

在 stance立場產品中有62篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅管碧玲 (kuanbiling),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 歐盟今天發布「歐盟-中國」戰略藍圖 https://reneweuropegroup.app.box.com/s/iik40rg3cdg2qzfj493cqixlzh2i9j0b The EU should support Taiwan 歐盟應支持台灣: 在習近平主席的領導下,北京強化其侵略立場...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,570的網紅Naomi Nikola,也在其Youtube影片中提到,OMI OMI NOW ONLINE 💕🌸🌙 omi-omi.com A Filipina x Tokyo brand by Naomi Nikola Soft girl with sharp edges. For the weirdos with rebellious hearts and a ...

stance立場 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-17 12:51:55

三民孩子,我們終於見面了! 俐媽一貫負責守護你們的月考, 這次負責錄影三民B4R2 Let’s Review Units 4~6, 陪大家複習前三課重要單字及文法重點。 這一課除了教常見的搭配詞(collocation)之外, 還引導大家寫線上請願書(petition), 呼求大眾關注亞馬遜雨林、...

stance立場 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-29 07:57:25

/ Paper 1 Final Reminders [請立即 share 俾 friends] . ✅ 除咗以下嘅文字版,如果想睇片,我拍咗條 Final Tips 俾報咗Reg 08嘅學生,記住上 Student Portal 睇! . Paper 1: Reading . 溫習: 1. 時間有限...

  • stance立場 在 管碧玲 (kuanbiling) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-30 16:21:01
    有 342 人按讚


    The EU should support Taiwan 歐盟應支持台灣:





    最後,歐盟應向中國明確表示,當中國攻擊並試圖以武力接管台灣時,將付出什麼樣的代價。把中國排除在SWIFT(環球銀行金融電信協會)之外, 可以做為施壓中國的代價之一。

    Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has intensified its aggressive stance by demanding the reunification of Taiwan with China under the formula of "One country, two systems" as a precondition for any dialogue with the island.

    The country finds itself diplomatically isolated and threatened militarily.The EU should revisit its engagement policy with Taiwan and cooperate with international partners in helping sustain democracy in Taiwan. The EU should furthermore closely monitor cross-strait relations and support initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue, cooperation and confidence building between the two sides.

    Taiwan is still excluded from full participation in the WHO.The EU and the 27 health ministers of the EU should actively support Taiwan in their efforts to regain the observer status granted to them in the WHO between 2009 and 2016 and support more broadly membership or at least observer status in all other relevant multilateral organisations.

    The EU should move forward, re-evaluate its economic and trade relations with Taiwan and launch negotiations for an EU-Taiwan bilateral investment treaty. Taiwan has the potential to become the EU’s top partner in ICT, biotech, health, mobility and Taiwan could play an important role in reducing European dependency on Chinese exports, as well as in its future industrial policy.

    Finally, the EU should make clear to China what the costs will be when they attack and attempt to take over Taiwan by force. Excluding China from the SWIFT banking system should be one of the imposed costs.

  • stance立場 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-14 05:00:40
    有 8 人按讚

    #Opinion by Hsu Chien-jung 許建榮|"Today, China’s trade sanctions against Australia and infiltration of the society and politics of Australia have revised its China policy. In the relationship of the U.S.-Australia alliance, Australia as the deputy sheriff of the U.S., has also made a crucial change in its original stance on conflicts in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan has now become the key to Australia’s beating war drums to defend freedom against China."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3uWB4gl

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  • stance立場 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-02 17:14:40
    有 98 人按讚




    2021年4月29日美國聯準會利率決策會議,如預期保持相關政策不變,例如,認為經濟前景與勞動市場已強勁回升(economic activity and employment have strengthened),而貨幣政策保持寬鬆不變(maintain an accommodative stance of monetary policy)、物價回升但大多是短期因素影響,且維持QE政策不變,即購買800億美元美國國債與400億美元不動產抵押貸款證券(MBS),直到實現就業與通膨目標取得實質性進一步進展(substantial further progress)。依紐約聯邦儲備銀行對一級交易商調查,2022/Q1有機會開始縮減QE。而這次僅公佈聲明稿與聯準會主席包威爾會後舉行新聞發布會,不會公佈經濟預測摘要(FOMC Projection Materials)。

