

在 successfully同義產品中有39篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過87萬的網紅謝佳見 Melvin Sia,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 感謝各大媒體報導❤️❤️🌈 這幾天轟轟烈烈的新聞, 也讓身邊很多家人朋友都來慰問我。 我發現大家都不愛看內容耶😂 其實我們就是去拍戲啦。 新戲 #酷蓋爸爸 那天在彩虹遊行當下取景, 預計明年會在 Gagaoolala - 屬於你的故事 播出。 敬請期待🙏🏻 Thanks for the wr...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anviolin/ WEIBO:http://weibo.com/u/6511795600 Spotify:htt...

successfully同義 在 林子安/AnViolin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-09-07 19:32:05

【美國告示牌奪冠啦|New Video Out】 ⠀⠀ 當然不是我😆是只有防彈才能超越的防彈少年團!! ⠀ Dynamite輕快愉悅的曲風,成功把防彈登上推上了Billboard百大單曲冠軍,成為名符其實的世界彈! 節奏一下就讓人嘴角上揚,滿載日常小確幸和愉快正能量,充滿活力的曲風和極具感染力的節奏...

successfully同義 在 Mikiya Taguchi Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-03 20:50:49

締切間近です。 Kinosaki International Arts Center is now taking applications for the Artist-In-Residence program 2021-2022. The application deadline is Sund...

  • successfully同義 在 謝佳見 Melvin Sia Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-04 09:34:38
    有 12,273 人按讚



    新戲 #酷蓋爸爸 那天在彩虹遊行當下取景,
    預計明年會在 Gagaoolala - 屬於你的故事 播出。 敬請期待🙏🏻

    Thanks for the write ups
    The news successfully grabbed the attention
    I received texts and calls from my family and friends
    I noticed that most of us like to read the headline and jump to the conclusion without clicking into the content

    Actually we went there for filming. Tentatively the drama will debut in 2021. Stay tuned


    謝佳見同志大遊行擁吻男星 民眾驚:公開新歡?

    謝佳見找代孕生子! 當街激吻「男友身分」曝光

    謝佳見現身同志遊行「公開對象」 曬恩愛竟把小孩搞丟了

    謝佳見演同志奶爸遺失兒 現場民眾入戲幫尋子



    謝佳見激吻小鮮肉「男友」 13萬人同志遊行見證多元成家

  • successfully同義 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-10 08:38:31
    有 203 人按讚

    Give Yourself A Chance To Shine



















    與其內心糾結直到頭腦打結,我永遠選擇踏出第一步試一下。Never try, never know.



    If the energies in the Universe can be categorised, they would come in the 5 forms of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.

    All manifestations, be it things or events, in this world falls under these 5 elements, and each and every one of our Bazi is the combination of these 5 elements. The interaction between these elements in our Bazi and those in our circumstances will result in myriad of happenings, good fortunes or otherwise.

    My personal experience tells me that even though 2 person may have exactly the same Bazi, but their destinies may turn out different. Reasons being the discrepancy in their facial features, the meanings, tonality, character strokes and essence of their names.

    The crux of reading your own destiny lies in uncovering which of the 5 elements is or are mandatory for you. This calls for plenty of practical experience. It is not simply doing simple math of plus, minus, multiply and divide. If this first step is wrong, the whole deck of cards will surely collapse.

    After deciphering the correct element, the next step is do guide the client on how to use it to boost their energies in all aspects, from external clothing and living environment to what they eat so as to attract good tidings and ward off misfortunes. Frankly, if the client is uncooperative, the whole of point of Bazi analysis would have been lost.

    To know how your future will unfold but behave like a sitting duck? That’s just like buying a movie ticket to watch a preview of your life drama, isnt it?

    I had this thought after seeing so many clients: if one’s life is seemingly smooth sailing but one remains unhappy, such zombie-like existence is very painful.

    During a typical Bazi analysis session, I would always recommend the client certain colours favourable to him or her to boost the luck. Never underestimate the power of colours. Each colour has its own elemental nature. I have used this successfully several times to help clients succeed at their job interviews, even during this pandemic period.

    However as soon as I mentioned the red colour, reactions from my clients tended to be bigger than usual.

    Such a bright colour?
    My wife said she’s not used to me in this colour!
    That’s like Chinese New Year everyday!
    The previous master I consulted said so too, but I did not heed the advice.

    My answer: if you have been wearing your same old colours for the past many years and getting not much favours from Lady Luck, why not give my suggestion a try?

