

在 stay歌詞空耳產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅周慕姿,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 敝小團新專輯#噤夢 MV-- #孤燈微微 #BytheLoneLight 終於上線!敬請支持分享! 想買專輯的朋友,歡迎來專輯巡迴場購買,12/11首賣! . . ★【夢迴】Crescent Lament X 暴君 ◆ 噤夢 專輯巡演首賣 ★ . #高雄場:2020/12/11 W5 🤘 ...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過20萬的網紅許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今集唱返自己新歌《情歌之後》 希望大家鍾意啦 ? 《今晚唱飲歌2》EP5:https://youtu.be/lgbWnFbGLZk #許靖韻​ #AngelaHui​ #情歌之後 #小背心​ #今晚唱飲歌2​ #今晚唱飲歌​ #AngeLadys​ Lyrics 歌詞 《 #七里香 #周杰倫...

stay歌詞空耳 在 ❤️Natwan? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-02 22:50:16

//立ち上がれ勇者は 中譯:他似係咖喱Yuu~笑話//🍛🍛🍛 • 呢個collab 應該係一年前數碼暴龍大電影最終章個時話搞,但由於太高質,製作需時,懇請大家體諒。 Btw想大力表揚producer/ 創意總監/首席製片人 @frankieyip54 ,無佢大家係唔會睇得明歌詞的。plus 當日大家...

stay歌詞空耳 在 一日一樂 | 音樂分享 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-22 18:26:10

【blink-182 – Home Is Such A Lonely Place】 . 來到柏林這一年認識了很多來自世界各地的朋友,但因為自己的個性有很多奇怪的毛,所以真正玩在一起的朋友,大概就是五隻手指頭的數量。 . 這當中有兩個人是一對情侶,女生在柏林碩士一年的學程告一段落後,就要前往瑞典將後半...

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 周慕姿 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-29 20:25:44
    有 123 人按讚

    敝小團新專輯#噤夢 MV-- #孤燈微微 #BytheLoneLight 終於上線!敬請支持分享!

    ★【夢迴】Crescent Lament X 暴君 ◆ 噤夢 專輯巡演首賣 ★
    #高雄場:2020/12/11 W5 🤘 https://reurl.cc/n0XxKd
    #台中場:2020/12/20 W7 🤘 https://reurl.cc/j5pVzD
    #台北場:2021/01/09 W6 🤘 https://reurl.cc/Q3DNrM
    台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,將於2020年底推出第三張專輯 —【噤夢 Land of Lost Voices】。【噤夢】以終戰後國民政府來台前期的台灣社會為背景,除了在音樂上融入更豐富的民俗樂器,也將上張專輯【花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms】的主角阿香再度帶入歌曲中,藉著藝妲阿香與戀人明風兩人未完的緣分,娓娓道出歷史洪流中台灣人民遭遇的悲傷故事。
    首支MV —「孤燈微微 By the Lone Light」,從阿香及明風的視角出發,描述二二八事件發生後,無數台灣人面臨的生離死別。

    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---
    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---
    Crescent Lament第三張專輯 —【噤夢】,2020年12月11日,正式發行。
    * Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video.*

    Crescent Lament’s third album "Land of Lost Voices" will be released on December 11, 2020. A sequel to our second album, the story continues from where "Elegy for the Blossoms" left off: the unfinished romance between A-hiong and her lover, Bîng-hong. They once believed that they would not see each other again, but fate has brought them back together. They would go through the collapse of Taiwanese society in the post-WWII era, experience horrifying days that were even more miserable than wartime, and finally witness the destined tragedy of the 228 Incident.

    The current MV “By the Lone Light” recounts the bereavement that A-hiong suffered, after realizing Bîng-hong has died from the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947.

    (Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)…… Like all young Taiwanese of that era, Bîng-hong, who had received modern education, was passionate about Taiwan’s future. “I heard something happened at Keelung harbor, I need to check it for you and our kid,” Bîng-hong told A-hiong before he headed out on 8 March 1947. “I’ll be back in the evening—if I don’t return before nightfall, I’ll spend the night at my brother’s home at Sia Liao Island,” he said, giving A-hiong a hug as he left.