    1. 經濟評估,隨著疫苗的接種與政策支持,經濟活動與就業指標已經走強,受疫情最大影響部門還是疲弱,但已經出現改善。經濟未來路徑取決於疫情的發展,包括疫苗接種進度。持續性公共衛生危機(public health crisis)對經濟前景依然帶來風險(risks to the economic outlook remain)。
    2. 貨幣政策評估,委員會預期維持貨幣政策寬鬆立場(an accommodative stance of monetary policy),直到實現最大就業與物價穩定目標。
    3. QE政策評估,維持QE政策不變,即購買800億美元美國國債與400億美元MBS(不動產抵押貸款證券),直到實現就業與通膨目標取得實質性進一步進展(substantial further progress)。
    4. FOMC投票情況,聯準會委員投票一致贊成。


    1. 經濟評估,雖然受到疫情影響最嚴重的部門依舊疲弱,但經濟活動與就業指標近期呈現回升,經濟未來走勢取決於疫情的發展,包括疫苗接種進度。持續性公共衛生危機(public health crisis)仍對經濟前景帶來相當大的風險(poses considerable risks to the economic outlook)」。
    2. 貨幣政策評估,委員會預期維持貨幣政策的寬鬆立場(an accommodative stance of monetary policy),直到實現這些目標(最大就業與物價穩定)。
    3. QE政策評估,維持QE政策不變,即購買800億美元美國國債與400億美元MBS(不動產抵押貸款證券),直到實現就業與通膨目標取得實質性進一步進展(substantial further progress)。
    4. FOMC投票情況,聯準會委員投票一致贊成。


  • stance立場 在 Naomi Nikola Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-30 22:46:01

    OMI OMI NOW ONLINE 💕🌸🌙 omi-omi.com

    A Filipina x Tokyo brand by Naomi Nikola
    Soft girl with sharp edges. For the weirdos with rebellious hearts and a dreamy sense of mind. A brand programmed to severely melt your heart.
    Sensitive individuals who are childish and romantic at heart. People who find comfort in the cute, but are not afraid to show their edge. No matter your illness, gender, race & stance- these people are ready to challenge the norm with strange cuteness while wearing these clothes like stylish armor.
    Omi Omi is a fashion & lifestyle brand that sprouted at the heart of Tokyo, Japan in 2019. The brand is based between Tokyo and Manila, owned and run by Naomi Nikola - a Filipina fashion artist who studied creative fashion design at ESMOD Japan. All Omi Omi fabrics are locally sourced and made with love, designed by yours truly.

    OMI OMI について
    OMI OMI は、2019年に東京でスタートしたファッション&ライフスタイルブランドです。このブランドは、日本の東京とフィリピンのマニラの両方に拠点を置いています。 このブランドは、ESMOD Japanで学んだフィリピン人ファッションアーティストの Naomi Nikola が所有および運営しています。 すべての OMI OMI の作品は、地元で調達され、彼女によって設計されています。

    Photographer: Jad Anacay
    Model: Geo Go, Pauline Batoctoy , Gabrielle Tanada, Naomi Nikola
    Makeup, direction & styling: Naomi Nikola
    Logo: Patricia Paner

  • stance立場 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-03 23:54:00


    0:00 簡介
    0:30 美國總統選舉制度
    3:26 兩黨制之下的票源分布
    5:36 採用現時選舉制度的歷史原因
    7:48 兩大候選人的對華政策


    The United States Presidential Election is to be held today (3 November). We have collaborated with The Current Affairs Committee of HKUSU Council to produce this video. We are honoured to have Professor Elisa Lee to explain the electoral system of the United States as well as the impact the election has on Hong Kong.

    0:00 Intro
    0:30 US Presidential electoral system
    3:26 Voting patterns under the two-party system
    5:36 Historical reason for adopting the current electoral system
    7:48 Two main candidates' China policies

    Images inserted in the interview video do not represent the stance of the interviewee

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  • stance立場 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-09-03 01:35:57

    00:00 現行選舉政策簡介
    Briefing on current situation
    01:51 罷課詳情簡介
    Briefing on details of the student strike
    06:36 港大校方對於罷課的回應
    Response to the strike from the University
    08:57 罷課的原因及目標
    Reasons and goals of the student strike
    10:28 學生對罷課的疑慮
    Students' concern to the strike
    13:50 學聯秘書長周永康對罷課的意見
    Opinions from Alex Chow, Secretary-General of HKFS
    16:02 港大學生會評議會時事委員會建議之學生會立場
    Stance of HKUSU proposed by Current Affairs Committee, HKUSU Council

