

在 since因為句首產品中有52篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 👇EN below👇 昨天看到了這個挑戰時,整個人被打擊了。😅 — 我的先天條件使我唱歌時很有爆發力。 (這樣講或許聽起來不謙虛,不過我還是蠻清楚自己優勢在哪裡啦~) 加上 小時候瘋狂模仿 席琳•狄翁 和其他的diva使我飆高音時 很自在。 演出或比賽時永遠選擇大歌,很少數有複雜的「連音」。 (抱歉...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Brian2Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,布萊恩來因為台灣LGBT 同志 大遊行是10/26號,也就是下禮拜六,挑戰五天內學會唱盧學叡的我是誰. 我一位幕後達人好朋友給我一個挑戰. 他叫我要表演這首歌,雖然知道這首歌的歌名,但是那時候沒看過MV,也沒聽過歌但是幕後達人的挑戰是... 看我能不能在5天的時間從第一次聽,背好,然後自己唱 👇...

since因為句首 在 九九 SOPHIE CHEN Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-04 12:32:38

👇EN below👇 昨天看到了這個挑戰時,整個人被打擊了。😅 — 我的先天條件使我唱歌時很有爆發力。 (這樣講或許聽起來不謙虛,不過我還是蠻清楚自己優勢在哪裡啦~) 加上 小時候瘋狂模仿 席琳•狄翁 和其他的diva使我飆高音時 很自在。 演出或比賽時永遠選擇大歌,很少數有複雜的「連音」。 (抱歉...

since因為句首 在 Cecile 隙隙 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:51:42

20210423 #隙隙乾貨 最近有些可愛的朋朋來私訊我怎麼精讀,這裡就放我的一篇精讀思路,大家可以跟著做筆記(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 文章來源:經濟學人官網(法律掃盲:純描述事實的新聞內容轉述或重製是不造成侵權的!) 這篇文章主要是在描述印度在歡度新年的同時,新冠肺炎的確診及死亡人數也在飆...

since因為句首 在 畢明 Budming Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 07:26:25

原來他很喜歡艾慕杜華的電影,竟然要他死後我才知道。 剛過的星期二,全球酒界同聲一哭,重量級人物Steven Spurrier去了。79歲的生命,賣酒、評酒、教酒、種葡萄、釀酒,世界著聞,被譽為「把葡萄酒歷史永久改寫的人」。他一生精彩,半生輕狂,戲劇斑駁,”grabbing life with two...

  • since因為句首 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-19 14:46:54
    有 46 人按讚

    👇EN below👇

    加上 小時候瘋狂模仿 席琳•狄翁 和其他的diva使我飆高音時 很自在。

    Nobody Love出來時,我聽到那段覺得真的太厲害了。跟著唱時,到了那一句唱個「差不多」,改編版之類的。最終結果就是沒有學會那個「連音」。






    I was surprisingly really triggered by the challenge today. 😅
    I know I have a powerful voice. And baby Sophie imitated Celine (& other divas) so much that belting high notes = EZ.
    I’d always pick big songs for shows and performances, which happened to have minimal riffs.

    When Nobody Love came out, I remember doing my own version of her riff, just like I’d do for most riffs.

    It sucks to admit, but I got used at being praised for being a belter and a good singer since childhood. It resulted in me actively running away from songs I couldn’t easily do vocally later in my life.
    AKA I. Can’t. Fucking. Riff.

    I just couldn’t face not being good at something I am known to be good at. Fucking lol ( /s)

    I did the challenge and the first take was unbelievably gross, so I decided to just not do it.
    A Netflix movie later and I was still triggered so I decided to practice. Ended up practicing on and off for about 4 hours. Just. That. Line. Still can’t sing it properly.
    (Honestly I feel really bad for my neighbours today)

    I don’t consider this as being “too hard” on myself. This is what I chose to do for a living, and truthfully I have been slacking off.

    All this to say, I’m dumping my edit of some bad takes that aren’t too embarrassing cause I’m trying to own up that I suck at things but since it’s social media, let me still filter just how much I sucked hehehhe. I hope that this will get me to be more responsible at practicing my riffs!!!