    Bîng-hong never came home. The next day, A-hiong heard from neighbors that Chinese troops landed in Keelung the day before, and started shooting people with machine guns even before the vessels docked. Troops on land also shot people indiscriminately on the streets. Groups of students had their noses, ears, and genitals cut off, before being stabbed with bayonets. Those who survived were arrested by soldiers, and strung up with barbed wire through their palms and ankles. Then, they were shot in the back of their heads, and kicked into the harbor. Days later, innumerable floating bodies blocked the harbor, and piled up on the shore. A-hiong could not take it anymore, and was in tears all day.

    Bîng-hong’s body was never found. In the following two months, the KMT government violently cracked down on uprisings, and purged rebels across Taiwan. Around 20,000 civilians were murdered by the troops, most of whom belonged to the young generation. Doctors, lawyers, professors, and councilors were executed in large numbers, and an entire generation was muted……(Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)

    In memory of what happened in 1947, Taiwan.
    Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices.

    【孤燈微微 / By the Lone Light】
    .導演/Director:林峻 Chun Lin
    .演員/Actress & actor:黃惟, 徐肇勵

    .詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    .曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    .英譯/English translation:Happy Metal Guy, 賴昱伸 lok-sin LOA
    .英文校正/English revision & proofread:Happy Metal Guy

    .收錄專輯/Album:噤夢 Land of Lost Voices (2020)
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu & Crescent Lament 恆月三途
    .專輯錄音/Recorded by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    .音軌剪輯/Editing by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    Joakim Dahlström - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    .專輯混音/Mixed by:
    Rickard Bengtsson - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    Assisted by Joakim Dahlström
    .母帶後期處理/Mastered by:
    Mika Jussila - Finnvox Studios(Finland)

    .Crescent Lament 恆月三途:
    主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu
    吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu
    二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh
    鍵盤 Synths & Piano:魏大昕 Sebastian Wei
    嗩吶 (客座) Suona (guest):黃博裕 Po Yu Huang

    .特別感謝武雄老師 Bu-hiông 提供台語歌詞之填詞與唱法指導。
    .特別感謝氫酸鉀 KCN 繪製專輯封面及團徽。
    .特別感謝美術編輯總監 Hollowcorpse。

    .追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
    Website - https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-22 21:16:36
    有 197 人按讚

    Crescent Lament恆月三途的朋友們,讓大家久等了,專輯進入最後緊鑼密鼓的完成階段,不知道大家是不是跟我們一樣期待?
    今晚,和大家分享--《噤夢》專輯簡介。請大家期待一下,11/29,我們將釋出 #專輯的第一支MV,由林峻導演為我們拍攝的:《孤燈微微》。 #真的超棒的敬請期待
    #專輯全美術設計編排 Nathan Lin
    成軍至今邁入第13年,台灣民謠金屬樂團Crescent Lament(恆月三途)於2020年推出第三張專輯《噤夢 Land of Lost Voices》。
    《噤夢 Land of Lost Voices》以終戰後國民政府來台前期的台灣社會為背景,除了在音樂上融入更豐富的民俗樂器,也將上張專輯《花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms》的主角阿香再度帶入歌曲中,藉著藝妲阿香與戀人明風兩人未完的緣分,娓娓道出歷史洪流中台灣人民遭遇的悲傷故事。
    此張專輯由 #閃靈樂團吉他手小黑操刀 擔任製作人,邀請多位著名音樂人客座演出,並於 #瑞典音樂工作室TheSweetspotStudio 進行混音、 #芬蘭音樂工作室FinnvoxStudios 進行後製。
    歌詞上延續台語創作,由 #金曲作詞人武雄老師 擔任顧問指導,呈現出台語歌詞的優雅與美麗。
    專輯封面則再度由 #台灣頂尖畫家氫酸鉀 跨刀設計,令人耳目一新的華麗且帶著一絲灰暗氣息,象徵著戰後那個時代的風雨欲來。以女性為視角訴說那段曾讓人噤聲的台灣歷史,融合著金屬樂與台灣民俗樂器的華麗背景與復古唯美氛圍,再搭配主唱Muer嗓音的細細哀愁、二胡旋律的扣人心弦,更讓人對這張專輯充滿期待:恆月三途,這次,想說什麼樣的故事?
    Crescent Lament 恆月三途,第三張專輯 -《噤夢 Land of Lost Voices》,2020年正式發行。
    ★【夢迴】Crescent Lament X 暴君 ◆ 噤夢 / 島嶼神話 專輯巡演★
    🔥#高雄場:2020/12/11 W5 Paramount Bar 《百樂門酒館》:
    購票 👉 https://reurl.cc/n0XxKd
    🔥#台中場:2020/12/20 W7 台中 迴響音樂藝文展演空間
    購票👉 https://reurl.cc/j5pVzD
    🔥#台北場:2021/01/09 W6 凝聚力展演空間
    購票👉 https://reurl.cc/Q3DNrM

