

在 since由於產品中有453篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【血管健康】發怒時面上青筋暴現💢 ⭐運動或勞動多冒青筋是正常的 ⭐如發現青筋突然鼓脹宜就醫處理 #星期六隻眼閉 面冒青筋病痛多? 中醫理論認為面色反映臟腑的健康狀況,除了面色,有些人面上會浮現青筋,例如嬰兒常見鼻樑冒青筋,老人家有「青筋攀鼻樑,無事喊三場」的說法,是否真有其事?所謂青筋其實是靜脈...

 同時也有231部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021/05/28音樂及生命紀實上碼 Alchemist Riddle、 The memory, doesn’t belong The missing part, Burning from the ground, There is a color, Love yourself, Everyda...

since由於 在 生酮顧問 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 12:15:04

[Keto Q&A ] 9月版 今個月的您問我答 選出的問題相信是很多人也會遇到的問題! 1. 實際地破酮怎麼辦? 2. 究竟Cheat Day 好不好? 3. 為何生酮卡重?生酮萬能一定可以減肥嗎? 這些是否你心目中想問的問題呢? 大家記得要去youtube 看這新片! (封面圖片如上) ...

since由於 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【米飲料】試過今期流行的米奶嗎? ⭐買現成米奶要注意有否添加糖份 ⭐朱古力口味的更要留意熱量 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 米奶 vs 米水 近年植物奶大行其道,米奶亦是其中一種,米奶和米水哪一種比較好?來了解一下吧! 🥛 甚麼是米奶? 米奶是由白米及水製成的仿奶製品,不含奶類成份,其營養...

  • since由於 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 12:00:02
    有 120 人按讚




    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    What does having green facial veins mean?
    Chinese Medicine theories believe the condition of our face would reflect the health of our internal organs. Besides the complexion, some people may have green veins on their faces.

    For instance, a toddler might have green veins on his or her nose bridge, and according to urban legend, a toddler with this condition would tend to throw tantrums. Is it real?

    The green veins are vessels that transport blood from all body parts back to the heart. They become more apparent when the veins cannot perform their functions optimally. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, this has to do with the stagnation of the qi and blood stasis, which can disrupt the circulation of the qi and the blood.

    Individuals with weak qi and blood do not have sufficient energy to support the circulation, and that is how green veins appear on the surface of the skin. The best way to treat this problem is to invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis according to the body constitution.

    Chinese Medicine believes that children’s spleen and stomach have yet to fully develop, and the green veins that appear on the nose bridge is associated with the weakness of these two internal organs. This also means they are prone to experience discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

    Since the children have not developed the ability to talk, the only way for them to express themselves is through excessive wailing. Parents should try to improve the functions of their children’s spleen and stomach by observing their diet, as proper diets could strengthen a person’s body constitution.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #我狀態OK #氣滯 #血瘀

  • since由於 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-20 23:12:18
    有 2 人按讚

    Reinventing Workers for the Post-COVID Economy

    The nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge ( ) to some extent ( ) on how quickly show managers can become electricians ( ), whether taxi drivers can become plumbers ( ), and how many cooks can manage software for a bank.

    This is likely to prove especially problematic for millions of low-paid workers in service industries like retailing ( ), hospitality ( ), building maintenance and transportation, which may be permanently impaired ( ) or fundamentally transformed. What will janitors ( ) do if fewer people work in offices? What will waiters do if the urban restaurant ecosystem never recovers its density ( )?

    Their prognosis ( ) is bleak ( ). Marcela Escobari, an economist at the Brookings Institution, warns that even if the economy adds jobs as the coronavirus risk fades ( ), “the rebound won’t help the people that have been hurt the most.”

    Looking back over 16 years of data, Escobari finds that workers in the occupations ( ) most heavily hit since the spring will have a difficult time reinventing themselves. Taxi drivers, dancers and front-desk clerks have poor track records moving to jobs as, say, registered nurses, pipe layers or instrumentation technicians.

