
為什麼這篇someone簡寫鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在someone簡寫這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者appris ()看板Francais標題[字彙] 法國人的簡訊.MSN.FB常用簡寫時間Tue...

someone簡寫 在 Chieh Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 21:52:05

The Sun Also Rises 《妾似朝陽又照君》 海明威從1925年7月21日,也即他的26歲生日開始寫作這部小說。 The final scene is prototypical of the characters’ action in the book. After eating ...

A+ or @+: means “A plus“, like “later”, or “l8r”.
* ALP: “A la prochaine“: Next time.
* ASV: “Age, Sexe, Ville“, the equivalent of the English “ASL”, or “Age/Sex/Location”.
* ATT: “a tout a l’heure“, as in “see you pretty soon”.
* auj: Abbreviation for “aujourd’hui”, meaning “today”.
* b1sur: “Bien sur“: Of course. The “1〃, “un“, makes up for the syllable “-ien.”
* bcp: “Beaucoup“: Very much, as in “merci bcp” (thanks a lot).
* bjr: Just short for bonjour !
* bsr: Short for bonsoir !
* C or Ce: Stands for “C’est”, meaning “It’s” or “it is”.
* c-a-d: “C’est-a-dire”. It means “it means” (really, no joke…)
* cho: “chaud”, that’s “hot”.
* Chui: “Je suis”, meaning “I am”.
* dac: “D’accord“, which is “OK”.
DSL: “Desole“: Sorry!
* DQP: Acronym for “Des que possible”, or ASAP (As soon as possible!)
* EDR or MDR: Either one, “Ecroule de dire” or “Mort de rire”, they mean LOL!
* ENTK: “En tout cas”, means ”in any case”.
* G: Just like C/c’est, this one stands for “J’ai“, i.e. “I have”. As in “G la N“, I hate something, or “I H8〃!
* J C: “Je sais”, meaning “I know”.
* jms: “Jamais”, never.
* JTM: “Je t’aime”, I love you.
* KAN: Phonetic short for “quand“, when.
* KOI29“: What’s up, or “Quoi de neuf”: 2 = de, 9 =neuf.
* Mr6: “Merci”! Thx!
* OK1: “Aucun“, “none” or ”no one”.
* Oue: “Ouais“, yeah.
* P2K: “Pas de quoi”, meaning ”you’re welcome” (…not “your”!)
* PK: “Pourquoi“, meaning “why”, or “Y”?
* QQN: “Quelqu’un“: Someone or “some1〃
* RAS: This abbreviation probably comes from the army: “Rien a signaler”, or “nothing to report”. Nothing new, basically.
* RE: Meaning “I’m back”.
* STP or SVP: “S’il te plait”, “please”.
* TDS: “Tout de suite“, “at once”, or “right away”!
* TJS: “Toujours“, ”always”.
* TNKT: Means “T’inquietes“, or “t’inquietes pas”, meaning “don’t worry” or “no worries”.
* Tt: Short for “tout”, all.
* V1: “Viens”, come.
* X: Since the same word for “cross” in French, “Croix“, is the same for the verb croire (to believe) for the second, you can use just an X, as in “Crois-moi“ or “X moi“, (believe me!)
* Y a: “Il y a”, meaning “there is

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: appris 來自: (07/12 09:48)
fantasibear:推~ 除非跟法國人常聯絡或常寫筆記 不然很容易忘記呢 07/12 09:59
saffron:推 07/12 10:30
souffrance: cool 07/12 13:31
fantasibear:quelqu'un 縮成 qn 就可以了, 同理 qc = q. chose 07/12 14:38
fantasibear:寫筆記時 c-a-d 其實用 => 更方便 07/12 14:39
perla:Oui~ 07/12 20:58
gdfrance:不過就是火星文的一種 07/12 23:37
BettyYuHan:推~又學到些,但感覺滿難記的... 07/13 23:25
appris:看多就會知道了 不用特別記 不過至少要知道他在講什麼 07/14 08:33
fantasibear:到法國就逐漸習慣了 只是一開始的衝擊是"看不懂書寫" 07/14 21:48
appris:書寫的話 就是努力去了解他們的書寫邏輯囉..跟台灣不同 07/14 21:57
appris:了解邏輯後 並將常見的"妙寫法"抄起來或記下來 之後就習慣 07/14 21:57
appris:補充一個: MDR: Mort De Rire 很常見 07/14 21:59
sonnea41:推~ 07/28 21:31