    台湾維新 #噤夢 #周慕姿 #恆月三途 #crescentlament

    Crescent Lament's 3rd album - Land of Lost Voices - will be released in December 2020.
    First MV - By the Lone Light - will be released on 2020/11/29.
    Stay tuned!

    【Crescent Lament X Bloody Tyrant】2020 Combined Album Tour

    ▲ 2020/12/11 W5 Paramount Bar (Kaohsiung)
    ▲ 2020/12/20 W7 Sound Live House (Taichung)
    ▲ 2021/01/09 W6 Cohesion Space (Taipei)

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 YELLOW Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-13 23:43:32
    有 467 人按讚

    All streams

    曲目除了收錄先前發行的兩張EP之歌曲《都市病》及《馬戲團》,也包含了最新收錄於本專輯的第三篇章《Deep Death Taste》的四首新歌。以章回式敘事法結合三個獨立卻彼此牽引的寓言篇章,並以非線性視角拼湊故事線條集結而成,作為一總集(擊)。透過三段篇章的故事結構,引領聽者開啟一段超時空漫遊。從甦醒到探索,從適應到掙扎,最後則從反抗到死亡。


    回想2014那年,我獨力完成了〈羊皮先生〉、〈Meniere’s Buzzing〉、〈後現代獨白〉這三首歌後,深深覺得這系列的作品之於我,似乎有了自己的生命,並彼此有難以言喻的連結,促使我想繼續透過創作的過程,盡我所能探索並擴張這個我也不知道終點在哪的旅程,並透過這段旅程去實現我對音樂的各種想像。事實上從《都市病》開始,我從來都沒想要以專輯導向去作為一種作品形式的註解,對我來說這張專輯就是以三段篇章彼此牽引、各自獨立卻又是神聖不可分割的集合體,也希望聽者透過歌詞或是音樂上的巧思,自行尋找可投射的故事軌跡。所以不管你覺得這張是新歌+精選,又或者你用什麼立場看待這張專輯的形式,都不影響你充分體驗這個作品。
    Life is circle
    Be water, my friend.
    Stay Hydrated.

    Guitar 林庭鈺TIm
    Drums 小陳
    Bass 曹瑋
    Keys 吳至傑CJ
    以及時常在Lights Up都聞得到肝焦味的混音爸爸周翰
    and also shout out to Peerless Mastering🙏
    還有創作出這幅浮世擊的畫作作者 王寬


    Welcome to BKD Club.

    Use Headphones For Better Experience.

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 20:00:22

    希望大家鍾意啦 ?


    #許靖韻​ #AngelaHui​ #情歌之後
    #小背心​ #今晚唱飲歌2​ #今晚唱飲歌​ #AngeLadys​

    Lyrics 歌詞

    《 #七里香 #周杰倫 》
    窗外的麻雀 在電線桿上多嘴
    妳說這一句 很有夏天的感覺
    手中的鉛筆 在紙上來來回回

    秋刀魚 的滋味 貓跟妳都想了解
    那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的鮮豔草莓

    雨下整夜 我的愛溢出就像雨水
    院子落葉 跟我的思念厚厚一疊
    幾句是非 也無法將我的熱情冷卻

    《 #別問很可怕 #J-Sheon 》
    什麼 愛妳想妳我是全都當屁
    哎唷 真是哎唷呀 哎唷呀

    唉 為何妳的秘密不刪
    唉 現在已經麻痺無感
    到底是怎樣 別問很可怕
    Oh girl太意外

    唉 為何妳的幽默跟浪漫
    到底是怎樣 別問很可怕
    Oh girl太意外

    《 #紅色高跟鞋 #蔡健雅 》
    對你的感覺 強烈
    卻又不太瞭解 只憑直覺

    卻又像風 捉摸不住
    像愛不釋手的 紅色高跟鞋

    《 #StuckWithU #ArianaGrande #JustinBieber 》
    Still layin' in your bed, sayin'

