

在 suppress中文產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【6.12:追求民主、自由、公義和法治的聲音,依然是佔香港的大多數】 https://youtu.be/qhrwmxeshVw ——————————— 文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀! ⭐️支持文遠⭐️請訂閱Patreon⭐️ ⭐️Please show your sup...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅五哥頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Marina about China/HK’s situation: China ~ is going to go to globalism - that’s what they say, and they are also going to have two riots, it’s going ...

suppress中文 在 曼娣 맨디 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-22 07:56:12

#曼娣聽什麼 #노래추천 🎵Make The Move 🎤#ChrisJames ©️한글가사:TRUE . 平常最喜歡在youtube上亂聽韓文歌 發現韓國人的選曲常常不小心是我的菜💕 2020年展露頭角的紐西蘭男孩Chris James 輕柔微幻的節奏輕電音一聽就中毒 怎麼...

suppress中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 20:28:20

IT WAS OWENS FIRST DAY OF FREEDOM, AND GUESS WHAT HE DIDNT SUPPRESS HIS EXCITEMENT AT ALL, boys, girls, Vets, nurse, dogs, cats, all he want is to jum...

  • suppress中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-11 17:18:49
    有 789 人按讚



    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️




    您鎖得住我的肉體,卻鎖不了我的靈魂,更加鎖不了我把口!希望各位在牆外的朋友,尤其是今天這麼熱的日子,見字飲水,KEEP 住我們的動力,我們終有一天是會勝利、是會成功的!


    [6.12: Voices in pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law are still the majority in Hong Kong]

    Two years ago, on 12 June 2019, we in Hong Kong united to stop, at least temporarily, the Extradition Bill. It is very important to note that on that day, we showed our courage and solidarity in Admiralty. Although we have succeeded in stopping the Extradition Bill back then, look at Hong Kong today - we are still under the shameless Carrie Lam regime. At that time, the regime realised that even if they had the majority in the Legislative Council, we democrats were still capable of resisting, so now they have introduced a new electoral system. Under the new system, the representativeness of the Legislative Council is not much different from that of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and there is no need to discuss whether to run for election or how to vote.

    I must remind you that no matter how difficult the situation is today, no matter how hard the regime tries to suppress us, REMEMBER - the majority in Hong Kong are in the pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law. This is precisely why this government has gone to great lengths to distort the current legislature, to distort the whole system, and they have even gone so far as to throw anyone in opposition into jail.

    You can lock up my body, but not my soul, and not my mouth!

    I don't know when I'll be back, but I hope that all of you outside the walls, especially on such a hot day, to take care of yourselves, and keep up our momentum, so that one day we will win and succeed. In the mean time, take care!


    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️

  • suppress中文 在 蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-31 14:41:52
    有 8,153 人按讚

    最近看到這位 YouTuber 的頻道,南非白人,到中國發展很多年,想認識這個古國,用摩托車走過很多地方,也實際開了摩托車店,並娶了中國妻子。
    從 YouTube 上,我們可以很容易的看到世界不同的觀點,我覺得這點是很棒的,對自己,對小孩教養,也更有國際觀、世界觀。
    值得追蹤的有料 YouTuber!

  • suppress中文 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-12-09 08:13:25
    有 3,617 人按讚

    結果無人知,但係128香港人證明咗一樣嘢,就係呢六個月黎,The World is still watching!

    (PS. 今日大家唔係學英文,而係令全世界嘅傳媒重溫十六個中文字,因為你地呢八十萬個唔多「沉默嘅大多數」,不停「好煩」咁大嗌“Reclaim Hong Kong, Revolution of our time!” 同埋 "Five demands, not one less!")