    COVID is abruptly ( ) taking out a swath ( ) of jobs that were thought to be comparatively ( ) resilient ( ), in services that require personal contact with customers. And the jolt ( ) has landed squarely on workers with little or no education beyond high school, toiling ( ) in the low-wage service economy.

    “The damage to the economy and particularly to workers will probably be longer lasting than we think it is going to be,” said Peter Beard, senior vice president at the Greater Houston Partnership, an economic development group.

    What’s more, he said, COVID will intensify underlying ( ) dynamics ( ) that were already transforming ( ) the workplace. Automation ( ), for one, will most likely accelerate ( ) as employers seek to protect their businesses from future pandemics

    The challenge is not insurmountable ( ). Yet despite scattered ( ) success stories, moving millions of workers into new occupations remains an enormous ( ) challenge.

    “We need a New Deal ( ) for skills,” said Amit Sevak, president of Revature, a company that hires workers, trains them to use digital tools and helps place them in jobs. “President Roosevelt deployed ( ) the massive number of workers unemployed in the Great Depression on projects that created many of the dams ( ) and roads and bridges we have. We need something like that.”




    他們的前景是黯淡的。布魯金斯學會經濟學家Marcela Escobari警告說,即使就業機會隨新型冠狀病毒疫情風險消退而增加,「經濟反彈也幫不了那些受創最重的人」。



    經濟發展組織大休士頓商會資深副總裁Peter Beard表示:「經濟、尤其是勞工們受害的時間,可能比我們預期的還要更長。」



    雇用勞工後培訓他們使用數位工具,並幫他們找到工作的Revature公司總裁Amit Sevak說:「我們需要一項針對職業技能的新政。小羅斯福總統大蕭條時期把大量失業勞工投入工程計畫,興建了我們現在使用的水壩、道路與橋樑。我們需要這樣的東西。」

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • since由於 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 14:41:20
    有 100 人按讚

    翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective

    There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.


    文章來自於New Humans of Australia (有取得授權)


    I didn’t meet my father until I was 6 years old. My parents had a comfortable, middle-class life in Shanghai, or as close as you could get under communism. But they always wanted to live overseas, and just before I was born, my dad came to Sydney to set things up. I don’t know why, but in the end, my mother and I didn’t join him until I was 6.

    •a middle-class life 中產階級生活
    •set things up 打點一切
    •live overseas 往海外生活
    •in the end 最後 (表達在經過一段時間或一連串事件之後的結果)



    Unfortunately, half a year after we arrived, he left us. That was a huge shock. Our transition had already been quite difficult, as we both didn't speak English. Also, as Shanghai was such a big bustling city, Sydney felt a bit like the countryside, especially on the weekends, as no shops were open back then!

    •shock 令人震驚的事件(或經歷);驚愕,震驚 (come as a great shock 讓人倍感震驚)
    •transition 轉變;過渡
    •a bustling city 繁華都會



    We were very much reliant on my dad, not only financially, but also as a conduit into the wider community. So to have that broken was quite distressing. I remember Mum crying a lot. As we had become socially isolated, we didn’t find out anything about Centrelink, so we survived on her savings for a while, and then got some help from her family back in China.

    •be reliant on… 依賴...
    •a conduit into 進入...的渠道
    •distressing (adj.) 令人苦惱的,令人擔憂的
    •become socially isolated 變得孤立於社會
    •survive on her savings 僅靠的她積蓄過日子

    我們相當依賴我父親,不僅是經濟,他也是我們進入更廣泛社區的渠道。因此,當局面被打破時令人相當痛苦,我還記得母親時常哭泣。由於我們孤立於社會,所以我們並不知道澳洲社會福利聯絡中心 (Centrelink)的任何資訊,僅靠母親的積蓄支撐了一段時間,然後從母親在中國的娘家得到一些幫助。


    Eventually, Mum moved us down to Melbourne, where we were able to make some new networks and family friendships. But I was bullied a bit at school about things like my food and clothing! Whenever someone bullied me, I would defend myself, but because I didn’t have the language skills to explain to the teacher why, I got in trouble quite a bit. I ended up having to move school 3 times before I came to Balwyn Primary School, which was relatively multicultural.

