

在 stomach發音產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅陳 小曼 Slow Food Design,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 每次過年總會發現一些全家都只會台語,沒人知道怎麼寫的食材⋯例如這個口感有點像栗子與黃豆的綜合體、台語發音「品彭」的食物,本名為「鳳眼果」,又稱蘋婆、羅晃子,外殼像大型的深紅色豆莢,黃色果實外還有一層黑色的殼,在植物界裡也算是長得蠻時尚的⋯根據醫藥百科,果實性甘,有溫胃、治腹痛的功效。 雖然不明...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英文日常口語 43 (English Daily Conversation with Chinese 43.) Everyone can easily learn English and Chinese. 學習翻譯下列英文日常口語: How long does it take? Come to me...

stomach發音 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

要開學了,為了孩子的安排,我跟孩子的爸為了小事吵了一個架。兩個人在電話上吵了半天,好不容易稍微和緩了一下,另外一個爭端又開始了,說真的我實在累趴了,實在不想再吵了,所以我說了一句,"Listen, I don't have the stomach for another fight." 他靜止了兩秒...

stomach發音 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 02:52:21

/ November 8, 2018 Policewoman Shot Knifer at Shum Shui Po Station . Summary: In a stop-and-search operation at Shum Shui Po MTR Station, a female pol...

  • stomach發音 在 陳 小曼 Slow Food Design Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-01-28 23:16:01
    有 70 人按讚



    Always found new things in the new year dish that everyone knows how to pronounce in Taiwanese but don't know how do they written - for example this thing we found today: phoenix eye fruit, a fruit taste like chestnut mix beans (it also called Thai chestnut) sounds like "ping pong" in Taiwanese, which is grow in a dark red/brown pod with a black shelf outside the yellow bean. Sounds like a fashion icon in vegetable world.. lol

    According to Chinese herbal medical encyclopedia, this fruit tastes sweet and able to cure stomach problems. Although I don't get the reason to cook it with abalone, cabbage and meatball, but it was fun to discover new interesting ingredients on the table.

  • stomach發音 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-06-03 09:26:00
    有 393 人按讚

    端午節 (Dragon Boat Festival)就快到囉~~小心粽子吃太多會脹氣唷~
    1. 肚子痛
    I have a stomachache.
    OR My stomach hurts.
    2. 口語常用這些句子表示,肚子不舒服~(通常是吃或喝怪怪der東西)
    My stomach feels upset.
    I've got an upset stomach.
    3. 脹氣
    bloat v. /bloated adj.
    例句:If I eat too many zongzi, my stomach will feel bloated.
    4. 我肚子脹到感覺像要爆炸惹~~~
    I feel like I'm going to burst!
    5. 消化不良
    indigestion (注意它與digestion發音差別)
    例句:I know zongzi is really yummy but you don't want to suffer from indigestion!

    P.S. 祝拉拉happy birthday!!! 顆顆


  • stomach發音 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-01-08 09:26:00
    有 793 人按讚

    1. cough 咳嗽
    2. dry cough 乾咳
    3. phlegm (g不發音) 痰
    4. I've been coughing up phlegm for days/咳嗽的時間.
    5. I'm coughing my lungs out!
    6. I'm coughing my head off!
    我咳到頭都快斷了! (表示咳嗽很嚴重,一直咳一直咳~)
    7. I'm coughing and my chest/back/throat/stomach hurts so much!!
    8. I lost my voice from coughing too much!
    (lose one's voice = (台)燒聲啦~)
    Take care :)
