

在 subject科目產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【外交部招募戰貓】 台灣的外交需要如同貓一般靈活,找到在狹窄空間中的生存之道,外交部歡迎有志維護台灣主權的你,一起加入。 今年度外交特考將新增專業科目以全英文命題及作答的「英文組二」,報考資格及英檢門檻都與原英文組相同,考試科目則是除了「國文」及「綜合法政知識」兩科維持以中文出題及作答外,其他的...

 同時也有35部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅CherryVDO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheryllpy/ 之前有觀眾提議過拍下DSE片,不過由於本人成績唔太出類拔萃?所以邀請好朋友同我一齊分享?? Alan,身為35分嘅人類將會分享用乜方法拎到全5**,而我,身為有啲5*有啲5嘅人類,都會分享自己嘅方法...

subject科目 在 jieqi? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-03 14:54:53

MAY 2021~ Bachelor of Commerce (HONS) Accounting 🎓👩‍🎓 我毕业啦 大家!! 🎓👩‍🎓 这四年的大学生涯说真的挺想像过山车的🎢 一开始很贸贸然地就报名了UTAR 想要体验一下Kampar大自然的大学生活 消费不比KL来得高 而且event还蛮多...

subject科目 在 康妮英文ConniedaEnglish Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-03 19:01:02

《那些跟你誤會很深的英文單字》 今天來幫忙大家釐清一些猛一看你可能會誤解的單字~ ↗️ 趕快開啟貼文通知並收藏此貼文吧↗️ (例句翻譯請滑至貼文觀看, 記得開聲音喔) 🥑 complimentary 讚譽有加;免費的 🐨 學過compliment 這個字的人 就知道這是”讚美”的形容詞, ...

  • subject科目 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-30 17:02:33
    有 1,878 人按讚




    如果你的英文跟 #英文 一樣強,歡迎挑戰。




    Taiwan is looking to recruit its next generation of diplomats! If you have a strong dedication to upholding Taiwan's sovereignty, then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes you to apply.

    This year's Special Examination for Consular and Diplomatic Personnel has been updated. The English requirements and qualifications for the exam are the same as before, but now apart from the Chinese language and law and politics sections, where questions and answers will still be given in Chinese, all other topics will be in English. That means answers will be required in English as well!

    For the oral exams, the group exam will still be in Chinese and the individual exam in English.

    If you think you've got what it takes, take note of the following dates:
    Sign up: May 25 to June 3
    Written exams: September 4 & 5
    Oral exams: December 18 (subject to change)

    Statement on new English exam content: https://reurl.cc/ynVvoM
    For more exam information: https://reurl.cc/g856rQ

  • subject科目 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-06 04:00:54
    有 4 人按讚

    #Opinion by Allan Au Ka-lun 區家麟|"After having been dismembered, Liberal Studies is vitalized again by patriotists who blew out a puff on it. So it is up and around again at campuses. Name of this zombie is yet to be given for it is still temporarily described by the Education Bureau in its document as a “subject to be renamed”. The new subject is as sickening and poisonous as COVID-19, so should be avoided."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3aF9c7c

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  • subject科目 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-15 07:00:00
    有 344 人按讚


    Healing the Whole Family


    😟I cannot remember a time when my home was worry-free. I learned early that a moment without worry was a moment wasted in idleness. Research shows that depression and anxiety can be passed from parent to child when children observe their parents’ incessant worries and adopt similar thought patterns for themselves.


    🌃The night I submitted my college applications, I lay in bed and stared out my window for hours. I prayed to the moon that I would die soon. On paper, I looked perfect (at least to the adults who told me so): a perfect SAT score in one try, three perfect SAT II subject tests, 10 perfect AP tests, recipient of national awards, president of various clubs, avid volunteer, and founder of an education nonprofit. But I would rather have died than learn that “perfect” was still not enough to get into the colleges I’d set my sights on.

    遞交大學申請那天晚上,我躺在床上,盯著窗外看了好幾個小時。我向月亮祈禱,希望自己趕快死掉。從紙面上看,我似乎很完美(至少大人們是這麼說的):第一次參加SAT就拿了滿分,三次SAT II科目考試滿分,10次AP考試滿分,國家獎項獲得者,各種俱樂部主席,熱心的志工,以及一個非營利教育機構的創始人。但如果「完美」也不足以令我進入心儀的大學,我寧可死了算了。

    😢I didn’t know there were illnesses called depression and anxiety, and the adults around me never suspected, because I looked like I was on top of my life. When I would burst into tears, my father would shout at me to stop crying because, “No one is dead — save your tears for when I die.” And when I told my mom of my suicidal thoughts her first response was, “How can you be so selfish?” I felt unworthy of their love until I was perfect beyond reproach.




    #告訴我✍🏻「 你都怎麼療癒自己 」


  • subject科目 在 CherryVDO Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-01-31 22:45:56

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheryllpy/

    之前有觀眾提議過拍下DSE片,不過由於本人成績唔太出類拔萃?所以邀請好朋友同我一齊分享?? Alan,身為35分嘅人類將會分享用乜方法拎到全5**,而我,身為有啲5*有啲5嘅人類,都會分享自己嘅方法,等大家有個參考~

    #粵語Youtuber #DSE #中學文憑試 #大學 #大學生 #CherryVDO

  • subject科目 在 CherryVDO Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-09-28 13:55:32

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheryllpy/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheryllpy/

    #粵語Youtuber #DSE #GiveAway #讀書心得 #2020DSE #香港大學生 #CherryVDO

  • subject科目 在 CherryVDO Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-01 21:13:12

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheryllpy/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheryllpy/

    之前有觀眾提議過拍下DSE片,不過由於本人成績唔太出類拔萃?所以邀請好朋友同我一齊分享?? Alan,身為35分嘅人類將會分享用乜方法拎到全5**,而我,身為有啲5*有啲5嘅人類,都會分享自己嘅方法,等大家有個參考~

    #粵語Youtuber #DSE #中學文憑試 #大學 #大學生 #CherryVDO

