

在 stubborn意思產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】 Never Say Never! "It always seems impossible until it's done. " 616大遊行基本上是破了香港的歷史紀錄,我懷疑有機會甚至可能刷新了世界紀錄,在一個七百萬人的小都會中,居然有二百萬人上街...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【逐字稿】 大家好,我是金曲譯者 Bingo 今天這隻影片要開啟新系列:輕鬆聊單字 為了多分享英文學習資源給大家 我們決定每週整理一些在我們 Instagram 上教的英文單字 跟大家閒聊,加深你們對單字的印象 甚至更深入介紹這些單字的用法跟搭配詞 在進入正題之前 希望大家先訂閱我們的頻道、開...

stubborn意思 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-21 11:38:41

【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】 616大遊行基本上是破了香港的歷史紀錄,我懷疑有機會甚至可能刷新了世界紀錄,在一個七百萬人的小都會中,居然有二百萬人上街遊行,不分左中右政見一同上街,去反對林鄭月娥這個政府! 「二百萬人根本就是普通香港人,是不分藍黃左中右」 各位要記著,可能兩年之後...

stubborn意思 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 11:35:25

Idioms Idiom: Hit one’s head against the wall 意思:白費力氣 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 例句: Stop persuading this stubborn guy. You are just hitting your head against the wall...

stubborn意思 在 學台語 O̍h Tâi-gí Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-19 01:13:09

蠻皮 [Bân-phuê/phê] 🔊 Swipe twice to listen . 🇹🇼 頑固、個性執著 🇬🇧 (adj.) stubborn 🇪🇦 terco, obstinado 🇯🇵 頑固、固執 . 例·伊的個性較蠻皮,較講嘛講袂聽。 → I ê kò-sìng khah bân-phuê...

  • stubborn意思 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-16 11:37:08
    有 415 人按讚

    【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】

    Never Say Never!

    "It always seems impossible until it's done. "



    各位要記著,可能兩年之後的現在,那些藍絲、KOL正在不斷洗板,不斷篡改歷史,將整件事情扭曲,以黑暴污名化,但大家要記著兩年前的6 月16日,是兩百萬香港人和平上街,而在那兩百萬人中,有很多人在投票是投給工聯會、民建聯,屬於傳統界定為藍絲和建制派的人,又或是重來也不問世事的人,但是當時他們為什麼也要上街,就是要求林鄭月娥撤回送中條例,啊,不對,林鄭月娥在6月16日前已經暫援了送中條例,暫援了送中條例都還有200萬人上街,這代表他們是在反對林鄭月娥這個政權,和反對香港警察在六月時所施行的警察暴力,所以他們才會全部湧出來!


    其實,我們香港人是否有可能再創紀錄,甚至破埋二百萬人的數字,大家可能會灰心,甚至乎覺得沒可能啦,亞哥,尤其是現在有國安法,民陣申請遊行又不獲淮,香港人顧著移民,我們的人又都全坐了監,但各位,我加入了社民連這麼久,大家都知我是比較天真的,就是 Never Say Never,就像我背上的文字, 是曼德拉的名句,It always seems impossible until it's done. 意思是事情永遠在成功前總像是沒可能實踐,其實616 就是最佳例子!




    【616 Two Million March: A March of People from all across the Political Spectrum】

    The 616 march is basically a record-breaking event in Hong Kong's history, and I suspect it may have even set a world record, as 2 million people took to the streets in a small city of 7 million, despite the fact that Carrie Lam still remains a stubborn bxtch.

    I was really moved by the 2 million people who took to the streets to oppose Carrie Lam's government, regardless of their political views. Perhaps now, 2 years after this march, these 'blue ribbons' and KOLs are now constantly whitewashing and falsifying history, distorting the whole incident and stigmatising it with black violence. However, we must remember that out of those two million people who went on the march, many of them voted for the FTU and the DAB, many of them are people who are traditionally defined as 'blue', many of them are members of the pro-establishment camp, and many of them were those who do not care about the world, but why did they take to the streets too? Did they want the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill? Nope. Carrie Lam has already withdrawn the Bill before the 16th, and 2 million people still decided to take to the streets, and this means they were against the regime, and they are in opposition to the police brutality that they witnessed in June.