    《The Washington Post》
    //On Sunday, they did it again.
    “We want to show that the spirit of Hong Kong people is the same, that it won’t change despite all the actions done by the police and the government to stop us and suppress us. We still have hope, no matter what.”//


    《The Telegraph》
    //“We’re now seeking not only our five demands but also retaliation against the police and the government”//


    《The Guardian》
    //“I want Hong Kong to return to the normal Hong Kong. If Hong Kong is to turn into China, I’d rather die. We won’t win, but I will fight till the end of my life.”//


    《The New York Times》
    //“We want Hong Kong to continue being Hong Kong. We don’t want to become like China.”//


    《Al Jazeera》
    //"We're running out of options. We've got no hope for our government knowing it's Beijing that's propping it up. But I know this is a long-term struggle."//


    《Wall Street Journal》
    //a renewed sign of demonstrators’ determination to wrest democratic concessions from their leaders.//


    《Deutsche Welle (DW)》
    //"I will fight for freedom until I die because I am a Hong Konger.
    Today is about standing with Hong Kong, and the international community."//


    《France 24》
    //"No matter how we express our views, through peacefully marching, through civilised elections, the government won't listen. It only follows orders from the Chinese Communist Party,"//



  • suppress中文 在 五哥頻道 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-14 19:44:57

    Marina about China/HK’s situation:

    China ~ is going to go to globalism - that’s what they say, and they are also going to have two riots, it’s going to be right in front of people’s faces. Chinese, they say, are not to be messed with. Their culture that are big in pride and when they are being attacked, they will fight, especially the section of Hong Kong because there was more opening, more freedom, more freedom of thinking, they were not suppressed. This is the reason why the stuff that is happening from Hong Kong, you don’t see in another region because the other regions were suppressed through the regime, whatever that was, Hong Kong was almost like a free-thinking, almost like England, and that’s why when you try to suppress the consciousness that was free, they’re much more aware of what’s really happening because of the information and this is the reason why it’s happening from there, from there, it’s going to be like a snowball for the entire country, it’s exposure and showing the pure evil of communism, socialism is not really socialism. it’s communism and fascism , those three are connected to each other, they say. And it’s just the “interlocking”, they are talking about interlocking bylaws that are implemented very sneakily they say in a governmental structure, not only through China, but including through the government of the US. And they say pay very close attention to California. because their “bylaws” that were interlocking with that type of regime, this was based on agendas for global control, this was not based on agenda for serenity and sovereignty to US. This was based on a global agenda. This bylaws - so anybody that looks at California, and what’s happening there, you’re going to see it.

    we should watch her channel on her website - Freedom Awakening

    The platform of the codes of the matrix are on track, the new modality of the increasing of the frequency already coming through the fields, so escalation will happen because the more the frequency is spinning in the quantum structure more people who is with balance or off balance is going to come information so don’t be surprised when you see all these fights that is happening and all these manipulation is happening because it’s somebody’s else’s survival even if it’s coming from completely different way of thinking. Again not a judgement for anybody but we should just be patient and do your research. Do research on Freedom Awakening in my sub channel of the Harmonic Reactor, there is a Freedom Awakening channel, scroll down, you are going to see it and one after the other your have proofs and the commentaries and whistleblowers that talk about stuff that I already know to be true from my reality, I do not post or support something that I am not already done. I post stuff that I am 100% sure that I got information on that already. Otherwise you will not see them posted.


    中國〜將走向全球化 - 這就是他們 (他們指The Council of Nine)所說的,他們也將發生兩次騷亂。他們說,中國人不應該被搞砸。他們為自己的文化自豪,當他們受到攻擊時,他們會戰鬥,特別是香港的部分,因為有更多的開放,更多的自由,更多的思想自由,他們沒有受到壓制。這就是為什麼香港發生的事情,你沒有在另一個地區看到因為其他地區被政權壓制,無論如何,香港幾乎像一個自由思想,幾乎像英國,這就是為什麼當你試圖壓制自由的意識時,他們會更加意識到由於信息而發生的事情,這就是為什麼它從那裡發生的原因,從那裡開始,它就像一個雪球整個國家,它暴露並表現出共產主義的純粹邪惡,社會主義並不是真正的社會主義。他們說,這是共產主義和法西斯主義,這三者是相互聯繫的。它只是“互聯”,他們談論的是互聯章程,他們在政府結構中非常狡猾地實施,不僅通過中國,而且包括通過美國政府。他們說要非常關注加州。因為他們的“章程”與這種政權相互聯繫,這是基於全球控制的議程,這不是基於對美國的寧靜和主權議程。這是基於全球議程。這條章程 - 任何看過加利福尼亞的人,以及那裡發生的事情,你都會看到它。

    The Harmonic Reactor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaW-6KuhVvEIX-oRG7cBZQ


