Posted @withregram • @hkpmc_ig HKPMC 即將舉行一連串的網上直播研討會 Webinar-『即刻學彈』系列, 希望藉著我們各人不同的專長,帶出許多有關流行音樂的主題,和大家一起在網上互動分享研究,即刻可以『學』到我們分享的經驗,亦馬上...
Posted @withregram • @hkpmc_ig HKPMC 即將舉行一連串的網上直播研討會 Webinar-『即刻學彈』系列, 希望藉著我們各人不同的專長,帶出許多有關流行音樂的主題,和大家一起在網上互動分享研究,即刻可以『學』到我們分享的經驗,亦馬上可以聽到我們的『彈』奏示範或者批評意見。
我們即將在加拿大時間 8 月 22 號(香港時間8月23日)舉辦 HKPMC第一次 網上分享會系列 -『即刻學彈-網上demo會』,不管大家有沒有自己的音樂創作,都歡迎大家電郵至我們的電郵地址進行登記, 然後進來 Zoom Chatroom, 一起聽 demo,互相交流。
日期: 溫哥華時間2020年 8月 22日 香港時間 2020年 8月23日
時間: 溫哥華時間 830pm 香港時間 1130am (活動時間長度大約一個半小時)
參與者者名額: 100人內
登記參加 Webinar 辦法:
請從今天開始至8月21日前,電郵至 [email protected](請在電郵主題 著名 「HKPMC Webinar Registration」,並在電郵內容寫上姓名並寫上你的姓名, 在 Zoom 畫面上顯示的姓名 (請確保此名稱在參與 zoom 會議時一致)。 你之後便會收到電郵回覆,告訴你一個 Zoom Chatroom 的號碼以及一組密碼,作為當日登入 Webinar 之用。
注意! 我們當日將會在 Webinar 開始前15分鐘 (即 香港時間 11:15am, 溫哥華時間 8:15pm) 開始接受 Zoom login,15分鐘後 login 窗口會關閉,webinar亦會正式開始,期間不會再接受login。
如果你有屬於你創作又尚未發表過的 demo,更歡迎你們預先電郵登記你的 demo,在 chatroom 我們會聯同所有朋友一起聽你的 demo,分享意見,希望大家可以在當中互相學習。
Demo 要求須知:
1. 必須是從未發表過的 demo。
2. 作品不能同時正在參與其他音樂創作比賽。
3. 必須是自己原創之作品,是該作品之版權擁有者,並授權在此活動中播放
4. 音樂風格必須是流行曲,語言不拘。
5. 每首 demo 必須預先以電郵登記,並經過篩選才有機會被播出。
6. 每人只可登記一首 demo;並請把 demo 長度剪裁成少於兩分鐘內。
Demo 登記辦法:
請於今日起至8月15日前,把 demo (必須為 MP3 格式 ) 電郵 到 [email protected] , 電郵主題請註明 『MUSIC SEEN Demo Submission』並在電郵內容寫上姓名並寫上你的姓名, 在 Zoom 畫面上顯示的姓名 (請確保此名稱在參與 zoom 會議時一致)。,歌名,(如果沒有裁剪2分鐘 version亦請列明需要播放部分的 time mark)
1. 各參與者請確保網路流量正常暢順。
2. 活動期間,各參與者無需開啟視像鏡頭,但請戴上耳機,並確保收音清晰,附近環境安靜,適合進行會議。
3. 活動期間, 主持人只會給予該 demo 之創作人發言權,其他參與者皆沒有發言權, 但可以在留言區留言。
4. 請所有參與者尊重自己及他人,如有粗言穢語/冒犯用詞/不雅畫面等,主持人一律馬上終止該人士參與
5. 所有 demo 的版權都是該創作者所擁有,而所有參與者亦不會給予開放錄影功能,但畢竟 zoom 乃一開放平台,請所有參與者自重,尊重知識版權;若發現盜錄行為作不正當用途,本專頁將會保留一切法律追究權利。