    •be able to 能夠
    •make new networks 建立新的人脈,關係網
    •be bullied 被霸凌
    •language skills 語言能力
    •get in trouble 惹上麻煩
    •end up 最後處於;最後成爲;以…告終
    •relatively 相對地
    •multicultural 多元文化的

    最後,母親帶著我搬遷到墨爾本,在那我們能夠建立起新的網絡與家庭情誼。然而。我在學校飽受霸凌,例如我的食物及衣物。每當有人霸凌我,我會自我防衛,但我的語言技巧不足以向老師解釋事發原因,因此常常陷入麻煩。後來我不得不再三轉學,直到就讀相對多元文化的博文小學(Balwyn Primary School)。


    After that, I did alright. Music featured very prominently in my life. I had started learning the violin from the age of 2.5 years old and even with all the troubles that were going on in my life, had somehow still kept up with it. As a result, I got a music scholarship to Trinity Grammar School. But even there I used to get into quite a lot of mischief, and would often skip school to go to the movies.

    •do alight 過得不錯,做的不錯
    •feature (v.) 以…為特色;給…以顯著的地位
    •prominently 重要地;著名地;突出地,顯眼地

    之後,我便過得不錯。音樂在我生活中佔有重要的一席之地,我從兩歲半開始學習小提琴,儘管生活中事事不如意,我依然堅持不輟。因此,我獲得三一文法學校( Trinity Grammar School)的音樂獎學金。但即使在那,我也常惡作劇、逃學看電影。


    By the end of year 11, I was told I would have to either repeat the year, or consider going to another school, which was quite humiliating for my mum. I decided to move school and surprisingly, I ended up doing quite well in year 12! As a result, I ended up getting into a double degree in Law and Music at Monash.

    •repeat the year 留級 ; 重唸一年
    •humiliating 令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的



    When I started, my first thought was that I didn’t belong because I had done so badly in school up to year 11 and everyone else seemed so smart. But I put my head down, got through it, and ended up getting a job in the legal department of a major manufacturing company, which was a different approach to what most law students do.

    •do not belong 不屬於這
    •put my head down 埋頭苦幹
    •the legal department of ...的法律部門
    •a different approach 不同途徑
    •approach (思考問題的)方式,方法,態度



    I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but I learned a lot of foundational business, legal and corporate communication skills. After that I worked in corporate governance in RMIT, then started to moonlight as a lecturer in the Law Faculty. Eventually, they asked me if I wanted to do a PhD and I blindly said yes! I next worked at Swinburne University, and then was head-hunted to lead the corporate legal team at the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Commission.

    •foundational 基礎的
    •communication skills 溝通技巧
    •corporate governance
    •moonlight (v.) (尤指瞞著僱主)從事第二職業,兼職
    •headhunt (v.) 物色(人才); 挖角
    •legal team 法律團隊

    我非常喜歡這份工作,這是份辛苦的工作,但我學習了很多基礎商業、法律以及公司溝通技巧。之後我在皇家墨爾本理工大學( RMIT)從事公司治理工作,並開始兼職擔任法律系講師。後來他們問我是否想要讀博士,我便盲目地答應了。接下來,我在斯威本大學(Swinburne University)工作,再被挖角到商用小客車委員會領導法律團隊。


    I had a good life, but after a while, I realised I wanted a different kind of job. I could see my seniors were making a lot of money but that their family life was not that good. And looking at my own upbringing, I wanted to be the kind of father who could be present in my own kids’ lives. So I decided on dentistry. It would not only allow me to use the hand skills that I had developed from playing the violin, but also the analytical and reasoning skills that I'd developed in law. Plus it would be flexible, and offer me a stable income and the chance to meet different people every day!

    •upbringing 教養
    •decide on sth 決定某事或東西
    •analytical and reasoning skills 分析和推理能力
    •offer a stable income 提供穩定收入



    My now fiancée, who was my girlfriend at the time, was also applying for further study, and coincidentally we both got into university in South Australia, so we moved to Adelaide together a few years ago.

    •fiancée 未婚妻
    •at the time 當時
    •apply for 申請
    •further study 繼續教育,進修;進一步研究;深造
    •coincidentally 碰巧地;巧合地

    我的未婚妻,當時的女友,也申請繼續深造,巧的是我們都考上南澳大學(University of South Australia),所以幾年前一起搬到阿得雷德( Adelaide)。


    I was lucky to get a university job at Flinders University. Initially, I started out as a casual lecturer in the law school, but I’ve since transitioned into teaching health law and research, and I’m currently writing a few books on the intersection between law and medicine. And also, obviously, trying to finish my dentistry degree!

    •start out as… 起初擔任...
    •transition into… 轉變到...

    我很幸運的在福林德斯大學(Flinders University)找到工作,起初我在法學院擔任臨時講師,但我後來轉換到醫事法教學及研究。目前我正撰寫幾本關於法律與醫學相接的書籍,並努力完成我的牙醫學位。


    Mum eventually retrained as a Chinese high school teacher, and she’s still teaching to this day. Like most first generation migrants, she struggled quite a lot, and invested heavily in my success. After we’re married, my fiancée and I are planning to have children, and I’m sure they will have it much easier than I did.

    •retrain 重新培養;再培訓;再訓練
    •to this day 至今
    •first generation migrants 第一代移民
    •struggle a lot 掙扎奮鬥許久
    •have it much easier 過的比較輕鬆



    Still, a lot of the failures that I’ve had in my life have really informed a lot of my successes. Looking back, I wouldn't really want to change that to have a smoother life.

    •inform [正式] 影響某人的態度或意見

    •have a smoother life 有一個更順遂的人生



    Over the years, I've learned that perseverance is very important. I hope that through telling my story, I can be an example to others who might be in a similar position as I was: to show that there's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.

    •over the years 多年來
    •perseverance 不屈不撓,堅持不懈
    •be an example 成為榜樣
    •be in a similar position 處於相似的處境
    •down the road/line/track 將來(的路)


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    Photographer: Paul Heinrich instagram.com/paulfheinrich

    文章與圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2XJsciq


    翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs

    批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

  • since由於 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-29 00:09:12


    Alchemist Riddle、

    The memory, doesn’t belong
    The missing part,
    Burning from the ground,
    There is a color,
    Love yourself,
    Everyday from above,
    Time is old,
    Moving forward,
    The spirits travel 7 times,
    Faster than (the earth) where we are,

    We are the people,
    We are your sea,
    Through the vibe,
    That we share,
    Can’t you see?
    /.王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    但現在你們要棄絕這一切的事,以及惱恨、忿怒、惡毒 、毀謗,並口中污穢的言語。 不要彼此說謊;因你們已經脫去舊人和舊人的行為, 穿上了新人。這新人在知識上漸漸更新,正如造他主的形像。 在此並不分 希臘 人、 猶太 人,受割禮的、未受割禮的,化外人、 西古提 人,為奴的、自主的,惟有基督是包括一切,又住在各人之內。
    當用各樣的智慧,把基督的道理豐豐富富地存在心裏 ,用詩章、頌詞、靈歌,彼此教導,互相勸戒,心被恩感,歌頌神。
    你們作妻子的,當順服自己的丈夫,這在主裏面是相宜的。 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,不可苦待她們。 你們作兒女的,要凡事聽從父母,因為這是主所喜悅的。 你們作父親的,不要惹兒女的氣,恐怕他們失了志氣。 你們作僕人的,要凡事聽從你們肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是討人喜歡的,總要存心誠實敬畏主。 無論做甚麼,都要從心裏做,像是給主做的,不是給人做的, 因你們知道從主那裏必得着基業為賞賜;你們所事奉的乃是主基督。 那行不義的必受不義的報應; 主 並不偏待人。」
    ‭‭歌羅西書‬ ‭3:5, 8-11, 16, 18-25‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    「Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

    But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

    Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

    Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.」
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:6, 8-11, 16, 18-25‬ ‭NIV‬‬


    救命視頻,聽此肺炎免疫者怎麼說!Safe the planet earth!lListen to those who healed from It! /.王大喜(Rasta Wang) https://youtu.be/O6WYx1SjmRs


    /.王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    病毒同與DNA的光化機轉生命紀實。The common mechamism of Virus and DNA (Documentary) /.王大喜(Rasta Wang) https://youtu.be/xD4yakvcloc

    冠狀病毒真相,基因重新編程。及時空的創造。Truth, covid 19, DNA resetting, reforming time and space. https://youtu.be/amO74rHvCzA

    冠狀病毒的真相,DNA重組。truth about COVID 19, reforming DNA.夢吃蜂蜜,DNA淨化。Dream of honey, DNA purify./.Rasta Wang https://youtu.be/nEjC9s-yKdA

    “神經元的死亡與重建。” 「子午線、走陰、走陽」光化物於氣,重建神經元。twilight zone、north、south」,from root to light,rebuild Neuron. https://youtu.be/lNK0no-tbKQ

    來自鹽巴的聲音,血液、污染的河川及即將轉型的病毒。the Voice from the Salt,blood、polluted river and the new mutant type COVID. https://youtu.be/NbG3JNlr9bg

    2020/04/23不存在想法的能量共享年代已經到來,生命及文明的進化。 /.原始議題 王大喜 https://youtu.be/tp1SDU9AY9U

    2020/03/22厭氧型病毒的產生,由於..人類與自然的失衡。/.原著 王大喜(Rasta Wang) https://youtu.be/arJ0ZQIiIuU

    2020/03/22答案不是隔離,而是尊重他人、其他物種的多樣性及其生存空間。/.原始議題出處 王大喜 https://youtu.be/flXcAIqepj0

    2020/03/25病毒的變異及遷徙下,我們應該知道的真相!5G加速Corona Virus的變異/.王大喜(Rasta Wang) https://youtu.be/m_p6ubCHsyY

    2020/01/13「創世紀」與光,「元素空間」中禁止攜帶”已知“物質或觀念,否則將製造噩夢於他人的潛意識中!/.王大喜(Rasta Wang) https://youtu.be/wXMMvIH-YUc

    2019/12/01細胞的全息性,哪裡有戰爭,哪裡就有答案。 /.原始議題出處 王大喜 https://youtu.be/w5MUul6_fhA

    2019/11/22鼠疫及豬瘟根本因素,遠古惡靈「別西卜」喜好既得利益造謠的載體,談根本解決之道。(談中國將發生的瘟疫) https://youtu.be/8aSdBe72Klo

    2019/11/08「暗物質及光的意識呼吸通道」追尋智慧的人少,追尋物質的人多。 /.原始議題 王大喜 https://youtu.be/W05rBZBdPQY



    Alchemist Riddle、
    「The power in silence」
    Silence Is the gold,
    Patience Is the key
    God can you redeem,
    Those been traded?
    /.Rasta Wang

    「thy reformation」
    Can I hook you up?
    Let’s catch thy speed,
    Through the crystal(salt)
    we see time,
    Reform by thee,
    While the whole world is in darkness,
    But we walk by light,
    Only love we share can take us to the journey,
    Only love, We share,
    Can take us to the next step.
    /Rasta Wang





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    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

  • since由於 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-25 10:50:42

    哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!

    七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Questions《第五: How Are You Generating Creative Tension? 點令到同事們在適當壓力下更有創意?》

    從前挪威一班漁民成日出海捉沙甸魚,可惜次次返到嚟嘅時候啲魚已經死曬,賣得唔值錢。 後來一個漁民, 唔知點解次次返嚟啲魚都活生生。 其他人問佢點解,佢又唔講。 一次偷偷地上佢隻船睇,原來個魚缸入面放咗隻Catfish 鯰魚, 係沙甸魚嘅天敵。 因為咁啲沙甸魚就搏命游,因此每次返嚟岸邊都活生生嘅。

    以上故事帶出咩理念? 呢個就係著名嘅鯰魚效應 Catfish Effect。 你公司有冇一條 Catfish 刺激大家嘅思維、 激勵士氣? 下下做又36、唔做又36,大家分餅仔,梗係唔啱啦! 大家都會變成條「死魚」咁。

    Business is about making tough choices. 上四集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 公司股東、顧客、員工,邊個行先? 追數,應追邊三條數? ... 同公司應有邊「十誡」?

    今集我會同你探討第五個策略問題: How Are You Generating Creative Tension? 點令到同事們在適當壓力下更有創意?

    根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,上面提及嘅 Catfish 可能係有以下三種:

    (1) 同事們表現用 Forced Ranking 強迫性排名,唔可以個個都5分6分(out of 10),有6分就一定要有個4分,有個8分就一定要有個2分, 同事們表現又最好排至最差,咁先至會令上司同下屬有個真誠嘅對話反映表現, making difficult conversation unavoidable. 唔係:「樣樣嘢都幾好呀!」咁就算。表現好啲嘅,就花紅升職加薪都多啲。

    表現差嘅,而無改善,美國通用電子 GE 前CEO Jack Welch 就出世名會炒咗最差最底嗰5%人,去換血。 你可以話佢好狠心,我唔係叫你一定要跟佢,但你又吹佢唔脹, 就係因為成日炒最差嗰5%人,呢條「鯰魚」令當年嘅通用電子 GE 人人都好努力,Jack Welch 在位嗰20年期間(1981年至2001年),通用電子市值升咗近30倍,由140億美金升至4100億美金,曾經係全世界最大市值嘅上市公司。

    (2) Setting Stretch Goals, not easily attainable, but stretched! 訂立延伸性目標, 即係講勁啲,理想宏大啲,做唔做到都好, 同事們自然會發揮創意,即使做唔到,到一半都好。

    例如: American Cancer Society CEO John Seffrin 1996年 challenged 八千個同事們及三百萬個自願者,話於2015年前要把美國癌症個案下降25%,把癌症死亡案數下降50%,及大大改善癌症康復者的生活質素。雖然2015年最終未必做到以上數字, 但由於有咗宏大嘅目標,大家都更發揮創意拯救癌症生命,最終救多咗足足25萬條癌症有關生命。Saved more than 250,000 additional lives since the 2015 goals were announced.

    Tesla 嘅 Elon Musk 馬斯克都出曬名最叻「吹水唔抹嘴」,set Stretch 、Lofty、Amibitous goals and often missed them.... but so what! 即使做唔做到,都做得比人多比人快,有 stretch goals 咁同事們先至會更發力向目標邁進, 發揮創意。

    我自己雖然無本事賣電車、起電廠、飛去火星,我自己都成日「吹水」話長遠目標要擁有香港1%的街舖,即十萬間入面的1000間, 以今日嘅市值計就大約港幣300億,得唔得? 老實說,我都唔係好肯定。 香港史上未試過有人做到, 不過吹就吹住先啦,講大啲,同事們同我自己先至會更發揮創意去擁有這一千間街舖! 我今年46歲,我成日話要買舖買多最少50年,by 2071年,香港到時係點? Will see ....

