

在 surplus用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Tommy Cheung 張秀賢,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 眾籌支付誹謗案相關費用 還原721襲擊真相 Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack 2019年7月21日,相信不少人對當晚元朗所...

  • surplus用法 在 Tommy Cheung 張秀賢 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-05 12:57:34
    有 634 人按讚

    Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case
    Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack





    A lot of us still relive what happened in Yuen Long on July 21, 2019, as it changed the lives of countless. After witnessing what happened there that evening via live streams on my phone and television, I chose to step forward and, again, devote myself to the political orbit. I thus participated in the district council election and committed to the eradication of the pro-establishment evil forces in the legislature. However, political repression still exists in the district council and hurdles our work - I just received the summons of the defamation suit filed by my former opponent in the election.

    My only way out in this time of adversity is to present the facts in court, where I can make use of the court trial as a fact verification platform to state the truth of July 21. I will also seize the opportunity in the process of subpoena and testimony to expose the qualms of July 21, including the authenticity of the information circulated beforehand, the network of the white-shirted thugs, and the complex business-government relationships.

    As an independent democrat, I do not have any organizational support, nor do I have vast financial resources as my late opponent does. Besides, since the legal aid scheme does not cover defamation cases, I must pay the legal expenses, including the cost of hiring lawyers and barristers and court fees, on my own. In the face of tremendous financial pressure, I must plead for help by raising funds for litigation from you to meet the legal expenses. I will use the funds for the legal services required and hiring an agent to collect evidence and review media clips of July 21 to help court trials and other private investigations concerning the incident.

    If there is a surplus in the final reimbursement of litigation costs, I will donate the remaining balance to the organisation or fund supporting activists.




    Crowdfunding Target: HKD 800,000

    Solicitor and Counsel Fee: HKD 500,000
    Crowdfunding Platform Fee: Around HKD 50,000
    Employ a staff to follow the documentaries and records on 721 attack: HKD 250,000

    I will announce the financial report of this fundraising project every three months to explain the expenditure of the funding.




  • surplus用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-07-15 17:43:19
    有 148 人按讚

    [托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Business and Commerce

    Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6p57ufhkkpr66l/business%20and%20commerce.mp3

    Desktop file: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1lrfdY58oh1

    Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test!

    老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋(課堂上補充搭配的片語),但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!

    英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
    英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf

    Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56

    account (n.) 帳目;帳單;帳戶
    accountable (adj.) 負責的
    accountant (n.) 會計師
    acquire (v.) 獲得
    administrative (adj.) 行政的
    advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
    agenda (n.) 議程
    agreement (n.) 同意;協定
    alternative (adj.) 可供選擇的事物、方式
    announce (v.) 宣佈;宣告;公諸於眾
    approach (n.) 方法
    approval (n.) 贊成;同意
    assess (v.) 評估(財產價值);評定
    asset (n.) 有用的東西;優點;長處
    assign (v.) 分配
    attorney (n.) 律師
    audit (n./v.) 審計
    balance sheet (n.) 資產負債表
    balance (n.) 餘額;差額
    bankrupt (a.) 破產的;倒閉的
    bankruptcy (n.) 破產
    benchmark (n.) 基準;水準點;標準
    bid (v.) 出價;投標;喊價
    board (n.) 理事會;委員會;董事會
    bond (n.) 債券
    brainstorm (v.) 腦力激蕩,集思廣益
    break a contract (v. phr.) 違約
    breakthrough (n.) 突破;重大進展
    bureaucracy (n.) 官撩主義
    buyout/buy out (n./v.)買進全部產權;收購全部
    capital (n.) 資本; 資金
    carry out (v.) 執行;貫徹;
    commerce (n.) 貿易
    commercial (adj.) 商業化;商用的
    commodity (n.) 商品;農產品
    competitor (n.) 競爭者;對手
    compromise (v) 妥協; 折衷;和解
    concede (v.) 容忍;容許;讓步
    conclusive (a.) 決定性的;勿庸置疑的
    conference (n.) 會議;協商;討論會
    conglomerate (n.) 企業集團
    consensus (n.) 一致的意見;共識
    consolidate (v.) 結合;合併;強化
    consumer (n.) 消費者;顧客
    contract (n.) 契約;合同
    contractor (n.) 立契約人;承包商
    contribute (v.) 貢獻
    convention (n.) 慣例;常規;大會
    converse (v.) 談話;交談
    convince (v.) 使信服
    corporate (adj.) 企業的; 團體的
    corporation (n.) 公司
    cost-effective (a.) 符合成本效益的
    credibility (n.) 信譽
    credible (adj.) 可信的;可靠的
    credit (n.) 信用;信譽;功勞
    criterion (n. / pl. = criteria) 規範;標準
    currency (n.) 貨幣;流通;通用
    cut down (v. phr.) 削減;縮短
    dealer (n.) 商人;業者
    debit card (n.) 存款戶持有的借方卡
    debt (n.) 債;債務
    decision making (phr.) 決策
    decline (n.) 衰落;衰退 (v.) 下降
    deductible (n./adj.) adj.=可抵扣/n.= (保險)扣除條款
    deduction (n.) 扣除;扣除額
    default (n.) 不履行, 違約, 拖欠
    deficit (n.) 赤字;虧損額
    demand (v.) 要求 (n.) 需求
    demonstration (n.) 示範;實證
    deposit (n.) 付押金;付保證金
    devaluation (n.) 貶值
    diplomacy (n.) 外交手腕;交際手段
    discrepancy (n.) 差異;不同;不一致
    dispute (n.) 爭端;爭執;糾紛;
    dissuade (v.) 勸阻
    due (a.) 應付的;到期的;該發生的
    earnings (n.) 薪水;工資;收益
    embezzle (v.) 盜用;挪用;侵佔(公款等)
    employee (n.) 僱員
    employer (n.) 雇主
    endorse (v.) 背書;支持;贊同
    enterprise (n.) 企業
    entrepreneur (n.) 企業家;主辦人
    estimate (v.) 估計;估價
    evaluation (n.) 評價
    exempt from (v. phr.) 被免除的;豁免的
    expand (v.) 擴張;擴大
    expenditure (n.) 消費;開銷
    expense (n.) 消耗;消費
    export (v.) 輸出;出口
    finance (n.) 財政學;財政; 財源
    firm (n.) 公司;商行
    fiscal (a.) 財政的;會計的
    fluctuation (n.) 波動;起伏;漲落
    advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
    franchise (n.) 〔經營某公司商品或服務的〕特許經營權
    forward (v.) 送到,轉號
    franchise (n.) 經銷權;加盟權
    free ride (n.) 搭便車
    fund (n.) 基金;專款
    gross (adj.) 總共的;全部的
    haggle (v.) 討價還價
    hedge fund (n.) 對沖基金(也稱避險基金或套利基金)
    headquarter (n.) 總公司;總部;司令部
    holding (n.) 土地;財產(常用複數)
    import (v.) 輸入;進口
    in exchange for (phr.) 換取
    influential (adj.) 有影響
    integrate (v.) 統合;整合
    internship (n.) 實習
    inventory (n.) 詳細目錄;清單;存貨
    invoice (n.) 發票; 發貨清單
    joint venture (n.) 合資投機活動; 企業
    launch (v.) 開辦;展開;發起;開始
    lease (v./n.) 租約, 租契, 租賃
    long-range (a.) 長期的;遠程的
    marketing (n.) 市場營銷
    merge (v.) 合併;併吞
    monopoly (n.) 壟斷;獨佔;專賣
    negotiate (v.) 談判
    obligation (n.) 義務
    on behalf of (phr.) 代表
    order (v.) 匯單;訂貨;訂單;匯票
    organization (n.) 組織
    outsourcing (n.) 外包
    overdue (a.) 過期未付的
    patent (n.) 專利 (v. =取得…的專利)
    payment (n.) 支付;付款
    pending (adj.) 未決定的;待決定的;
    pension (n.) 養老金
    persuade (v.) 說服;勸服
    petition (n. / v.= petition for) 請願
    phase (n.) 階段
    postpone (v.) 延遲;延期
    preliminary (a.) 初步的,開始的
    premise (n.) 前提
    procedure (n.) 程序
    profit (n.) 利潤;收益;營利
    propose (v.) 提議;建議
    proposition (n.) 提案;建議;計畫
    prospect (n.) 展望;期望
    prospectus (n.) 計畫書;說明書
    prosperity (n.) 繁榮;成功;興隆
    purchase (v./n.) 購買
    quota (n.) 定量;定額;配額
    quote (v.) 報價
    R&D (n.) 研發
    reach consensus(phr.) 達成共識
    real estate (n.) 房地產
    receipt (n.) 收據
    reconcile (v.) 調和;調解
    remuneration (n.) 報酬;酬勞
    rent (n.) 租金,租費 (v. ) 租用
    retail (n.) 零售; (adj.) 零售的
    return (v./n.) 回報
    revenue (n.) 收益;歲入;稅收
    rewarding (adj.) 獎勵的
    rival (n.) 競爭者;對手;匹敵者
    salary (n.) 薪資
    scheme (n.) 設計;圖謀 (v.) 計畫
    seminar (n.) 研討會;討論課;講習會
    settlement (n.) 協議;支付
    shareholder (n.) 股東
    shipment (n.) 一批貨
    skills and expertise (n.) 技能和專門知識
    social security (n.) 社會保障
    solution (n.) 解決方案
    statement (n.) 聲明;陳述
    stock (n.) 公債;證券;股票
    stockbroker (n.) 證券和股票經紀人
    strategy (n.) 戰略
    subsidiary (n.) 子公司
    supply (n.) 供應品;供應物;庫存
    surplus (n.) 盈餘 (adj.) 過剩的量
    tariff (n.) 關稅
    tax (n.) 稅 (v.) 向……課稅
    temp work (n.) 臨時工作
    thrive (v.) 茂盛;興旺;繁榮
    trade (n.) 貿易; 交易;商業 (v.) 交換;進行交易
    trademark (n.) 注冊商標
    undervalue (v.) 低估價值;看輕
    voucher (n.) 保證人;憑證;折價券
    warehouse (n.) 倉庫;貨價;大商店
    withdraw (v.) 收回;取回;撤回;提款
    yield (v.) 產生(效果,收益等)(n.) 產量;收穫量;收益

    Related Words 相關詞彙:

    Office 辦公室詞彙音檔: http://tinyurl.com/n584mo6
    Business Idioms 1: http://tinyurl.com/lcjs5g7
    Ancient Trade: http://tinyurl.com/m38ahxx

    Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc

