

在 superficial用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #這絕對不是豬身攻擊 🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 豬肉 豬年即將結束,我們就趁這個專欄,介紹一些與 pork 豬肉有關的美國生活用語吧~🐖 1⃣eat like a pig; pig out 2⃣fat as a pig ...


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    2020-01-10 18:30:31
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    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #這絕對不是豬身攻擊
    🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 豬肉

    豬年即將結束,我們就趁這個專欄,介紹一些與 pork 豬肉有關的美國生活用語吧~🐖

    1⃣eat like a pig; pig out
    2⃣fat as a pig
    3⃣sweat like a pig
    5⃣put lipstick on a pig

    Pigs are known for being noisy, greedy eaters, 1⃣so if someone says you “eat like a pig,” well, you know what they mean. Ex: I don’t like eating out with Sean because he eats like a pig. In fact, pigs are so famous for their eating habits that they’ve even become verbs: “pig out” means “to eat greedily or gorge.” Ex: If you pig out on junk food, you’re going to get a stomachache.
    豬吃東西一向又吵又急,所以如果有人說你 eat like a pig,嗯…我想你應該知道他是什麼意思。如:I don’t like eating out with Sean because he eats like a pig.(我不愛跟尚恩吃飯,因為他吃相像頭豬。)事實上,豬也因為吃相太出名,pig 一字也變成動詞了:pig out 指「狼吞虎嚥;大吃大喝」,如:If you pig out on junk food, you’re going to get a stomachache. (如果你猛塞垃圾食物,你會肚子痛。)

    What happens if you eat like a pig? You get fat! 2⃣So if you say someone is fat as a pig, the meaning is obvious. Ex: Josh used to be thin, but now he’s fat as a pig. 3⃣The fat tend to sweat a lot, and “sweat like a pig” means “to sweat profusely.” Which seems strange, because pigs don’t actually sweat. As it turns out, this expression comes from pig iron, which “sweats” as it cools. Ex: I sweat like a pig whenever it gets hot.
    那如果你吃得像一頭豬,會有什麼後果?對,你會變胖!所以如果你說,某人 fat as a pig,這意思應該也很清楚。如:Josh used to be thin, but now he’s fat as a pig.(賈許過去很瘦,可是現在肥得像頭豬。)人一胖,也很容易流汗,所以 sweat like a pig 就是指「汗流浹背」。這個說法其實沒道理,因為豬事實上是不流汗的。其實這個用語是出自生鐵(pig iron),一旦生鐵冷卻下來,就會一直『出汗』。如:I sweat like a pig whenever it gets hot.(天氣熱的時候,我總是汗流浹背。)

    We all know how pigs love rolling around in the mud, so a 4⃣ “pigsty” can mean a place that’s really dirty or messy. Ex: Why is your room such a pigsty? 5⃣ Pigs are so dirty that putting lipstick on them wouldn’t make them look much better, so “put lipstick on a pig” means to make superficial changes in an attempt to makes something (or someone) seem better than it really is. Ex: The government’s PR campaign is just putting lipstick on a pig.
    我們都知道豬喜歡在泥巴裡滾來滾去,所以 pigsty「豬圈」可以延伸形容又髒又亂的地方,如:Why is your room such a pigsty?(你房間怎麼可以亂得像豬窩?)因為豬太髒了,即使幫牠們塗口紅也沒用,所以這個譬喻用法 put lipstick on a pig 可以指「再怎麼粉飾美化也沒用」。如:The government’s PR campaign is just putting lipstick on a pig.(政府的公關活動只是給豬上口紅。)

    1. gorge「狼吞虎嚥」:當動詞。
    2. pig iron「生鐵」:未經鍛造、品質不純的生鐵。
    3. profusely「充沛地、大量地」

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

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