    (3) Creating Cross-Unit Teams and Task Forces 嘗試畀同事們參與多啲跨部門嘅工作小組, 令佢哋睇嘢唔好咁窄, 有時只係做自己嘅嘢,工作一做就做幾年、十年,好容易麻木, 忘記咗個公司個 big picture ,也留意唔到其他部門嘅難處。

    Dennis Bakke, 著名國際能源公司 AES 創辦人,多年前曾經講過: 員工應該放80%時間於 primary jobs 主要工作, 剩餘20%應放在 task forces and special projects 專案小組及特別項目。

    唔單只係佢,3M 1948年就開始嘅 "15% Rule" , 同埋後來 Google 嘅 ‘20% Project" 都係鼓勵員工 spend 最少15至20%工作時間於primary jobs 以外 special projects 去發揮創意,員工視野廣闊咗,咁多年來證明對公司嘅業積及創意效率大大提升。

    以上 (1) Forced Ranking, (2) Stretch Goals, (3) Cross-Unit Teams and Task Forces, 強迫排名、 伸延性目標、跨部門嘅工作小組,無論你做茶餐廳、補習社、開工廠、 撈嫖賭毒,都同樣道理。

    有興趣聽多啲,就來我五六月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下一集同你分享下,How Committed Are Your Employees To Helping Each Other? 同事們之間有幾願意互相幫助?


    五/六月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons

    哈佛分享: 七條做生意策略問題

    2012至2014間,我連續三年在哈佛上了 Robert Simons 的堂,畢生受用。我自己成間商舖基金公司都是建基於這本書。

    有興趣 sign up la ? 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。


    對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,連我限4位。

    有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。


    我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 ? Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin


    聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143


    購買李根興的【李根興的生意哲學】(最新2020年6月出版 - 定價$198),或【買舖 要買得 PRO】(定價$198),連親筆簽名,可 whatsapp Suki (+852) 5566 1335。各大書局也有售。

  • since由於 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-25 12:00:17


    感謝每一位參與這首mv的演員和工作人員。大家真的真的辛苦了。製作公司 Cumdy-Cumdy Production 監製 Joko Toh, 副導演 Okgal Cin Bee, D.O.P Sam Koay, 美術指導 Chun Lim Woon, 編曲師 Lee Nai Kong, 音樂製作 Peter Mixman . 也要感謝贊助商 #OctaFX 對於我們創作人的鼎力支持。



    也歡迎各路模仿高手來參加“鍋負橙對妳愛完了模仿大賽” ,模仿的像的前十名有500美金可以拿哦!歡迎世界各國的朋友報名,快快來來來...

    3.把鏈結和個人資料例如姓名、性別、年齡、手機號碼、來自哪裡還有銀行賬戶寄到以下的email [[email protected]]即可

    The most difficult aspect for this MV shooting was each scene was a ‘Oner’. All of the scenes were one-taker, it means that even if it’s only a tiny mistake like a blocking mistake from the actors, faulty props, delayed lip-syncing or me looking not handsome enough that would mean a total re-shoot is needed. It was so so so fking challenging… Luckily the 5 beauties were good in acting or else we would need another day to finish the video.

    When I’ve done filming a few MVs in Taiwan and just got back to Malaysia, it’s kinda hard for me getting used to the ‘changes’ since there are so many SOPs and regulations for video production plus state-crossing is a total headache. I really do wish that the virus could go away ASAP, I still have a lot of work to do, please don’t play play ah…


    【對妳愛完了 Our Love Is Over】Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/wqE-WIymFLY

    數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【對妳愛完了 Our Love Is Over】:https://lnk.to/OurLoveIsOver

    The making of【對妳愛完了 Our Love Is Over】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/lscYVE4jaAM

    Lyric Version【對妳愛完了 Our Love Is Over】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/BZK9KHSZ4AM

    Collaboration【對妳愛完了 Our Love Is Over】踢館大合唱 Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/GDuOPek90GU


    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #對妳愛完了 #OurLoveIsOver #ourloveisoverchallenge