    These 2 million people were just ordinary Hong Kong people, regardless of blue, yellow, left, centre or right. There were many opportunities for Mrs Lam to communicate with Hong Kong people, to improve and reform Hong Kong, and whether she admitted her mistakes or not, there was always a way for her to save Hong Kong as a whole. However, Carrie Lam, has been so stubborn that she is afraid that Hong Kong is not torn apart enough. She has been turning a blind eye to police violence, not reviewing herself and not listening to people's demands, which eventually led to a series of protests and even a bigger mass movement.

    In fact, today, we may be discouraged as to whether Hong Kong people can set another record, or even break the record of 2 million people, especially when there is a national security law and that the pro-democracy camp has been denied permission to demonstrate. A lot of Hong Kong people are thinking about migrating, and a lot of us are in jail. I've been in LSD for quite some time, and everyone knows I've always remained hopeful (some might say I’m naive). Never say never, and as what the back of my T shirt says, “It always seems impossible until it's done.” (A famous quote from Mandela) In fact, June 16 is the perfect example!

    I believe that a dictatorship will not last forever. I am in prison today, but I am already exercising. Prison food is not exactly pleasant, it's blend, but exercising with this diet, I'm gonna live longer! 😎

    I'll be out soon, and I promise I’ll be back with 6 packs. 💪🏻

    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐

  • stubborn意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-14 05:30:19
    有 2 人按讚

















































    “Didn't I tell you to bring a notebook?"

    I looked at the lonely piece of A4 paper the male client placed on the table.

    Slightly embarrassed, the male client said, "I forgot. This was obtained from the counter."

    "I come all the way here because you tell me you want to change your destiny. You bring this kind of paper to change your life? My consultation is 1.5 hour and you think it's enough for you to write? Or when you run out of space, are you going to waste my time to go and borrow paper? Where is your seriousness?"

    I looked at the male client straight in the eyes.

    He hurriedly stood up and borrowed a few more pieces of A4 paper.


    "Why did you bring such a small notebook? How is it enough for you to write?"

    I looked at the credit-card-sized notebook incredulously.

    The male client replied, "Can! I only write the important points!"

    "This is your sloth. Everything I said is important. Your Bazi is in my hands. Don't think that I do not know what kind of person you are. Don't talk nonsense to me. Don't write selectively and then later send me PMs asking me the same questions that I have answered in this consultation, just because you didn't put in effort to jot it down. There is a bookshop upstairs. Either you go and buy now. I will give you 15 minutes. Or we will cancel today's consultation. You decide."

    The male client returned with a brand new A4 notebook in ten minutes.


    I was doing a Feng Shui audit for a male client who was getting married.

    He came to my Feng Shui workshops a few times and have read my Facebook for over 2 years. Prior to the audit, I reminded him twice to bring a notebook and twice, he thanked me for my reminders.

    While standing in the living room doing the Feng Shui audit, he drew out a A4-sized floorplan and wrote on it, with his palm as the backing.

    "Didn't I already tell you to bring a notebook?"

    He smiled back at me. No explanation. No apology.

    The Feng Shui of a new home is so important because it determines the future of your family luck for at least the next 5 years. And you are going to write on this floppy piece of paper for the next 2 hours?

    Given my expectations of clients, I would have told him to go and buy a notebook before I continued my audit.

    But that day, the current owner was still living in the unit. It was by appointment that we were let in to get the Feng Shui audit done. The family was also waiting for us to finish things up, as they were going out.

    I thought of the many times that he had Liked my FB posts these two years. So I decided to give him some face, and not make things difficult for him in front of his girlfriend. Also a very tiny way of me thanking him for his support all these while.

    Hence, I put this incident in my heart. From my experience, I know that anyone who did not write the notes well will definitely come back to ask me again.

    A few days later, he sent me messages, some of which were raising the same questions that I had explained on the day of the audit.

    I told him, "While I do not mind answering the same questions again, if you had brought a notebook that day, you would have written it down."

    You and I would not need to repeat ourselves again.

    I also wrote, "I am slightly disappointed in you."

    His reply, "Well noted on your disappointment. Will pay attention to own thoughts/actions for better changes."

    "You should apologise to me. It is wrong of you to ignore my reminders to bring a notebook."

    This is akin to lying to me. If you do not wish to bring, say it outright. Don't brush me off with perfunctory thanks.

    He did apologised later and graciously gave me the permission to write about this, to remind my readers.

    If your future is destined to be difficult, be it in your marriage, career, family or wealth, you must be extra observant of your every action and deed.

    Because every little thought of yours, every seemingly minor decision you made, will lead you step-by-step to fall into the manhole of your pre-destined bad fortune.

    You will miss out on what I repeatedly tell you to do.

    You will write wrongly, hear wrongly, remember wrongly and do wrongly.

    The people around you will influence you. They will tell you not to listen to me, or any well-meaning advice to transform your destiny. They will say that you doing so is making them unhappy and uncomfortable.

    You will be unwillingly to fork out money even when you can afford it. You want to live off the compassion of mine and get free help, on the empty claim that you have no money.

    You will be wilful. You will be stubborn. You will think that there is no big deal about Chinese Metaphysics and that what you say matters the most in your life. Despite not having any ability or past achievement to support that fat bold claim.

    Because you have already become that little string puppet, being dangled around mercilessly by your negative karma.

    My sternness is to pull you away from that manhole of mishaps. Do not live your life in a blur. Do not drag your family down with you to suffer at the hands of karma.

    Not everyone can stand up right again, after a really bad fall.

    Who doesn't wish to be that well-liked person? But since ancient times, an overly loving mother often leads to a useless son.

    In modern society, the self confidence of every man and woman tend to come from his/her career. But happiness and bliss will always come from your family.

    So never ever choose to be selfish.

  • stubborn意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-06-25 21:56:11
    有 143 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父課室】《第二十七場餐會回顧 - 桃花舞春風》












    - 老闆罵妳你,
    - 股票虧錢,
    - 客人投訴妳你,等等。


























    On 11th April 2017, Master Dai Hu held his 27th session with the theme "Peach Blossoms Dancing In The Wind - Strengthen Your Personal Magnetization", teaching entrepreneurs the ways to more profits, and salaried staff the methods to attracting supportive bosses and colleagues, as well as how to excel in over areas of life.

    At the start of the session, Master Dai Hu asked the participants if they know the 3 occupations to avoid.

    He then went to talk about the occupations of killing, prostitution and gambling.

    Indeed, one lady participant has a side business in the food industry. Master said taking the lives of any living being in the six realms of existence is killing, sowing a seed of heavy negative karma. This sin will implicate your ancestors, bring harm to you and your family, as well as your descendants.

    Master explained the karma of killing, and advised the participant to quit the food business, as well as chanting the Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland and dedicate its merits to all animals killed by her. Even if these animals were not killed by her personally, they died for her, so the wrongdoing of killing is still there.

    This participant presented a bouquet of flower to Master as a first-time meeting gift. Master made an offering to the Buddha's and Bodhisattvas on the spot, explained to all the merits of flower offerings and how it can positively affect our Peach Blossom luck.

    Learning Session Highlights:

    1. One participant spoke in a very stiff manner. Master Dai Hu advised her not to speak like a robot, since the theme that day was on Peach Blossom Luck of Personal Magnetization.

    2. Protecting our voice has an intricate link to our destiny.

    3. It is hard to accomplish anything without Peach Blossom luck.

    4. Where is one's Peach Blossom luck?

    5. The wrong food consumption based on your Bazi will result in:

    Frequent scoldings by your boss
    Losses in the stock market
    Complaints from customers, etc.
    6. We will only suffer if we embark on a career that is against what our Bazi needs.

    7. Not all humans are born in the human realm in their past lives. Some were animals in their previous lives.

    8. Master Dai Hu, out of compassion, highlighted to a participant how her husband needed to watch out for changes in his health.

    9. Master Dai Hu invited all participants to tell him, what did they think Peach Blossom Luck is?

    Ms Ho : It is a form of attraction.
    Miss Lee: It is the power that elicits support and love from other people.
    Ms Liao : It is a power that makes others want to be closer to you.
    10. Master Dai Hu explained the true meaning of Peach Blossom Luck, and mentioned that a person will speak in an abrupt manner if there's excessive of THIS element in the Bazi.

    11. Which of our body feature plays the most important part in our Peach Blossom luck?

    12. How can cosmetics help in your Peach Blossom luck?

    13. How does doing kind deeds influence your Peach Blossom luck?

    14. Drops of rain, when collected, will form the rivers and the seas. Small stones, when gathered, will form mountains. Therefore, small deeds of kindness can accumulate into a huge meritorious deed.

    15. Why do some people become a servant or maid for life?

    16. Master Dai Hu reminded the participants to thank the service staff. A word of thank-you is important. It does not cost a thing to you but not saying it shows that you lack manners, culture, etiquette and knowledge.

    17. We are humans, not animals. Therefore we must behave with etiquette, that is becoming of a human.

    18. We should not lead another person to fall in love with us, if we are not interested in him/her in the first place, as this will bring suffering to the other person. That is definitely not a virtuous act.

    19. Master Dai Hu noticed that only one participant took notes, and said that he liked to teach people who were graduates because of their willingness to think and take notes. The only shortcoming, due to their high qualifications, is their tendency to underestimate the power of Metaphysics.

    20. Regardless of your academic qualification and wealth status, never fall short on your aspirations.

    21. You will enjoy Peach Blossom luck when you are in high spirits. Master Dai Hu recommended 3 types of food to maintain our happy state of mind.

    22. Master Dai Hu did a live analysis of the Peach Blossom luck of each participant, according to their Bazi and facial features, and advised them the ways of strengthening it.

    23. One lady participant has a stubborn character. Master Dai Hu advised her to quit her obstinate ways and strive towards a better destiny.

    24. Jay Chou vs Wang Lee Hom. Why is Jay Chou more popular? How did he accumulate so much Peach Blossom Luck from his previous life?

    25. When we are in the wrong career, we will be have unappreciative bosses and our well-being will be affected.

    A fiery temper, as the name implies, has a fire element. Thus the common phrase in Buddhism: The fire destroys your forest of merits. It is extremely hard to cultivate merits but effortless to destroy them. We must always reflect on our lack, and do our best to rectify. Do not get angry and emotional if someone criticises you. This is not the way to enjoy great Peach Blossom luck.

    To change for the better is to strive for a better tomorrow. Let go of all that is not beneficial for you. Constant grumbling and complaining is like hugging a time bomb. It will destroy your fortunes anytime.

    Everyone should smile more, to exude more affability. The aim of our spiritual cultivation is to sever all attachments. If you want people to treat you well, ask yourself if you can do that to others in the first place. If not, you are just going to chase away your benefactors and destroy your own merits unknowingly.

    At the end of session, Master Dai Hu fulfilled the wishes of the participants by autographing his book, blessing the chanting beads of a participant, and teaching them the proper usage of the beads. The session ended on an auspicious note.


  • stubborn意思 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-11 20:02:38


    大家好,我是金曲譯者 Bingo

    我們決定每週整理一些在我們 Instagram 上教的英文單字

    來,給你 2 秒鐘 …


    重點是,這首歌的官方英文翻譯就是我們提供的喔,快去聽聽看,記得打開英文 CC 字幕喔!
    其中,歌詞有「搞砸」這個概念,搞砸的英文就是 screw up,screw up,是個動詞片語
    比如說 Karen really screwed up this time. Karen 這次真的把事情搞砸了...

    另外,如果是 screw someone 是什麼意思呢?有人知道嗎?
    給你兩秒鐘搶答 …
    恩就是跟某人上床 比較口語的表達方式


    全糖是 full sugar
    少糖 80% sugar
    半糖 half sugar
    微糖 30% sugar
    無糖 no sugar

    我通常都喝無糖 no sugar
    我會盡量避免吃甜的 身體比較不會發炎什麼的

    正常冰 regular ice
    少冰 less ice
    微冰 little ice
    去冰 no ice
    冰塊我則是選去冰 no ice

    喔對了 會分享甜度冰塊的英文


    不過新人陳瑾緗很年輕,好像才 20 歲吧

    快去聽聽看,一樣,要開英文 CC 字幕,欣賞我們的翻譯作品哈哈

    You like because, you love despite.

    Like 是喜歡 love 是愛
    Despite 則是「儘管」的意思
    而這邊這個 you 不是真的指說話的對象

    所以我們如果把這句英文說得完整一點 會是
    You like someone because he is tall, smart, or sexy, and you love someone despite the fact that he/she might be lazy and stubborn sometimes.

    所以喜歡一個人,是有原因的 because,因為他帥、她美、他聰明這些外在條件,
    但愛一個人是無條件的,despite 儘管他有些缺點,也願意包容。

    這句我是從 Netflix 上的愛情浪漫電影 Set It UP (老闆送作堆)聽到的
    You like because, you love despite.

    我一直很想做這種 podcast,聲音節目
    沒有意外的話 這個系列每週會更新一次