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Got all this time on my hands
    Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
    I could stay here for a lifetime

    So, lock the door and throw out the key
    Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me
    And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
    So, go ahead and drive me insane
    Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
    Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby

    There's nowhere we need to be, no, no, no
    I'ma get to know you better
    Kinda hope we're here forever
    There's nobody on these streets
    If you told me that the world's endin'
    Ain't no other way that I can spend it

    Oh, oh, oh, oh (Ooh)
    Got all this time in my hands
    Might as well cancel our plans (Yeah, yeah)
    I could stay here forever

    So, lock the door and throw out the key
    Can't fight this no more, It's just you and me
    And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
    So, go ahead and drive me insane
    Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
    Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

    Baby, come take all my time
    Go on, make me lose my mind
    We got all that we need here tonight

    I lock the door (Lock the door) and throw out the key
    Can't fight this no more (Can't fight this no more), it's just you and me
    And there's nothin' I, nothin' I'd rather do
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
    So, go ahead and drive me insane
    Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change
    All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you
    I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with
    You, oh, oh

    Stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

    《 #情歌之後 #許靖韻 》
    分你一半的耳筒 分享過寂寞和痛
    不理溺愛或痛愛 都想你偶爾會心動
    時光的飲歌翻唱十年 簡單愛要極勇
    無奈天黑黑到再難護送 你要保重

    囍帖街難逃變幻 披星戴月渡人間
    曾經約定卻剩慨嘆 紛飛燕尾蝶怎重返
    曾說了再見也都心淡 花火說散就散
    紅綠燈中失散 一生所愛 遺失於四季間

    曾經跟你遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
    攀過了高山 低谷裡更唏噓
    空手而來 任時代曲淡去

    早說好了不要哭 呼吸有害未明嗎
    漩渦裡倔強未看化 不爭氣浸沒於流沙
    何以又獻世眷戀稀客 怎麼了結念掛
    明白雖喜歡你 捨不得你 憑勇氣可放下

    曾經跟你遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
    攀過了高山 低谷裡更唏噓
    空手而來 任時代曲淡去

    一路經歷春夏跟秋冬 盛與衰
    仍然鳴謝你 陪同回憶裡 曾一追再追

    從今不理遇見那誰 酷愛那誰
    攀過了高山 低谷哪怕唏噓
    一生何求 任時代曲淡去

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-29 20:01:33

    ◆ 博客來實體專輯:https://reurl.cc/R1x2m6
    ◆ Listen to the album here: https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX

    台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,於2020年底推出第三張專輯 —【噤夢 Land of Lost Voices】。【噤夢】以終戰後國民政府來台前期的台灣社會為背景,除了在音樂上融入更豐富的民俗樂器,也將上張專輯【花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms】的主角阿香再度帶入歌曲中,藉著藝妲阿香與戀人明風兩人未完的緣分,娓娓道出歷史洪流中台灣人民遭遇的悲傷故事。

    首支MV —「孤燈微微 By the Lone Light」,從阿香及明風的視角出發,描述二二八事件發生後,無數台灣人面臨的生離死別。

    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---


    --- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---

    Crescent Lament第三張專輯 —【噤夢】,2020年12月11日,正式發行。

    * Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video.*

    Crescent Lament’s third album "Land of Lost Voices" is released on December 11, 2020. A sequel to our second album, the story continues from where "Elegy for the Blossoms" left off: the unfinished romance between A-hiong and her lover, Bîng-hong. They once believed that they would not see each other again, but fate has brought them back together. They would go through the collapse of Taiwanese society in the post-WWII era, experience horrifying days that were even more miserable than wartime, and finally witness the destined tragedy of the 228 Incident.

    The current music video “By the Lone Light” recounts the bereavement that A-hiong suffered, after realizing Bîng-hong has died from the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947.

    (Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)…… Like all young Taiwanese of that era, Bîng-hong, who had received modern education, was passionate about Taiwan’s future. “I heard something happened at Keelung harbor, I need to check it for you and our kid,” Bîng-hong told A-hiong before he headed out on 8 March 1947. “I’ll be back in the evening—if I don’t return before nightfall, I’ll spend the night at my brother’s home at Sia Liao Island,” he said, giving A-hiong a hug as he left.

    Bîng-hong never came home. The next day, A-hiong heard from neighbors that Chinese troops landed in Keelung the day before, and started shooting people with machine guns even before the vessels docked. Troops on land also shot people indiscriminately on the streets. Groups of students had their noses, ears, and genitals cut off, before being stabbed with bayonets. Those who survived were arrested by soldiers, and strung up with barbed wire through their palms and ankles. Then, they were shot in the back of their heads, and kicked into the harbor. Days later, innumerable floating bodies blocked the harbor, and piled up on the shore. A-hiong could not take it anymore, and was in tears all day.

    Bîng-hong’s body was never found. In the following two months, the KMT government violently cracked down on uprisings, and purged rebels across Taiwan. Around 20,000 civilians were murdered by the troops, most of whom belonged to the young generation. Doctors, lawyers, professors, and councilors were executed in large numbers, and an entire generation was muted……(Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)

    In memory of what happened in 1947, Taiwan.
    Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices.

    【孤燈微微 / By the Lone Light】
    .導演/Director:林峻 Chun Lin
    .演員/Actress & actor:黃惟, 徐肇勵

    .詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    .曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    .英譯/English translation:Happy Metal Guy, 賴昱伸 lok-sin LOA
    .英文校正/English revision & proofread:Happy Metal Guy

    .收錄專輯/Album:噤夢 Land of Lost Voices (2020)
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu & Crescent Lament 恆月三途
    .專輯錄音/Recorded by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    海波浪製作 Wave Productions
    .音軌剪輯/Editing by:
    劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
    Joakim Dahlström - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    .專輯混音/Mixed by:
    Rickard Bengtsson - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
    Assisted by Joakim Dahlström
    .母帶後期處理/Mastered by:
    Mika Jussila - Finnvox Studios(Finland)

    .Crescent Lament 恆月三途:
    主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou
    鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou
    貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu
    吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu
    二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh
    鍵盤 Synths & Piano:魏大昕 Sebastian Wei
    嗩吶 (客座) Suona (guest):黃博裕 Po Yu Huang

    .特別感謝武雄老師 Bu-hiông 提供台語歌詞之填詞與唱法指導 。
    .特別感謝氫酸鉀 KCN 繪製專輯封面及團徽。
    .特別感謝美術編輯總監 Hollowcorpse。

    .追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
    Website - https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

  • stay歌詞空耳 在 空姐摸摸-比利時夫妻在台灣Holymollieee Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-08-11 12:15:11

    雖然不是專業的只是唱興趣,只有一支iphone耳機+耳mic就唱了 而且還自以為小美人魚在演舞台劇的情緒唱法啊😂

    "Dedicated to my best friend Ariel 獻給我最好的閨密Ariel "

    ♥ 摸摸 Holymollieee
    ♥ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mollie_bunny
    ♥ FaceBook:https://www.facebook.com/holymollieee/
    ♥ Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/holymollieee

    工商合作信箱business contact

    Cover by mollie from Disney “ Little mermaid “

    PART OF YOUR WORLD 歌詞 lyrics
    Look at this stuff
    Isn't it neat?
    Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
    Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
    The girl who has ev'rything?
    Look at this trove
    Treasures untold
    How many wonders can one cavern hold?
    Lookin' around here you'd think
    (Sure) she's got everything
    I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
    I've got whozits and whatzits galore
    (You want thingamabobs?
    I got twenty)
    But who cares?
    No big deal
    I want more
    I want to be where the people are
    I want to see
    want to see 'em dancin'
    Walkin' around on those
    (Whad'ya call 'em?) oh - feet
    Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
    Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
    Strollin' along down a
    (What's that word again?) street
    Up where they walk
    Up where they run
    Up where they stay all day in the sun
    Wanderin' free
    Wish I could be
    Part of that world
    What would I give
    If I could live
    Outta these waters?
    What would I pay
    To spend a day
    Warm on the sand?
    Betcha on land
    They understand
    Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
    Bright young women
    Sick o' swimmin'
    Ready to stand
    And ready to know what the people know
    Ask 'em my questions
    And get some answers
    What's a fire and why does it
    (What's the word?) burn?
    When's it my turn?
    Wouldn't I love
    Love to explore that shore above?
    Out of the sea
    Wish I could be
    Part of that world