

在 solid中文產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔) 還有很多很多相關的學術發表,就不貼那麼多出來啦! Cooper結紮的日期是4月26日,他現在很健康很調皮。 (德叔...

 同時也有90部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Hi Fi 發燒台,也在其Youtube影片中提到,產品代理:銀聲貿易 預約試音和查詢:2768 7641 銀聲貿易 Facebook 連結:https://www.facebook.com/Audio-Extreme-%E9%8A%80%E8%81%B2%E8%B2%BF%E6%98%93%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8-30641743952...

solid中文 在 思緒俠造字 - 香港字體 - 思緒重生體 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 21:22:35

你好,我是香港字體設計師思緒俠。這是我第一個NFT的作品,名為【大香港主義】。 我於2019年創辦思緒俠造字,是香港第一間以藝術字體為主要收入來源的媒體公司。我致力研發藝術字體和開發一套6000字的中文繁體字體,目前以字體產品和商業合作維生。 今次登陸NFT平台作試驗的原因是傳統眾籌字體/販賣字...

solid中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 07:38:51

📍台北市 | 行天宮站 ❤️海石三 👉🏻 @haishi333 ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 小菲力牛三明治是 小菲力牛排並使用低溫舒肥法 吃起來很嫩,不會柴 醬料使用的是㊙ 店家自製無添加的蔥鹽醬 ⠀ 火堡使用手工百分百純豬肉 和一般早餐店常見的碎薄火腿截然不同, 不...

solid中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-17 00:19:27

📍台北市 | 大橋頭站 ❤️Hugh Dessert Dining 👉🏻 @hugh_dessert_dining ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 沉穩的黑色調,洗鍊的設計風格🖤 踏入店內的分秒就感受到🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Hugh Dessert Dining的不同凡響!✨...

  • solid中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-06 20:59:06
    有 811 人按讚

    [關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔)




    General anaesthesia is an essential component of modern medicine. It is a drug induced reversible condition that includes specific behavioral and physiological traits unconsciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and akinesia- with concomitant stability of the autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and thermoregulatory systems.
    [General anesthesia in ruminants has inherent risks such as regurgitation of ruminal contents, excessive salivation and the possibility of pulmonary aspiration; therefore it is not always recommended and local or regional techniques may be used instead. Epidural anaesthesia is a central neuraxial block technique which is used regularly in veterinary practice for treatment of different obstetrical and surgical interferences in the perineal, sacral, lumbar, and caudal parts of the thoracic region of domestic animals. There have been several scientific researches on the use of epidural anesthesia in ruminants and other species for various surgical and laboratory procedures. In conclusion, the disadvantages of general anaesthesia outweigh the advantages especially in ruminant specie. Therefore, epidural anaesthesia is the most preferred.

    Ruminal tympany, bloat, regurgitation, and aspiration pneumonia are common problems associated with general anesthesia in farm animal species that should be anticipated and addressed with proper precautions and the necessary preanesthetic considerations. Regurgitation and aspiration of stomach content can occur in farm animal species during anesthesia, especially in nonfasted animals. Ruminants normally salivate profusely during anesthesia. The triggering agents of malignant hyperthermia include stress (e.g., excitement, transportation, or preanesthetic handling), halogenated inhalation anesthetics (e.g., halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane), and depolarizing neuro-muscular blocking drugs (e.g., succinylcholine). Similarly, halothane appears to be the most potent and most frequently reported trigger of malignant hyperthermia in pigs. Preanesthetic fasting may not completely prevent regurgitation, but it will decrease the amount of solid matter in the rumen content. Veterinarians should incorporate the knowledge with proper preanesthetic preparations and appropriate perioperative management to ensure successful outcome of anesthesia in these animals.

  • solid中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-17 15:18:37
    有 37 人按讚

    ◎蘿拉-布蕾斯・麥朵薇 Laura-Blaise McDowell
    "Sure Home"
    By Laura-Blaise McDowell
    Eighteen hundred miles, the geese fly to Ireland for winter, from the glittering tundras and icy cities of the northern world, arriving here,
    their silhouettes scratched like Ogham into the skies above the suburbs
    They descend on Bull Island, alight in Ringsend
    On a still March morning, I am awoken by the calls, announcing their arrival in the warmer climate as they scatter across the field outside my window
    Geese have an intense need to communicate, always chattering
    they have come to the right place
    The home of storytellers, a land where there is no solid word for yes, only specific confirmation, ‘I did,’ ‘we are,’ ‘it is’, a certainty at our core
    And so a thousand geese and I, at this moment, gather in the warmth of our shared shore
    there is no doubt we are together, in the surest place on Earth
    When I see the geese I think of our travelled distance, to be a warmer country, one where those with stories come and share in the way in which we let love grow
    like gorse alight across our hills and when I see more birds
    coming steadily in
    With the thrill of the V formation, an easy understanding
    the gentle music of unified wings
    An ancient sense of belonging
    註:三月17日為愛爾蘭的聖派翠克節,也就是愛爾蘭的國慶日,在這一天愛爾蘭會以大量的綠色以及幸運草圖案的裝飾來慶祝這一天。「駐愛爾蘭台北代表處」和「每天為你讀一首詩」合作,邀請 Laura-Blaise McDowell特地為今天寫下這首詩〈可靠的家園〉,我們也邀請陳育虹為我們翻譯和朗讀。詩中以愛爾蘭最常見的野雁為象徵,以其空間的移動隱喻時間的推移,而聯想到愛爾蘭是這樣輾轉走過長久的歷史,從被英國殖民,復活節起義,到最後的獨立,以及和英格蘭的和解。這樣的歷史無疑是經過漫長殖民,在尋求出路的台灣值得認識而喜愛的。
    ☘️ 英文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/9aYrXhCCRhk
    ☘️ 中文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/MtYY0eVPs6Y
    ☘️ 代表處新聞稿(有詩的簡介):https://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie/post/5205.html
    #每天為你讀一首詩 #陳育虹 #可靠的家園 #Laura_Blaise_McDowell #Sure_Home #駐愛爾蘭台北代表處 #聖派翠克節 #St_Patricks_Day #Ireland #愛爾蘭

  • solid中文 在 Natalia Ng Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-07 19:17:13
    有 79 人按讚

    Click in to watch the full video on IGTV for English Subs!

    Products used:
    🤍 Rose Masquerade Clay Mask @klynn_official
    🤍 Radiant Multi-Repair Oil @cledepeaubeaute
    🤍 Age-Defying Advanced Moisturizing Creme @diorskincare

    Would like to give an honorary shoutout to @ilash_my for my new found brows!

    Putting in the time + effort on my skincare routine and with over a month of using the brow and lash serum, my skin is definitely showing solid results and am feeling extra confident sans makeup more than ever!!

    PS, Don’t poke fun at my 中文, it’s been a while since I had anyone to practice with and talking to yourself doesn’t count 😂