    There are many tones and shades of Red. Nobody is asking you to dress like a big red ang bao (red packet) everyday. Dressing black everyday doesn’t make you Justice Bao either.

    Attached are testimonies from Miss A and Mr B after they went red.

    Mr B. came to me in September for a follow-up consultation. When I saw him from afar, I was thinking why there wasn’t any sign of change in him. He even sported a sour face.

    He told me that after seeing me in March, he had just bought some clothes in colours that were unfavourable to him. He couldn’t bear to throw them away, and his wife didn’t really support him wearing red either. He said his colleagues were all wearing darker colours.

    I told him that those clothes he bought had already served him for several months and he could donate them away. That would not constitute wastage. His wife may have good intentions but your destiny is your own business and only you know your sufferings.

    We ought to treat our destiny with the spirit of a scientist. If you don’t experiment, you will never know if my methods work. This experiment is a simple one, ask your wife to support you this once.

    It’s only changing the colour of your clothes, not asking to change your wife. 😂

    Rather than getting oneself in knots, I will always choose to take the first step. Never try, never know.

    My life’s journey has been that of ups and downs. Frankly speaking, when the winds begin blowing in your sails, and lift your spirit, those emotions are exhilarating. Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself.

  • successfully同義 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-18 19:50:31
    有 56 人按讚

    【絕食第80日】【80th Day of Hunger Strike: Update & Volunteers' Thoughts】
    17 / 9 / 2020

    ▍「除了停止了探訪外,這裡任何東西都沒變過。廁所依然是那麼髒,他們(入境處)連一塊香皂都沒有多給我們。」- 羈留者O生氣的說






    ▍“I am very angry about this lockdown. They (ImmD) did nothing more to advance any prevention or protection measures. Just lockdown. We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” — Detainee I

    Due to the discovery of the 2nd confirmed case of COVID-19 on 6th September, CIC has suspended all visit. All detainees have since been unable to receiving basic hygienic products from their visiting friends. It has been 10 days. Below are some thoughts of our volunteer H:

    CIC is exceptionally meticulous, or better put, bureaucratic about the hand-in articles from visitors to detainees. A book must be totally clean, even a stamp that says “Donated by XX School Library” would made the book ineligible for handing in; The soap must be in blue, yet stores often sell this brand of soap in a pack of six, so volunteers would always be left with 4 bars of non-blue soap; when you bought the towel with the exact wording, the staff will always let you know that your towel is “knock-off” and therefore unaccepted; M&M must come in 5 packs of the same colour. When the articles I bought first got rejected by CIC officers, I was very frustrated. In terms of their function, the towels and soap I bought were just fine. And every time I visited, I always saw other visitors’ “unapproved” articles got rejected. Imagining coming all the way with the hope of giving a little something to make your detainee friend’s life slightly better, and yet got rejected for the bureaucratic instructions of CIC, would you feel upset?

    Nevertheless, my angry and frustration has been numbed as I visited CIC more frequently. In order to successfully got the articles to detainees, I have become an expert. I have memorised the entire list of approved hand-in articles and know the prices for each item. And over time, I have stocked up these articles for the detainees. In the past few days, our concern group have received several calls from detainees, saying that they are lacking certain hygienic project. “We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” they said. I would love to let them know that I have stocked up, yet I now have no idea when I can give things to them due to the lockdown in CIC.

    From these calls from detainees, not only had I learnt about the certain items they need, but also what freedom meant to them. “40 detainees from 7/F have been sent to the isolation camp, do you have any news about them?”, detainee S asked me. “Actually I need help. I don’t want to stay long time in CIC. There is positive case here. CIC is not safe.” Detainee R said. I think the current lockdown of CIC have demonstrated exactly how CIC is not safe. There is a high risk for cross-infection of COVID-19 in CIC. So, why is the authority so determined to detain this group of innocent people, and put their health and lives in danger?

    “Most detainees have wrote a complaint letter together to the Immigration Department against the lockdown and ask for reasons.” Said O. “Hope this complaint letter could help reopen visit soon.”

  • successfully同義 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-16 22:30:10

    ■ 更多林子安:

    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5

    🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶


    방탄소년단 바이올린 커버 | Violin Cover by AnViolin of Permission to dance by BTS

    在慶祝Butter氣勢旺盛蟬聯告示牌單曲榜六週之際,屋哩防彈少年團 BTS 又出了新曲Permission to Dance,歌曲由近期同樣發行新曲Bad Habits的 Ed Sheeran 參與創作,既然上次Bad Habits 我超級快速給出cover,這次當然維持這樣的壞習慣(笑)

    Permission to Dance以輕快夏日節奏一發行就跳(?)上美國 iTunes 冠軍 😆




    Only BTS tops BTS for sureee!

