

在 stomachache產品中有101篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【壓力山大】男人較少將壓力問題宣之於口 ⭐從生活習慣可窺探壓力嚴重程度 ⭐小心用錯減壓方法 #星期六隻眼閉 減壓方法大拆解 男人來到了四、五十歲,人生的道路走了一半,有說是幸福感最少的時候,因為隨着年紀漸長,體力下降,打波打到半場已虛脫,凌晨起身睇波都見吃力;髮際線後退,脂肪有增無減,容貌亦開始...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Jing Jing Beh 妗妗,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#penanghokkien #HURIXS HURIX’S Gastro Aid Syrup produced from various natural herbs, won’t cause drowsiness or sluggishness after consumption. T...

stomachache 在 Saori Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 13:02:29

初めて深瀬くんの妹に会ったのは、20年前。 当時中学二年生だった私は、深瀬宅に遊びに行ったままお腹が痛くなってしまった。 妹のもえちゃん(長女)が心配して、布団を敷いてくれた。 丁度、まなちゃん(次女)の小学校の入学式の日だった。 深瀬家との付き合いは、もう20年。 今回は大好きな深瀬もえちゃん...

stomachache 在 matina Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-09 20:45:11

It’s so important to maintain your gut health. No matter it’s for your own health, or wanting to have a flat tummy in summer 🌞 Allklear is one of the...

  • stomachache 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-19 09:26:17
    有 97 人按讚










    ✔ CheckCheckCin茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Are these the best ways to relieve stress?
    When men reach the age of 40 or 50, they are about halfway through their journey in life. As they grow older, they might start to feel a decrease in stamina and might not perform well in sports. They might even have a hard time staying up late to watch their favourite sports match.

    Some might also troubled by their receding hairline, the accumulation of fats in their body, and changes in their facial appearance. To add fuel to the fire, stress at work and the rising cost of living can also take a toll on their mental health. Have you tried the following methods to cope with stress?

    ⚠️Drinking booze
    While some might enjoy a glass of beer after work, some would resort to alcoholism to escape from the harsh reality they face daily. Consuming an appropriate amount of alcohol according to your body constitution can improve the circulation of qi and blood, but excessive drinking can cause heat and dampness to accumulate in the body, induce phlegm production, affect the functions of the liver and spleen. It is important to practice self-control when consuming alcohol.

    Many people might take a puff at a cigarette to de-stress, and some even think it can help them pass stool more easily. It is in fact just an illusion! Smoking will only cause damage to your body, and you will still feel stressed even after smoking.

    ⚠️Going on a shopping spree
    Some men would go on a shopping spree to reduce their stress. The convenience of online shopping encourages us to make impulsive purchases of items we do not need. Shopping can be stress-relieving, but it could also cause further financial distress if we are not mindful of our spending.

    ⚠️Binge eating
    It is common for us to eat to release stress, and we tend to opt for foods that are high in fats and calories. Binge eating can lead to obesity and an increase in our cholesterols in the long run.

    ⚠️Late-night gaming
    Men may play games to reduce stress after work, and some might even pull an all-nighter. It then becomes difficult for them to focus on work the next morning. Staying up late to play games disrupts our biological clock in the long run. Not only does this lifestyle exhaust the fluid in the body, it can also cause individuals to develop yin-deficient symptoms such as dry mouth, dry stools, and irritability.

    According to the Chinese Medicine theories, the liver governs the emotions. Negative emotions can hurt the liver, and when the functions of the liver are affected, individuals may experience headache, burp or flatulence, stomachache, difficulty in passing motion, insomnia, and excessive sighing.

    To soothe the liver, consume an appropriate amount of lotus root, white radish, luffa and dried citrus peel or drink rose tea, jasmine tea, bergamot tea, and chamomile tea to improve circulation of qi and blood. Doing our favourite sporting activity can also help relieve stress.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dragon Fruit Rose Tea
    Ingredients: Water, Dragon Fruit Juice, Rock Sugar, Honey, Rose, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Oolong Tea
    Effects: Relieves stress, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for difficulty passing stool, stress, frequent sighs, and dull complexion.
    Note: To relieve menstrual discomfort, have this tea 3-7 days before period. Not suitable for menstruating and pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #我枯燥 #陰虛

  • stomachache 在 幼智英兒abc - 12歲以下寶貝的美語園地 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-10 21:35:31
    有 12 人按讚


    🔔 Today we’re going to learn about "uncomfortable feelings.” Print the worksheet and learn new words!

    ✅主題句 Topic Sentence✅
    Why do I feel uncomfortable?

    ✅例句 Example ✅
    📌我感覺 #肚子痛 因為我 #吃壞肚子。
    I feel uncomfortable with a stomachache because I ate something bad.
    📌我感覺 #癢 是因為感染了 #水痘病毒。
    I feel itchy because of the infection caused by varicella virus.
    📌我感覺 #牙痛 是因為 #牙菌斑 破壞了牙齒的琺瑯質。
    I feel uncomfortable with a toothache because the plaque destroyed my tooth enamel.
    📌我感覺 #腳痛 是因為我跌倒的時候 #骨折 了。
    I feel pain in my foot because I got a fracture when I fell over.


  • stomachache 在 Haruna Kunisawa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-06 11:27:14
    有 9 人按讚

    Not everyone can easily speak out what they love to do and follow their heart.
    I had stomachache every single days when I wanted to tell my parents that I wanna quit school and be a dancer back in days 🙃
    But!! That stomachache worth😇💪🏻 to live life now with doing what I love.

    Wish you can believe in what you love and good at it, do more of it, continue doing, and have fun🌟

    Love the song and the lyrics 💙💙

    #群青 #yoasobi @yoasobi.official
    #danceclass #workshop #bedrex #harunakunisawa