上照樣 造句造句 第一課到第六課月考複習自修+評量. 8K views 2 years ago ... Elsa & Anna toddlers - water fun - surprises - Barbie.
#25CN1475939A - 计算机可执行的限时外语造句训练系统及其方法
Queen 2015 Vox popular: The surprising life of language in the media. Palmer et al. 2003 Taking humour seriously. Ott et al.
正確的說法是I'm shocked! 那麼I have shocking news.(我有令人震驚的消息)的動詞後面為什麼是加-ing 呢?其實這些都是英文 ...
#27not only ... but also 的用法, blog, 貝塔語測 - 貝塔語言出版
而考點一般都落在由 not only 和 but also 所引導的結構【必須完全對等】。 請看例句:. ① Not only you but also I was surprised to see him there ...
#28很驚喜的英文是什麼 - 三度漢語網
很多人都知道驚喜的英文是surprised,那麼呢? ... Ants and more surprising here, and the big cruel, smell sensitivity, ... Pleasantly surprised造句.
#29文9 第三節should 的用法
三、should 表示「竟然」. 例句⇨ The artist should die so young.(這位藝術家竟然這麼年輕就死了。) ⇨ It's surprising that Tom should win.(湯姆竟然贏了,真令人 ...
#30surprise 的形容词意思与surprising的形容词形式意思有啥不同
surprise 的形容词意思与surprising的形容词形式意思有啥不同,怎么区分,怎么区分开造句?是沪江提供的学习资料,沪江是专业的互联网学习平台,致力于提供便捷优质的 ...
#31to one's 情緒名詞|寫作超好用!「讓某人覺得…的是」
I.「 to one's 情緒名詞」的用法: ... To my surprise, when I got home, I saw a big birthday cake on the table. (令我驚訝的是,當我回到家時,我看到 ...
#32來造句囉 明明知道講了也沒用,父母還是會把這些句子掛在 ...
1179 Likes, 9 Comments - 2bau 兔包(@2bau) on Instagram: “來造句囉 明明知道講了 ... 除了我兒子給我的surprised之外 ) 謝謝克蘭詩♥️ 我好愛你們家的眼霜.
#33今日短语/ Read someone like a book 对某人了如指掌 - BBC
A surprising phrase ... Learn an expression to help you express your delight at an unexpected gift or situation ...
點擊查看更多依憑的造句精選版日本国語大辞典- 依憑の用語解説- 〘名〙 (「えびょう」とも)① (━する) 人により ... I do not doubt but that you are surprised .
#35Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| colleague 例句
你可把這件事委託給同事去辦。 The professor paid a return visit to his American colleague. 教授回訪了美國同事。 Her colleagues were all surprised at her rapid ...
#36Astounding 中文
dɪŋ / very surprising or shocking 令人震惊的;使人惊骇的an astounding fact ... 造句"astounding"怎么读"astounding" in a sentence"astounding"的同义词中文翻译 ...
#38普通科句型大全1.doc - Google Docs
It is not surprising that John won first prize. (John 贏得第一名,一點也不讓人驚訝。) 3. It is strange that they have never met me in school.
遣詞造句——歐化語法(三) ... an”經常被譯作「一個」、「一種」等,但這種用法有時反而使中文變得累贅,如“He gives me a surprising gift.
#40「我好興奮」說I'm so exciting 是錯的!快改掉
I am excited 才是「我本人覺得很興奮」的意思。 常見的同樣錯誤還有boring & bored, surprising & surprised, tiring & tired 等等。我們可以這樣想, ...
#41don't be surprised if-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: It's still in beta testing, so don't be surprised if some content can't be accessed.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"don't be surprised if"
#42surprising和surprised的区别 - 网校排名
surprise表示吃惊,如to one's surprise让某人吃惊的是。surprise是个兼用词,可以做动词,也可以做名词。 surprise造句. 1、Oh, what a surprise! 2、 ...
#43Hanagaki Takemichi/Everyone - Works | Archive of Our Own
... Polyamorous Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi · I'm Surprised That Tag Didn't Exist Already ... 完全是口嗨的范畴所以遣词造句也很随意,就这样吧owk
#44participle phrases - 分詞片語
多字修飾語- 分詞片語 (participle phrases). § Present Participle & Past Participle. 以前提及非限制動詞有三種: 1. 不定詞Infinitive 2. 動名詞Gerund 3.
#45情緒動詞、其ing和ed結尾的用法分別與介系詞 - Barshai
國中常見情緒動詞與例句 · Books about animals interest my son. · Her performance surprised the audience.
造句 2: 不論哪個孩子,都是媽媽的心頭肉,也都是一個家庭的希望和未來。 ... English and can emphasize certain surprising pieces of information.
#47surprising - 翰林雲端學院
surprising (v) · 音標: [sɚˋpraɪz] · 解釋: 使驚訝 · 例句: The mayor's visit surprised all the elderly. 翻譯: 市長的到訪令所有的老人都大為驚訝。 · 變化: 原形: surprise.
#49改變一生的英文閱讀課 - 第 244 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... he felt quite sure that he would never die. q 請練習用以下單字造句: kettle reminiscently exalted peroxide exhilaration ... Surprised to see a kettle of 244.
#50就是有辦"法": - 第 105 頁 - Google 圖書結果
He is surprised ... Father bought him a new bike . She lost her cat . ... 讓學生依黑板上的例子,自行造句。例如: It's great that my mom made a pie .
#51英语教师教学用书(必修第一册) - 第 221 頁 - Google 圖書結果
学习能力思维品质 Looking Ahead Surprising Plants . Unit 6 续表 1.能借助图片、表格、思维 ... 运用定语从句改写句子及造句。 1.观察图片.思考不同品种的花的花语。
#52全民英檢中高級作文指南 - 第 127 頁 - Google 圖書結果
解析:用 computer 與 animation 相搭配表「電腦動畫」,用 not 與 surprisingly 相搭配表「不足為奇」。 ... 在這裏不妨儘量考慮用次元單位的觀念來造句。
#53Maintaining Three Languages: The Teenage Years - Google 圖書結果
(今天我想让你们用这些新的字词造句。) ... (我不想造句,我想学怎么写。) ... Not surprisingly, most adolescents are motivated to learn if they are interested in ...
#54yyy - Running Club
I was surprised to see Yue speaking English out loud on her first online English ... 造句鬼才fr/哭着唱夜空的fr/夜露志驱肝肝蜜柑990 7 新版反馈回到旧版Yyy:。
#56surprising - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
surprising · 查看更多. KK[sɚˋpraɪzɪŋ]; DJ[səˋpraiziŋ]. 美式. adj. 令人驚異的;驚人的;出人意外的;surprise的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 ...
#57Public Opinion - 第 41-42 卷 - 第 277 頁 - Google 圖書結果
90 造句- BROWN & POLSON'S CORN FLOUR . bon Read Lord مزر TE - 1 5 3 ... and Opinions of the Press as to the remarkable progress made by the Company .
#58用國家形容愛吹牛、不告而別?8 種國家俚語告訴你!
I'm so surprised! A:你有聽說Sutton 跟Richard 正準備要離婚嗎?我超震驚的! B: No way! It must be Chinese Whisper.