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    NB: @rafaelleroy & @torikelly on a whole other level. 🙇‍♀️👸

  • since因為句首 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-16 20:02:06
    有 199 人按讚

    There’s rhythm in writing! 🎶









    你可能會說 ok,以英文為母語的人比較會用短的句子,那又怎樣?句子的長短,跟我寫作的好壞,有關嗎?



    Well actually,你應該可以想像,這些就是要幫助我們睡眠的。






    📌 台灣案例:Taipei Times Opinion

    1. The TAIEX last month rose above 17,000 points as rallies in steel, shipping and some non-tech stocks offset a weakness in semiconductor and electronics stocks.

    2. While news about a cluster of local COVID-19 infections connected with China Airlines cargo pilots and a hotel in Taoyuan fueled selling pressure early this month and pushed the local stock market into consolidation mode, the daily market turnover in the first two trading sessions of this month hit fresh highs.

    3. Moreover, Taiwan’s stock trading volume last month began to surpass that of Hong Kong for the first time in 15 years, which was beyond most market participants’ expectations.

    4. Taiwan’s daily market turnover exceeding Hong Kong’s might gradually become a new normal from this year, and there are good reasons for this.

    5. First, Hong Kong’s stock market has lost its appeal to foreign investors since China last year imposed national security legislation on the territory, triggering a potential flight of capital and talent.

    6. Second, many wealthy Taiwanese tend to park their overseas funds in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Switzerland and the US, but government statistics showed that more than 80 percent of funds repatriated by wealthy individuals last year were from Hong Kong, as they saw the political situation in the territory worsen after its self-governance, human rights and freedom of speech were further suppressed.

    7. Third, China’s new NASDAQ-style stock board — the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR board — has emerged as a fast-growing capital markets center for Chinese companies at a time when rising China-US tensions have triggered concerns about their prospects of listing in New York, posing a growing challenge to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

    8. On the other hand, Taiwan’s economic fundamentals, the central bank’s adoption of extraordinary monetary easing and the government’s fiscal policies have fueled continued rallies in the nation’s stock market since last year.

    9. It might be too early to tell how long the consolidation trend might last, as a resurgent COVID-19 outbreak is coloring the global economic outlook, but some insight can be drawn from the stock market:

    10. Taiwan’s GDP grew a larger-than-expected 8.16 percent in the first quarter, as exports and private investment remained healthy.

    都是一堆很長的句子對不對?我們來看美國人寫的句子,也是一個主流媒體的 opinion 文。


    📌 美國案例:New York Times Opinion

    1. I miss torturing Liz Cheney.

    2. But it must be said that the petite blonde from Wyoming suddenly seems like a Valkyrie amid halflings.

    3. She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie.

    4. She has decided that, if the price of her job is being as unctuous to Trump as Kevin McCarthy is, it isn’t worth it, because McCarthy is totally disgracing himself.

    5. It has been a dizzying fall for the scion of one of the most powerful political families in the land, a conservative chip off the old block who was once talked about as a comer, someone who could be the first woman president.

    6. How naïve I was to think that Republicans would be eager to change the channel after Trump cost them the Senate and the White House and unleashed a mob on them.

    7. I thought the Donald would evaporate in a poof of orange smoke, ending a supremely screwed-up period of history.

    8. But the loudest mouth is not shutting up.

    9. And Republicans continue to listen, clinging to the idea that the dinosaur is the future.

    10. “We can’t grow without him,” Lindsey Graham said.

    📌 Note: 即使是比較長的句子,這位作者也會用標點符號拆散它:She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie. 這就好比用句點一樣,讓我們讀起來有點停頓休息的時間。


    📌 注意到了嗎?



    所以想到這裡,我從我的書架上,隨便挑了兩本跟科技有關的書出來。左邊的,是美國人,矽谷知名投資人 Peter Thiel。右邊的是德國人,但注意了,是一個英文非常好的德國人。他不但是世界經濟論壇的創辦人,研究所也是在哈佛大學唸的。


    📌 兩本書 Introduction 是怎麼寫的?

    Klaus Schwab (德國):

    Of the many diverse and fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and important is how to understand and shape the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than a transformation of humankind.

    We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
    In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.

    Peter Thiel (美國):

    Whenever I interview someone for a job, I like to ask this question: "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"

    The question sounds easy because it's straightforward.
    Actually, it's very hard to answer.

