

在 subconsciously中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,461的網紅阮安祖 Andrew Ryan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [English Follows] 好消息,好消息! 花了將近一年時間拍攝的「在台灣站起」終於要在今天(4月5日)播出! 從去年3月開始,我出了50多天的外景,跑了全台灣各個鄉鎮(連澎湖、小琉球都去過!)尋找台灣新住民、傾聽他們的心聲。 在拍完30多集的今天,除了感動只有感動。剛來台灣的那...


  • subconsciously中文 在 阮安祖 Andrew Ryan Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-05 12:48:58
    有 484 人按讚

    [English Follows] 好消息,好消息! 花了將近一年時間拍攝的「在台灣站起」終於要在今天(4月5日)播出!






    I have some great news! That other TV show that I've been working on for the past year is FINALLY starting to air TODAY (April 5)!

    Since last March, I've been on the road with "New Faces in Taiwan", traveling all around, even to Penghu and Hsiaoliuqiu, for a total of 50 days on the road meeting more than 100 new immigrants to Taiwan!

    It's been an deeply moving experience, not just getting to know their stories, but also learning about my own identity as a "new immigrant". When I first came to Taiwan, the goal was to learn Chinese and become part of this society. Subconsciously I avoided stories about foreigners, mistakenly thinking they had little to do with Taiwan.

    But after 20 years, I've come to realize that there are nearly 700,000 foreigners here, and their (our) stories are a vital part of the rich cultural tapestry of Taiwan. Through this incredible journey recording "New Faces in Taiwan", I've come to realize that I'm not just a foreigner, but a "new immigrant", just like the many foreign spouses from China and Southeast Asia, the migrant workers, and the many other people from countries around the world. And every one of us has a unique "Taiwan story" that's worth sharing with others.

    After meeting so many new immigrants, I've come to realize that the things we have in common far outweigh our differences. <3


    播出時間 Broadcast Info:

    ** 自 4/5 起,每週三12:30、17:00、23:50及每周四05:00,於 大愛二台HD頻道 播出。DaAi2 HD:中華電信MOD 99台

    ** Starting on April 5, tune in every Wednesday on DaAi2 HD at 12:30, 17:00, 23:50, and the following day at 5:00am. If you have Chunghwa MOD, it's channel 99

    ** 網路直播 Live internet feed:http://www.kcnet.com.tw/WebTV/onlinetv13.htm

    ** 大愛二臺HD YouTube直播 Live YouTube Feed:https://youtu.be/-81c_O1NoPo

    ** 或依地區及系統業者,請查詢頻道位置 Check the TV channel in your area:http://www.daai.tv/daai-web/more/channel/channel.php

    ** 請大家追蹤 在台灣站起 粉絲專頁,快速得到第一手消息~
    And please share a little love for the "New Faces in Taiwan" Facebook page!在台灣站起

  • subconsciously中文 在 Lydia Tong 唐貝詩 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-06-12 20:42:48
    有 66 人按讚

    貝貝自傳之 成長篇

    中三後我去了英國 Malvern College 讀書,那邊是讀 GCSE 課程,相等於香港中學會考。英國與香港的教育方式有很大分別,英國的考試難度真的跟香港無法比擬。我從沒有想過自己會考可以考取到五個A,這對我而言,無疑是一個很大的鼓勵,之後在倫敦大學修讀工啇管理。
    I am Lydia. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I have a younger sister. Since I was young, my parents provided the best learning environment for me. They sent me to an international primary school. As the medium of instruction for international schools is English, I spoke English while learning in school, chatting with friends and at home with my parents. Consequently, my parents hired a Chinese tutor to give me tuition in the respected language. In spite of that, it was not very effective. My mother, at the time, felt that Chinese was very important. Eventually, after a year of studies in the international school, she decided that I had to switch schools.
    When I was six years old, I went to Marymount Primary School to attend primary one. The difference between international schools and local schools is immense. There is no homework in international schools. Children can pass the day immersed in fun. But there are lots of homework and examinations in local schools.
    After Form 3, I attended Malvern College in the UK. I took GCSE courses. They equate to the public examinations in Hong Kong. The teaching approach in the UK and Hong Kong is very different. The level of difficulty when it comes to examinations in the UK cannot be compared to those of Hong Kong. I never thought I could get 5As for my GCSEs. In my opinion, it is very encouraging. I later graduated from Business Management from the University of London.
    I feel I am very fortunate because I do not need to sit the Hong Kong public examinations. It is a dime in a dozen to fail the Hong Kong public examinations. But when your grades are chronically subpar, you will lose confidence in yourself. You will also begin to hate studying. Although grades are just numbers, they can enable you to feel inferior. It will defeat your self-confidence.
    Everyone has a dream. I also have one too. Since I was young, I have wanted to become a model. I also wanted to be slim and beautiful like them. I also wanted to be like female movie stars with good acting skills.
    One day, I finally made the decision to tell my family: ‘I want to become an actress. A full-time artist.’ At that moment, my family was quite shocked. But the fact that I can tell them my dream clearly touched them greatly. They fully supported my work in the entertainment industry.
    With the blessings from my parents, I became more confident and motivated in my work. My mother shared with me her precious experience regarding, her days in the entertainment industry once upon a time. I used to dislike listening to others’ opinion. But because I have found the line of the work that I enjoy, I subconsciously became more hardworking and obedient.
    I understand that my days of growing up are very comfortable. It is mostly smooth sails. But independence seems a far stretch away. The living environment and housing prices are too high as well as, costly in Hong Kong. It is hard to make money. The money you make cannot support your living. I believe that I cannot be fully independent soon. My mother often teach me that I should have ‘perseverance and never give up’. These words became my words to live by.

  • subconsciously中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • subconsciously中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • subconsciously中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