    Another pleasant style of Permission to Dance has again successfully put our BTS boys on another record on iTunes, Youtube and Spotify.

    As the song goes, Permission to Dance would make you pleased and everyone would be all smiles and laughs when you see the shots of the other people dancing their heart out. You'll def end up with dancing together, like I did when filming this cover and with positive energy and a big smile on your face. Permission to Dance, perhaps with Butter (? are so bright and def perfect for the summer=]

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!


    編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
    (Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



  • successfully同義 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-28 22:30:13

    ■ 更多林子安:

    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5

    🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
    單聲部 https://gum.co/SbJtc
    雙聲部 https://gum.co/BbmmCW


    방탄소년단《버터》 바이올린 커버 | Violin Cover by Lin Tzu An of Butter by BTS

    Butter是BTS繼Dynamite之後發行的第二首全英文歌,Butter首播上架時就創了紀錄,達到Youtube有史以來最高 390 萬人同時觀看紀錄,在 24 小時內也打破原來紀錄獲得驚人 1.08 億的觀看次數
    BTS的男孩們不僅榮登了「Youtube最快」的世界紀錄,Butter這首歌同時也打破 Spotify 串流單日最高的播放記錄。



    5/28-6/14 由於全台灣疫情警戒升級,街頭演出全部暫停,大家待在家裡網購刷卡的同時,也多刷刷我cover影片,真要出門時也請記得要刷QR code喔~

    Only BTS tops BTS for sureee!
    The BTS Army is eating up BTS' newest single, Butter.

    The pleasant style of Butter has successfully put our BTS boys on another record of Youtube and Spotify, breaking their own record of most YouTube views within 24 hours with 108.2 million views within a day of its release and also getting the most opening day streams in Spotify history, which was 20.9 million streams worldwide.

    As the song goes, Butter would make you pleased and you'll end up with positive energy and a big smile on your face. Butter sounds so bright and It's def perfect for the summer=]

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
    In light of the escalated measures on COVID-19 from the Taiwan government, my bunkering schedules are all canceled until June 14.
    For more updated information , check it out on my Instagram stories!
    Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
    編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
    (Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



  • successfully同義 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-21 17:00:16

    lilKrake小章章 & Toxik - Can't Define | 無法定義 Track. 02
    (CC English w/ Translation / 中英雙向翻譯字幕)

    《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download (數位線上聽) :

    I can't define, what is wrong and is right?
    Feel like the devil always gets me every single time.

    Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @toxicityishigh / @banana_kingdom105​

    Banana Kingdom is an independent studio of lilKrake, a zero-cost music producer from Taiwan, completed the first official Mixtape - "4loating Dream" with his team partner Toxik.
    All the songs are recorded and mixed independently by lilKrake, with the help of several domestic and foreign Beat Makers, and the mixtape cover drawn by a friend, successfully completed this almost zero budget project.
    In "4loating Dream", these nine songs use melodic rap and Emo style to express the emotions and thoughts of the two artists' experiences and mental illnesses. Starting from "Fading Out", nine songs will take you into a gloomy world.
    Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國 為 lilKrake小章章 的個人獨立工作室,來自台灣的零花費音樂全製作主理人,與團隊夥伴 Toxik 共同完成了首張正式的 Mixtape - "4loating Dream",所有歌曲的錄音混音皆由 lilKrake小章章 獨立完成,加上幾位國內外 Beat Makers 的協助及朋友所繪製的封面,用貼近零成本的方式製作完成。​
    "4loating Dream" 中的9首歌曲以旋律饒舌及Emo的方式,饒唱出了兩人一生中因各種經歷、及精神上相關疾病所產生的各種情緒及想法。以 "Fading Out" 為此系列的開端,九首歌將帶你進入一整個陰鬱氛圍的世界。​

    詞 & 曲 | Lyrics & Composed by lilKrake小章章 & Toxik
    錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
    混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章 @lilkrake
    母帶 | Mastered by lilKrake小章章
    圖文設計 | Art Design by lilKrake小章章​
    封面繪製 | Cover Painted by Ilya Galayda @the_magnetic_cat​
    編曲 | Beat produced by Txxzy @tommyjane_

    .Asia Taiwan.
    #CantDefine​ #Toxik​ #lilKrake小章章

    Instagram: @lilkrake
    Instagram: @toxicityishigh
    Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
    Youtube: lilKrake小章章
    Youtube: Toxik
    Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW