

在 stuff用法產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,015的網紅Christopher Doyle 杜可風,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [出走地平線:Quasimodo] Flattening The Curve: Quasimodo 我只拍過一齣劇情片《海灘的一天》。 他們便頒發金馬獎最佳攝影給我。 怎可能呢? 我一竅不通。他們怎會不知道? 但怎樣學習得比較好? 我曾經試過報讀法國電影學校,但對方沒有取錄我。 多得法...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,0:00 簡介 1:10 誤解一:tense = 幾時做 4:09 誤解二:一個 tense 只有一個用途 6:09 誤解三:每種 tense 用法都不同,無法理解,需要死記 7:54 誤解四:一句句子裏,必須用某一種 tense,才是正確的 10:08 誤解五:以為要學懂所有 tenses 才可以...

stuff用法 在 Foodie Lei Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-19 22:13:32

📍🇲🇴 #foodieleimacao · 當大家仲沉醉係新年嘅喜慶之中,其實仲有兩日就情人節啦,各位有情人準備好未?🤫正所謂送禮最忌送「行」野,不妨考慮下呢個新晉手工朱古力品牌Coriolis💁🏻粒粒人手製造,無論賣相、用料定味道都做到一絲不苟,絕對比得上大牌子,係時候做啲野氹下打令(或氹吓自己,...

stuff用法 在 MillyQ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-08 18:23:28

Get everything needed for picnic, I’m sooooo ready for un été à #Paris 🇫🇷wooohooo))))) . Snacks, chocolates, jams, teabags, gifts, souvenirs, and all ...

stuff用法 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-08 04:23:27

#EnglishEverywhere🌋 繼上次講小巴之後,今日講吓村巴嘅通告(Call me通告殺手?😂) - 首先第一樣嘢係我會轉第一句做”To avoid affecting”, 有兩樣嘢,一係”to”用嚟講purpose/intention比較多,”for”的話就係講reason。例如: I ...

  • stuff用法 在 Christopher Doyle 杜可風 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-03 17:28:05
    有 145 人按讚

    Flattening The Curve: Quasimodo








    我不懂法語,但女導演Claire Devers似乎不在意。

    她在片場經常全速用法語指揮大局,我大部份時間都不明白她說甚麼,而且她常把 “Quasimodo,Quasimodo”掛在咀邊。

    我以為自己一直在拍一齣同志黑白片,不是重拍《鐘樓駝俠》。那Quasimodo是怎麼一回事?電影裡沒有駝子,在劇本也找不到Quasimodo這個字。(Quasimodo,加西莫多原是 《鐘樓駝俠》主角的名字)




    Gabrielle向我派定心丸。「你的導演接受過古典教育,時不時想賣弄一下。『Quasimodo』 是拉丁文,導演跟她的同學從小學便學會了。她說『Quasimodo』,其實就像我們想說,你知的……差不多啦。這個字就像我們想帶出……自己沒法子用詞語表達實際想說甚麼的意思。」

    I had shot only one feature film “That day on the Beach”.

    They gave it Golden Horse Best Cinematography award.

    How could that be?

    I knew nothing. How come they didn’t notice?

    But how best to get to know something?

    I tried to get into French film school. They wouldn’t have me.

    But French friends pulled a few strings and I was asked to photograph a woman student director’s first film "Noir et Blanc".

    I didn’t speak French, but director Claire Devers didn’t seem to notice.

    She kept talking full speed ahead giving directions I mostly couldn't follow, and “ Quasimodo , Quasimodo” was her signature phrase.

    I thought we were making a black and white gay film, not a remake of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. So what’s all this Quasimodo stuff ? There are no hunchbacks in the cast and I can’t find “ Quasimodo ” in the script . (Quasimodo was the main protagonist of the The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. )

    French girlfriend Gabrielle couldn’t work it out either. So she came by to sort it out.

    After ten minutes on set listening and watching my director, she burst out laughing, then took me aside. Quasimodo is not a character ” she explained “ this is not an experimental version of Phantom of the Opera and the set is definitely no Notre-Dame. ”

    “ So what’s Quasimodo ? ” I asked.

    Gabrielle re-assures me: “ Your director has had a Classic education, and she likes to show it off. ‘ Quasimodo ’ is Latin, which her class of students studied since primary school. She says “Quasimodo” when most of us would say something like, you know … actually means MORE OR LES. It’s when we say something like…. like when we can’t quite find the words to express what we really want to say. “

    #黑與白 #NoiretBlanc #ClarieDevers

    Photo:Still from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1939)

  • stuff用法 在 劉傑中 Ethan Liu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-25 21:12:02
    有 568 人按讚


    應該說是新用法。以前只知道choke是『噎到』,今天看了ESPN,Michael Jordan悼念Kobe影片的標題,才知道choke原來也有『哽咽』的意思。



    中英對照來看看跟Kobe #亦敵亦友的Michael Jordan說了什麼吧!(裡面我覺得最難翻的,是get in my stuff,果真#越簡單的反而越難)

    comparison (n) 比較
    get in your stuff 亂動你的東西(有其他意見嗎?求教)
    nuisance (n) 令人厭煩的人事物
    admiration (n)景仰,仰慕
    embark on 啟程
    adversary 對手
    condolence 哀悼
    give every ( last ) ounce 完全付出,榨乾

  • stuff用法 在 劉傑中 Ethan Liu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-25 21:07:42
    有 567 人按讚


    應該說是新用法。以前只知道choke是『噎到』,今天看了ESPN,Michael Jordan悼念Kobe影片的標題,才知道choke原來也有『哽咽』的意思。



    中英對照來看看跟Kobe #亦敵亦友的Michael Jordan說了什麼吧!(裡面我覺得最難翻的,是get in my stuff,果真#越簡單的反而越難)

    comparison (n) 比較
    get in your stuff 亂動你的東西(有其他意見嗎?求教)
    nuisance (n) 令人厭煩的人事物
    admiration (n)景仰,仰慕
    embark on 啟程
    adversary 對手
    condolence 哀悼
    give every ( last ) ounce 完全付出,榨乾