

在 silver發音產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,006的網紅群 Gun,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [開光點眼] 開光點眼,簡稱開光,是道教中一個儀式。道教中認為神像在經過開光前只是雕塑物品而非神的存在,要請神進入雕塑品內需要經過開光儀式。 開光過程會依地區和道士而有所不同。一開始需要找一個德高望重的道士,然後選擇一個入座的日子;接著道士在儀式中會一邊唸咒一遍拿著寶鏡,將寶鏡照到的太陽光反射到神...

silver發音 在 群Gun Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 17:07:18

[開光點眼] 開光點眼,簡稱開光,是道教中一個儀式。道教中認為神像在經過開光前只是雕塑物品而非神的存在,要請神進入雕塑品內需要經過開光儀式。 開光過程會依地區和道士而有所不同。一開始需要找一個德高望重的道士,然後選擇一個入座的日子;接著道士在儀式中會一邊唸咒一遍拿著寶鏡,將寶鏡照到的太陽光反射到神...

silver發音 在 silver Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-12 04:45:28

. . . 是有多愛這家麵店, 讓我們連續四天都來這裡吃午餐。 . . 第一次來到這裡是房東先生介紹的, 他說附近有家很好吃的麵店, 因為看不懂泰文, 只好死記著泰文發音的店名, 然後一一沿路問店家。 . . 好不容易找到, 卻不知如何該如何點餐, 一位坐在煮麵區正前方吃著午餐的客人, (後來我們成...

  • silver發音 在 群 Gun Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-23 18:18:19
    有 140 人按讚





    [kāi guāng diǎn yǎn]
    Kai Guang Dian Yan, the consecration ceremony is one of the many Taoist ceremonies. Taoists believe before the consecration ceremony, the statue or picture of the deity would just be the depiction without the essence of the spirit. To invite the spirit of the deity to reside in either the statue or the picture, the consecration ceremony is required.

    The consecration ceremony varies depending on the location and the preforming Taoist. Generally speaking, the process of the consecration ceremony would need a virtuous and reputable Taoist to pick the specific date to present the ceremony. During the ceremony, the Taoist would recite special scripture while hold a sacred mirror. Then sun light would be reflected on the sculpture or image with the depiction of the deity. After process, if its a sculpture, the back it would have a hole opened up and inserted with five to seven different sacred objects such as: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, agate, jade, pearl, bee, centipede and/ or five colored tread. In some instances, depending on the locale where the ceremony is being preformed, written spells or the origin of the said deity written on a piece of red paper would also be inserted into the sculpture. Lastly, the Taoist would then use a hair brush dipped in the blood from a white rooster’s crown mixed with blood from the tongue of a black duck, to annotate the five senses and the body of the sculpture. To “turn on” the ears, nose, eyes body and the thought of the deity now attached to the sculpture. This is called “Liu Tong”, to turn on all six senses.

    White rooster signifies life and male vitality. While the pronunciation of duck in mandarin is similar to pressing down so it’s used to press down evil spirits.

    The rooster and duck used in the ceremony can not be killed and would be released alive. Nowadays in modern society, when this ceremony is being preformed, cinnabar is used to substitute live animal blood.


    #開光 #開光點眼 #道教 #神像 #習俗 #taoism #台灣 #民俗 #taiwan #art #illustration #darkart #台灣 #台湾 #台湾文化 #guro #獵奇 #怪奇 #黑暗 #illustration #陣頭 #廟會 #taiwanculture #宗教 #religion #入寶 #神明 #道士

  • silver發音 在 跟趙老師一起學習韓國語(함께 한국어를 배워요) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-14 20:36:18
    有 39 人按讚

    那天讀了跟趙老師一起學習韓國語(함께 한국어를 배워요)的新書《#1天10分鐘從零基礎變身韓語通》某個篇章,嘴角偷偷笑起來,決定要在情人節這天跟大家分享💖



    1 월 14 일 다이어리데이(Diary day):情侶互相送日記
    2 월 14 일 밸런타인데이(Valentain day):女生送男生巧克力
    3 월 14 일 화이트데이(White day):男生送女生糖果
    4 월 14 일 블랙데이(Black day):經過前面兩次情人節,還是沒有擺脫單身的人,一起吃炸醬麵互相安慰
    5 월 14 일 로즈데이(Rose day):送玫瑰花
    6 월 14 일 키스데이(Kiss day):親一個!
    7 월 14 일 실버데이(Silver day):送銀做的首飾
    8 월 14 일 그린데이(Green day):一起去做森林浴
    9 월 14 일 포토데이(Photo day):一起拍照
    10 월 14 일와인데이(Wine day):一起喝紅酒
    11 월 14 일무비데이(Movie day):一起看電影
    12 월 14 일허그데이(Hug day):互相擁抱


    圓神書活網 http://bit.ly/S0200161
    博客來 http://bit.ly/S0200161-B

    Readmoo  http://moo.im/a/1gmvHQ
    Kobo http://bit.ly/2Febxa4

  • silver發音 在 A ZA A ZA Sandy老師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-07-14 17:17:57
    有 219 人按讚

    7/14是韓國的「Silver Day」


    8/4、7、11、14 下午1-4點

    @報名方式:採A ZA A ZA Sandy老師粉絲團"私訊"報名


    실버데이=Silver Day
    #실버데이 #은반지