6. 本次活動只作一次性網上串流,但本專頁有權利節錄部分(包括當中參與者之創作)作精華片段日後播出。
7. 所有參與者之言論,歌曲背後之立場,皆與本專頁無關。
8. 本次活動一切規則之最終決定權皆由本專頁所擁有,如有更改將不作另行通知。
@kenwchan @chuikaichung @tsewai @allanlaumusic @ducklau @jerald_wk_chan
submission法律 在 譚蕙芸 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Two melded into one]
早上10時8分開庭,八旬的外籍辯方律師Clive Grossman以柔軟的英語說:「明顯地,這是第一宗國安法案件,被坊間廣泛談論,被大幅報導,消息已經傳播到很遠。人們知道犯了國安法後果嚴重。」說時他眨了眨眼,扯一扯大狀袍。
「他(唐)是第一名被控告的人,我們要以全新的眼光,只聚焦這宗案的個別事實(peculiar facts),只看這宗案的狀況。他已向社區發出訊息,就是不要幹這些事。」
Grossman引述國安法條文關於判刑的段落,唐涉及的「分裂國家罪」(國安法20及21條)「情節嚴重的判5-10年」「情節較輕的判5年以下」。另一控罪「恐怖活動罪」(國安法24 條)「若有前科、引致重傷死亡,或公私財產受重大損失」的判10年至無期徒刑,「其他情形」則判3至10年。
Grossman指出,唐並沒有籌劃組織甚麼,只是開着一支插了幟的電單車,「無疑他是魯莽駕駛 (reckless driving),沒有人受影響,除了有些圍觀的人拍掌喝采,這應該是『情節較輕』的煽動。」
Grossman指出:「法庭在處理兩項控罪,都有提及被告駕駛如何惡劣,兩個控罪『煽動』與『恐怖活動』是否可以合以為一去處理 (two offences melded into one)?」
法庭處理求情,辯方有時會在庭上讀出親友師長撰寫的求情信內容。Grossman簡單處理,他輕輕說:「我只是想說,這是一位有為青年(decent young man who do something very very stupid)。他只是做了一件很愚蠢的事,取笑警察,魯莽開車,但他不是想謀殺警察。」
Grossman再說:「這次對他來說是一個大教訓。他(唐)的人生已經被毁了,受到重大影響。他明白法庭對他的批評。我只是希望法庭對他寬大處理。」說完,Grossman彎腰跟旁邊的劉偉聰大狀及另一名女大狀商討,之後便說:「These are my submission」。簡短求情完成。
三位法官退後商議片刻回到席上,彭寶琴法官提問,引述判詞與Grossman斟酌,「你提及被告人魯莽駕駛 (reckless driving),然而法庭認為被告人在警方防線有機會停車,被警告仍然不停車,被發射胡椒球槍仍向前開車。」
杜官及彭官都說,兩罪來自同一組事實。但彭官補充:「不爭議的是,兩控是來自同一組事實,但兩罪是分開和明確的(two offences are separate and distinct)。」
此時唯一男法官陳嘉信再說,「『恐怖活動罪』是來自被告直接衝擊警方防線,而警方是法紀的象徵;至於『煽動分裂國家罪』是關於被告展示帶有分裂國家意思口號的旗幟巡遊。法庭需要分開來審視兩條控罪 (the court is entitled to look at the matter separately) 。」
張專員向法庭提供了海外判刑案例,亦提供了一份中華人民共和國的判刑參考資料。張專員在庭上提及的英語是 “PRC law legal texts” 。張指相關資料指出,中華人民共和國當局對「最低刑期」是不會少於字面上的年期。
杜官指,海外的案例對法庭具是 “interesting” 但卻沒有「約束力」“not binding”.
Grossman亦指出,這是第一宗國安法審訊,有可能上訴至更高法院,擔心證物被干擾;法官們則反駁,上訴程序和充公證物是兩回事。Grossman則指:「始終這是第一單國安案件,we don’t know what we don’t know.」
We don’t know what we don’t know. 第一宗國安法,在沒有案例情況下,審訊、判決、判刑的過程,成為大眾關注焦點。
submission法律 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答
Teaching and students’ application please cope with epidemic procedures (#UpdatedMay21)
(1) #5月17日起至本學期結束(109-2),#本校所有課程 (#含期末考) #全面採用遠距或線上方式辦理。教師可善用學校新一代數位教學平台 NTU COOL,上傳課程影片進行非同步之遠距教學及進行線上測驗。有關期末考評量方式,本校提供在家線上測驗、線上口頭報告及互評或線上實作演練等彈性辦理形式,請參閱附檔( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議.pdf ),並請老師預作準務必遵守防疫規範。
(2) 教務處原先各項需透過授課教師、導師、指導教授、系所及其主管等親簽之文件,包含停修、休學、輔雙等臨櫃業務,改採變通方式辦理。學生得透過e-mail附帶已填妥之相關表單及/或檔案,寄送該表單給老師及承辦單位,以老師及承辦單位同意之e-mail取代簽名後,再由申請學生將e-mail轉寄所屬教務單位承辦同仁。惟仍依各項申請規定之截止時間辦理。
(1) 文、理、社、工、生物資源暨農、管理、電機資訊、法律、生命科學院。
(2) 醫學院:護理系一年級、除學士後護理學系外其他系一、二年級。
(3) 公共衛生學院一年級。
下列各院、系 (所) 之碩、博士班研究生,請mail給教務處註冊組承辦人:
(1) 醫學院:學士後護理學系所有學生;護理系學士班二年級以上及其他系三年級以上學生;各系 (所) 研究生。
(2) 公共衛生學院:公衛系學士班二年級以上學生及各系 (所) 研究生。
錄製課程相關諮詢 /
02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL數位教學平台 /
02-3366-3367 #598、02- 3366-3366 #25580
數位TA申請 /
U Meeting、U Webinar /
若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁 (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)
教務處 敬上
Dear NTU community members,
Due to a rapid escalation in the number of COVID-19 cases in Taipei City and New Taipei City recently, the epidemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all academic and administrative units to comply with the following preventive measures:
1) Starting May 17th, all classes will be switched to remote-only instruction for the rest of the spring semester. Instructors can upload their lecture videos to NTU COOL. Since the epidemic is escalating, the alternative to on-site final exam for assessing students’ learning outcome is strongly recommended and planned in advance. The University provides mechanisms for conducting online testing, online oral reporting, peer assessment and online drills. Please refer to the attached document in preparation for such eventualities. ( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議_eng.pdf )
2) To prevent the epidemic, all application forms with review and/or signature from course instructors, mentors, advisors, and/or supervisors of departments/graduate institutes/degree programs (Course Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Dropping Double Major and/or Minor Study etc. are included) can be replaced with flexible application procedures. Students can mail to the person and/or unit in charge with application form as attachment. If they approve your application, please forward this approved mail to the according unit of Office of Academic Affairs [note]. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3) Graduate students can take their master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense through the video conference. The signature of the committee member can be replaced by an electronic scan. The committee members who use the video method to conduct the master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense are allowed to apply for their attendance fee, but not allowed to apply for their travel allowance.
4) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline of the thesis/dissertation submission for the second semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021 has been extended to August 31, 2021 because the next day is the first day of classes for the next semester. The deadline for the thesis/dissertation defense is also flexible. As long as the Master’s and Ph.D. students can complete their thesis/dissertation submission process by August 31, 2021, they will be able to graduate on schedule. If the students are unable to complete the process of submitting their thesis/dissertation by August 31, 2021, they have to pay the tuition and fees for the next semester, and if their maximum period of study has expired, they shall be ordered to be withdrawn from the university.
[NOTE] Students affiliated in the following units shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine: Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (all students), Department of Nursing (sophomores and above), other undergraduate departments of the College of Medicine (juniors and above) and Department of Public Health (sophomores and above); other undergraduate students shall mail to Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division. Graduate students of the College of Medicine and the College of Public Health shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine; graduate students from other colleges shall mail to Graduate Academic Affairs Division.
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division:
Graduate Academic Affairs Division:
Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine:
Center for Teaching and Learning Development & Digital Learning Center:
Digitalizing your courses:
02-3366-3367 #566、583
02-3366-3367 #598、580
Application for teaching assistants for digital courses:
02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar:
02- 3366-3367 #532
If there is any problem, you can refer to ntu-dlc’s website (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/) for help.
Thank you again for your ongoing commitment to our campus and our mission during this time of challenges and change. We will find a way forward, and a way to be together again as a community in the nearer future.
With appreciation,
Office of Academic Affairs
submission法律 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的精選貼文
(Scroll down for english version)
我十分尊重法官閣下維護法治的熱誠。在此,我希望能引用已故法官Ruth Bader Ginsburg的話:
"History will absolve us"
Submission of Lee Cheuk Yan to the Court
Your Honour, I plead guilty but I’ve done no wrong in affirming the rights of people to peaceful procession and I believe history will absolve us. May I give you more on my background so as your honour can understand why I decided to march with the people for the future of Hong Kong.
As a Christian, during Easter when the scripture was read, I was reminded how Christ went to meet his fate on the cross, sacrificing for mankind to reconcile sinners with God. From His arrest to his prosecution to his death sentencing by Pilate, he was a political prisoner who committed no crime apart from seen to be a threat to the Jewish Hierarchy by serving the poor and oppressed and preaching the good news.
Throughout history of mankind, the rights that humankind now enjoyed were pioneered by political prisoners from Gandhi to Martin Luther King to Nelson Mandela. I was the Chairman of Hong Kong anti apartheid movement back in the 80s and I always remember the determination of Nelson Mandela when he said during his trial back in 1963: “an ideal for which I am prepared to die for.”. His ideal was the equality for black South African and then he spent 27 years in jail. I was thrilled that in 1994, he was elected President of South Africa, giving hope to oppressed all over the world that justice can be achieve through the persistent struggle of the people.
I went to length about his inspiration to me personally because I started my activism starting 1978 for labour rights and democracy. My lifetime ideal is the empowerment of the poor and oppressed to speak out, to rise up for their rights. Whenever the oppressed assert their rights to fight for their dignity, I feel myself also empowered and inspired to continue the difficult struggle and challenges facing Hong Kong. I asked myself, what is my life without the struggle. The struggle is my life, I cannot imagine my life without it. It had been forty three years of struggle for me and your Honour must understand my deep felt pain and sufferings to see how the State Power had been using brute force against the people and the sacrifices of so many Hongkongers who were injured, jailed or exiled, also to witness the deprivation of the basic rights of the people and the regression in democracy. I saw my ideal crumbling but I will continue the struggle even though darkness is surrounding us. It is an ideal for which I am prepared for any sanction.
Your Honour may say the law is the law, I seems not show any remorse in breaching law in this trial for August 31st. I hope Your Honour understand the utmost importance I put on the rights to freedom of expression through speech or assembly. This is the only avenue the weak and oppressed can have to right the wrongs on them. If deprived, I will call this systemic violence on the people and I do not want to see Hong Kong rule on the basis of such systemic violence. Therefore I would do my utmost to affirm the rights of people to a dignified and peaceful procession to express themselves.
Your Honour must be passionate about upholding the law and I respect your ideal. I hope I can quote from the late Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
“Justices continue to think and can change. I am ever hopeful that if the court has a blind spot today, its eye will be open tomorrow”
I was very impressed with her passion for gender equality and how she fought her whole life for gender equality and was able to achieve so much. Her message was time changes and judges should catch up with time. For Hong Kong, the worst may yet to come, and we need the legal profession to open their eyes to the suffering of the people and reflect on which side the law is with and how to changes with time for the advancement of the rights and dignity of the people.
I humbly submit myself to your sentencing and whatever your sentence, I have no regret for standing up for the rights of the people.
7th April, 2021