    It's intellectually difficult because the knowledge that everyone is taught in school is by definition agreed upon.

    See the difference?


    📌 如何變換節奏呢?

    需要Andrew的完整分享請留言「There’s rhythm in writing~」。

    Follow Presentality for more!

  • since因為句首 在 【Sharpe Law】義大利旅遊資訊 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-19 13:30:13
    有 8 人按讚


    總喜歡用Once upon a time,

    FB應該新增了一個Photo Tag的功能,

    但請大家不要誤會, 結婚的人不是我,

    15年前的我, 跟今天的我, 轉變真大咧!

    ~ Adesso e Futuro ~
    by Sharpe Law since 2008
    喜歡寫文章, 喜歡意大利, 喜歡旅遊, 喜歡皮革

  • since因為句首 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-10-20 08:00:00

    布萊恩來因為台灣LGBT 同志 大遊行是10/26號,也就是下禮拜六,挑戰五天內學會唱盧學叡的我是誰.

    我一位幕後達人好朋友給我一個挑戰. 他叫我要表演這首歌,雖然知道這首歌的歌名,但是那時候沒看過MV,也沒聽過歌但是幕後達人的挑戰是... 看我能不能在5天的時間從第一次聽,背好,然後自己唱
    👇If you want to watch the music video that made me cry, here it is下面

    這幾天我自己結束一段8年的感情. 所以我想跟大家分享幾句話... 我們每個人都要愛也要記得愛身邊的所有人. 愛家人 愛親朋好友 愛自己 這三個贏得一切. 我希望禮拜六可以看到很多人一起為了愛站出來.

    台灣LGBT同志大遊行是10/26號,也就是下禮拜六! 要看更多可以前往到他們的網站、IG、或FB粉絲團
    👇Links for More Info About Taiwan LGBT Pride👇
    網站 | Website
    Facebook Page

    10/25 星期五晚上 7:30 ***星期五晚上也可以去紅樓北廣場參加一個團體同性婚姻. 今年5/24的時候去參加第一次台北辦的提醒婚姻,想到...我就一直不知不覺想哭出來,看到那麼多人終於得到這新的權利,也終於可以進行一些等很久的計畫跟夢想. 想支持也想看到真心愛,歡迎大家來參加!

    Facebook Event | 活動

    Since Taiwan LGBT Pride will be on October 26, Brian takes on the challenge of learning to sing "Who am I?" by Afalean Lu and perform it in 5 days.

    One of my behind-the -screens wizard friends gave me a challenge. He told me to perform this song, and even though I knew the name of it, I still hadn't watched the music video or heard the actual song. Even though it was completely new, my friend challenged me to go from completely new to performing it in 5 days

    On Friday, October 25 at 7:30 P.M., there will be an LGBT group wedding at Ximen North Plaza. Since I attended the first LGBT group wedding in Taipei on May 24, I still get choked up randomly when I think back to that day. Seeing so many people who just got this new right and the ability to take the first step towards plans and dreams that had in some cases been waiting for a long, long time. If you want to come out and see true love, I welcome all to attend!

    盧學叡 - 我是誰
    Afalean Lu
    製作人 拉維斯.基谷

  • since因為句首 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-10-07 21:00:07

    MV 的官方英文 CC 字幕就是我們翻校的喔 😉

    甜得不要不要的,還請來愛妻丁文琪出演 MV,太閃了!!!

    🎈「少女」的歌名翻譯是 otomen,那是什麼意思?



    Facebook 下載單字卡:https://www.facebook.com/bingobilingual/
    Instagram 看 Bingo 私生活:https://instagram.com/bingobilingual_bb/

    ➡️ 金曲譯者的其他影片:
    真實的自己最美 別輸給霸凌 | 蔡依林 玫瑰少年 歌詞翻譯及解析

    絕美翻譯!! 郁可唯 路過人間 cover 用英文唱

    不肯被掰彎?! |五月天 盛夏光年 解析及翻譯


    I wanna buy a home for us
    Might not need a car
    One or two kids would be great
    They’ll look just like us
    I’m an ordinary man
    Insist on having a fairytale wedding
    Ever since that one date
    Nothing else matters in my life
    Baby, ever since we met
    I’ve become an otomen
    偶像的位置 All my idols一夜間 全都換成
    Were suddenly replaced
    By you and chocolate
    I just can’t quit you, babe
    What have you done to me
    What have you done to me
    Baby 戀愛的男子 每一個都是少女Baby, every man in love is an otomen
    Every time I see you忍不住 超超超願意
    I can’t help but say “I frigging do”
    方圓百里 都懂我的心
    No matter where I am, you can read my mind
    Romantic love redefined
    As if going back to my happy childhood
    Thought I’m already a grown-up 
    But you make me a child again
    Should a Capricorn date a Cancer?
    For those who say no, it's not too late to apologize
    We don’t need any miracle
    Because I’m your Mr. Right
    我只等你 回我同一句
    All I need is you say ”Me too!”
    Baby 做我的愛妻 
    Baby, be my lovely wife
    100 years old, still my baby girl
    Do you have the courage
    To let me take your hand?
    此情不渝 永結同心
    Always be together; happily ever after
    再也不是 空洞的成語
    These words won’t be clichés any longer
    I wanna buy a home for us
    For us otome and otomen

  • since因為句首 在 Natayi Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-01-04 15:00:03

    ♡ 支持 IU!支持廣東歌!♡

    ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NatayiK
    ► Instagram: NatayiK
    ► Snapchat: natayi
    ► Weibo: http://t.cn/Rt7o3Kw
    ► Inquiries: natayi@gmail.com

    ♥ Producer: Shihang Liu ♥
    ♥ Special thanks to my brother for helping me filming it! ♥

    夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) 廣東話 | IU (아이유)

    支持 IU!支持廣東歌!

    久違的 cover 又來啦
    剛好又是 IU 的了 哈哈哈
    下次來 cover 唱點別的!

    但是在知道 IU 唱了這首
    夜信 Through the Night 的廣東話版的時候

    IU 都有唱廣東歌

    IU 竟然會讓人為自己的歌填上廣東話版的詞
    感動哭 T.T
    愛她 嘿嘿

    感謝 IU 的用心
    加上填詞人 陳詠謙 填上那麼好廣東話的歌詞
    想要把這首 夜信 Through the Night 唱給你們聽

    P.S. 特地跑去找了個很有香港特色的鐵閘來拍 XD

    【About this Video】
    夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) Cantonese Version | IU (아이유)

    Love IU! Love Cantopop!

    Haven’t posted covers for a while
    So here is one~
    Well it’s IU’s songs again but I’ll definitely try something else next time!

    I was so excited to hearing IU singing Through the Night 밤편지 with canto lyrics in her concert!
    Although I didn’t have a chance to see her concert in Hong Kong
    I still screamed when I saw this video at home XD

    I kind of expected IU to sing some cantonese songs since she did it last time as well
    But I couldn’t believe that she asked someone to fill in its own canto lyrics for Through the Night!!
    I bet she really love Cantonese haha
    I love IU so much

    Thanks IU for putting so much heart in this
    The lyricist Chan Yong Him did a really great job in this
    (The lyrics are beautiful)
    So I wanted to bring to you all a cover of 夜信 Through the Night (Canto ver)
    Hope you guys like it!

    夜信 translates to “Letter at Night”

    作曲:김제휘, 김희원
    歌詞 Lyrics:

    長夜 一扇窗
    帶愛的心 藏心裡
    像 歡笑聲 仍然清脆
    螢火的光芒飛 遠去

    默 不作聲
    再吻你千遍 遐想裡
    乘著 著晚風 魂遊太虛
    尋找多溫柔的 愛侶

    海 翻了浪淹沒誰
    仍然很想你 徘徊夜空 穿過雨水
    我 為你寫 為你追

    可不可以躺下來 寄居
    螢火飛不回的 過去

    怎相遇 怎相隨
    多想念 和你一起安睡
    在那些天 美好的花蕾
    難敵世界 雨打風吹

    海 翻了浪淹沒誰
    仍然很想你 如何道出 一句千句
    我 為你寫 為你追

    可不可以躺下來 寄居

    長夜 一扇窗
    帶愛的信 回憶裡
    夢 的美好 仍然心醉
    螢火的光芒飛 遠去

    【Related Videos】
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    小背心 - IU - 夜信 (長夜 Through the night 아이유 ) Acoustic Cover

    Instrumental Music Track: